Troubling issue with MK parking lot trams


Jul 27, 2008
Wanted to share a troubling issue I've noticed in the Magic Kingdom lately. Backstory: I'm an Orlando-area transplant so now a happy WDW local and I'm in the parks often. In particular I like heading over to the MK on Saturday mornings -- I love to just walk the park and people watch and enjoy the little details that I don't see when FastPassing and riding and touring with friends.

I usually arrive early-ish, between 9-10am, which is obviously a peak time. For past two months or so, I've noticed that when I park, there is a CM standing in the roadway telling guests that it's just a 3-5 minute walk to the gate and it's not necessary to wait for a tram. He is mic-ed so that everyone can hear him, and he (it's always been a he, not necessarily the same person) is aggressively telling guests not to wait for the tram, just walk, it's faster, it's just 3-5 minutes, blah, blah, blah. I've found this quite strange. I know the parking lot well, and I actually do tend to walk from my car rather than wait for the tram...but I know how far it is, and it's no 3-5 minute walk. I've had this happen when I parked in Simba, Peter Pan, and even Rapunzel, which is one of the farthest lots on the Heroes side. I found this whole thing to be irritating and kind of unfair to guests (so many of them would allow their small children to walk instead of ride in a stroller, and I'm sure they regretted that after a few hours into the day), but then I saw something yesterday that shocked me...

I arrived at the MK a little later than normal, around 11am. Spring break crowds have not completely dispersed so it was crowded, and when I arrived they were already filling the Villains lot. I parked in Hook, right in the middle (row 325) and was shocked to walk to the end of my row to be told by a CM that there was no tram service from this lot, there is no need for a tram, it's just a 5 minute walk.

NO. TRAM. SERVICE. For anyone. From the middle of the parking lot, at one of the busiest times of day!

There were trams running, but they were not servicing Hook or anywhere nearby. So the 300 or so people who had just parked were sort of stunned, and then just started walking. It was quite a site, like a herd of zombies or the world's slowest marathon course. And this is when I became furious:

1. At 11am in April in central FL, the temperature was already 83 degrees. It was hot and sticky, and not at all a day that you'd want to walk through a sea of asphalt without any cover.

2. The walk, of course, was not 5 minutes. My Fitbit clocked it as just over .5 mile to the bag check I and took some shortcuts (leaving the "walking" path a few times). The only time I cover half a mile in 5 minutes is when there is a finish line and medal at the end. It's easily a 10 minute walk for people traveling at a casual pace.

3. The worst part is, THIS IS DANGEROUS. Guests had to travel through several active driveways where there was lots of vehicle traffic to navigate (people parking in the preferred and handicap lots, as well as vehicles trying to leave the lot). The crowd of 300 was not traveling in one neat line, they were scattered and crossing the roadways at all different points, and there were no CMs nearby directing traffic or helping visitors stay out of the path of cars. This horrified me. It was kind of a chaotic scene, and I could easily see a child darting ahead of mom and dad into a traffic lane, or someone just not looking and accidentally stepping from the "walking path" into the path of a car or tram. And I'm sure the drivers were not thrilled to have to navigate around all of these unexpected pedestrians.

It is clear to me that this is a cost-saving measure to reduce the number of trams and CMs needed in the parking lot (as we walked, everyone was making jokes wondering if Disney would be charging for tram rides now or if there would be carts on Main Street selling bandaids for everyone's new blisters). I have been visiting the MK for more than 20 years and I have NEVER not been offered a tram from the parking lot or been aggressively cajoled by CMs to walk from the middle or back sections of the lot.

This is also a terrible and unfair guest experience. Most people don't know how big the lot is and won't realize until it's too late that they need to cover significant ground. A day in the MK always means a lot of walking, and there are plenty of people (children, those with mobility issues) who will want to save their energy and stamina for the parks, not burn it in the parking lot. And a hot and sweaty walk through the parking lot is not the most magical way to start your day.

And then worst of all, imagine if there were an accident. It is infuriating to me that Disney would take this kind of risk. I don't have any problem with letting visitors know that they can walk to the gate, BUT if you're going to strongly encourage it or even require it, do it the right way. Create a very clear designated path for walkers that is covered and does not require crossing heavy traffic. And let people know how far they're going to walk so they can decide if that's manageable for their party.

Has anyone else experienced this? And do you agree that this problematic? I'm not a lazy person but there are good reasons that Disney has offered tram service for decades...and only one reason I can think of that they're trying to reduce it.
What did guest services say when you went straight there to explain your concern?

(Even at Disneyland I often walk upwards of 10 miles in a day so I have no empathy for someone who needs a bandaid from walking through a parking lot, though...the person who joked about that needs to be more prepared AND needs to know that you can get bandaids for free at first aid)
What did guest services say when you went straight there to explain your concern?

(Even at Disneyland I often walk upwards of 10 miles in a day so I have no empathy for someone who needs a bandaid from walking through a parking lot, though...the person who joked about that needs to be more prepared AND needs to know that you can get bandaids for free at first aid)
It is another cheapening of the high cost experience
I actually agree with the OP - it's irrelevant how many miles you may or may not walk once you arrive in the park and no one has any way of judging that for other people. The heat and the danger elements are really worrying and Disney needs to rethink this particular cost-cutting measure. If they are doing it now, that probably means it will continue throughout the coming months when it is even busier and hotter... It makes no sense. When you get in line for an attraction it tells you how long the wait time is so you can decide if it's right for you - the same should happen for the walk from the parking lot. AND wheelchair/ECV rental isn't until you arrive at the entrance to the park so people with compromised mobility without their own equipment will really struggle with this - same for stroller rental.
You'll be walking miles in the theme park once you reach it, so what's another half a mile?

It may be the trams are down temporarily for maintenance or something.

