*~*Tomorrow I Shall Eat Air *~* Disney Fantasy Eastern Caribbean Halloween Cruise 9/7/19-9/14/19


DIS Veteran
Dec 13, 2007
*~*Tomorrow I Shall Eat Air*~*
A Disney Fantasy Eastern Caribbean Cruise Trip Report
September 7th to September 14th 2019

Hello and Welcome!!! It's been a long time since I last created a Disney Cruise Line Trip Report but that doesn't mean we haven't been cruising with the Mouse! Our latest 7 night Fantasy Cruise was so amazing that I absolutely HAD to share with you all! It was our 8th Disney Cruise, and our 9th is coming up on March 5, 2019 on the Disney Magic. That will be the Grand Slam for us as the Magic is the only ship we haven't sailed on. However, I'm most excited to tell you that we absolutely loved this itinerary soooo much that we will be repeating it on November 1, 2020 only this time it's on the Disney Dream right after Dry Dock! In the meantime, I plan on surviving the days in between Disney Cruises by reliving them with you all on the Disboards!

Sooooo, let's get this party started!

The stars of the show are always our daughters Zoe and Piper. For the most part, pics will be of them and all things Disney. I'm the one behind the camera (much to their joy) and besides...they are much younger and cuter than me. This cruise was Zoe's high school graduation present and she was 18 at the time of sailing. We originally planned on going over the summer but the difference in price was enough to convince me to pull my kids out of school/college once again....in the name of the mouse! Piper is now 16 so still too young for the adults only areas on the ships but our youngest is getting closer!

So here they are - Meet Piper (16, on the left) and Zoe (18, on the right). Like I said, cute right?


I'm not sure if I've mentioned this in previous trip reports, but I LOVEEEEEEEEEE holidays! Disney during Halloween is my absolute favorite. So when I started seriously looking for the cruise we were going to book, once I saw the much lower price on this cruise combined with the fact that it was a Halloween on the High Seas cruise, it was a no brainer! And, add in the fact that we could hit a Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party the night before our cruise???? YES PLEASE!!! Disney, take all my money!!

We went around and around in circles on where we were going to stay pre-cruise. Obviously on Disney property, but which hotel was the question. We have had annual passes for probably at least 10 years but after the last price hike I decided to skip them this year. So since we were only buying a Halloween Party ticket for our pre cruise stay, we decided we wanted a resort that we could really enjoy a relaxing pool day at prior to the party. We have stayed many, many times at almost every resort on property and Animal Kingdom Lodge is my all time favorite. However, my husband Andy was putting in his vote to stay somewhere we haven't stayed before. We finally settled on the Yacht Club as it is one of the few we haven't tried and hey, it's supposed to have the best pool on property right?

What we learned on this trip is that despite the cool location and nice pool, it just wasn't for us at all. I found myself really wishing for the AKL Jambo House with it's beautiful lobby, the animals, the gorgeous pool and the nightvision goggles for animal viewing. I know many people love the Yacht Club and this might not be a popular opinion but it felt very basic to us...and the food choices? Very, very limited unless you wanted to walk to the Boardwalk. But that's where I am going to start us on this report....let's take in the Yacht Club....

This was probably my favorite part about the room at the Yacht Club - this framed print with a nautical theme. I would love to have this at home....so cute! And it seemed like a fitting start to a Disney Cruise vacation!


I also gave the Yacht Club a few bonus points for the super cute Mickey Mouse lemon water in the lobby.


We were hungry so that is where we started our journey looking into the food options. We wandered around both the Yacht Club and the Beach Club. Beaches & Cream was closed for refurbishment so that was out. Our hunt for food did give me a good chance to take some pics around the resort area though.


We finally ended up settling on a meatball sub and a flatbread pizza at the Beach Club Marketplace. According to my receipt is was $55.83 for 3 subs, a cheese flatbread and 4 drinks. Let's just say none of us were impressed with any of it so we would end up heading over to the Boardwalk later.

