To Infinity and Beyond - Becoming a Better DopeyBadger (Comments Welcome)

Sunday, January 8th – Marathon and DHS: Part 1

Everything had been building to this morning. The goal was to give the best effort for the marathon and whatever it equaled it equaled. My wife thought maybe a BQ but I thought that was probably a tad too ambitious. I would be content with a PR of any kind and a healthy finish especially with how the last marathon went in October and the anxiety it caused for the weeks after.

I was up at 1:45am and ready to go. I could tell that I was getting sick. I probably had picked it up from all the sick people we had encountered over the weekend. But the silver lining was I wasn’t sick yet, just was going to be sick soon. But while I knew I was going to be new sick, I could tell my old sickness was pretty much over. Which meant my congestion and need for snot rockets was not going to happen during the marathon. Hooray for a one day reprieve! Nice timing!

I got showered, dressed and ready to go. I had my last drink of water at 2:00am, and ate a banana and PB bagel. It said it was 42 with no wind according to Weather Underground. But I looked out the window and saw the trees moving so I knew that was a lie. It was more like 30-35 with the wind-chill. I was wearing so many layers. I was wearing two pairs of pants, two pairs of gloves, my thermal long sleeve, my running shorts, three throw away long sleeves, a winter hat, and a thermal running hat. In addition, I brought with me a blanket and 10 garbage bags to help cut the wind. I felt overdressed, but I knew it was important to be overdressed then under.

My mom and I headed down to the bus depot and got on the first bus at 3:00am. During the bus ride, I just kept giving my mom advice on being calm. Just take whatever the race gives you. She was so pissed it was cold out. She had a cramp that she had gotten while sleeping that wouldn’t leave and now it was moving up her whole leg. We made it to EPCOT at 3:15am and made our way through security and gear check. We headed to the pre-race meeting spot on the other side of gear check. The wind was brutal. So, we tried to find the best spot out of the wind. We ended up right next to the porta-potties in the corner to cut the wind. We could see all the empty garbage cans being pushed around by the wind. But in our spot, there was almost no wind. We added garbage bags to our feet and legs to cut the wind and it made it tolerable. I had my sign out, but I knew it was going to be hard for the other DIS’ers to find me because I looked like a homeless person. Thankfully, @jacks_xo was able to find us. It was a lot of fun to meet her and learn about her occupation. I was hoping I could calm her nerves before her first marathon, but she didn’t need me as she would go out there and Crush it! Little sad I didn’t meet up with any others, but from the sounds of it some members found each other and formed little mini-groups.

At 4:30am, they opened the walk to the corrals. I hit up the porta-potties one last time in the holding area because the other ones would be in the grass and would be a risk for wet shoes. Then my mom and I started our walk from the holding area to the corrals. I was interested to see how the corral area would be different this year. As we made it closer, it became apparent the change was made because of some sort of construction going on in that area. So, they were just trying to make the best of the situation. We were really lucky they didn’t run the HM the day prior because the walking path to the front corrals was completely in the median in the grass. That would have been a nightmare in the rain as everyone’s shoes would have not only been soaked by rain, but muddy because of the grass walk.

My mom and I wished each other well and went into our corrals. It was a nice surprise to pass another set of porta-potties outside of corral E. So, I decided that since it was there I would give it another try. Felt comfortable and ready to go. Headed to the front of corral B. Found a nice spot next to the fence and settled in. The guy next to me was in shorts and a singlet (no throwaway clothes) and he looked really cold. I gave him some of my trash bags to try and help cut the wind. I started my dynamic stretching to get warm. Since the corral was so small, and the area outside the corral didn’t seem conducive to warming up. So, I skipped the running jog. I just knew I would have to take the first few miles as warm-up. I knew it was going to be a risky decision because it was cold and I wouldn’t be appropriately warmed, but as long as I was cautious in the beginning I thought it would be ok. At 5:25am, I started to strip off all the layers and get ready. I’m glad I started when I did because it took forever to get everything off. I ate my E-gel about 10 minutes prior to starting and consumed 8 oz of water. Final clothing: long sleeve thermal, shorts, thermal hat, and thermal gloves. Off was the wheelchairs… And then corral A… and then us in corral B… READY…. SET…. GO!

Last year’s Dopey marathon – 3:55:35
Marathon PR to beat – 3:23:43
Predicted Time – 3:19:41

*As a reminder, all mile splits provided are for the purpose of reading. During the actual race, I attempted to remain blinded to my pace and run purely by effort.

Mile 1 – 8:09 (3:35:29)

The goal was to keep the effort calm and easy. Try and get the legs loose without risking injury and sacrificing the rest of the race. It was cold, but the wind wasn’t terrible. It was there, but not bad. Keep the Pac-Man theory going. Start slow and chomp some Mickeys along the way.

Mile 2 – 7:48 (3:30:52)
Mile 2 was all about preparing for the northerly turn. The wind was coming at about 16 mph from the Northwest, so I knew the next few miles were going to be critical to success. I needed to find someone to draft behind. A few good candidates kept volunteering their services by running just about the same pace and ahead of me. Added bonus they were taller and slightly larger than me so it gave me something to work with. I could tell a guy in a yellow jacket was doing the same strategy and so we created our own nice little wind tunnel.

Mile 3 – 7:46 (3:29:01)
We ran through the Magic Kingdom entrance and hit our first water stop. The strategy was to run through the stations, grab a water cup, pour it into the Nathan handheld, and then keep running. I always tend to race better when I don’t break stride. The drawback to this method is it isn’t terribly accurate so I tend to spill water on my hands. I’ve never had to race in winter gloves before, but this would become a problem later in the race. Stuck to the drafting idea.

Mile 4 – 7:32 (3:26:34)
One of the big keys for running a big race like Disney World is running the tangents well. Mile 4 is a perfect example. Stick to the corners and then take advantage of the course as designed. A good example is the parking lot area right before the Nightmare before Christmas meeting and TTC. Many runners follow the cones on the right, but the shorter path is the turn exit and then straight to the next corner. It probably only makes a minimal difference, but these things add up over time. All the small things can make a several minute difference in the end.

