VWL Groupies & Lovers Thread (Special Collectors Edition 2.0) updated 21 June 2023

Yes it was from when she was with Allears. Here is the link to one of her videos. May be the first on the subject. She has several more after this.
DLI….thank you so much! There is so much out there and I was hoping that there would be a reliable source for WDW for Dummies kind of information.

On a separate note, Mrs. Granny and I made a trip a couple of weeks ago to visit Dizny Di and Disney Dad. It was great to catch up with them for a few days and we thoroughly enjoyed seeing our good friends. Hopefully our trips will line up to see some Groupies on future trips. You all are the best!
Glad to see you here my friend! I get it, not being uber excited with all the change at WDW. Its sorta bypassing our era I fear, but with the help of vlogs on Youtube, we were able to navigate through the murky waters of Genie plus, Lightning Lane, etc. After 3 days of trying to figure it out on our own, we reached out to Liz(Sechem32)who was a tremendous help. We went 3 days ahead of our DD and her family to try to figure it all out. Getting all the info prior to the trip is very helpful, but getting your feet wet in it at the parks, that's a whole other thing. Dont let it scare or intimidate you, but definitely practice with it a bit before going. And things like lighting lane can change between now and Oct '23, so be ready ahead of time.
Hi Jimmy! Your advice is spot on. Our trip in May we just didn’t even get our feet wet at all. I’m sure we will be trying out some strategies on our next trip so that we can be the “experts” for our family when we make the big family trip next October.
Yes it was from when she was with Allears. Here is the link to one of her videos. May be the first on the subject. She has several more after this.
Excellent starting point. Some rules have been added, for that you need to hit up her latest video, but she doesn't really take the same time to review the concepts as in this first one.

Note about Molly: During this last summer Molly left AllEars and branched off to do her own videos under the name "Mammoth Club", sometimes accompanied by her husband Alan and their west coast friend Max. All three are former WDW Disney employees, with Molly being the one who was a Disney tour guide in the Magic Kingdom. She knows her stuff.

She can talk fast at times. Slow down the video to .75 if a new concept is confusing you.

The latest rules are updated here:

(I'm studying up too, trying to determine how much it will cost me ;) )
Excellent starting point. Some rules have been added, for that you need to hit up her latest video, but she doesn't really take the same time to review the concepts as in this first one.

Note about Molly: During this last summer Molly left AllEars and branched off to do her own videos under the name "Mammoth Club", sometimes accompanied by her husband Alan and their west coast friend Max. All three are former WDW Disney employees, with Molly being the one who was a Disney tour guide in the Magic Kingdom. She knows her stuff.

She can talk fast at times. Slow down the video to .75 if a new concept is confusing you.

The latest rules are updated here:

(I'm studying up too, trying to determine how much it will cost me ;) )

Twinklebug...this is so helpful, thank you so much! :)

AllEars was actually the very first internet site I found with information about visiting WDW. That was back in 1998, and I want to say that Deb Wills was the originator of the site? In any event, these tips are so helpful because the internet (and YouTube) are full of videos but I'm not always sure how accurate they are. I know that a lot could change even between now and next October so I at least have a trusted source for updates.

On a separate note, two days ago we set a new record high for November 10 with 82 degrees. This morning we woke up to a dusting of snow. Crazy time of the year!
I've read back several pages on this thread and feel somewhat caught up. I'm glad to see so many friends still hanging out here. And Jimmy...thanks for the trip report with all the pictures!
Hi all......Granny~ I have also been MIA. I do pop-in when I can. I became a grandmom in 2021!!!
Think of you all fondly. I recently was so lucky to meet up with Julie (Horselover) in WDW. We had dinner together at Trattoria al Forno on the Boardwalk! This pic was taken Oct 29th (and we enjoyed Chef Arts brunch together the next morning). This is Julie in center with my husband Rob and me......it was so good to meet up. Julie and I spent a few days together just prior to WDW shutting down for the pandemic too. Don't think she'll mind if I post this selfie I snapped.
And Granny and Jimmy! Genie+ is so confusing.......makes my head hurt!
Excellent starting point. Some rules have been added, for that you need to hit up her latest video, but she doesn't really take the same time to review the concepts as in this first one.

Note about Molly: During this last summer Molly left AllEars and branched off to do her own videos under the name "Mammoth Club", sometimes accompanied by her husband Alan and their west coast friend Max. All three are former WDW Disney employees, with Molly being the one who was a Disney tour guide in the Magic Kingdom. She knows her stuff.

She can talk fast at times. Slow down the video to .75 if a new concept is confusing you.

