Unknown Facts about Disney movies

-In the VHS version of Aladdin, during the balcony scene where Aladdin appears on the balcony to speak to Jasmine, they are not focusing on Aladdin but you can hear him in the background talking to Raja. He clearly says "nice teenagers, take off your clothes". In the DVD version, that is not there.

I've listened over & over for that, with the volume turned all the way up on the TV :-)scared1:) and I still haven't heard it. I have the VHS that was released in '93-'94 whenever it came out on home video, so it's one of the "originals." I was even TRYING to listen for it & couldn't! :confused3 :lmao:

In other news, I still my stuffed Abu from back in the day! He's stored in a tote in our shed, but I still have him nonetheless! :laughing:
This is not very interesting, but DalmatiAn is spelled with an "a" towards the end, not an "o". :) :)

101 Dalmatians is the most commonly misspelled Disney movie (many put an o by mistake).

Tinker Bell is the most commonly misspelled Disney character (many make it one word or add an e).

Like I said, it was the VHS version. Someone else told me and I listened to it carefully, then I showed my dh. Unless I just have a very dirty mind...lol.:rotfl:

The Aladdin rumor has been proven false, most likely it was just poor sound mixing done in post production.

However... 5'2" 92 lb. actress Sherri Stoner served as the live-action model for both Belle and Ariel. Some of her mannerisms -- brushing aside her hair and biting her lip -- even wound up being worked into the animation. Ms. Stoner would later go on to work at Warner on Animaniacs and Tiny Toon adventures as a writer, producer, and voice talent (she voiced Slappy Squirrel).

This is kinda random and off topic...

My parents lived in L.A. in the late 70s/early 80s, and my mom was best friends with Sherri Stoner. They met in an acting class, and quickly became good friends. They even used to go on auditions together and other stuff. My mom has always these great stories about Sherri. Sherri was such a petite woman that she had to buy clothes in the children's section of many stores, for example. At the age of about 25, the ages she auditioned for were typically around 14 years old. Unfortunately, over the years since my parents moved back to Alabama, they have lost touch.

My parents had moved back to Alabama before Sherri got Ariel, but they were still writing to each other. My mom has some interesting stories about what Sherri told her about the process. For example, she was thrilled to have a job that required relatively little work but paid really well. She just had to go in for about a week a month and this lasted for a long time. She also was not really informed what the job was going to entail, and she was shocked when she ended up in a huge watertank so they could see how her hair moved underwater. The thing about how she moved her hair and bit her lip is def true - my mom mentions it when she watches the movie.

I was a huge fan of the little mermaid as a child, and I got to talk to Sherri on the phone once. I thought it was Ariel, and I asked her to send me Flounder's photograph (I was 5). She said she would, but I still haven't gotten it!!! :rotfl:

I love having random Disney collections like these!!! :)
Like I said, it was the VHS version. Someone else told me and I listened to it carefully, then I showed my dh. Unless I just have a very dirty mind...lol.:rotfl:

I also have the original release VHS, and that is not what he says. Buzz is right. We played it very slowly several times to make sure. The two things can def sound similar, but this is an urban legend.
I'm surprised this hasn't been posted on here yet but....

In "The Little Mermaid", in the scene where Prince Eric and Ursula (disguised) are getting married, the priest or bishop who is officiating the ceremony is, umm......how to put this delicately? He's "pitching a tent". Seriously. If you look for it, it's VERY OBVIOUS.

Also very funny.:rotfl2:

This is true only in the original VHS...not in the DVD.
Its clearly sex in Lion king, you got yours E and F mixed up..
It may be the priests knee but, it sure does look like hes pitchin a tent.
I have the original Little Memaid an in the castle on of the towers on the cover, it sure does look like male anatomy.

Gotta love disney
Chip originally had only one line, but the producers liked Bradley Pierce's voice so much that extra dialogue and business was written and storyboarded for the character.

The original "cute" character of the movie was a music box, which was supposed to be a musical version of Dopey from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937). But when the character Chip's role was expanded, the music box idea was scrapped. However the music box can be seen for a brief moment on a table next to Lumière just before the fight between the enchanted objects and the villagers in the Beast's home

A song sung by the enchanted objects entitled "Human Again" was cut before production started. The song was later added to the Disney on Ice and theatrical productions and was recorded and animated for the 2001 Imax re-release. It was also added to the special edition released in October 8th 2002, making the movie a bit longer.

Art director Brian McEntee color keyed Belle so that she is the only person in her town who wears blue. This is symbolic of how different she is from everyone else around. Later, she encounters the Beast, another misfit, also wearing blue.

When Beast and Gaston are having their life-or-death struggle on the castle, Gaston yells, "Belle is mine!" Originally he was supposed to say, "Time to die!" but the writer changed it to fit Belle back in the scene.

Chip is the only object in the movie to mention Belle by her name. All of the other objects refer to her as "mademoiselle," "she," her, "the girl," etc.

The dance between Belle and her Prince in the finale is actually reused animation of the dance between Princess Aurora and Prince Phillip in Sleeping Beauty (1959). The original Sleeping Beauty (1959) pair had been drawn over to become the new Beauty and the Beast (1991) pair, and this was done because they were running out of time during the production of the movie.