Mile 5 – 7:31 (3:25:00)
Always love the energy at TTC and the band at the exit. Keep drafting, keep sticking to tangents, and still maintaining a calm solid effort. Not a fan of the steep decline and incline to go under the water but it’s important to remember not to change the effort. No one wins their race by powering up a hill in mile 5 of a marathon. Just take it easy and let it happen.

Mile 6 – 7:31 (3:23:57)
Ate my first during race E-gel at the start of mile 5. Entering Main Street was fun, but even more enjoyable this year than year’s past because of how thin the race field was by now. The wind was completely cut by the park. The crowd enthusiasm was good. Just ride the feeling through the mile. Not a big fan of tight turns though and the parks always have a few of those. But I was able to safely navigate them.

Mile 7 – 7:30 (3:23:09)
Exiting Magic Kingdom brings with it the beginning of cone alley. As I was making this run, I came upon a wheelchair competitor and tried to give her as much space as possible. Especially on the downhill since I knew she would cruise past me. Hit the water station and then entered cone alley. It was really dark back there and didn’t help having the wheelchair right next to me. I knew she was anxious but unable to pass ahead and I was just trying to be cognizant of where she was. This was the point I started to get a touch of jelly legs. I tried to put it out of my mind, but I was slightly worried they wouldn’t ever leave. I just kept trying to switch up my stride to maintain a semblance of pace.

Mile 8 – 7:25 (3:22:16)
Keep up the good effort. Still felt like the same pace even though the Jelly legs caused a bit of apprehension. Feeling good.

Mile 9 – 7:29 (3:21:47)
Hit the water station around mile 8.2 and saw the wheelchair girl at the med station. Couldn’t tell what the issue was, but that was the last time I saw her for the day. My guess was a mechanical issue with her wheelchair. This was around the area they had the nostalgic Disney ride items out, but they didn’t mean much to me since I didn’t recognize them. But it brought a smile to my face when I passed it because I figured it would mean something special to the other runners behind me. Take note that this was the last time someone would pass me during the race until mile 17.

Mile 10 – 7:28 (3:21:20)
A little of a twisty turning section, but sticking to the tangents to keep the run as short as possible. I finally felt like I was loosening up and feeling good. The effort wasn’t changing, but I could tell I was starting to get faster. That’s 7 straight miles run blind that were within 7 seconds of min/mile pace of each other. Pretty happy with that blind pacing!

Mile 11 – 7:23 (3:20:47)
The beginning of the out and back. I actually enjoy these during a race because I can mark people to try and catch them. And because it allows me to see familiar faces of people who passed me and during the back section who I passed. An important note to make about this section is how many people ran the cones during the out, even though the other side of the road was clearly shorter. Eventually a few people figured it out as I passed them with the same pace as them.

Mile 12 – 7:19 (3:20:10)
Saw my only fellow DIS member during the marathon run at this point as I recognized @BikeFan from the meet and greet. Unfortunately, it didn’t click in my head until we had passed each other. But was cool to see a familiar face out there. I found a fellow runner who REALLY didn’t want me to pass him. As I came upon him, I could tell he noticed me and then tried to match me stride for stride. Running right next to me for the next 0.5 mile right in lock step.

Mile 13 – 7:19 (3:19:39)
E-gel #2! But as soon as we hit the aid station with bananas and water he stopped/or slowed and I kept powering through. I never saw him again. We made our way into Animal Kingdom. Next to WWOS this is usually my least favorite miles. The road is intentionally uneven and pitted/pot holed to make it “realistic”, but it makes for perfect ankle twisting territory. Although, surprisingly it didn’t affect me that much this year. I actually felt really strong. It helped that I could tell I was still speeding up and still chomp chomp chomping. I was sad to see the animals weren’t out yet. I wanted to meet “Flash” the turtle!

Mile 14 – 7:05 (3:18:46)
Now I could start to tell today was going to be a good day. The legs felt loose and ready to go go go. There was no one around me, or at least no one who was sticking with me. I started to hit a groove and just kept riding that feeling.

Mile 15 – 7:15 (3:18:18)
Exited Animal Kingdom and hit the parking lot. I came up on a coach and runner situation. Seemed like he was telling him he got him this far and to go go. The coach slowed down and the runner found another gear speeding up. I just tried to maintain and not get dragged into his move. Passed him and never saw him again. As I exited the parking lot of Animal Kingdom I saw another familiar face. It was the woman from last year/the expo line. I still didn’t say anything, but I hugged the buses to keep the tangent. I hit the water station maintaining the same strategy of pour and keep running. It was around this point that this strategy started to create a problem. My hands/gloves were soaked in water. They were getting so bad I actually started ringing them out after each aid station. But I just tried to push it out of my head and maintain effort.

Mile 16 – 7:14 (3:17:52)
Enter the first of two straight overpasses. I just kept the same hill training strategy. Keep your eyes up to keep the lungs open. Don’t change the effort but I shorten my stride. I passed quite a few runners on this overpass. Every water station meant the gloves kept getting wetter and kept making my fingers colder.

Mile 17 – 7:18 (3:17:34)
The first moment I teared up during the race. The charity for adopting orphans with down syndrome really got to me. It was touching to see and those signs hit a chord with me since my cousin has down syndrome. I actually lost my breath for a moment. This was also the second overpass and I passed several more people during this section. Once I reached the top, I finally got passed by another runner (the first since the middle of mile 8). I tried not to change anything as I was still feeling good.

Mile 18 – 7:21 (3:17:24)
This mile was sign of things to come. I could see the top runners as they hit mile 21.5 and the green army man hill. But more so, when I turned towards WWOS it become very apparent how annoying the wind would be on the way back. Just look at the faces of your fellow runners and it will tell you all you need to know. I also got to see the lead woman (assuming because she was being followed by a bike). We entered my least favorite section of the race, WWOS.

