Vegas Trip ~ November '09 (It's over, but we had a blast!)

ok--I'm calling at 1 p.m. to buy the CSI tix

Saturday the 28th, correct? at 8 p.m.?
ok--I'm calling at 1 p.m. to buy the CSI tix

Saturday the 28th, correct? at 8 p.m.?

Did you get the tix, Cheryl? I hope so!:)
I'll pay you Friday. One week from tomorrow until my mini vaca with you wonderful friends.:cutie:
Did you get the tix, Cheryl? I hope so!:)
I'll pay you Friday. One week from tomorrow until my mini vaca with you wonderful friends.:cutie:

Yes, I'm hopng they are here by tomorrow. We need to check and make sure we don't need to reserve for that particular time.
Yeah for tickets!:banana:

I'm thinking it will be pretty busy in town due to the holiday. Beth reserved WGP for us, are there any other dining reservations we should make? Do you want me to call for the Noodle Restaurant at the GN for Friday night? Do we need to call Dick's? The obsessive planner in me just never stops!:upsidedow
Yeah for tickets!:banana:

I'm thinking it will be pretty busy in town due to the holiday. Beth reserved WGP for us, are there any other dining reservations we should make? Do you want me to call for the Noodle Restaurant at the GN for Friday night? Do we need to call Dick's? The obsessive planner in me just never stops!:upsidedow
Dick's is just walk up, and if you get there fairly early, say 11-ish, it should be fine.

I cannot wait to see everyone. I think we all could really use some fun time with good friends right now. :grouphug:
You are so right, Beth.:hug:

I just read Cheryl's post on the Diva Feb trip thread and I am just a mess. Depressed and crying. I can't even post cause I just don't know what to say. It's going to be hard to try and have a good time and not constantly worry about Dawn.

Anyway, I am really counting on you, Miss crazy-fun-girl Marcie to make me laugh and remember what fun Vegas is with a bunch of middle aged women!:laughing: And Beth, so I keep my direction and know what's next....and I need a big hug from you. And Cheryl, you are such a special friend.

Thanks for letting me speak my heart.
You are so right, Beth.:hug:

I just read Cheryl's post on the Diva Feb trip thread and I am just a mess. Depressed and crying. I can't even post cause I just don't know what to say. It's going to be hard to try and have a good time and not constantly worry about Dawn.

Anyway, I am really counting on you, Miss crazy-fun-girl Marcie to make me laugh and remember what fun Vegas is with a bunch of middle aged women!:laughing: And Beth, so I keep my direction and know what's next....and I need a big hug from you. And Cheryl, you are such a special friend.

Thanks for letting me speak my heart.

I know Linda,I am sad too about Dawn and also think the holidays will be hard being the first one with both my parents gone. I am so glad to have this trip. And yes I will try my best to be my silly self. Beth I can't wait to visit. Cheryl you too!!! There's a new man in my life these days. LOL I know, what else is new. We've been seeing each other almost daily...but still so looking forward to getting away.
Thanks for letting me speak my heart.

I know Linda,I am sad too about Dawn and also think the holidays will be hard being the first one with both my parents gone.
There's a new man in my life these days. LOL I know, what else is new. We've been seeing each other almost daily...but still so looking forward to getting away.

New man? popcorn:: We'll have to get all the juicy details when we see you!
Anyone started packing yet?? :rolleyes1 ;)

I went through my clothes to see what I had. Or what still fits. :rolleyes: Damn birthday and Halloween. Those bite size candies sure came back to bite me in the rear. Or rather just add to my rear!!!! :eek:

I think I'm just going casual everywhere. I won't be dressing up at all. I know I already said jeans for me, but now I really mean it. Even to the show and stuff on Sunday. I'm just wearing jeans, a white button down shirt and some black boots. I'm picking comfort over looks this time. :rotfl:
My Mom has started packing. she's going to be the only one ready. :laughing:

I am planning on "casual" too--no cute little dresses this time. (not that I'm all that cute in them anyway--)

Marcie--details, we want details girl! I actually decided this week that men are more trouble than they are worth. And no--I'm not 'switching teams'--just taking a break--a LOOOONNNNGGGGG break!

I need to get my rear in gear--Brandy is housesitting/dogsitting/catsitting again and my house is a mess--so I have to clean up so it's not a pit for her--the cleaning lady comes on Friday but Brandy will start staying on Wed. when we leave.

I also have gotten really busy at work in the last week (of course--doesn't that always happen?)

