TR: And now for something completely different - a WDW Family did DLR *(new - 4/15: HK Disneyland)*

Love the pics inside Mickey's House and of course with Mickey himself!

Being so close to the hotel and not having to rely on a bus or anything is a really great plus side of Disneyland.

What a cool Frozen backdrop- never saw that!

Your HM photos came out so great, love all of Peter's faces!

Aw man, sad that you're time in Disneyland has come to an end :( Can't wait to hear about the rest of the day.
I haven't commented in a while, so let me see if I can catch up...
I agree about Olivia's decision to not ride Space. We watched a Youtube video of the ghost overlay and it is a bit scary, for even me! Too bad the Star Wars overlay wasn't up yet! We really enjoyed the plain ride with no overlay, it is so superior to WDW, there isn't even a comparison IMO.

Love your commentary on Pirates and IASW, as you know from my TR I agree completely! Pirates is so much more immersive and just plain better at DL and the addition of characters into IASW is so tastefully done!

I want to see the Haunted Mansion overlay so badly, it looks really cool!

I am really enjoying your TR, it is amazing to see just how much we missed at DL when we were there. We never even found Toon Town!
I really never realized that about meeting Mickey there. Both times we have done it, we have gone right as Toontown was opening and met him in his regular magician outfit.

That gif of Emma poking the camera is the CUTEST EVER.

Love the HM magic photos. Peter looks like he was totally into it!

So sad leaving DL for the last time. I think for me it's because when I leave there, I never know if and when I'll be back to visit again!

So I must admit then when I was reading other people's TR's in preparation for this trip and what other information I found I was only aware of Mickey meeting in the barn in the 3 different outfits - but obviously you had different experience and I think I recall you meeting him inside the house itself. Perhaps that is just first thing in the morning or when crowds are lower, etc. and the back is only later in the day? I know Dugette said she had the same experience you did so obviously something that happens.

Thanks! as a heads up that bit also makes it into the video (I have a whole section devoted to Emma)

It was cool b/c we didn't realize until we looked a the pictures how good a job Peter did with the HM photos!

Same here - this could be our only trip or certainly last one for a while so definitely sad to leave that last time - though we knew we had a lot of plans at DCA coming up, so that helped

I read this as Bartender Mickey and was like :scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::scared1::drinking1

That would be cool! Heck, with the low crowds at the Skipper Canteen they should just say "screw it" and start offering alcoholic drinks there and just have Mickey as the bartender while they are at it ;)

I feel quite behind!

That's great that you got to ride HM and Pirates with short waits. The boys flat out refuse to ride HM but I'm hoping they change their minds before May!

I love the DL version of Small World - very cool how they have worked characters into the theme!

Toontown looks like a kids paradise! Lots of fun play spaces and great character meets!

I am glad it worked out - I was worried by the waits we were seeing at other times and getting on the HM with the Nightmare Before Christmas overlay and Pirates were two "must-dos" for us

Toon Town is pretty cool. Not a ton of rides but a lot of neat areas for the kids to explore ... definitely a lot better than the version they used to have at WDW
Oh, wow! We didn't have to wait long at all for Mickey, but Minnie was longer than we liked (but much shorter than that 45!)

Hmmmm, he was in his tux for us. Didn't realize it varied.

Yep, I made a couple runs back to the room too. SO glad to stay so close!

Love that! Wish I'd known it was there.

:scared: Sounds ominous!

We never got to toon town that early so perhaps the waits were better then - and definitely was shorter for Mickey than Minnie. KHertz said she had Micky just in normal Tux as well so wonder if it depends on what time you go? Her meeting with him was just in the house as well, not in the back like we had.

Definitely is nice how close things are for when you need to go back to the hotel room - or just knowing you could was nice!

We wound up doing a number of those 60th anniversary PP spots - the Hm was definitely a cool one! Coming up later Olivia and I did one for Grizzly Peak that turned our really well!

Yeah, definitely some low points coming up :guilty:

Wait! I'm not ready for your TR to be coming to an end! If I haven't said it before, I love the Gif aspect of your TRs. They add like a magical-Harry-Potter touch to your reports!