Mile 19 – 7:38 (3:17:38)
Why do I dislike WWOS so much? Because of the constant turns and weaving on short paths. I’m a straight-line runner and prefer to maintain that straight-line pace. The slowing/speeding up to navigate turns takes a lot out of me instead of just go go going. Although running on the track is fun. A guy clearly wanted the inside lane on the track, but he was going slower than me. So, I stayed behind him on the track turn, but then once we hit the straight away I just maintained my pace and passed him.

Mile 20 – 7:45 (3:17:59)
The last E-gel was consumed (first at 15 min prior, then mile 5, then mile 12, and then mile 19). I could tell my pace was starting to slip because it was becoming more difficult to maintain pace. I was also getting passed by a few runners here and there and quite the opposite of going 8ish miles without anyone passing me. The baseball field was alright, but running in the dirt reminded me of running in the snow back home.

Mile 21 – 8:04 (3:18:43)
As I exited WWOS, all I could think was “ugh, the wind…” It wasn’t easy to run through because there weren’t many runners around so no drafting potential. I did enjoy seeing the other runners as they headed into WWOS. Some looked strong. Some looked tired. Some looked excited. Some looked done. I just tried to maintain effort and held out hope that once we hit the western section of the race maybe the wind would be easily breakable again. Those gloves were like carrying weights on my hands, and were making my hands so cold.

Mile 22 – 7:59 (3:19:17)
It looks like they are making this intersection a new overpass, so it’ll be interesting to see how that effects the marathon course in future years. The race was starting to get tougher. The green army man hill was at 21.5. Nice tough steep hill.

Mile 23 – 8:06 (3:19:56)
Just stay focused. People passing me, but you’re still doing great. It’s tough, but that’s why it’s fun. Almost to the home stretch. Up the last on ramp and that should be the last hill!

Mile 24 – 7:53 (3:20:17)
The new section of DHS because of the current park construction. What the what?!?! While it was short there was quite the steep hill in the backlot of DHS. Since this section was new I wasn’t expecting it, but still that was a bit of a surprise. Then we headed down the TOT road and it was interesting to run through DHS this direction since we normally don’t run on this road. Then we turned to run down the main road in DHS. It was cool to see the morning crowds starting to enter the park and the cheering from them. And then before I knew it we were exiting DHS. But something started to change. I started to feel stronger. I felt ready to start attacking the remainder of the race. I kept saying that you’re feeling good and let’s give our best effort to the finish line. Not another marathon until 10 months from now so no holding back now. So, I tried to pick up the effort and the pace. Try and chomp as many runners as possible.

Mile 25 – 7:41 (3:20:24)
Finally, removed the blind and looked at my watch and saw the 7:53. I was happy with that but I knew I could do more. The boardwalk is one of my favorite sections because of the crowd support. Especially on a weather day like this do I appreciate the crowd support. Things were still going really well and I felt strong.

Mile 26 – 7:47 (3:20:36)
Wahoo! We’re entering ECPOT countries! We’re almost done! Keep your eyes on the ball. The closer the ball gets the closer you are to the finish. Just keep running! There’s the ball! Almost there!!!

Mile 26.44 – 3:27 (3:20:52)
Then the CHOIR! So excited to hear them. Unfortunately, they weren’t singing when I passed by. It was just a recording and they were just swaying back and forth and clapping. Still nice, but not as moving as the real thing. Turned the corner into finisher’s ally and the crowd support was strong. I revved up the crowd as I ran through and then I finished arm raised in the air. I stopped my watch and looked down. A new PR!!! I screamed in excitement! It felt so great to nail another marathon PR especially on a weekend like this. So much fun!

Final Time – 3:20:52

Official PRs: 1
Marathon – 3:20:52

Unofficial PRs: 5
15k - 1:08:10
10 mile - 1:13:14
20k - 1:31:20
Half Marathon - 1:36:27
30k - 2:18:54

Overall Standing: 197th
Gender Standing: 174th
Division Standing: 40th
Number of Finishers: 17728

Final Dopey time (5k + 10k + M) – 4:25:19

Overall Standing: 43rd
Gender Standing: 39th
Division Standing: 8th
Number of Finishers: 6576








I saw my wife at the finish line and told her to meet me at the exit. I headed over to the volunteers passing out medals and looked for the best person. I said, ummm you! Thanks for the medal! Walked through the chute and picked up the goodies. Made my way through the challenge tent and got my extra medals (Half-Marathon, Goofy, and Dopey). Stopped to get some finisher pictures. To my surprise, the woman from last year/expo/mile 14 walked up and said that she liked my water technique. She hadn’t see anyone do that before and always knew that if she needed a drink of water who would be the person to ask. I asked her if she ran the race last year and she said yes, but she couldn’t remember if she ran from C. We congratulated each other and wished each other well.

I made my way through gear check and found my wife. I started the process of throwing on a bunch of new clothes. She helped me get the gloves off but she didn’t even want to touch them because of how much water was in them. I tried to drink my chocolate milk but both of them in my bag were frozen. I did some stretching. I got up and actually felt pretty good. I made my way over to Dopey and got a few pictures with him. Unfortunately, because of the cold I didn’t get any pics with me, G, Steph, and Dopey.



We headed over to concessions and I was pleasantly surprised with the selection. I got a chicken sandwich and it tasted delicious! We made our way over to the finish line and settled in. I was happy to see my mom and a few other runners I was tracking were still doing great. I was able to get a bleacher seat (which was a nice addition to this year).

I saw a man come up to the fence and talk to his family right after he finished. Then, I realized it was @Baloo in MI. We waved to each other and congratulated each other on a great race.

I saw @Disney at Heart 's husband come across and remember him saying that they were running together. I saw @Disney at Heart and called out her name. She found me and we waved to each other.

I kept trying to use my spreadsheet to predict when people would cross the finish line. Based on the others to that point I could tell it was about 20 minutes off.

I believe I also saw @Barca33Runner finish. I also saw the Diaper Dans and really liked their costume. I figured out after coming home that that was very likely @IamTrike and friends. One of my favorite costumes was someone in a lion king head mask. It was amazing! There was also a full-on Jack skeleton and wife. Pretty incredible makeup.