The pool area - I did appreciate that in order to get into the pool area they scan your band and then give you a wrist band to wear to ensure it is only being used by resort guests. Our favorite part of the pool was the "lazy river" where you could float around on tubes and we spent the evening in the pool.






The night we arrived there was a beautiful, what I refer to as "Cotton Candy Sky". Our room did have a nice location that overlooked the pool area so we soaked that in from the balcony of our room. We decided to get dressed and do some more exploring. I'm at my photo limit for this post but stay tuned...I'll be right back!

First stop was at the Beach Club shop as I wanted to check out their Halloween Merchandise. I'll say it again Disney - take alllll my money! I was also in love with the rope Minnie and Mickey's in the shop - wish they were selling those! Even though it is a small shop they had lots of Halloween shirts, snacks, ears, backpacks, etc.



The rope Mickey mirror over the dresser was so awesome!



And last but not least these cute resort specific mugs. I really liked the Mickey one on the right but I was holding out for all of the Halloween merchandise plus souvenirs on the cruise.


After browsing as we planned on making our purchases the next day, we made our way to the Boardwalk. We first stopped at the Boardwalk Bakery and got a small snack but we were still hungry. So last minute we decided to head over to check out the wait time for the ESPN Cafe. We walked up and asked if they were accepting walk ups. They were but they said it would probably be about a 50 minute wait. We put our name on the list and then went to sit down at one of the outside tables to wait when we received the text that our table was ready. It was literally all of 1 to 2 minutes if that. OK!!! Let's goooooo!!!

The girls and I ended up splitting an order of 18 garlic parm wings and onion rings while Andy ordered the Angus burger and fries. It was way too much but it ended up being $50.06. Cheaper than the Beach Club and much better. It wasn't gourmet or anything, but it was definitely a much better choice than the meatball subs and flatbread we had for lunch at the Beach Club.




In hindsight we should have just walked over to the Boardwalk in the first place but because it was our first stay at the Yacht Club we really didn't know what to expect and for once I was willing to "wing it" and go without a reservation anywhere. By now we were super tired after the flight, swimming, and a lot of walking so we decided to call it a night. On our way back we watched one of the performers on the Boardwalk. This is one of my favorite things about the Boardwalk resort area.


Back to our home for the next 2 nights. Up next is our pool day, MNSSHP, and then the cruise!!!! If you're reading along I really want to thank you for joining in and hanging in there while we make our way to the Cruise. I'll keep our pre cruise posts pretty short and sweet as I know we are all here for the Mickey Boat and I have tons and tons of photos, videos, and information to share on our cruise and I can't wait to post it all!

*~*MNSSHP *~*

We spent a while in the pool before it was time to get ready to head over to the Magic Kingdom for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party. I had set up 3 fast passes prior to the party so I wanted to make sure we were there a little before 4pm so that we could be ready to go right in as soon as possible.


The girls humored me with a couple of pictures before we went in despite the fact that it was hot and the sun was shining right into their eyes. Somehow I managed to get a couple of pics with their eyes open. We decided ahead of time that we weren't going to dress up in costumes. They were both wearing their matching t-shirts, candy corn ears, and Halloween back packs we had picked up at the Beach Club shop.



We had to wait for a few minutes but finally it was time to get our wrist bands and enter the park. There's just something exciting about that moment when the party is about to start.



The first and most important fast pass was to see Celebration Minnie and Mickey. I knew they were leaving soon and I realllllly wanted a pic of the girls with them so we had to hustle right over to see them as our fast pass was ending right as we were entering the park. Luckily they have their meet and greet right inside the entrance to the Magic Kingdom so in no time we were through the fast pass turnstiles and the next ones in line to meet them.


It was so worth it! I just loved their outfits and was really glad we were able to make it in time to meet them.


To finish it off - a picture of just Minnie & Mickey in all of their cuteness.


After the meet and greet it was time for our next fast pass so we started our way down Main Street. I loved how they had the "This way to" sign on the car - so cute!


I was glad I wasn't one of the people exiting the park who these signs were for!