Angela Lansbury, the voice of Mrs. Potts, thought that another character would be better suited to sing the ballad "Beauty and the Beast". The director asked her to make at least one recording to have for a back up if nothing else worked, and that one recording ended up in the film.

Julie Andrews was considered for the role of Mrs. Potts

Among the trophy heads on Gaston's tavern is what appears to be a frog's head, visible in the scene where Gaston spits.

The smoke seen during the transformation of the Beast to the Prince is actually real smoke, not animated. It was originally used in The Black Cauldron (1985) and was re-used for Beauty and the Beast (1991).

Many of paintings on the walls of the castle are undetailed versions of famous paintings

Songs take up twenty-five minutes of the film and only five minutes were without any musical score at all

Caricatures of the directors, Kirk Wise and Gary Trousdale, can be seen in the scene where Belle is given the book as a gift. As she is leaving the store three men are seen pretending to not look through the window and then they sing, "Look there she goes. The girl who's so peculiar. I wonder if she's feeling well." They are the two men on the outside of the large blonde man.

Robby Benson's voice was altered by the growls of real panthers and lions so that it is virtually unrecognizable. This is why near the end when the Beast transforms into the prince his voice changes. His voice is also not changed on the original motion picture soundtrack.

Many scenes were storyboarded but never animated. Those include a scene where Gaston visits the Asylum and a scene where the Beast is seen dragging a carcass of an animal he killed. Both where considered too gruesome for the film and the ideas were dropped.

The majority of the sculptures seen in the castle are different earlier versions of the Beast.

In the beginning the Beast is more monster than man. He walks on all fours, leaps across whole balconies, and his wardrobe is not complete. At the same time Gaston starts off as a man and slowly becomes more of a monster.

Disney was originally going to have Jodi Benson, the voice of Ariel in The Little Mermaid (1989) also provide the voice for Belle. However, it was decided that Belle needed a more "European" sounding voice. Howard Ashman remembered working with Paige O'Hara and suggested she try out for the part.

When Paige O'Hara was auditioning, a bit of her hair flew in her face and she tucked it back. The animators liked this so they put it in the movie.

The stained glass window that is seen at the very end of the movie was built in Disneyland after the film's release.

The name of Gaston's sidekick, Lefou, pronounces just like the French words meaning "the idiot, "the fool" or "the insane

Rupert Everett auditioned for the role of Gaston, but was told by the directors he didn't sound arrogant enough. He remembered this when he voiced Prince Charming in Shrek 2 (2004).

Though the Beast/Prince is never mentioned by name in the film, it is revealed by the CD-ROM game The D Show that his name is Adam.

In the first song, where Belle sings in the town, she sits by a fountain. As she reads the book (described earlier, as an adventure with a prince in disguise. It sounds just like Beauty and the Beast), she flips to a page, with a picture. Look closely, and you will see see that she is in the bottom right, the beast in the middle left, and the prince's castle in the middle

Among Gaston's trophy display heads is that of a bald eagle it is most visible during the scene in which he jumps onto his chair during his song.

SPOILER: When Gaston is falling at the very end, there is close-up of his eyes. For a few frames a tiny skull flashes in each of his eyes. In the theatrical release, as Gaston plunged to his implied death and his face filled the screen, two frames showed skulls in his eyes. For the VHS and laserdisc release, these frames were altered to remove the skulls from his eyes. However, no such alteration was made for the DVD release.

SPOILER: Originally the Beast was supposed to be stabbed by Gaston twice: once in the leg and again in the side, followed by Gaston pushing himself off the tower and laughing maniacally while falling. The filmmakers changed it to just his side to avoid the already dramatic scene becoming too disturbing for children, but Gaston's edited suicide is a probable explanation for his choosing such a dangerous position to kill the Beast despite knowing that he would never win Belle's heart.
When Gaston tries to kiss Belle, and she opens the door, Gaston goes flying out into the mud in front of the house. But Belle's front door is on the side of the porch, not facing the mud.
When Belle first enters the dungeon, her father is holding out his arm through one of the middle spaces in the cell door. In the close up shot, his arm is protruding from the left hand space.
When Mrs. Potts runs over Cogsworth to serve Maurice tea, she, Chip, a sugar cup and cream cup are on the cart. However, when it stops by the chair, it's just her and Chip. Then, a few shots later, as Maurice is saying hello to Chip, a spoon is on the tray.
During the "Kill the Beast" song, the snow on the porch caps disappears and re-appears between shots.
Right before Gaston starts singing "Kill the Beast" when he is talking to the villagers the numbers change from a small number to a large crowd in between shots. Also, they move from far away to up close and all around.
During the opening song, as Belle walks through the town reading her book, her basket disappears from her arm, only to re-appear a few seconds later.
After the Gaston song, the bear rug moves from behind the chair to under the chair.
After Gaston shoots the bird, LeFou puts it in his hunting bag, but his bag disappears as he goes to pick up the larger carcass.
Gaston's chair disappears from in front of the fire in the closing shots of Gaston's song.
When Belle's father is about to be taken away to the asylum, Belle's white apron disappears for a few moments, and then reappears seconds later.
After Gaston has shot the beast, the arrows in the quiver on his back disappear and then reappear in the next shot.
When Le Fou is chasing the "dog" he is missing a shoe, which is in the dog's mouth, but when Le Fou and his buddies bust through the door his shoe is on. When they get scared away his shoe is missing again.
Before Gaston attempts to propose to Belle, he kicks off his boots. But while he is walking around the house, distinct footsteps and jingles are heard, implying he has boots on.
During the fighting scene between Gaston and Beast, Gaston says "Belle is mine!" But his mouth is saying something else. This is because, he was originally supposed to say, "Time to die!" but the writer changed it to fit Belle back in the scene.
Following Belle's title song reprise on the hilltop and just after Phillipe interrupts her moment, she says "Phillipe!" though her lip movements suggest that other dialogue was intended.