The latest rules are updated here:

(I'm studying up too, trying to dete

Hi all......Granny~ I have also been MIA. I do pop-in when I can. I became a grandmom in 2021!!!
Think of you all fondly. I recently was so lucky to meet up with Julie (Horselover) in WDW. We had dinner together at Trattoria al Forno on the Boardwalk! This pic was taken Oct 29th (and we enjoyed Chef Arts brunch together the next morning). This is Julie in center with my husband Rob and me......it was so good to meet up. Julie and I spent a few days together just prior to WDW shutting down for the pandemic too. Don't think she'll mind if I post this selfie I snapped.
And Granny and Jimmy! Genie+ is so confusing.......makes my head hurt!
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Hi Mia!!! Nice to see you. Congratulations on the grandbaby!!! Glad you stopped in and please don't be a stranger!
Excellent starting point. Some rules have been added, for that you need to hit up her latest video, but she doesn't really take the same time to review the concepts as in this first one.

Note about Molly: During this last summer Molly left AllEars and branched off to do her own videos under the name "Mammoth Club", sometimes accompanied by her husband Alan and their west coast friend Max. All three are former WDW Disney employees, with Molly being the one who was a Disney tour guide in the Magic Kingdom. She knows her stuff.

She can talk fast at times. Slow down the video to .75 if a new concept is confusing you.

The latest rules are updated here:

(I'm studying up too, trying to determine how much it will cost me ;) )
Thanks for the link … guess I’ll be pulling an all nighter to prepare for holiday trip in 4 days
Excellent starting point. Some rules have been added, for that you need to hit up her latest video, but she doesn't really take the same time to review the concepts as in this first one.

Note about Molly: During this last summer Molly left AllEars and branched off to do her own videos under the name "Mammoth Club", sometimes accompanied by her husband Alan and their west coast friend Max. All three are former WDW Disney employees, with Molly being the one who was a Disney tour guide in the Magic Kingdom. She knows her stuff.

She can talk fast at times. Slow down the video to .75 if a new concept is confusing you.

The latest rules are updated here:

(I'm studying up too, trying to determine how much it will cost me ;) )
oops sorry for duplicate post mistake.
Hi Mia!!! Nice to see you. Congratulations on the grandbaby!!! Glad you stopped in and please don't be a stranger!
Thank you!!! I had some sad things happen since my move to FL (my mother passed away in 2019 and my younger sister just passed away very unexpectedly in May). It's all had me very "down" for a bit. My grandson lifts my spirits and makes me smile all the time.
I do plan on being a bit more present in the group :)
Maria...it is wonderful to "see" you again! So sorry to hear about the loss of your dear family members, but excited to hear that you are a grandmother! We now have two grandchildren and being a grandparent is the best job ever!

It's hard to believe that our only meeting in person was that 30 second meet in the WL lobby several years ago. I think you were researching a WDW wedding for your daughter if I recall correctly. Hopefully we can cross paths again for a more substantial meet at some point in the future!
So today is the 11 month mark for our October trip next year. I was all loaded up, ready and waiting to book a 2BR at BWV and availability was there before we hit the 8:00 am booking window. I refreshed constantly and finally got in, only to find that all categories of 2BR at BWV had disappeared from availability in the first 5 seconds of the booking window! We've never been shut out before exactly at the opening bell on the first available booking date. I guess I'll keep checking to see if people are walking reservations, but it does bum me out that I was unable to book a home resort reservation exactly at the 11 month window. :worried:
So today is the 11 month mark for our October trip next year. I was all loaded up, ready and waiting to book a 2BR at BWV and availability was there before we hit the 8:00 am booking window. I refreshed constantly and finally got in, only to find that all categories of 2BR at BWV had disappeared from availability in the first 5 seconds of the booking window! We've never been shut out before exactly at the opening bell on the first available booking date. I guess I'll keep checking to see if people are walking reservations, but it does bum me out that I was unable to book a home resort reservation exactly at the 11 month window. :worried:
BWV is due for complete refurb in 2023, and based on reports here of reduced availability (first for Boardwalk view villas), that’s probably what you’re seeing (in addition to the “normal” Fall walking). Search the BWV thread for reports.
Others may be walking and pass by and then you can book. And "if you can't beat them, join them" as far as walking goes. I rarely do it but the option is there.
Maria...it is wonderful to "see" you again! So sorry to hear about the loss of your dear family members, but excited to hear that you are a grandmother! We now have two grandchildren and being a grandparent is the best job ever!

It's hard to believe that our only meeting in person was that 30 second meet in the WL lobby several years ago. I think you were researching a WDW wedding for your daughter if I recall correctly. Hopefully we can cross paths again for a more substantial meet at some point in the future!
Yes Granny! "Grandparenting" is so awesome. Congrats on your two grands as well! The holidays especially are so much more special now.