So, I kept receiving updates, but eventually I was getting concerned about my mom because she hadn’t hit the 20 mile marker mat. But I remembered everyone was about 20 min behind so I wasn’t really concerned yet. Then, we hit 20 min post and still nothing. I got an update on my watch that someone else had crossed a different mat so I knew the system was still working. Then, 30 min past. Then, 40 min past. My wife and I really started to get concerned. I knew my mom had her phone and before we left each other that morning we agreed if she left the course for emergency or injury that she should text Steph. So, she had either slowed way down or not texted like we promised. I pulled out my phone to check my Strava and saw my texts. Since I had been checking them on my Garmin 235 I hadn’t cleared them on my phone yet. And there it was, mom had crossed 20 miles quite some time ago. She was still doing great and would be there soon.

About this time, a dad and two kids (Jackson and Haven) about 4-6 in age joined me on the bleachers. They were waiting for their mom to finish. They were a riot. They asked me why I was sitting in the stands. I told them because I was waiting for my mom too. Their mom was going to do the half, but moved up to the full because of the half’s cancellation. She had run about 10 fulls in her life but hadn’t run one in 2 years. I told the kids I finished running about 2 hours ago. They were like whoa, you must be fast. I said I’m fast because of all the miles put in during training. I said how many miles do you think I ran in 2016? Haven said 13. Jackson said 100. The dad said 700. Nope, 2500 miles. They were like whoa! We had a lot of fun talking about Disney world. Jackson’s favorite ride was Space Ship Earth. We probably talked for 30-40 minutes.

Then I got the text! She finished! Her first marathon was done! She actually looked in really good spirits when I saw her.

Mom’s Final Time – 5:34:03

Mom’s Official PRs: 1
Marathon – 5:34:03

Overall Standing: 8347th
Gender Standing: 3491st
Division Standing: 38th
Number of Finishers: 17728

We left the finish line and headed over to the gear check exit to collect my mom. She seemed happy with how she did. She said it was cold, and she couldn’t breathe. She said she commonly gets cold induced asthma so it was pretty tough but she still finished. She did some stretching and we got a picture together. Her personal Dopey Challenge (2014 5k, 2015 10k, 2016 HM, and 2017 M) was complete! Congrats mom! Proud son!


Next Post: Sunday, January 8th – Marathon and DHS: Part 2
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Sunday, January 8th – Marathon and DHS: Part 2

We got on the AKL bus and headed back to the hotel.

When we returned to AKL after the marathon we got cleaned up. I ate my normal lunch. I threw all of my marathon clothes into the laundry machine and then I realized I had lost my thermal hat. I must have left it in the parking lot somewhere when I was changing clothes. Thanks for everything thermal hat, it was a fun journey! I put on my compression calf sleeves for recovery.

Then, we were off to Disney Hollywood Studios. We made it just in time (like within seconds) for our Little Mermaid Stage show FP. G really liked the show. It’s another one of my favorites because they do a really nice job with it.

We met Jake from Jake and the Neverland Pirates!



Next we headed over to the Muppets show. G hadn’t done this one before and it required 3-d glasses for an extended period of time so we weren’t sure if she’d do it. But she really enjoyed it too.

We headed over to the Beauty and the Beast stage show. Another beautiful show and again G really enjoyed herself during it.

After Beauty and the Beast we headed towards the Star Wars ride. G took a bathroom break and during it had an incident. G was clearly not in a good mood and her behavior wasn’t too kind towards Steph. Steph called it quits and decided it was time for us to leave the park. We had a reservation at Brown Derby (which they were kind enough to allow us to cancel without charging us because of extenuating circumstances). I was sad to not have a celebratory meal at Brown Derby and miss the Star Wars fireworks show, but it was important to support Steph and her decision.

When we arrived to our hotel I headed over to AKL-Jambo to go to their small eatery, Mara. I got two flatbread pizzas, a chocolate peanut butter brownie, and a spiced pina colada cupcake. Hooray for splurging during the celebration! We watched a little tv and then I headed to bed at 8:20pm.


Amount of sleep night prior – 6:02
Number of Steps – 53,939
Number of miles covered – 35.2 miles

Next Post: Monday, January 9th – Flight home
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Monday, January 9th – Flight home

Always the saddest day in the happiest place on earth… The day you go home…


I was up at 6:18am. I could tell I was sick. I was having trouble taking in deep breaths without coughing. I was pretty happy that the marathon was the day before because I’m not sure I would have been able to run the marathon today. I had my normal eggs and oatmeal.

We were all packed and ready to board our Magical Express at 9:30am for our 12:20pm flight back to Wisconsin. My carry-on bag got flagged during security because of the medals. Whoops! Guess I’ve got too many of them, but security was pretty understanding even though the bag was packed pretty tight.

I had a chipotle burrito for lunch. But I could tell I was getting sicker. My head hurt. My chest congested. Ugh… While on the flight I spent my time writing notes to prepare for writing this recap.

We were all very happy to land at 2:20pm this year compared to 9:30pm like last year. We thought last year we should try and maximize the vacation so we took the last non-stop out of Orlando and hit the parks on our last day. But when we landed at 9pm and still had a 1.5hr commute after baggage claim it made for a very long drive. It wasn’t worth it, so we switched to an early flight out this year and it was for the best.

About 5 minutes after arriving home, my aunt brought Lucy over. Just coincidental timing since she wasn’t planning on coming until Wednesday. G kept saying “I hope I miss Lucy” during the trip so I guess we’ll find out.


We had pizza delivered for dinner and called an end to the vacation!

Amount of sleep night prior – 9:58
Number of Steps – 6,024
Number of miles covered – 3.1 miles

Next Post: Summary
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It was a good Disney trip. But I’ll be honest, it didn’t have the Disney magic of any of my previous Disney trips. Many things contributed to this including G’s bad mood, G’s constant “Can I hold you mommy?”, the half cancellation, the crowd levels, rushing from one thing to the next, it just seemed like we were going through the motions instead of enjoying the vacation. I know Steph was super stressed out during this trip, and honestly she questions whether she ever wants to go back again. I am not exaggerating when I say that G probably said “Can I hold you mommy?” and demanded to be picked up over 700 times over the vacation (and even that might be an underestimate). We spent the next several hours after the vacation recapping everything that occurred and how we could have done things differently. We’ve got about 2 weeks to decide before we book our room for Disney 2018 so things are still in the air, but we’ll see if she wants to go back. She’s willing to send me on my own to maintain Perfect Dopey, but I’d really prefer her to come because it would be more fun. I’m not sure I can justify spending the money to just go on my own.