Our remaining fast passes were for Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and Splash Mountain. We wanted to get these all in before the party as honestly, since we have had annual passes for so long we've done every ride many times. I really like to spend my time at the Halloween parties watching both parades, the fireworks, the castle shows, etc. The girls usually do a lot more rides than I do during the parties.
The lamp posts were decorated for Halloween all along Main Street. We made our way to the Emporium to check out the Halloween goodies. I wanted it allllll.



Once we had spent a few minutes in the shop we circled back and went in the back way along the "this way to the MNSSHP" entrance as they were giving out the treat bags, little bags of candy, etc.



Next stop - 7DMT fast pass. Now, I know you're excited about these incredible photos I got from that ride.

Lean right everyone:


Lean left everyone:


Amazing right???!!!??? What can I say except, you're welcome!

However, since we're all in the Halloween spirit here I'll also leave you with this little beauty:


Ladies and Gentleman, I now present something you will probably never see again - a 35 minute wait for Peter Pan! We spotted this on our way to Pecos Bill to grab some dinner as I didn't want to waste any party time eating. I highly recommend if you only have a party ticket you take advantage of the early entry at 4pm so you can cross some things off your list of must do's before the actually party itself starts. That way you can concentrate on party specific activities once 7pm arrives. Our dinner at Peco's Bill ended up being $72.35 for nachos, 2 fajita platters, a cheeseburger and drinks.


Last but not least was our Splash Mountain fast pass. Not to brag or anything but I think I nailed this ride pic as well :rotfl::rotfl:


Next was my absolute FAVORITE part of the party. I had already planned out that before the party started I wanted to be in line for the Gravediggers from the MNSSHP parade. They are hands down the best part of the parade in my mind and I could NOT wait to see them at the meet and greet. When we arrived there were maybe 3 parties in front of us. It was absolutely perfect. I believe we got there about 6:40pm. I highly, highly recommend if you have a meet and greet your heart is set on you line up early. Yes, you will wait in line, but it won't be party time spent in line. We've done this in the past for Captain Jack, the Seven Dwarfs, Jack and Sally, etc. This time it was the Gravediggers we were after. Stay tuned for lots of fun with them!

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Right at the stroke of 7 for party time the Gravediggers came out. It was our turn within just a couple of minutes. They played the part perfectly and it was definitely worth the wait. We've waited for HOURS before parties for character meets such as Sally/Jack and the Seven Dwarfs but if you are able to get the opportunity to meet the Gravediggers I would definitely do it. Loved them!

Just to give you a little background - the Haunted Mansion has always been my all time favorite Disney ride. I've always been a HUGE fan of all things ghostly, mystery, crime, etc. I still have my original collection of Nancy Drew mystery stories from when I was a kid and I love ghost shows, true crime shows etc. If we aren't taking into account nostalgia, then Tower of Terror is my favorite Disney ride as far as fun and thrills go. But the Haunted Mansion will ALWAYS hold a very special place in my heart. When I learned about this meet and greet - it was my only "must do" at the party other than the parade and fireworks.

Here are a couple of videos of our interaction with them:

Also, just as a little side note, for this trip I decided to go it with just my iphone XS Max. I usually lug around my Canon DSLR and decided I just didn't feel like it. I was a little nervous about it - what if it was a bust? Would our trip memories be ruined? But I have to say it felt GREAT to not have all that extra weight to lug around and to make sure it was safe all the time during water activities etc. So hopefully the pics and video are good enough quality for the report and you are all able to feel like you were there with us! :)

They did not rush the interaction at ALL. There were lots of laughs and funny faces. Such a perfect, perfect start to the party.

First, they could obviously tell I was taking a video so one of them came right up into the phone:


Then lots of laughs, dragging shovels, and uncomfortable staring :rotfl::rotfl:The looks on the girls' faces were priceless.





And.....in a very rare appearance - all of us - we couldn't let the girls have ALL of the fun here now could we?


