Top 3 worst attractions at MK

Tomorrowland Speedway – put something new in the space.
Swiss Family Treehouse
Tom Sawyer Island

Hall of Presidents is a must do every trip, Stitch too (but my family hates it).
Speedway, Small World (SO LONG), Hall of Presidents (I guess, been to Disney multiple times and never been)_
So glad to see a few others have mentioned my least favorite - Carousel of Progress. For some reason one of my DDs liked this and we had to do it for her. Last time it got stuck on the same scene, after seeing it 3 times we had to just leave.

Not really a fan of Stitch either, or the Treehouse (but same DD liked that one too!)

I like Small World and Tiki Room, and will do the Speedway if I hit it with no line. Also enjoy Tom Sawyer Island.
1. It's a Small World - went on this in 1976 in Disneyland and I'm still traumatised from it.

2. Stitch. Never actually been on this. We went on it twice when it was Alien Encounter and I thought it was great. I hated that they changed it to something tame. The scariest attraction I've ever been on. It was like actually being in the middle of, and part of, a scary alien movie (I love these kinds of movies). The second time we went on it and we knew what to expect, there were two gentlemen with two young kids. Girl was about 10-12 and the boy was about 8-10. Just at the point when the alien breaks out of the container and the lights go off, one of the men yelled "take the little ones first". The place totally erupted into hysterical laughter. I've never forgotten that. DH and I still laugh about it today. And then they replaced it with Stitch. Ugh.

3. Hall of the Presidents. Went into this in Disneyland in '76. I thought the animatronics were pretty cool but the content was dull for me especially being Canadian (and 12 years old). I've no desire to repeat the experience.

We actually do Tomorrowland Speedway every trip usually late at night after dark. We alternate who drives every trip along with left versus right hand drive. The primary goal is to ridicule the skill of the driver to try and make them do worse. When those things hit the bar in the middle of the track, the car bounces around madly and it's hard to regain control so it's imperative to try to distract the driver so that they hit it, then laugh at their terrible response (even funnier when you do right hand drive) knowing that you're in for similar treatment next time. We think it's hysterical. We usually do it on MVMCP night after the fireworks because it's not busy - I wouldn't wait a long time in line to do it.
1. Stitch - the ride that proves that great animatronics can't make up for a terrible ride. It's even worse because it replaced the awesome Alien Encounter.

2. Buzz Lightyear - I know I'm alone on this one...but I have no idea where I'm aiming so I don't enjoy it. Toy Story Mania has made this feel outdated...

3. Stitch. it's that bad.
We actually do Tomorrowland Speedway every trip usually late at night after dark. We alternate who drives every trip along with left versus right hand drive. The primary goal is to ridicule the skill of the driver to try and make them do worse. When those things hit the bar in the middle of the track, the car bounces around madly and it's hard to regain control so it's imperative to try to distract the driver so that they hit it, then laugh at their terrible response (even funnier when you do right hand drive) knowing that you're in for similar treatment next time. We think it's hysterical. We usually do it on MVMCP night after the fireworks because it's not busy - I wouldn't wait a long time in line to do it.

Okay, you actually made me want to ride this next time. This is definitely something we would find entertaining.
Okay, you actually made me want to ride this next time. This is definitely something we would find entertaining.

Take my advice and bring along a video camera. I recorded it once when DH was driving and the resulting movie was so shaky half from his terrible driving and half from m laughing my head off as I kept up the insults and back seat driving suggestions. A guy and his kid were in the car ahead of us and it wasn't moving and they were waiting for someone to come and help. DH kept giving him suggestions and advice like it was a real car, offering to change his tire, give him a push, call AAA, and suggesting he check his fluid levels, until someone came and got it moving again. By the end of the ride, tears were streaming down my face I laughed so much. The CMs must have thought we were insane. The next year it was my turn again and I wasn't paying attention when DH directed me to the other side where we got a right hand drive car as payback and then proceeded to give me the wrong steering instructions in an effort to make my driving worse.
Take my advice and bring along a video camera. I recorded it once when DH was driving and the resulting movie was so shaky half from his terrible driving and half from m laughing my head off as I kept up the insults and back seat driving suggestions. A guy and his kid were in the car ahead of us and it wasn't moving and they were waiting for someone to come and help. DH kept giving him suggestions and advice like it was a real car, offering to change his tire, give him a push, call AAA, and suggesting he check his fluid levels, until someone came and got it moving again. By the end of the ride, tears were streaming down my face I laughed so much. The CMs must have thought we were insane. The next year it was my turn again and I wasn't paying attention when DH directed me to the other side where we got a right hand drive car as payback and then proceeded to give me the wrong steering instructions in an effort to make my driving worse.

We'll definitely need to record this. You've breathed new life into an attraction I'd written off long ago.
According to my daughter

1. Small World - she hates the song
2. Jungle Cruise
3. Monsters Inc.

According to my Husband

2. Lines
3. Monsters Inc.

And mine

1. Monsters Inc.
2. Tomorrowland Speedway
3. Enchanted Tales with Belle
Because it isn't worth experiencing. Is that a rhetorical question?

Actually, it's circular reasoning. :rolleyes:

I think what folks (myself included) are wondering, is how do you know it's not worth experiencing unless you've experienced it? What is the basis for that judgment call?
Haha stitch of course and I'd have to agree with the people saying tomorrowland speedway
Swiss Family Treehouse, Country Bear Jamboree, Tomorrowland Speedway- really should have said TOP 4- then I could have added Carousel of Progress
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So glad to see a few others have mentioned my least favorite - Carousel of Progress. For some reason one of my DDs liked this and we had to do it for her. Last time it got stuck on the same scene, after seeing it 3 times we had to just leave.
Congratulations, you have reached a very high level of "if you ain't part of the solution, you are part of the problem" syndrome. It is quite possible that the reason why the ride had stopped is because someone(s) before you decided that they were the only ones that mattered and got up and left, causing the ride to stop (safety feature), causing a time required to restart the ride, and therefore making you see the same thing 3 times. Your lack of patience may have stopped the sequence and made others see the same scene even more times. Plus you put yourself and your family at a very high risk of injury by leaving in the wrong location. (remember this is a moving building) but, I guess you showed them.
The only ride I cant stand is Astro Orbitor. It like a bathtub in the sky... boring :bored: I remember trying to get into that thing wearing lederhosen at MNSSHP. Suede leather shorts are not very forgiving! :o
It's so funny that everyone is saying Stitch's Great Escape. I've never done it nor Alien Encounter and I just heard that it's going to be open next week. I'm making a special trip just so that I can do it before it disappears forever.

Who knows, my expectations are so low I might actually like it lol.
1. Stitch - the ride that proves that great animatronics can't make up for a terrible ride. It's even worse because it replaced the awesome Alien Encounter.

2. Buzz Lightyear - I know I'm alone on this one...but I have no idea where I'm aiming so I don't enjoy it. Toy Story Mania has made this feel outdated...

3. Stitch. it's that bad.

i agree with your first and third!! :)

for my number two i'll go with swiss family treehouse...

as for buzz, i enjoy it, but i will admit i preferred the attractions it replaced...(seems to be a disney theme)


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