Our current planned changes –
-No park time during the race days. I’m in “race mode” during these days and while I am enjoying the parks I have a mood about me that can annoy others. So, to remove this as an issue it would be better to do the parks after the races. For the race days (and time prior), we’ll just do the pool or visit hotels.
-Less planning of theme park visits. I like schedules. But I don’t usually handle change well. I don’t handle “missing” things on the checklist well either. So, when we make a detailed itinerary and fail to meet the expectations of the list, I tend to get in a mood. It’s not intentional, it just happens. So, to avoid this happening to me, we’ll just have no plans.
-Because of the timing of holidays and race weekend we expect crowds to be awful again. So, our theme park visiting will be done after the race weekend and we’ll extend our vacation into the next week. We’ll just do whatever we want whenever we want without a set schedule.

From a race weekend standpoint, it couldn’t have gone much better. Missing out on the half marathon because of cancellation was disappointing but understandable. I was very happy to nail 3 official PRs at the 3 races I did run. And while I didn’t get an official HM PR, I did get an unofficial HM PR that’s quite a bit faster than my current official HM PR. Enough of a difference that even with some additional distance like in a real HM this likely still would have been faster. So, I still feel like I got 4 new PRs this weekend at 5k, 10k, HM, and M. I also hit my goal of a Top 50 Dopey finish with a 43rd place finish.

One change for next year is that I absolutely must be on the starting line of the 5k/10k if I wish to nail a perfect to me race. My pace is faster than many of the other runners and to avoid having to pull back or risk falling it would be better to stay ahead of everyone.

Total Number of Steps while on vacation (Jan 1 – Jan 9 (9 days)) – 187,633
Total Number of Miles covered while on vacation (Jan 1 – Jan 9 (9 days)) – 109.1

Total Number of Steps before marathon (Jan 1 – Jan 7 (7 days)) – 127,633
Total Number of Miles covered before marathon (Jan 1 – Jan 7 (7 days)) – 70.8

Average Number of Steps before marathon (Jan 1 – Jan 7 (7 days)) – 18,233
Average Number of Miles covered before marathon (Jan 1 – Jan 7 (7 days)) – 10.1

Normal Number of Steps in a week during training – 115,000-135,000

Outside of the marathon day, the week in Disney was a pretty typical steps and mileage week for me. Although most of my steps/miles in training are running whereas in Disney more of that was walking. Like I’ve said many times before I manage to do PRs at Disney and fully enjoy the parks because they aren’t above and beyond what I do in training. If you build up your training tolerance, it’s possible to do both while on vacation.

Looking forward to Dopey 2018. From the sounds of it, there may be some changes to the Blaser vacation plans. If I complete Dopey 2018, then I’ll become a Perfect Dopey (5 straight Dopeys from Inaugural). I have plans for a custom singlet for the race weekend, but I won’t finalize the design until the hotel is secured and I’m registered. The goal will be the same: Sextuple PR. Although, if I hit a sub-3 in October 2017, then a marathon PR in January 2018 will be extremely tough. Won’t stop me from trying though! But I guess that’s the cliff hanger of the trip report, will I even sign up for Dopey 2018?

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the Trip Report and Race Recaps!


On the way, we ran into @surfde22 and his brother as they headed to do the Kids race as well. I wished them well and they asked how G did. How did the Kids race go for you @surfde22?

The races were entertaining. My nephew ended up doing the 200 because we were just a little too late for the 100. The plan was to carry him the first 100 and let him run the last 100. He became very shy about running/walking for a kid that had wanted to do nothing but run the previous 2 days. My SIL ended up carrying him to the last 20ft or so and he ran across the finish.

Then the diaper dash came up. Alistair still isn't mobile yet at seven months so we didn't expect too much. My wife ended up holding him up in a standing position and "walked" him the length of the mat. It was a fun time and he really enjoyed chewing the ribbon of his medal. The joys of a teething infant.
The races were entertaining. My nephew ended up doing the 200 because we were just a little too late for the 100. The plan was to carry him the first 100 and let him run the last 100. He became very shy about running/walking for a kid that had wanted to do nothing but run the previous 2 days. My SIL ended up carrying him to the last 20ft or so and he ran across the finish.

I can understand this. This sounds very much like G in last year's 100m.

Then the diaper dash came up. Alistair still isn't mobile yet at seven months so we didn't expect too much. My wife ended up holding him up in a standing position and "walked" him the length of the mat. It was a fun time and he really enjoyed chewing the ribbon of his medal. The joys of a teething infant.

I can understand this too. Both teething infants and the lack of mobility for almost all diaper dash participants.
I was so excited that you yelled at me at the marathon finish line. It made finishing even more special. I am very proud of your PRs, but I'm even more proud of your mother! (I identify with her gender, age, and time.) And I'm sure she is proud to call you her son! You have done well for yourself and also helped so many others reach their own goals. As for Gigi, she will be totally different by 2018. Children grow so fast! She may or may not need to hold mommy at all by then. And before you know it, you will wonder where those days have gone!

Your G is adorable and I can relate to the only wanting mommy to hold her. All of my kids have gone through it and it can be a tough on everyone.

I loved reading your race recaps and it was great to meet you! I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to have a meet up on marathon morning, the starting area was much crazier than I expected.
G is adorable! I really enjoyed meeting you and several other Disers! Congrats to your mom! She finished seconds better than I did. Great job on getting those PRs too!

And as always On Wisconsin!
I believe I also saw @Barca33Runner finish. I also saw the Diaper Dans and really liked their costume. I figured out after coming home that that was very likely @IamTrike and friends. One of my favorite costumes was someone in a lion king head mask. It was amazing! There was also a full-on Jack skeleton and wife. Pretty incredible makeup.

