Toddler Meltdowns


May 12, 2016
We are flying out Sunday for the Dream 10/17 sailing and I'm getting nervous. Our 2 year old has had a terrible few nights of sleep and was downright inconsolable last night due to a stuffy nose. So, very loud. He's on the 4th day of a cold, and we had him to the doctor today to be sure his ears are OK. We are watching closely and will not go if it is not in his best interest. Hoping and praying he has a very healing 48 hours.

But, as I watched him scream at 1:00am last night it got me thinking about if he has such an overnight meltdown on the ship, for whatever reason. Overtired, over stimulated, etc. I would feel horrible about disrupting others vacations... and sleep. Any ideas for a plan of action? Is there someplace we can go with him to walk him around that is out of the way? This is our first family trip like this other than Grandparents who understand that little guys are just like that sometimes. It's rare for us, but still.

Thank you,
Nervous Mommy
Do you know how many "meltdowns" I saw last week? I didn't qualify it with "toddler" bc it was infants, toddlers, elementary age, and adults :)

I don't think you'd have a problem...

Although I did see an office talking to the stateroom a couple doors down about a noise complaint they received from the stateroom below them :)
You could take him out to the atrium. Even walk around the pool decks too. He won't be able to get in the water since they net them over night but maybe walking him around would be enough to calm him and he thin back to sleep.
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I can't say I've heard any noise, save for maintenance moving stuff above me, from other cabins. The ship is made of steel after all. I'm sure you'll be fine
I'm not a parent, but have 7 nephews and 2 nieces and I worked in Daycare for 10 years. I have been witness to little ones falling asleep easily in fresh air. Also if they've been active in the fresh air it practically knocks them out. My sister would sit out on her porch with my niece in her stroller on one of the first really nice days of the year and about 10 minutes later my niece was fast asleep and had a good 3 hour nap. I think your little one may fall asleep easier after a walk around the deck getting some fresh air. I also wanted to mention I'm a big snorer because my nasal passages close up on me in the middle of the night. I use breathe right strips on my nose and I've barely been snoring at all. I found them in the cold and flu aisle and I saw on the back of the box that they have little kid ones. They come in bright colors and work to help your breathe. Just thought I'd mention it. I hope his cold clears up and your family has a wonderful cruise. :flower1:
Aww... poor little guy. :(
Are you planning on bringing a stroller for him? I know when my two were that little and feeling out of sorts, I would take a walk with them in the stroller. It tended to relax everyone a bit.

Deck 4 has that wonderful walking/running track that might give you a chance for fresh air.
We've never heard any toddler meltdowns in neighboring cabins on any of our cruises. The only horrible sound we have encountered was a snoring man next door. Wow, poor wife, LOL.

Seriously, hope it all works out for you and all your nerves were for nothing!
Do you know how many "meltdowns" I saw last week? I didn't qualify it with "toddler" bc it was infants, toddlers, elementary age, and adults :)

I don't think you'd have a problem...

So true.

OP, any chance there are new teeth coming in? DS had a whole range of cruddy symptoms, all of which always seemed like he was getting sick.

And if it does seem to be ears, you might consider finding a great chiropractor who has a family practice, and have them check your little guy out. Chiropractic has been proven to help if the upper cervical vertebrae are a teensy bit out of alignment.
You could take him out to the atrium. Even walk around the pool decks too. He won't be able to get in the water since they net them over night but maybe walking him around would be enough to calm him and he thin back to sleep.

Just as an aside, if he's a toddler he may not be able to go in the pools at all - he has to be toilet trained to do so as no swim diapers are allowed.
Good luck. My oldest was a first-class, very loud tantrum thrower -beyond any other child I've encountered, so I would have had a concern about noise too. Yes, you can hear tantrum throwing kids through the connecting doors. Great suggestions by all, and I'll add that the nice chairs on Deck 4 are cushioned loungers, just what I would want at 1am with a fussy child. Fresh air can really help, especially if they are affected by a cold. Have a fun cruise and hopefully your child will be so worn out from the fun and experiences that they sleep very well.
Thank you so much everyone! For the good ideas and for making me feel a little better. If we have issues we'll head to deck 4 for some air, and otherwise tire him out during the day. He slept last night so here's hoping it's turning around just in time.

His 2 year molars started to poke through a few weeks ago so I don't think that is still it, but who knows. Taking some baby tylenol just in case.
I've seen people of all ages throw tantrums on vacations. Don't worry about what other people think :) the quiet public areas others have suggested I'm sure will be helpful, but he may just tucker himself out and you might have been worrying for nothing.

Have a great trip! Hope he feels better soon!
We are flying out Sunday for the Dream 10/17 sailing and I'm getting nervous. Our 2 year old has had a terrible few nights of sleep and was downright inconsolable last night due to a stuffy nose. So, very loud. He's on the 4th day of a cold, and we had him to the doctor today to be sure his ears are OK. We are watching closely and will not go if it is not in his best interest. Hoping and praying he has a very healing 48 hours.

But, as I watched him scream at 1:00am last night it got me thinking about if he has such an overnight meltdown on the ship, for whatever reason. Overtired, over stimulated, etc. I would feel horrible about disrupting others vacations... and sleep. Any ideas for a plan of action? Is there someplace we can go with him to walk him around that is out of the way? This is our first family trip like this other than Grandparents who understand that little guys are just like that sometimes. It's rare for us, but still.

Thank you,
Nervous Mommy

Just want to say that it was so nice to read such a considerate post. You are already going above and beyond what could be asked of you so don't feel bad about things that are outside your control. Fortunately, an awful lot of Disney cruisers love children and will feel sympathy for parents in your situation. And those that don't may have forgotten what it was like to be 2 years old and have a stuffy nose.
My adult daughter and I just got off of the Magic yesterday and we saw and heard plenty of meltdowns, and some weren't kids. People understand that kids have meltdowns and on a Disney cruise that is something to be expected. Don't worry about your son's possible meltdown, worry about getting his cold better and go and enjoy. If he does have a meltdown on the ship, there are plenty of distractions for him and if people give you "a look" oh well. They should be on a different ship with adults only. Go and have fun, you'll see lots of meltdowns, life goes on and people are there just to have a great time.
I agree with the nose frida tip if your little one is still having a stuffy nose. A little saline spray and using the nose frida worked wonders for our little girl.

Also, we've definitely been there with melt downs from our 2 and 5 year old. Most people are understanding. We realized our kids absolutely needed an afternoon nap and we made sure to take time to get nap time in. Excursion days were easier because they would both get that nap in on the bus/boat ride back from the excursion so they'd be in a better mood for dinner and evening activities.
We went last year with our son just shy of two, I had your same concerns. I don't know if you have an oceanview, but my little one woke up scared a few times the first few nights, screaming bloody murder. I opened the curtain and turned on the tv, there is 24/7 Disney cartoons, which is way more helpful than I would have anticipated. That worked everytime
Being that it's Disney, and there will be a TON of other parents on the ship, I'm pretty sure if others see a "meltdown", they will be feeling sympathy for you more than anything else. Don't stress, its vacation!!


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