Update: Anyone use an Instant Pot See Warning Post #78

Yes he is a hoot. All I kept saying the other day was "applesauce an pork chops" when I used his recipe.

It cracked me up when hekept saying it because it has always been a standing joke in our family. It was on the Brady Bunch. Peter was trying out different personalities. He asked Alice, "what's for dinner." She says pork chops, the mom says applesauce, so he does a Humphrey Bogart impression, pork chops and appplesauuccce. Lol

I have a pressure xl. Is that the same thing you are talking about? I have that still not sure about using it....maybe i need some recipes?

It's just a different brand, but very similar. Any recipes here should work in your pot!!

Instant Pot warning that I came across and wanted to share


Thank you. I saw this earlier today. I have a towel I use when venting, but it doesn't cover the whole spout. I put tongs and the towel partially over them to direct the steam away from my cupboards.
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Be careful with using your IP on the stovetop. I've seen several photos of instances where the stove burner accidentally got turned on. It's not a pretty site! I have a large wood cutting board, and I put that on top of my gas burners.

I bought my first IP almost a year ago, and the second one this spring. I use them several times a week, often both at the same time. Today, I made a delicious bean n' bacon soup on high pressure for 10 minutes with natural pressure release. I prefer to presoak my beans overnight, so the cooking time is a few minutes less than what it would be with unsoaked beans. We've been doing a lot of corn on the cob this summer, at 2 minutes with quick release of the steam.
DH bought me one several months ago. I had heard how great the chicken wings were in it so I tried that. The skin on them was gross. I took it back. No need to waste $100 on something I wouldn't use. I did try to look up recipes for it but found it was much easier for me to cook that in my crock pot than in the instant pot. I also don't like when they advertised that it would take 15 minutes to cook something and then realize no, it's not 15 minutes. It's really 15 minutes plus the 15 to 20 for it to pressurize. Sometimes I wish I would have kept it to try something new but maybe in the future when they aren't so time consuming.
I don't mind the time to come to pressure. if I'm in a hurry, I beat the water I'm putting in the pot. It cuts down the time a lot. I also don't mind the time for the natural pressure release, as that's when I finish my meal prep. All in all I'm really happy with it. Alas for the wings, I think I would salute them on high first. I would brown them and try to get them looking good, then continue the recipe. It might take a few minutes to brown them, but I think it would be worth it.


This is a great site. Recipes as well as a lot of good information!!
The way I look at it, I also have to wait for water to boil on the stove or the oven to heat up, etc. With the IP, I can set the timer and walk away, instead of hanging around the kitchen watching the stove, etc. Depending on what I'm cooking, it isn't always faster, but I never have to pay attention to what is cooking until the timer goes off. For me, that frees up a lot of time to do other things like help with homework, etc.

I haven't tried chicken wings yet, but I've read that most people pop them under a broiler with BBQ sauce, etc for a few minutes after taking them out of the IP. That would crisp up the skin.
And the broiler doesn't heat up the kitchen as much as the oven! When I do my ribs it's just 5 minutes on each side.
It cracked me up when hekept saying it because it has always been a standing joke in our family. It was on the Brady Bunch. Peter was trying out different personalities. He asked Alice, "what's for dinner." She says pork chops, the mom says applesauce, so he does a Humphrey Bogart impression, pork chops and appplesauuccce.

We say this all the time in our family too! Glad someone else knows the reference.

The instant pot sounds awesome. We will have to try this. I remember my aunt have a stove top pressure cooker back in the day and my parents acted like it was a bomb about to go off. If she used it while we were there we weren't allowed to go in the kitchen and had to keep our shoes on in case of emergency. :)
I had a Cuisinart electric pressure I used until it wore out. Have a power pressure cooker xl now and use it all the time not just for pressure cooking but slow cooking as well. Not only does it cook things faster but it keeps the nutrients in food. I won't make pot roast any other way. It does a great pork tenderloin, roast, or what I'm going to do tomorrow - a pork butt for pulled pork sandwiches. I've done a whole turkey in it, ribs, stews, and baked ziti. I make lots of dishes that require shredded chicken. I throw some boneless breasts in and they're done quickly.
Thanks for the tip....I ordered one using the "deal".... Should be fun to figure out how to use!


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