I believe I got the CSI tix in the mail today--got a letter from Vegas so I'm assuming that's it--haven't opened it yet. Beth--do we need to try to make a "reservation" for Sat. night? do you know?

I know that Dawn would want us all to have a good time--I've been crying and depressed too, but that isn't going to help her. And wouldn't be what she would want--she is such a fun-loving person that she would be mad at us! (and boy is she going to be mad at me for posting so much personal info about her! LOL--let her be mad--I don't care!)

I told Brandy today that once Dawn is better I am planning a trip to WDW with her--even if we just stay at a resort and order room service I think we would have a fab time (and you KNOW we'd end up eating everywhere--LOL)

In the meantime, i am looking forward to some Vegas time with my girlies and putting a few pennies in the slot machines!
Marcie--details, we want details girl! I actually decided this week that men are more trouble than they are worth. And no--I'm not 'switching teams'--just taking a break--a LOOOONNNNGGGGG break!

OMG, that cracked me up!!! :rotfl2:

I believe I got the CSI tix in the mail today--got a letter from Vegas so I'm assuming that's it--haven't opened it yet. Beth--do we need to try to make a "reservation" for Sat. night? do you know?

I actually don't know. I've never done the CSI Experience. Maybe call and ask how it works. CSI: Ticket Hotline
For tickets and information call: 702.891.7006 or 877.660.0660

I know that Dawn would want us all to have a good time--I've been crying and depressed too, but that isn't going to help her. And wouldn't be what she would want--she is such a fun-loving person that she would be mad at us!
I agree. She's so fun and full of life. She wouldn't want to be responsible for making anyone else down.

I told Brandy today that once Dawn is better I am planning a trip to WDW with her--even if we just stay at a resort and order room service I think we would have a fab time (and you KNOW we'd end up eating everywhere--LOL)

She will love that. She loves to order room service and hang out. Gotta take a pic of the two of you with some Lapu Lapu's!! :thumbsup2

In the meantime, i am looking forward to some Vegas time with my girlies and putting a few pennies in the slot machines!
Whooo hooo! Maybe you'll win some $$$$ again. :wizard:
I think I may just wear jeans too. I'll just bring a bunch of nice shirts. It's been cold here this weekend and I just don't like to be cold. I may pull out my suitcase today, it's going to be here before we know it and all of a sudden my life is really busy lol.


New man? popcorn:: We'll have to get all the juicy details when we see you!

Marcie--details, we want details girl! I actually decided this week that men are more trouble than they are worth. And no--I'm not 'switching teams'--just taking a break--a LOOOONNNNGGGGG break!

In the meantime, i am looking forward to some Vegas time with my girlies and putting a few pennies in the slot machines!

I have not dated a man with kids very many times in my life, my ex husband didn't have any. The guy I'm seeing has twin boys who are 15 and a 6 year old boy and i am in love with them. The twins are a year younger then Aerial and they get along. I have one of them with me today, right now Aerial and him are going to the store together, yesterday I took the other and the 6 year old along with Aerial and Marci to the movies. I am having fun. It's really, really different. I can't wait to tell y'all about it, I really could use a nonjudgemental ear. Beth he's my bad boy with a heart of gold that I always talk about wanting. He was wanting to ask me out back in September but he heard me talking to Jeri about OG Michael and didn't ask me out. So, he's been interested in me a few months. Of course Jeri encouraged him to ask me out a few weeks ago, she's my match maker, and we've been together pretty much since. Now I'm going to try to get some packing done, while the kids play xbox before I go back to his house.

I can't always tell the twins apart, but i am starting to get to know them both and figuring it out. hahaha
Cheryl I can relate, I threaten to join the convent quite frequently. :lmao:
Marcie, wow, that sounds really promising! I think maybe dating someone with kids could be a good thing! ::yes:: I mean, at least he understands where you are coming from when you put Aerial first, where as some other guys might get annoyed, kwim?

Can't wait to hear more. And take some pics to show us!! ;)
I have not dated a man with kids very many times in my life, my ex husband didn't have any. The guy I'm seeing has twin boys who are 15 and a 6 year old boy and i am in love with them. The twins are a year younger then Aerial and they get along. I have one of them with me today, right now Aerial and him are going to the store together, yesterday I took the other and the 6 year old along with Aerial and Marci to the movies. I am having fun. It's really, really different. I can't wait to tell y'all about it, I really could use a nonjudgemental ear. Beth he's my bad boy with a heart of gold that I always talk about wanting. He was wanting to ask me out back in September but he heard me talking to Jeri about OG Michael and didn't ask me out. So, he's been interested in me a few months. Of course Jeri encouraged him to ask me out a few weeks ago, she's my match maker, and we've been together pretty much since. Now I'm going to try to get some packing done, while the kids play xbox before I go back to his house.