I wasn't ready for the trip to come to an end also :rotfl2: We do still have quite a bit to cover in the afternoon over at DCA though.

Thank you! Last TR I did a couple of them but I think I am getting better at it so now I am having a couple an update! I think they are fun!

That looks like a really fun meet with Bandleader Mickey! That's cool that there are 3 different options that he could be dressed as.

That video of Emma is way too cute.

I love the Haunted Mansion pictures - so fun! I'm glad that Peter was really into it, even if Olivia didn't want to participate.

I liked that they had the different outfit options (though in someways it would be nice to know ahead of time which one you were getting)

Thank you! Bunch of cute Emma stuff included in the full trip video I am working on :thumbsup2

I am glad Peter was in to the HM pictures. I was pretty annoyed at Olivia at the time, but it is what it is - and she did another of those types of photos later that day with me over at DCA so it worked out in the end
Love the pics inside Mickey's House and of course with Mickey himself!

Being so close to the hotel and not having to rely on a bus or anything is a really great plus side of Disneyland.

What a cool Frozen backdrop- never saw that!

Your HM photos came out so great, love all of Peter's faces!

Aw man, sad that you're time in Disneyland has come to an end :( Can't wait to hear about the rest of the day.

Thank you! It is a cute area and glad that we got a Mickey version we hadn't met before

Definitely not needing to rely on Disney buses is a huge plus of the set up at Disneyland!

The Frozen backdrop seemed kinda random - not really promotion for it or anything ... but was a good distraction

Thanks! I loved how into it Peter got - and was a fun surprise when we saw the pictures as we had no idea what we was doing while we were taking the pictures

I know - the time went really fast ... though still have a very full afternoon at DCA coming up!

I haven't commented in a while, so let me see if I can catch up...
I agree about Olivia's decision to not ride Space. We watched a Youtube video of the ghost overlay and it is a bit scary, for even me! Too bad the Star Wars overlay wasn't up yet! We really enjoyed the plain ride with no overlay, it is so superior to WDW, there isn't even a comparison IMO.

Love your commentary on Pirates and IASW, as you know from my TR I agree completely! Pirates is so much more immersive and just plain better at DL and the addition of characters into IASW is so tastefully done!

I want to see the Haunted Mansion overlay so badly, it looks really cool!

I am really enjoying your TR, it is amazing to see just how much we missed at DL when we were there. We never even found Toon Town!

I definitely wanted to ride Space there anyway, but having the overlay was a bonus! Do wish I could have ridden Hyperspace Mountain though. Oh well.

Yup - I echo your comments exactly about Pirates and IASW

I was super excited we got to see the HM overlay - I was really impressed with it!

I do feel like we didn't get to everything we wanted during our 3 full days there - I thought we would have plenty of time but definitely wished we had at least 1 more day. Oh well, reason to go back some day! ;)
(do kids even know what a film strip is anymore?)
I can't even tell you when the last time was that I saw one!

Mickey can be in one of 3 outfits when you meet him here: Sorcerer Mickey, Bandleader Mickey, and Steamboat Willie Mickey.
I'm starting to think that Steamboat Willie is just a myth...

We then met up with Alicia and her family and I guess we figured we had enough pictures so no photographic evidence of this meet. But it was good to see them again and say goodbye - we also wanted to say Happy Birthday to her son and give them a little something for the son-to-arrive new member of their family.
So you waited on Judi to leave so you could meet up with Alicia, huh? :rolleyes1 I'm glad you guys were able to meet up once again!

On our way out I wanted to make sure I stopped and got a photo near Walt's apartment with the light on:
Great picture! I wish I'd have done one like this as well.

and then we exited the park for the last time - our time at Disneyland proper had come to an end. While the crowds were a bit much at times we really did love the charm of the park and udnerstand why people love it so much.
::yes:: It really is does feel different there compared to WDW. I really hope we can find a reason to make it back out there again.