When the beast slams the door to the west wing in anger of Belle's refusal to come out of her room, a piece of celing plaster falls on Lumiere, Cogsworth, and Mrs. Potts, scattering pieces about the place. In the next overhead shot, all of the plaster is gone.
When Cogsworth falls down the stairs, all sorts of gears and nuts fall out, but in the next shot, seconds later, they are gone.
In the shot of Belle riding up to the Beast's castle for the first time, her hood is down. In the close-up shot immediately following it, her hood is up.
On the Special Edition, at exactly one hour and three minutes, just for a second, Mrs. Potts' eyes turn black and then turn back to blue.
When Belle is first greeted by Lumiere he takes her hand and kisses it. As the shots go back and forth you will see the flame on his candle is lit in one scene and not in another.
When Belle and the Beast are having breakfast together, before the beast catches the spoon his face is dirty. When he catches the spoon his face is clean, and when he tries to eat with the spoon his face becomes dirty again. Finally, when he eats right from the plate, as Belle does, his face is clean again.
Belle's nails disappear and reappear several times throughout the movie.
In one scene during the Gaston song, Gaston shoots his gun 3 times, but in the next scene 5 holes appear.

During the first song, Belle reads a book near a fountain, and show us a picture of a castle from it. Later, Gaston scans through the same book and says there are no pictures in it.

In the beginning of the movie before Belle starts singing, you can see the steps go down and lead to a path heading to the village. Although when Gaston comes to purpose to her, the steps go down to a path to the barn. Later when Gaston and others come to take Maurice to the asylum it faces straight to the village.
In the song Gaston when Gaston sings "when I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs, every morning to help me get large" he grabs the eggs and swallows them whole. Lafou attempts the same to only have them fall on his face. After he says "so I'm roughly the size of a barge!" and shoots his gun you can see a bowl of eggs on the counter.
During the transformation all close ups of Belle have her hair worn down on her shoulder, yet in the next shot her hair is worn in a ponytail, then back to down.
During the first song, in the town all the shops have their French names on the signs, i.e. The bakery is the "boulangerie" - except for the bookstore. Its sign reads in English as "Bookseller".

In the opening musical number we see Belle's home. The windmill on the house has 2 gears that are clearly working against one another, yet they still turn perfectly.

When the Beast transforms back to his human form, we see the camera focus to his feet being transformed back to a human foot, then for a split-second we can see the beast's hands still on their 'beast' form. This was considered a mistake because his hands transformed first.
It's true, there are a few videos of it on youtube slowed down so you can hear it. Once word got out that it was there Disney quickly edited it out so now any copy you buy will not have that saying in it. If you have an old VHS version it's most likely there.

Aladdin clearly says "C'mon, good kitty... take off and go."

(At least, that's what I hear during the film)

Sadly the quote where Aladdin says "teenagers take of your clothes" is there. There are a few videos of it on youtube slowed down so you can hear it. Once word got out that it was there Disney quickly edited it out so now any copy you buy will not have that saying in it. If you have an old VHS version it's most likely there. The quote is only in the very early released films. Some VHS versions don't have it. I don't know for sure but I do believe that Disney recalled most of the Aladdin films that were out, edited out the quote and released it again, but they obviously couldn't get back the films that had already been sold with the quote in it.
I didn't think I had one, but I do!

In The Lion King 2, at the scene where Kiara is trying to save Kovu's mother (can't remember her name), it was originally drawn as a suicide scene. When Kiara tells her to take her paw, she originally looked at Kiara and said, 'No.' and then after she lets go of the cliff, smiling as she plunges to her death. They thought this would be too much for children so they made it look like an accident by putting in already drawn scenes, but she is still kinda smiling when she dies.
In Monsters Inc, Boo's actual name is Mary.

In Finding Nemo, there is a Buzz Lightyear doll in the dentist waiting room.

The Beast's name is Adam.

Donald Duck's middle name is Fauntleroy.

thats all i got.
In Enchanted during the song "How Do You Know" there is a group of eldery men who dance, one of them (in a yellow jacket) was a chimney sweep in Mary Poppins :)


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