I can't always tell the twins apart, but i am starting to get to know them both and figuring it out. hahaha

Yay, Marcie :cheer2: I'm so happy to hear you've got a good guy in your life right now.

I hope everyone has a great time in Vegas - even though I'm not going to be there (boo!!). Linda, I'm sorry I won't get to spend any time with you..........

Remember to have a pretty pink drink for me, put a few dollars in the slots for me, and say an extra loud WOO HOO for me (just keep your eyes of my man, 'K????). I'm so in for next time :woohoo: Remember that I want TONS of pics so that I can pretend I had as much fun as you all are going to have! And don't leave the curlers at home - they are tres Vegas :cool2:
There's a new man in my life these days. LOL I know, what else is new. We've been seeing each other almost daily...but still so looking forward to getting away.

:lmao: That is why I love you!!

You are so right, Beth.:hug:

I just read Cheryl's post on the Diva Feb trip thread and I am just a mess. Depressed and crying. I can't even post cause I just don't know what to say. It's going to be hard to try and have a good time and not constantly worry about Dawn.

Anyway, I am really counting on you, Miss crazy-fun-girl Marcie to make me laugh and remember what fun Vegas is with a bunch of middle aged women!:laughing: And Beth, so I keep my direction and know what's next....and I need a big hug from you. And Cheryl, you are such a special friend.

Thanks for letting me speak my heart.

Linda I am with you! I am at a loss for words.

My Mom has started packing. she's going to be the only one ready. :laughing:

I am planning on "casual" too--no cute little dresses this time. (not that I'm all that cute in them anyway--)

Marcie--details, we want details girl! I actually decided this week that men are more trouble than they are worth. And no--I'm not 'switching teams'--just taking a break--a LOOOONNNNGGGGG break!

This totally made me smile & laugh!!

I need to get my rear in gear--Brandy is housesitting/dogsitting/catsitting again and my house is a mess--so I have to clean up so it's not a pit for her--the cleaning lady comes on Friday but Brandy will start staying on Wed. when we leave.

Mental note to self...get a cleaning lady!

I also have gotten really busy at work in the last week (of course--doesn't that always happen?)

I believe I got the CSI tix in the mail today--got a letter from Vegas so I'm assuming that's it--haven't opened it yet. Beth--do we need to try to make a "reservation" for Sat. night? do you know?

I know that Dawn would want us all to have a good time--I've been crying and depressed too, but that isn't going to help her. And wouldn't be what she would want--she is such a fun-loving person that she would be mad at us! (and boy is she going to be mad at me for posting so much personal info about her! LOL--let her be mad--I don't care!)

She might be upset...but she will see how many people care about her!

I told Brandy today that once Dawn is better I am planning a trip to WDW with her--even if we just stay at a resort and order room service I think we would have a fab time (and you KNOW we'd end up eating everywhere--LOL)

How fun! She will love that!!

In the meantime, i am looking forward to some Vegas time with my girlies and putting a few pennies in the slot machines!

Win BIG!!!
Hey ladies. Given everything that's happened in the last 24 hours, I'm not sure if y'all are still up to making this trip. If not, I totally understand. :hug:

Personally today I'm not sure how I feel. Sort of numb really. In a bit of a fog. Having a hard time getting my head around it all even now. :sad2:
I do know that I miss you all and could really use some hugs and girly time with my friends though, so if you do come, it will be great to see you. :grouphug:
Hey ladies. Given everything that's happened in the last 24 hours, I'm not sure if y'all are still up to making this trip. If not, I totally understand. :hug:

Personally today I'm not sure how I feel. Sort of numb really. In a bit of a fog. Having a hard time getting my head around it all even now. :sad2:
I do know that I miss you all and could really use some hugs and girly time with my friends though, so if you do come, it will be great to see you. :grouphug:

Beth: Linda and I talked about this last night. The only reason I wouldn't come is if they schedule Dawn's services this weekend--I'm hoping (selfishly I know) that they won't schedule it right away because of the holiday weekend--plus they had planned a big birthday party for Dawn's grandma's 90th birthday this weekend (which is why Dawn wasn't coming to Vegas with us). I don't know if that is going forward or not. Linda and I are both otherwise on board to make the trip--I think we all need "real" hugs. As soon as I hear anything I will let you know.


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