But our trip wasn't over yet as we had an afternoon and evening planned at California Adventure - and with it some trip drama since clearly things were going just too smoothly up to that point!
Oh no...
I'm back on the DIS and all caught up!! Not going to go into too much detail here since I missed so much but I did read through it all. Your trip sounds like it was amazing! Random, but why did you guys rider swap buzz? I don't remember there being a height requirement? Your souvenier drink cups from Trader Sams - I would have liked to see that bill LOL!! Although I'm assuming none cost the $50 drink that Lynda and I had (accidentally). Fun DIS meet ups and so cool seeing Olivia get to ride all the bigger rides (again since she had been on them at WDW). LOVE BTMRR at DL too!! I also love the bugs land area at DCA for the kids. I look forward to revisiting DL sometime soon. watched the 60th special last night and so I especially loved reading all this today!
I can't even tell you when the last time was that I saw one!

I'm starting to think that Steamboat Willie is just a myth...

So you waited on Judi to leave so you could meet up with Alicia, huh? :rolleyes1 I'm glad you guys were able to meet up once again!

Great picture! I wish I'd have done one like this as well.

::yes:: It really is does feel different there compared to WDW. I really hope we can find a reason to make it back out there again.

Oh no...

Just was wondering if my kids even realize the gag with the film strip going on. It's like how in Microsoft Office the "save" icon looks like a floppy disk even though kids today have no idea what a floppy disk is

I did see Steamboat Willie in one TR so he must exist, but not sure. Granted I used to feel the same about the Cowboy Scene on Great Movie Ride and then we got it our last trip

Yeah, I realized that probably looked bad even as I typed it out.

Thanks! A big part of this trip was the history and connection to Walt so getting that picture was a priority to me

Well, I mean, things were going too smoothly. Don't worry, we all survived intact ... well, mostly ;)

I'm back on the DIS and all caught up!! Not going to go into too much detail here since I missed so much but I did read through it all. Your trip sounds like it was amazing! Random, but why did you guys rider swap buzz? I don't remember there being a height requirement? Your souvenier drink cups from Trader Sams - I would have liked to see that bill LOL!! Although I'm assuming none cost the $50 drink that Lynda and I had (accidentally). Fun DIS meet ups and so cool seeing Olivia get to ride all the bigger rides (again since she had been on them at WDW). LOVE BTMRR at DL too!! I also love the bugs land area at DCA for the kids. I look forward to revisiting DL sometime soon. watched the 60th special last night and so I especially loved reading all this today!

Welcome back! We definitely had a great trip - other than the crowds which I just wasn't expecting and I think reduced the time and ability to take in all the details, etc. - just was a bit more stressful than I had hoped. But still really good!

Pretty sure Emma was sleeping in the stroller when we went on Buzz so that is why we had to go in shifts.

I must say the bill at Trader Sam's wasn't as bad as I was expecting. While not cheap, considering the alcohol level and the quality of the mugs, the prices weren't too bad (pretty sure they are more expensive at the TS in WDW). Actually I just checked and the entire bill including tip was $162.26 - so not bad all things considered

We just watched the 60th special as well. I liked it, though felt it was a bit of a "celebration of Disney featuring a bit on Disneyland's 60th" - I would have preferred more detail on the park and the history, etc. - but still really enjoyed it
Sorry to see your time at Disneyland come to an end, but looking forward to reading about your afternoon at California Adventure. Another great set of photos and gifs. Love the one with Peter and Mickey playing peek-a-boo. Dole Whips for the win. The Haunted Mansion photo opp is awesome! (It wasn't available when we visited last summer.) And I love that you ended with the photo of the light in Walt's apartment. Very cool!
Sorry to see your time at Disneyland come to an end, but looking forward to reading about your afternoon at California Adventure. Another great set of photos and gifs. Love the one with Peter and Mickey playing peek-a-boo. Dole Whips for the win. The Haunted Mansion photo opp is awesome! (It wasn't available when we visited last summer.) And I love that you ended with the photo of the light in Walt's apartment. Very cool!

thanks Matt! It was sad to leave for the last time - especially considering who knows if/when we will get back, but having things to get to over at California Adventure definitely helped a bit

I was very glad with how the HM photopass pics turned out!

Definitely needed a pic with Walt's apartment. Actually seeing the inside of it and focusing on that lamp was one of the highlights of the recent 60th annivesary special that was on TV last Sunday
The pictures are great, so sad that the recounting is almost at an end. But that means it's just time to start the next PTR, right??