Yes....we had a short meet in the WL lobby I believe. So that would have been around March 2015. My daughter was married in WDW a year later (April 2016---perfect weather despite storms predicted all week. Lots of praying and the day could not have been more beautiful and a gorgeous sunset over the World as the finale). The ceremony was in the Wedding Pavilion with reception at Ariel's over at the Beach Club (she had a Finding Nemo themed wedding and unfortunately, the WL unfortunately didn't fit the "under the sea" feel they were going for). Yes! Hopefully we can meet again soon :)

Brittany and Kyle - 0204BBC.jpgBrittany and Kyle - 0441.JPG
So today is the 11 month mark for our October trip next year. I was all loaded up, ready and waiting to book a 2BR at BWV and availability was there before we hit the 8:00 am booking window. I refreshed constantly and finally got in, only to find that all categories of 2BR at BWV had disappeared from availability in the first 5 seconds of the booking window! We've never been shut out before exactly at the opening bell on the first available booking date. I guess I'll keep checking to see if people are walking reservations, but it does bum me out that I was unable to book a home resort reservation exactly at the 11 month window. :worried:

Just keep checking Granny and I wouldn't be at all surprised that you can book day by day as walkers keep walking.
Just one week back from the second trip back since the close down. A different feel from April which I'm not certain it was the difference in time of year, that there's a slow down in visitors or if it was because I was cruising with a 2.5 year old and looking for a lot of different rides. However even Peter Pan and Frozen had lightning lanes available for long into the day. It was weird but nice. All in all Genie+ worked out better than April. Of course they started the so called "demand" pricing for Genie+ while we were there. I think the top was $22 on one day I bought it. I admit I took even greater pleasure in walking thru the gates with the non-ticket requiring 2 year old. :rolleyes1
Thank you!!! I had some sad things happen since my move to FL (my mother passed away in 2019 and my younger sister just passed away very unexpectedly in May). It's all had me very "down" for a bit. My grandson lifts my spirits and makes me smile all the time.
I do plan on being a bit more present in the group :)
I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of you Mother and sister. I'm glad your grandson brings you such happiness. And we will love to see you on here more!
BWV is due for complete refurb in 2023, and based on reports here of reduced availability (first for Boardwalk view villas), that’s probably what you’re seeing (in addition to the “normal” Fall walking). Search the BWV thread for reports.

Carolyn....Thank you for the insight. I wasn't aware of the BWV rehab. We may have to try elsewhere at the 7 month window.

Others may be walking and pass by and then you can book. And "if you can't beat them, join them" as far as walking goes. I rarely do it but the option is there.

Pat...I'm afraid I'm too late to join the Walking Brigade. I've never had to do that before so it took me by surprise.
The earliest report I’ve seen regarding availability at BWV is this one: https://www.disboards.com/threads/bwv-boardwalk-view.3898902/. There are more which pretty well corroborated that the refurb is affecting availability for Fall of 2023.

I clicked on that link and the refurb seems to be the main culprit, along with the usual high demand for BWV and BCV during the F&W Festival.

Just keep checking Granny and I wouldn't be at all surprised that you can book day by day as walkers keep walking.

Kat...I'll keep an eye out for it, but right now BWV is virtually completely booked for the end of September through mid-October. So if people were walking reservations, you'd think that some of those days would open up. But they haven't.

I booked 6 nights for the same time frame at VWL with my VWL contract. To book more nights will require me to borrow points. As I'm still hoping that BWV will open up, I don't want to book VWL with borrowed points in case I have to cancel that reservation to book BWV. So I'm kind of in limbo, but if BWV doesn't open up I'll probably go ahead and make the reservation at VWL and do something else with the BWV points. VWL as a "fall back" position is pretty sweet! But with the grand kids, we really hoped we could get BWV to enable easy access for short trips to EPCOT. All in all, a first world problem to be sure.
Glad to see you, and as mentioned to Granny, we get it, life gets in the way and prevents. us from doing things that we would like for sure. My condolences to your loss of loved ones. And Congrats on the grand baby! Nothing like it, we have 2 and they light up our lives.

Granny, we too booked a VWL trip for Oct 12-20 yesterday for 2- 2 bed rooms. T's brother and his family are joining us. Hopefully we can cross paths whilst in WDW, even if you switch resorts. We may switch to BLT at 7 mos., mainly for the 3rd bathroom for her brothers family. And walking to MK is a plus too. But I have no reservations about staying at VWL either, especially with the refurb being so new.
Kat...I'll keep an eye out for it, but right now BWV is virtually completely booked for the end of September through mid-October. So if people were walking reservations, you'd think that some of those days would open up. But they haven't.

I booked 6 nights for the same time frame at VWL with my VWL contract. To book more nights will require me to borrow points. As I'm still hoping that BWV will open up, I don't want to book VWL with borrowed points in case I have to cancel that reservation to book BWV. So I'm kind of in limbo, but if BWV doesn't open up I'll probably go ahead and make the reservation at VWL and do something else with the BWV points. VWL as a "fall back" position is pretty sweet! But with the grand kids, we really hoped we could get BWV to enable easy access for short trips to EPCOT. All in all, a first world problem to be sure.
If looking for Boardwalk view or Standard view they've become far more difficult to book IMO. Still it looks like you might get the Standard view - it looks a bit like being walked to me. Even in walking it may not last too long after the walkers go past. More people have started to realize you can pick it up is my guess
Pool/garden view though I do think is being walked. Best chance to get BWV booked right now.


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