And, in a small diversion - I will add in the video from the Celebration Minnie and Mickey meet and greet - where the CM was SURE to point out the fact that "Dad who forgot to wear his matching shirt" was with us.

Shortly before we had gone to see the Gravediggers, I had received a text from our Happy Limo driver that would be taking us to the port the next morning. His name was Donald, so that was cool since Andy's favorite character is Donald. I had spent quite a bit of time researching how I was going to get to the port for this cruise. Rent a car? Hire a limo? Disney Cruise Line buses? Uber/Lyft? The issue I have with the buses from the resorts is that you don't know what time they are going to pick you up and I always try to get on the ship as SOON as possible as I like to spend as much time as possible enjoying the ship on day 1. The other issue is cost. I didn't feel like spending a ton of money on transfers. Well, I can honestly say this ended up being the BEST decision! It was $17 per person each way, so $68 one way. CHEAP! We had our own car and driver, he made a stop for us at the store on the way to the port, and the price was amazing! I will 100% be using this method of transportation every cruise! I'll have more on this transportation later!


Next up we said goodbye to the Gravediggers and decided to head back to the castle to take some pics before the sun went down.

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We made our way to the Castle front and I was able to take some cute pics of the girls. A trip to Disney really isn't a trip to Disney without a castle pic.



One of the CM's had the Halloween balloons out - they were really cute but I can never justify spending the money on them and with my luck it would probably fly up in the air within 5 minutes anyways but they are always fun to take pics of and look at!



Now, I may be cheap when it comes to balloons but Popcorn Buckets? Now you're talking my language. Andy just read me something from the internet yesterday where it was a meme talking about Disney popcorn bucket and the person was like - you already have an alien popcorn bucket and they other person said yeah but the alien isn't in pajamas! I'm pretty sure that could be me in the meme. Oh, you have an alien in a Christmas hat? Obviously now I need that! So can you guess which popcorn bucket below I picked?


I went for the Mickey Pumpkin one! Andy was highly disappointed I didn't pick the Oogie Boogie light up one but I was alllllll over Pumpkin Mickey!! They are the most ridiculously odd shaped pieces of plastic to put in a suitcase but don't you worry, that didn't stop me! Ohhhhh no it sure didn't! I'll cram it in somehow!

They were having a Monsters Inc. dance party over by Space Mountain so we stopped for a few minutes to watch the characters getting their groove on. You go Sully, Boo and Mike! After the dance party I decided to grab a spot curbside in the Hub in front of the castle with my popcorn bucket and wait for the parade. To my surprise, there was still a lot of space left and shockingly, the girls and Andy all joined me. Usually they would have been off riding rides but I guess we were all in a relaxed mood and happy to wait for the parade and fireworks. So next up is the Boo to You parade!
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Following along! Magic KINGDOM at Halloween is my favorite! I’m a Christmas gal, but I absolutely love the Halloween decorations at MK, maybe even more than Christmas!
Can’t wait to hear about Halloween on the High Seas!
We entertained ourselves while we waited by taking selfies. It got PACKED so I was glad we had decided to sit and wait.


The Boo To You parade at MNSSHP is hands down my very favorite of ANYTHING at Disney. If I had my choice over any ride, fireworks, experiences, parades, etc. This would be it. This. In all it's Halloween glory.










I'm at my photo limit so I'll continue this in the next post!
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Following along! Magic KINGDOM at Halloween is my favorite! I’m a Christmas gal, but I absolutely love the Halloween decorations at MK, maybe even more than Christmas!
Can’t wait to hear about Halloween on the High Seas!

:welcome: I am obsessed with Christmas, but Halloween at Disney is the ultimate to me! The cruise was amazing, can't wait to share it all!
After the parade ended we stayed put to watch the Sanderson Sisters Castle Show and also the Fireworks


Once they were finished we went over to the Haunted Mansion. It wouldn't feel like a Halloween Party without the Haunted Mansion and since this was our only Magic Kingdom day this trip there was no way we were skipping it. After the ride we decided to do a treat trail since we hadn't yet gotten any candy. At this later point in the night the CM's were surprised to see our empty bags and literally FILLED our bags. To.The.Top. So it was a one stop and done! Can't beat that!