So, the Haunted Mansion pics were special for the 60th? They were really cool. Peter did great!
The pictures are great, so sad that the recounting is almost at an end. But that means it's just time to start the next PTR, right??

So, the Haunted Mansion pics were special for the 60th? They were really cool. Peter did great!

Thank you! Not sure if I will do an official PTR - but definitely have a lot of the planning down for the July trip!

Those photo opportunities, like the HM one were definitely for the 60th, though not sure if they will keep them (or something similar) beyond the 60th. I thought they were pretty neat and I was pleasantly surprised at how well Peter did!
Chapter 42 - Disneyland - Part 23
October 18th
A messy lunch experience

While our time in Disneyland proper was done we still had quite a bit planned for this afternoon - actually it was probably the part of our trip with the most events scheduled, but first we had to make the long, arduous journey to California Adventure by ... well, just simply walking across the esplanade:


(definite resemblance to the entrance to MGM, er, Disney Hollywood Studios, though obviously with Tower of Terror visible)

For lunch we would be dining with princesses at Ariel's Grotto. When planning this I figured one princess meal would be good with having two young girls and the lunch menu actually looked pretty good - so it made the cut. I headed there via Grizzly River Run to pick up fastpasses for riding that after lunch and would meet everyone else at Ariel's Grotto. I actually wound up getting there first and checked us in and got our pager.

Unfortunately the reason I got there faster is that on the way over Emma started to spit up - quite a bit. So we had a bit of a mess to deal with for her and for the stroller. So We dealt with as much of it as we could and then Judi took Olivia and Emma to the bathrooms (which were on the lower level) to finish cleaning her up and changing the girls into their Ariel related outfits and Peter went too (not wanting to be left out) while I waited for our pager to go off. The set-up here is that you check in on the ground floor where you come in but then when they call your name you go down the stairs "into the grotto/under the sea" for the actual meal which puts you pretty close to water level opposite the pier.

When our name was called I got in-line (which was on the stairs) to get your picture with Ariel and we waited while Judi was finishing up with the girls.. I actually had to let a few groups go ahead of us while we waited but then we were all good to go - and got this picture (they had a photopass photographer there):


Were were then led to our table which was a nice sized booth fairly close to the entrance with a good view of the room.

I started with a beer (believe it was the Red Trolly Ale) and Judi had a glass of white wine (I believe it as a Savignon Blanc) - I think she needed that after dealing with everything. The kids (Peter and Olivia) got chocolate milk. We decided not to get Emma anything due to have just spat up.

We then put in our orders in and they brought out the bread - which was a pretty cool arrangement of pull-apart rolls - as well as the kids appetizers which were carrots and cucumbers with ranch dipping sauce:

They also gave the kids paper crowns and stickers to decorate said crowns - which was a nice activity / distraction for the kids:

The adults had a choice of soup or salad. I went for the soup which was like a seafood cream soup with bacon and was very good and Judi went for the salad which she also enjoyed - it was nice that it was more than just basic greens:

Shortly after this a squire or some sort of royal party related person announced that the princesses would start to arrive and would announce each one as they entered the room (we were more towards the end of their rotation so got to see them coming). He also sang a song later. It was ok - nice that they try to make it more special, but also a little awkward to try and eat while he was singing.

It was also around this time that Emma started spitting up again - so lots more fun (and you will notice later that Judi had to change her shirt, fortunately she had a change with her). So we were dealing with this as they brought the entrees and the princesses started coming by ... so not our finest moment.

I will say that we enjoyed our food quite a bit and for a character/princess meal probably some of the best food we have ever had.

Peter got the: Whozits and Whatzits Fries and Nuggetz (Chicken Nuggets and French Fries served with fresh Fruit, Vegetables and an indvidual Dessert) and Olivia got the Ursula’s Octo-Dog (served atop Macaroni & Cheese with fresh Fruit, Vegetables and an individual Dessert). These were both better than your typical version and nice pieces of chicken and clearly not mac-n-cheese from a box. Also it was nice that there was a good amount of fruit and some cauliflower as well.

