Vent away!

Bonanza makes me cry! Grrrrr! I hate that! :mad:

Those guys and their sad, puppy dog faces....gets to me too much! :guilty:
can't have a 2 seconed converstation in the libary to let my husbend know were I am at
If it's not 12th grade or college, it's not graduation.
I'll join in:

At the grocery store:

Please don't let your groceries pile up at the end of the belt and wait for the checker to bag them. If there is no bagger, get up there and bag them yourself.

...and for the baggers.... don't make the bags so heavy you need a crane to lift them.

Don't ask to get in front of me in the checkout line.

Please put your cart in the corral. (I know this is a hotbed subject for some stupid reason) but I actually caught someone jamming their cart next to my car, and I was parked next to the corral.
AMEN! I get especially irritated when they will park it near the cart corral, but not in it. I mean, right next to it, but in a parking space, and the corral is far from full. Why do that?

This very topic caused quite the debate on another board I frequent. It basically turned into one side saying that they will not put their cart away because they have children who cannot go with them to put the cart away and cannot be left alone in the car because they will get heat stroke in the 30 seconds it takes to put your cart away and that they can't turn on the car because someone is always out there lurking, just waiting for someone to load their child into a car and turn on the air conditioner so that they can steal the car and kidnap the child. The other side resorted to calling the first side stupid and lazy. In other words, nothing was ever resolved.
I am tired of my mother complaining to me about how her and my father are not getting along (and have told her as much).

Yes, I know that you are both broke. He works full time, you just went back to work, and you have 2 ADULT children living at home.

You are my parents. As my mother, if you are unhappy, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT instead of complaining to me.

And don't come up with excuses as to why you can't do anything about the situation.

A wise woman once said "Life's what you make it".

If you don't attempt to make it better, that is your problem.

I am at the point now where I am not talking to her as much as I was in the past because I don't need the drama.
It really sucks and hurts my feeling that you have to talk and plan things behind my back.

There-thanks for letting me get this off my chest!
Baggage fees: Dear Airlines, if you insist to charge me $50 a bag when it used to be free, I WILL come after you if you lose my luggage.

Gas Prices: No matter where you are (Unless Hawaii or Alaska or Catalina) gas in California is always more. Please don't tease me about it as I can't change it.

Lanes: There are lines on the road for a reason. I am SO SICK of people who can't stay in their own lane and then flip me off because they almost hit me.

Presidential Traffic: Dear President, you do not need to come to SoCal on Thursdays. I said it when Bush was President and I'll say it now that we have a President that I love. Don't your people know anything about traffic? How about travelling AFTER or BEFORE rush hours?

I'm so tired that nothing is ever enough for anyone here... the more I do the more they want done..
Co-workers who leave messes for you to take care of while they take time off:furious:
Sending E-mail and notices to people only to get an E-mail in return asking a question in which the answer was in the E-mail. Don't people READ anymore!! It doesn't say "PLEASE READ THIS" for nothing. :mad:
Working for stupid bosses!! Seriously how do some of these clueless people get these jobs making the big bucks. I mean come on dude you're a Controller, don't you think you should know how to analyze a financial statement? Seriously who hired you for your 6 figure salary!! So glad it's Friday!!
People who don't understand elevator etiquette. I am going to the 4th floor - YOU are going to the 12th floor, WHY WHY WHY do you stand in front of me blocking the doors? You saw that I was getting off before you. Just plain rude.

Also, when the elevator arrives, please let people off first before you get on.
AMEN! I get especially irritated when they will park it near the cart corral, but not in it. I mean, right next to it, but in a parking space, and the corral is far from full. Why do that?

This very topic caused quite the debate on another board I frequent. It basically turned into one side saying that they will not put their cart away because they have children who cannot go with them to put the cart away and cannot be left alone in the car because they will get heat stroke in the 30 seconds it takes to put your cart away and that they can't turn on the car because someone is always out there lurking, just waiting for someone to load their child into a car and turn on the air conditioner so that they can steal the car and kidnap the child. The other side resorted to calling the first side stupid and lazy. In other words, nothing was ever resolved.
Are you sure that was another board, not this one? Except the "stupid" part, this sounds like every single shopping cart thread on the DIS :rotfl:
Baggage fees: Dear Airlines, if you insist to charge me $50 a bag when it used to be free, I WILL come after you if you lose my luggage.

Gas Prices: No matter where you are (Unless Hawaii or Alaska or Catalina) gas in California is always more. Please don't tease me about it as I can't change it.

Lanes: There are lines on the road for a reason. I am SO SICK of people who can't stay in their own lane and then flip me off because they almost hit me.

Presidential Traffic: Dear President, you do not need to come to SoCal on Thursdays. I said it when Bush was President and I'll say it now that we have a President that I love. Don't your people know anything about traffic? How about travelling AFTER or BEFORE rush hours?

Baggage fees. My 110 lb daughter is charged extra for a 5 lb. over the limit bag when there is a 300 lb fatso a few people behind us in the line.


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