That was very likely me you saw. I had been yo-yoing with the Lion King guy and Nightmare Before Christmas couple for most of the second half of the race. They probably finished slightly ahead of me because of the hamstring issues I was experiencing (although to be fair they would have all finished much quicker than me if they weren't making so many picture stops).

Sorry to hear that the vacation part of the racecation was a little rough. We had some similar issues; the crowds both made a plan essential...and nearly impossible to follow. It definitely hindered the magic. We are still evaluating how to approach next year as a group. We knew we wouldn't be doing a full family vacation again, but it may just be our Dopey runners participating (myself and my sister) and we might cut back parks dramatically with the crowds likely to be at the same levels next year. We had fun, but by about 3 pm each day we felt like we should bail because the parks had reached critical mass.
I was so excited that you yelled at me at the marathon finish line. It made finishing even more special. I am very proud of your PRs, but I'm even more proud of your mother! (I identify with her gender, age, and time.) And I'm sure she is proud to call you her son! You have done well for yourself and also helped so many others reach their own goals. As for Gigi, she will be totally different by 2018. Children grow so fast! She may or may not need to hold mommy at all by then. And before you know it, you will wonder where those days have gone!

That's awesome and I'm glad I could make it even more special. I'm proud of my mom too. It's no small feat to run a marathon, but it's also no small feat to do your first at age 60. I'll add that accomplished a lot of goals this weekend, but the two biggest things I'm most proud of accomplishing are:

1) Seeing my mom finish her first marathon
2) Getting several runner tracking texts from runners I helped make training plans for as they crossed the finish line of their various races

Helping others means so much to me and to see others reach those lofty goals they set makes me so happy.

I can only hope that time will help this. It's tough for 2018 because we have to make a decision so soon. If we were to decide like 2 months in advance we'd have a better idea. But she'll only be two weeks older, by the time decision day comes. But the wheels are turning to come up with something. Maybe I sign up for a room and hotel, and then weeks before the trip we could decide if they're coming or not. Like a last minute addition if we feel it'll be worth it. We'll see. Trust me I treasure each and every one of these days!

Your G is adorable and I can relate to the only wanting mommy to hold her. All of my kids have gone through it and it can be a tough on everyone.

I loved reading your race recaps and it was great to meet you! I'm sorry we didn't get a chance to have a meet up on marathon morning, the starting area was much crazier than I expected.

Thanks! I know it's a phase. I can only imagine it must be tougher with more than one child too!

Thanks! It was a pleasure to meet you as well! I'm happy you were able to at least find someone else on marathon morning as that meant the pre-race meeting strategy worked as at least you guys recognized each other.

G is adorable! I really enjoyed meeting you and several other Disers! Congrats to your mom! She finished seconds better than I did. Great job on getting those PRs too!

And as always On Wisconsin!

Thanks! She can be such a ham! I enjoy her "smile" since I'm not quite sure she has figured how to do it for pictures yet. It just looks sinister to me. I'm glad you were able to make it to the meet ups and had a good time. Always nice to put faces with people and to help calm people's nerves pre-race. I guess if you're looking for a future training buddy you know she doesn't live too far from you! Although be forewarned she can be ultra competitive!

On Wisconsin!

That was very likely me you saw. I had been yo-yoing with the Lion King guy and Nightmare Before Christmas couple for most of the second half of the race. They probably finished slightly ahead of me because of the hamstring issues I was experiencing (although to be fair they would have all finished much quicker than me if they weren't making so many picture stops).

Sorry to hear that the vacation part of the racecation was a little rough. We had some similar issues; the crowds both made a plan essential...and nearly impossible to follow. It definitely hindered the magic. We are still evaluating how to approach next year as a group. We knew we wouldn't be doing a full family vacation again, but it may just be our Dopey runners participating (myself and my sister) and we might cut back parks dramatically with the crowds likely to be at the same levels next year. We had fun, but by about 3 pm each day we felt like we should bail because the parks had reached critical mass.

I thought so! It was quite the game to try and spot faces in the crowd as they waded through the finishing chute. But I also found it quite fun!

Racecation! I like that! Sounds like you're in a similar boat. This weekend definitely put a crink in the future of Blaser Disney vacation planning and I'm not quite sure what to do about it yet.
Congratulations, Billy on a fantastic race weekend. You crammed a lot into that trip!! Sorry that there were some rough spots with little G, but agree that she'll be so different in a year it's hard to predict how she will do. I also completely sympathize with the schedules and missing things on the schedule creating a mood. Other than our fastpasses and ADRs this year I really just tried to go with the flow and while we didn't do as much, it was far more enjoyable for all of us.

I loved reading about your trip and your races. Well done!!
Sunday, January 1st – Flight to Disney World and DHS

It was an EARLY morning alarm prior to our trip to Disney World. I was up at 2:00am. I had my normal eggs and oatmeal breakfast. Gigi (my 2 yr old daughter) and Steph (my wife) were up and ready to go. G was super excited about the trip to Disney World. G had her “Disney ticket” in hand (which was a Mickey dollar). She had that in her hand almost the entire time from 3:30am until entering DHS at ~1pm.

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My in laws: Heidi (SIL), Brian (BIL), Cyndi (MIL, and Gerhard (FIL) met at our house at 3:30am to start off the trip heading to the Milwaukee Airport. The trip was normal at about 1.5 hours. We met my mom, Carol, at the airport.

The flight was at 6:20am. I thought my cold was over and done with, just some lingering congestion. But the flight proved to me it was still present. My head felt like it was going to explode with the pressure change. At one point, I went to the bathroom to blow my nose and it literally exploded. I guess being congested and blowing your nose at 30,000 feet is not a good idea. It felt better, but it was probably not a good idea. It likely caused some damage to my nose because I had blood in my sneezes for the next several days.