Judi got the fish of the day which was a macadamia crusted mahi with a fruit salsa. This was cooked quite well and she was happy with it (though probably unable to enjoy it as much as she would have liked). I went for the Lobster Tail Salad (Mixed Greens, Hickory-smoked Bacon, Avocado, Tomato, Quail Egg, and your choice of Point Reyes Blue Cheese Dressing of House Vinaigrette) - this was really a good salad and nice that it came with the lobster tail full rather than just bits of Lobster:

The princesses also started to come by - which also was a bit awkward with having to deal with Emma and all the mess that way - so we just kept Peter and Olivia out the other side for photos. Interaction was pretty good but obviously not the best example with the other issues going on:


Desserts were min-samplers for everyone with the adults having a s'mores type bar, some creme brulee, and a chocolate covered strawberry, the kids a jello cupcake, a cookie, and a chocolate covered strawberry. Everything was pretty good (especially the s'mores bar), though I think we were at the point of just being over lunch and wanting to get Emma out of there and hopefully nap.

So, it is a bit hard to give a proper review to Ariel's Grotto given the circumstances but overall I think we really liked it. The food was definitely above average for a character meal and the setting was nice. The announcement for the princesses was a nice touch too. I think the photo op with Ariel wasn't as nice as we had at say Cinderella's royal table or Akershus (it was just kinda tucked under the stairs) and definitely not the best friend of Ariel we ever had. But I would definitely do it again, largely based on the food.

Coming up next - some rides, more photopass pictures ... and a trip to the nurses office
Chapter 43 - Disneyland - Part 24
October 18th
Ride the rapids and climb some rocks

After lunch our fastpasses for Grizzly River Run were coming due so I first went with Olivia to ride that while Judi stayed with Peter and Emma and tried to get them both to nap (mixed success but Emma did go down for a bit).


Kali River Rapids is one of Olivia's favorites rides at WDW so getting on Grizzly River Run was definitely a priority. We definitely enjoyed it and a lot of fun water effects - though felt like there wasn't much of a finale and it kinda just ended. We were seated with a family who mostly didn't speak English - but that didn't stop Olivia from chatting them up the entire time which I think they found amusing

On the way back to meet up with Judi we passed another one of the special 60th Anniversary Photopass cutouts and it had no line so Olivia and I got some done - which I was glad about since she didn't participate in the HM ones. As always, lots of fun poses:

Normal/haven't realized yet we are in a wolf's mouth:

Excited to be at the top of a peak / still not aware inside a wolf's mouth:

Finally realizing we are inside a wofl's mouth and worries about what this means:

Now full of drama / whoa is us!

And lastly cowering as the wolf is starting to close his mouth:

When we got back, Emma was sleeping so Judi took Olivia to ride Grizzly River Run again and I strolled around with the other kids and eventually met her on a bench near the Redwood Creek Challenge Trail. At some point one of us apparently got a cupcake as well:

Judi then took Peter and Olivia on the Challenge Trail while I stayed with sleeping Emma. They had quite a bit of fun doing the trail - goo way to burn off some steam but also a bit more interesting than just a playground.


Our plan now was to pick up a drink on our way to spending more time in Cars Land before dinner ... but had a slight hiccup in that plan

Chapter 44 - Disneyland - Part 25
October 18th
A trip to the nurse's office

We wanted to spend some more time in Cars Land and let Peter ride on Mater's Junkyard Jamboree - so we headed that way. We passed by the Sonoma Terrace and decided to stop for a drink first. Menu:

I got a Pranqster while Judi got a Snap Dragon. Both were quite good - and hit the spot on a hot day:

Now, I think I mentioned that the stroller we had was a double but with a glide board in the back for a third child to stand on while we pushed the stroller. But neither Peter nor Olivia wanted to do that so we had Peter sit in front of Emma on one of the seats. This was, um, not a great idea.

Before we knew it Peter was screaming to high-heaven. We thought he was just being cranky but then we realized his finger had gotten caught in one of the stroller wheels or something down below the seat - to the point that it actually had a cut and he was just consolable. We figured we better be safe and go to the nurses office, so off we went. Fortunately there was no wait (though I felt somewhat awkward bringing my beer into the nurses office, but wasn't sure what else to do as we had just gotten the drinks).