We were all feeling pretty tired at this point which was surprising as we usually are running around until the very last minute of party time. However we found ourselves back on Main Street USA and it was just a little bit before the 2nd parade. There was still room left to sit on the curb so that is what we did and we watched the 2nd parade as well!

Helllllloooooo again!





Such a perfect night! But by now it was time to say goodbye to the Magic Kingdom and hello to the cruise! So back to the resort to get some sleep before our first day at Sea!


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I just binge read your report so far and maybe I missed it. I'm curious why you had the limo driver pick you up at the airport instead of your resort. We love happy limo.
Let's do this thing!

This is the happiest picture on the planet. The one where you had been stalking your countdown on the app for what seems like forever and then somehow, the day is finally here!


The one where the cruise ship is calling.....and you must answer!


We had an absolutely perfect, seamless ride to the port. We even made a detour because "someone" forgot their toothbrush so we had a quick stop at the store. If you are looking for an easy way to get to the port I would HIGHLY recommend a private transfer with Happy Limo!

We dropped our luggage off with porters curbside and said goodbye to our driver Donald after giving him a tip. I always make sure I bring a supply of $1's, $5's, $10's, and $20's when we go on a cruise. Even though the ship is a cashless system, there are many instances where we need tip money of which the porters and drivers are some of. Also we like to have $1's on hand for room service, extra $$ in the tip envelopes at the end of the cruise, excursion tips, etc. This trip I seemed to use more cash than normal so I actually ended up having to get cash out at the end of the cruise in order to have enough for the Happy Limo driver on the way back! Sooooo, lesson learned next time I'm going to split out some cash into envelopes so that I have things like this set aside and don't spend it all at the ports on "essentials". :drinking1

Before we knew it we were through into the port. Make sure you have your room number, cruise documents, and passports ready when you get to the port to smooth your entrance. Otherwise you'll be digging for everything you need in your purse or carry-on, etc.




If you are looking for a great spot to take a photo before you get on the ship I highly recommend you take a quick trip up the stairs right by the "Check-In" Mickey glove sign. It's not easy but you must find the strength to resist the urge to follow that sign inside for just a few minutes. Be strong people....be strong.


You can get a great view of the absolutely beautiful Disney Fantasy.


Plus this is the spot to get your perfect pre-sail away photo opp. You know the one....the one that you put on Facebook or whatever your favorite social media site is to rub it in to everyone that you're going on a Disney Cruise ship.


See? Perfect spot right?


Now that you've taken care of that important business it's official! You're ready to enter the Disney Cruise Line Terminal!!!! Now you can actually enter on the 2nd level which we have done before but we made our way back down to the ground level.

My understanding is that the cruise terminal 8 which DCL uses is undergoing refurbishment starting in June this year and will close for a few months. I am really, really hoping that it will re-open in time for our November 1, 2020 cruise. It might be wishful thinking, but it is supposed to be closed through October. And it makes me feel a tiny bit sad to think that we might not be able to board through the yellow Mickey ears in terminal 8, or to see the replica cruise ship, etc. It might seem a bit silly, but as we are bringing 2 first time cruisers with us, I really want them to be able to experience all of the magic and that is just a part of it to me. Obviously it doesn't impact the cruise itself but it starts it off in such a magical way to me. When we boarded a Disney cruise in Galveston on the Wonder, the cruise was amazing but the port was very generic and nothing special. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping for the best in this one! C'mon Mickey - make it happen!

Next up - let's get in the terminal and check in!

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I just binge read your report so far and maybe I missed it. I'm curious why you had the limo driver pick you up at the airport instead of your resort. We love happy limo.


Soooooo.....that is a GREAT question!!!!!!