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We landed at 10:10am after a 3 hour flight, was to the Magical Express at 10:45am, the bus left at 11:12am and we arrived at the Animal Kingdom Lodge – Kidani Village at 12:00. We had stayed at AKL-Kidani last year in a 2 bedroom Savannah view and had a great time. We decided to go with AKL again, but without the Savannah room to save about $200 per family. We were interested to see what kind of non-Savannah room we’d get.

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Since the room wasn’t ready upon our arrival we headed out on our 1st theme park day to Disney’s Hollywood Studios (DHS). Upon arrival, we were ready for lunch. So, the group split up and went in their own directions to find food. I ended up at Trolley Café (Starbucks). I had a pre-packaged Turkey Sandwich and Chicken Salad. It was decent, but way overpriced. Unfortunately, Gigi wasn’t herself and wouldn’t eat and was acting strange.

The party split-up and Steph, Heidi, and Brian went on TOT and RRC. But G, didn’t take too kindly to Steph going in a different direction then us. We took G to the Frozen Sing-A-Long. She fell asleep while we waiting in line. Once we got inside for the show, she was groggy and didn’t seem to be enjoying it. However, once Christoph showed up, then she perked right up. LOL! I really liked the show. It was my 3rd time seeing it. The guy CM was new to me and not as funny as the guy from the last two times, but it was still good.

Everyone met up and we had a FP for TSMM. Once G and Steph were back together she became very clingy and the theme of the trip was born, “Can I hold you mommy?” G constantly wanted to be picked up by Steph and rarely would let anyone else also do so. This became very tiring for Steph and unfortunately continued throughout the trip. The TSMM game went well for me. Steph was beating me throughout most of the game. But once we launched the green alien rocket and the robot came out I pulled ahead. I ended up scoring 222,000 points, which wasn’t a personal best but was a solid score. G told me after the ride she wanted to shoot and I told her if we rode it again that she could do it the next time.

Next we met Moana. While waiting in line, G kept saying “where is grandma tala?” None of us were really sure what she was referring to. “Tell Grandma what?” we would say to her. We just figured she was just getting deliriously tired. But after she said it like 5 times, I decided to look up Moana’s grandmother’s name. And to my absolute shock, it was Tala. Seriously, we had only seen that movie once and I can’t even remember how many times she was called “Tala” by name. Maybe once or twice at the most. Truly incredible memory. We had fun meeting Moana, but G was in too much shock to ask about Tala and instead asked where Maui was.

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After Moana, we decided to leave DHS and head back to our AKL because our room was ready! When we got there we realized our room was 4th floor right outside the bus stop for Kidani Village. I was a bit concerned, but we conducted a test where we were all quiet and watched as the bus drove up, unloaded, loaded, and left. It was quite quiet. It wasn’t completely silent, but it was pretty darn sound-proof. The big bonus was instead of being a 15-20 min walk from bus stop to room, we were now a 5 min walk. So between the quiet room and 5 min walk to buses we all agreed it worked out well.

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(These are stock photos. Although the only difference is the tv. It was a 60+ inch Samsung HD Hospitality tv which was BEAUTIFUL!)

The groceries from Garden Grocer were delivered on two bell carts. We had over 200 waters and about 100 bananas. We also ordered a crockpot from Target and had it delivered to the hotel. It was temporarily lost, but they eventually found it at Jambo house and delivered it as well. It was a Hamilton Beach 8.5 qt crock pot for only $35. Well worth the money, because it enabled us to cook meals while we were enjoying the theme parks.

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We went to Boma for dinner. It’s an African buffet with lots of great choices. We really enjoyed it last year, but I didn’t enjoy it to its fullest extent. Last year we ate at Boma the night before the marathon, and I was really picky about my choices. Although I really enjoyed the peanut butter rice, so I was excited to have that again. Our wait was 45 minutes from check-in to seating. During that time, we decided to wait outside and happened upon the Jambo pool. G went super crazy when she saw the pool and really really wanted to go in. But since dinner was about to happen and it was like 7pm out, it was really hard to convince her it wasn’t happening. We took her to a park nearby instead and she became more tolerable, but again this would set up another issue for us. She really wanted to go swimming. We were finally seated. The food was good, but no peanut butter rice. G barely had any of her food. We decided after the meal we probably wouldn’t do Boma again.

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We headed back to the room and some people watched the Green Bay Packer game. I headed to bed at 8:45pm.

Amount of sleep night prior – 7:18
Number of Steps – 13,942
Number of miles covered – 7.2 miles

Next Post: Monday, January 2nd – EPCOT

Yay...a giant trip report to enjoy over my morning coffee! Please tell Steph that I have the utmost empathy for her with the clingy kiddo. I have one here with me right now. It's a mix of loving it and also constantly needing a break. Solidarity sister!! I had to leave a number of lines with mine for phantom bathroom needs bc she just wanted me. Luckily 3yr old trip was better than 2. And I'm praying 5yr old next trip is even better.

Omg those bananas crack me up every single time. Were you holding a secret 1k in your villa? And this was post finish line??

Ok off to digest the rest of your report.
Congratulations on the PR!

Thanks! Congrats on your awesome race as well!

Congratulations, Billy on a fantastic race weekend. You crammed a lot into that trip!! Sorry that there were some rough spots with little G, but agree that she'll be so different in a year it's hard to predict how she will do. I also completely sympathize with the schedules and missing things on the schedule creating a mood. Other than our fastpasses and ADRs this year I really just tried to go with the flow and while we didn't do as much, it was far more enjoyable for all of us.

I loved reading about your trip and your races. Well done!!

Thanks! It felt like we crammed a lot in and I agree that maybe "missing out" on things and just not scheduling them may allow for a more enjoyable experience.

Yay...a giant trip report to enjoy over my morning coffee! Please tell Steph that I have the utmost empathy for her with the clingy kiddo. I have one here with me right now. It's a mix of loving it and also constantly needing a break. Solidarity sister!! I had to leave a number of lines with mine for phantom bathroom needs bc she just wanted me. Luckily 3yr old trip was better than 2. And I'm praying 5yr old next trip is even better.

Omg those bananas crack me up every single time. Were you holding a secret 1k in your villa? And this was post finish line??

Ok off to digest the rest of your report.