They were really nice and got Peter calmed down and they checked out his finger and put a bandage on it. They also gave him some special stickers with Mickey on them saying he was a brave patient.

After that we re-loaded the stroller (but made Olivia ride on the glide bar) and went back towards Cars Land. Peter fell asleep on the way (I think he needed it - I think both he and Emma were a bit worn-out by this point, especially with the heat - it was in the 90s our entire trip)

We hadn't gotten any photopass pictures yet and Olivia wasn't really up for it but she was ok if Judi and I did some, so we had another fun photosession:

Giving a thumbs up:

very un-cool married couple trying to act cool:

And then Judi was pretending to drive and apparently this idea scared me:

Peter and Emma were still sleeping so Judi to Olivia to go on Mater's Junkyard Jamboree and to get a rider swap for later (the line was about 45 mins)

While she did I watched as Mater left the meet & greet area:

that I went to get a snack - had to try the cheddar bacon popcorn - and a collectible cup that is pretty cool but you could only get soda in it which we don't really drink:

We then went over and I got to see some of the show that they put on with DJ and the waitresses from Flo's that was pretty cute.

Then I went into the store there just to wander around and eventually Judi and Olivia met me there. I liked the model they had set up of Cars Land:

At this point it was time to head over to where we were having dinner and figured we would get Peter on Mater's Junkyard Jamboree later as he was still asleep

I'm sorry lunch was so hectic :( But I'm glad the food was good, and the princess picture did come out really nice! Nice to see Tiana at the meal!

Love those PP shots of just you and Olivia, they came out so cute!

Sorry to hear Peter had a little medical emergency, but glad you were able to take care of it easily.

Those PP pics of you and Judi are GREAT! You guys are such a fun (and cool ;)) couple.

Never seen that little show in CarsLand..very cool.
Aw wow - lunch sure was hectic! Poor Emma and you guys. I hope she felt better after a nap? I love the redwook creek area, were you not able to go in bc of a sleeping emma? it has a really fun ropes area that I enjoyed doing with Aria. Love the photopass pics!! Poor peter and his finger but glad it was just a little cut and nothing worse.

I laughed at your soda comment. I am not a huge soda fan - I drink water and wine ;) DH however does enjoy soda, but you just made me laugh with your comment.
WOW am i behind! i think i am all caught up for now.....

Love the pics of the parade, Looks like a good one overall!

So happy the princess interactions were pretty good, i love a good meet, it can really add something to a day!:thumbsup2

LOVE the Smee Shirt!

I am a little bummed that the train will be closed for our visit....
[GALLERY=][/GALLERY]So happy you most of you got to ride in the front of the monorail! :cheer2: I remember ridding in the front of the monorail at WDW when i was little, I may see if we can do it in DL, as i really loved that as a kid... and who knows how long they will allow it in DL.

Strollers moving that far is a little annoying, but at least it all worked out no problem!

LOVE Emma's outfit on the last park day! I also love its a small world, and I am very excited to ride it in DL, and look for characters!

Dole Whip! YUM!

UGH! So sorry about the rough start to DCA, Poor Emma, but i will say the food looked very good at this meal....

Poor Peter, injurys are never fun, especially at the happiest place on earth... ok the place next to the happiest on earth, but you get the idea...

I love the PP pics of you and Judi! So fun, nice to get some kidless pics sometimes!

And i am allll caught up!
Looks like you had a great trip! I'm trying to decide on where we want to eat when we go to disneyland this spring. I think it is almost my ADR window. We deiced there will be no more snow so I think DH is looking at plane tickets. Girls still have no clue
That's too bad that your lunch was less than relaxing. Than again, how "relaxing" is any character meal at Disney!? I hope Emma's upset stomach was short lived.

The food looks really good at Ariel's Grotto. Was the price closer to Akershus than CRT?

Of course you had to bring your beer into the nurses office. You can't waste a perfectly good beer!

Those photo pass pics with Olivia and Judi are really cute.


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