And one I have a really ridiculous answer to! :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Don't be like me readers! Because when I first read about their pick up service for some reason I thought it was from the airport and not the resorts. Sooooo, like a crazy person I booked round trip pickup/dropoff from the airport! It wasn't until later I realized it was from the resorts as well! Because for $17, I had this vision of a shuttle picking up a mass of people in like a little hotel shuttle or something. Not our own "Donald". Not our own Donald who stopped a pit stop at Walgreens for us to get a toothbrush. Nooooo, I pictured something straight out of Chevy Chase's Vacation movie. But I thought hey, for $17, why not! :rotfl::rotfl: Sometimes, I live and learn. This was one of those times HAHAHAHHA!!!
This is my favorite escalator in the whole wide world. The one that means I'm about to get on the Mickey boat. The one where my vacation is just starting. I swear though I always feel like my whole family is running to the check in line. Slooooooooow down people! Don't they understand I need to soak it in? Take tons of pics and videos? Savor the moment? Apparently not! They're moving at the pace of a good 'ole Disney marathon! :rotfl: Like hello, there's a CM waving a Mickey glove at us. Can you say photo op? I can! :flower1::flower1: As far as I'm concerned, dang near anything Disney is a photo op in the making! As you might guess, that gets me a whole lotta eye rolls.

There was virtually no wait in the Castaway Club Check-in Line. If you have been on a Disney Cruise before there is a check in line for Castaway Club members. Honestly it wasn't very busy right now at the port and any line would have been fine. The wait was so short we had zero time to fill out the Health Questionnaire. If you haven't cruised Disney before, there is a short form you fill out at Check-In where you answer some questions like "does anyone in your party have a fever" type stuff.

We were called right up to line 21 where the fabulous Douglas was ready to check us in.




This is where you get everything done that you need to do prior to boarding the ship. You will have your picture taken, have your passports checked, and get your boarding group. You will also receive your Key to the World which will have your dining rotation, table number, etc. on it and your lanyards if you have cruised with Disney before. If you have cruised previously, you will be given either a silver, gold or platinum Castaway Club lanyard depending on what level of cruising you are currently at.

You will also receive your first Navigator of the cruise. I really love the paper navigators. They show you all of the cruise activities broken down by time schedule so you can see what is going on around the ship. You can also use the DCL app to find activities but there is just something great about the good 'ole paper navigators.


For dining we had the first seating which is nightly at 5:45 and we were at table 81. Our rotation was RAERAER. We will chat more on that later on. Going into this I was actually a bit apprehensive because our server that we have had several times on previous cruises was actually on holiday and not returning for his next contract until the next week AFTER our cruise. I was sad that we wouldn't see him, and was just keeping my fingers crossed that we would love our new servers just as much. To me, they really do make the cruise that much more special. Luckily I need not have worried, our new server friends were fabulous and we grew to love them over the coming week!


We were in boarding group 2. Andy wanted to know why I didn't get him group 1 :rotfl::rotfl:. Our room number was 10570 which was a Deluxe Family Verandah stateroom on Deck 10 midship. This is our absolute favorite location and we loved it so much that we have this exact room, plus the 2 rooms next to it, booked for the November 1, 2020 cruise. Previously we have had room 10550 which is the standard sized verandah but we really liked the bit of extra space in this room so we will be seeing more of it in the future! Woo hoo!!!


After we get checked in, no matter what, I have everyone head to the line for the Character meet. This is where you can meet one of the fab 5 decked out in their nautical finest and is my very favorite way to start the cruise. When we were checking in, Captain Mickey was meeting friends however by the time we got up there it was Pluto. Which was absolutely fine with us! How can you not love Pluto?? And we have had Captain Mickey in front of the ship replica before so this was a new one for us!

Oh Pluto, if you just aren't the absolute CUTEST ever! :love::love::love::love: I honestly can't even with him. So totes adorbs doing his little dances in this video!


Zoe and Piper gave him a big hug and he had lots of tail wags and hugs to share.


All in for the family photo


And then it was time to say goodbye to Pluto!


Next up....a little more Disney Cruise Terminal and then boarding the Disney Fantasy!
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By this time, we had done everything that we needed to do prior to boarding, but as boarding had not yet begun we had a little while to wait around the terminal.