This is a ridiculously flippant answer from someone that is obviously not travelling with a young child or someone elderly. We took my elderly mother to Disney last year and she utilized a wheelchair to help her get around the park. There is ZERO chance she could have walked a half a mile from the parking lot to the gate.

And, no, not all the trams would be taken down for maintenance at the same time.
You'll be walking miles in the theme park once you reach it, so what's another half a mile?

It may be the trams are down temporarily for maintenance or something.

I never really understood that argument. You'll be walking a lot, so we don't think you'll notice another half mile. I absolutely would notice. Especially in the heat.

We often rented a stroller in the parks. If I had little kids and didn't have a stroller until I got inside the park, that would not be a magical way to start off the day.
Wow, tough crowd! OK, guess it's just me. To answer questions...

Sparkly, I guess for me it's enjoyable to walk through the parks because I'm having fun, but not so in the parking lot? And so that extra half mile seems unnecessary and uncomfortable when there's no shade?

Bumbershoot, I did stop by City Hall on the way in and out but the line both times was insane. I sent an email to some generic address and I expect to get a generic response. I'm also a big walker (I usually aim for 15K steps a day and hit it most days) and like I said, I usually do walk from the lot. But I think about someone like my mom who had hip replacement surgery last year. She doesn't need a cane or wheelchair, but she does have a limit to how much walking she can comfortably do and it really seems a waste for her to do it in the parking lot (especially when CMs are not being truthful about "just a five minute walk"). I thought others might be in a similar situation.

Also, to be clear -- the trams were running, though there weren't a ton of them. One was dropping a few guests off in Zerg headed further out into the lot, but the CM told us no one could board that tram. He also repeatedly said don't wait for a tram, just walk. No one pushed him on it, but I wonder what they would have said if a guest in a walking boot or using a cane really did want/need a ride.
This is a ridiculously flippant answer from someone that is obviously not travelling with a young child or someone elderly. We took my elderly mother to Disney last year and she utilized a wheelchair to help her get around the park. There is ZERO chance she could have walked a half a mile from the parking lot to the gate.

And, no, not all the trams would be taken down for maintenance at the same time.

I have a family member who uses a scooter, she rents one from offsite so she still has it in the parking lot. So don't accuse me of being flippant. And small children are likely in a pushchair, again which you would have already, right?
Putting the safety/accessibility issues aside, which I agree are both good reasons not to remove the tram, I would argue the tram is part of the magical experience of Disney, especially since MK is usually the first park people go to on their trip. Walking a half mile all hot and bothered to start your day isn't very magical. Your feet will hurt by the end of the day, but Disney should try to prolong it so you can at least walk down Main Street to the castle feeling like you're ready to conquer the World.
We choose to walk 99.9% of the time, visiting once a week or so. I agree with you OP. My family is seasoned and we can handle the walking, the average family that visits MK and spends the whole day there.... that walk could really add up.

And unlike the OP, we choose the go late... usually arriving at 7pm and there's always trams running. Wonder if this is another way to push preferred parking? I've noticed that the preferred lot has been pretty empty lately.
Hm. On one hand, I completely understand the concern over danger. They should have a safely marked route at very least.

On the other hand, other events and theme parks don't offer trams anyway, and I honestly think that for the people that would actually be a hardship for, they are either not going to Disney or they travel with their own strollers/walkers/ECV. Maybe it's not a 5 minute walk, but really, 10 minute walk is not much even in Florida heat. And yeah, I travel frequently with people who need assistance. Either they bring an ECV or they won't last an hour in the parks.

Even in the case of danger, I'm not sure I buy your entire argument. You mentioned a path so that indicates that there is a pedestrian route. Adults have to cross driveways and streets on their own everywhere else. And if your kid has no sense of vehicle danger, you should absolutely not be letting the kid run loose. I understand accidents happen, but I can't remember a single incident as a kid that my parents didn't have us firmly in hand in parking lots and at crossings. I see people let their toddler walk away from them in a parking lot all of the time and that just scares the crap out of me. I'd be heisitant to do that even in the PARKS because of the ECVs, crowds, and strollers. All of my close calls at Disney have been with strollers.
I have a family member who uses a scooter, she rents one from offsite so she still has it in the parking lot. So don't accuse me of being flippant. And small children are likely in a pushchair, again which you would have already, right?
Actually, it seems the correct term old have been ignorant. No one can be so self-involved that it wouldn't automatically occur to you that not everyone has the same situation as YOU. Obviously it seems YOU don't have a need/want for the tram, but there are MANY other ppl. who do (pretty simple thought process that not everyone brings their own scooter or stroller -hence the ridiculous amount of money Disney makes off their renters.)
Did you ask to park in a lot serviced by trams? I was in a walking boot for two trips last year and would have done so. I wouldn't have minded moving my car to achieve that since I had a real need. I would not ask Disney to change their trams to accommodate my needs since there were options available. Disney could avoid confusion with a sign indicating the lack of tram service there.
Did you ask to park in a lot serviced by trams? I was in a walking boot for two trips last year and would have done so. I wouldn't have minded moving my car to achieve that since I had a real need. I would not ask Disney to change their trams to accommodate my needs since there were options available. Disney could avoid confusion with a sign indicating the lack of tram service there.
From the OP's post, it doesn't seem like Disney was even admitting the issue to guests......just telling people "not to wait" instead of saying there would not be a tram (if that's that case).
I can see the walk TO the park during daylight hours not being a huge deal for our party (which, on any given trip, can include toddlers through seniors), but I can imagine an extra half mile through a dark parking lot, could be an issue for us on the way back FROM the park, when everyone is hot, tired, and just done.

And I agree that, for those who rely on stroller/wheelchair rentals at the park, this could pose a major issue if it becomes the new standard.


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