If you haven't been in the Port Canaveral Disney Cruise Line Terminal - they have an amazing ship replica where you can actually see what it looks like inside of the ship. The detail on it is amazing! The other side of the ship shows what the outside looks like and is the backdrop for the character photos. You can see a little bit of Captain Mickey over the ship in the first photo.



Here's a little video of the model ship

As I was looking through the videos just now, I found this little video of Pluto waiting like a good boy to swap out with his pal Captain Mickey!

There is an area where you can step outside on the 2nd floor to see the ship. I am not 100% sure but it might be a smoking area. We decided to go outside and see what was happening with everything - a lot of times you can catch the crew members working hard to load luggage and supplies for the sailing. It's a great location to get a close up view of the Disney Fantasy.


Here's a little video out there as well:



After a few minutes we decided to go back inside. This is the downside to getting there early, you might have to wait a little until you board. I'm totally fine with it but just an fyi. In order to entertain ourselves, we then began pasting in a picture of my friend into our photos and sending them to her. We do this pretty much every vacation we go on as she always tells me to bring her with us. We put her on Disney rides, cruises, you name it. So....I present "Flat Kelly" (kinda like Flat Stanley....only it's Kelly) She was really having a great time this trip! :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:



After just a little bit more time, it was time for boarding groups 1 and 2 to begin boarding! Disney does a great job trying to organize people but this always seems to be the point of slight mass chaos. Once they begin boarding it always seems like everyone crowds around the area where you have to enter the queue to board. Like, someone could be in boarding group 25 but they're blocking the entrance with themselves and 26 rolling suitcases. Bless the CM's who have to deal with herding the masses! :rotfl:But you are officially on your Disney cruise when you see your boarding number on the sign!!! Wooo hoo for 1 and 2!!! According to my video timestamp it was 11:03am :


That means you get to walk through the Mickey Ears! This is what I will miss most if the terminal isn't back open in time for our November 1st cruise. It's just such a happy moment and what could be cuter?


You will want to keep your key to the world card handy when you go through the line as they will scan you as you enter the hallway to board so they have a record of you being on the ship.

Once you scan your key card there is a photo opp area where they have a ship background and can get your photo taken. We never stop there but many people do. I can barely get my posse to slow down for anything during boarding so that is always a no go for us! I like to pick my battles :goodvibes


Ok, I only had time for a quick little update to finish up the cruise terminal portion of the trip report. But next up will be Day 1 of the cruise!
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if you have a moment can you please do me a favor and comment to let me know if the pics in my report are showing up as a normal size for you? I pulled it up and they all looked tiny and I just want to make sure they’re viewable at a good size before I post new updates and that it isn’t microscopic lol!! thanks!! :flower1:
if you have a moment can you please do me a favor and comment to let me know if the pics in my report are showing up as a normal size for you? I pulled it up and they all looked tiny and I just want to make sure they’re viewable at a good size before I post new updates and that it isn’t microscopic lol!! thanks!! :flower1:

Honestly your trip report is very hard to read. I'm on a laptop and videos are not aligned on the page correctly and the font / text is hard to read.

If you are copying text from somewhere else, it might be helpful when you paste it here to highlight it and change the font from Times New Roman to Arial and to un bold it.

Also you should look at how you are uploading the videos and photos, as there is big gaps. Use the ATTACH FILES function instead of copying and pasting.

Sorry to be picky but you did ask :)
if you have a moment can you please do me a favor and comment to let me know if the pics in my report are showing up as a normal size for you? I pulled it up and they all looked tiny and I just want to make sure they’re viewable at a good size before I post new updates and that it isn’t microscopic lol!! thanks!! :flower1:
I can see your pictures just fine. I'm really enjoying reading your trip report!

I'm looking forward to reading more, as we are thinking about taking a trip around the same time in 2021. We are really looking forward to trying a Halloween cruise! Our last cruise aboard the Fantasy was a Star Wars Day at Sea to the Eastern Caribbean.


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