Steph says "Thanks!" The stories of others with kids is helping us better understand our experience.

I think it looks like there were about 100. We didn't eat them all, but we were able to eat the best ones before they went bad. LOL!
Congrats again on the PRs. Your daughter is beautiful. I can agree with the other parents who have posted that sometimes the experience with little ones can be a challenge. I recall bouts of clinging s as well. With so much going on with the races, fast passes, meal reservations and the overall excitement, the whole experience can feel overwhelming.

I did my first race only three years ago and by then my kids were grown. I don't think I could have managed very well with trying to balance so many competing needs and wants while trying to stay rested and focused and making sure everyone had a good time. Your revised plan of reducing or eliminating park time on race days sounds like just the recipe for smoother sailing.
I made it through the whole I get a medal? It was a PR for me!

Congrats again! I could tell you were going all out for your races because you don't have any descriptors for various Disney scenery. I'd be like "and then I slowed down to take a picture of a random Mickey sign." :)

Super inspirational and so cool that you met a lot of people. It was fun "tracking" you even though it made me jealous. One day I'll be there again!

The overplanning is me to a T, however having the app in hand all the time helped me turn plan changes into personal challenges. Like a video game. Oh you want to ride small world...let me just get my app out and blow everyone's mind at my re-arranging. Etc. that may help you next time, haha

Maybe wait for Gigi to start her daddy clingy phase (don't worry, it's coming, its cyclical at least for my kiddo) - and then "take one for the team" by going to Disney during daddy-clingy phase. (I know that's easier said than done)
My kiddo turns 5 on our next trip this fall. Fingers crossed!
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This was such a great read, I've been really looking forward to it! Congratulations on your PRs, amazing! Sounds like you are a great husband and daddy.

I'm very go-with-the-flow and this vacation we were with my ILs who are much more structured and goal-oriented re: Fastpasses. So I sympathize with the other side. Also I feel like I have a preview of our family vacation in two years, yikes! But I got lots of good ideas for shows and meets and such. Thanks for all the details!!

My daughter spent with first ~1 minute of the diaper dash playing with the very interesting mat! Then she started crawling in earnest, but then our time was up, haha. She loved Chip/Dale and her medal! It was so hilarious and fun. 8 months is a much easier age than 2.5, as far as I can tell from my friends' toddlers.
Congrats again on the PRs. Your daughter is beautiful. I can agree with the other parents who have posted that sometimes the experience with little ones can be a challenge. I recall bouts of clinging s as well. With so much going on with the races, fast passes, meal reservations and the overall excitement, the whole experience can feel overwhelming.

I did my first race only three years ago and by then my kids were grown. I don't think I could have managed very well with trying to balance so many competing needs and wants while trying to stay rested and focused and making sure everyone had a good time. Your revised plan of reducing or eliminating park time on race days sounds like just the recipe for smoother sailing.

Thanks! It's helpful to hear the reassurance and experiences of other parents. I definitely agree that it can be overwhelming. I think Steph added extra pressure on herself trying to make sure everyone else had a good time and it caused her to not have the best time. We agree that trying to minimize might make the trip more doable in the future.

I made it through the whole I get a medal? It was a PR for me!

Congrats again! I could tell you were going all out for your races because you don't have any descriptors for various Disney scenery. I'd be like "and then I slowed down to take a picture of a random Mickey sign." :)

Super inspirational and so cool that you met a lot of people. It was fun "tracking" you even though it made me jealous. One day I'll be there again!

The overplanning is me to a T, however having the app in hand all the time helped me turn plan changes into personal challenges. Like a video game. Oh you want to ride small world...let me just get my app out and blow everyone's mind at my re-arranging. Etc. that may help you next time, haha

Maybe wait for Gigi to start her daddy clingy phase (don't worry, it's coming, its cyclical at least for my kiddo) - and then "take one for the team" by going to Disney during daddy-clingy phase. (I know that's easier said than done)
My kiddo turns 5 on our next trip this fall. Fingers crossed!


Yea, it you can tell how hard I was racing by the length of the recap for each mile. 5k and 10k - other than the start I have a hard time remembering any of the details because I was just focusing on running. For the full, I don't go full out effort (it's marathon effort, but not crazy like a 5k/10k). So it enables me to focus on things other than running and be able to soak in what's happening. I think the most interesting thing was how much less character/photo op stuff there is when you go super fast. They don't bring it out right away in every case.

It was a lot of fun to meet so many people and hopefully we can bring that DIS meet up spirit to a local race for us WI/Ill people (and maybe MN too....)

Oh, trust me Steph had the app and made changes on the fly all the time. That adds to the problem for me because I don't handle change well.

I need to start working on my arm strength if "daddy phase" is coming because my arm endurance is weak! Fingers crossed for you!

This was such a great read, I've been really looking forward to it! Congratulations on your PRs, amazing! Sounds like you are a great husband and daddy.

I'm very go-with-the-flow and this vacation we were with my ILs who are much more structured and goal-oriented re: Fastpasses. So I sympathize with the other side. Also I feel like I have a preview of our family vacation in two years, yikes! But I got lots of good ideas for shows and meets and such. Thanks for all the details!!

My daughter spent with first ~1 minute of the diaper dash playing with the very interesting mat! Then she started crawling in earnest, but then our time was up, haha. She loved Chip/Dale and her medal! It was so hilarious and fun. 8 months is a much easier age than 2.5, as far as I can tell from my friends' toddlers.

Thanks for reading! I try to be a great husband and dad, but this trip showed me I still have things I need to work on. I've got to work on my mental games to make Steph's trip more enjoyable.

Happy you enjoyed the ideas and the scary thought of your vacation in two years. Steph just yelled to me "tell her to start lifting weights now!"... LOL!

The diaper dash is so funny because of the various abilities/distractions that come with such a short time window. Happy to hear that she had fun with the diaper dash though!
Everyone met up and we had a FP for TSMM. Once G and Steph were back together she became very clingy and the theme of the trip was born, “Can I hold you mommy?” G constantly wanted to be picked up by Steph and rarely would let anyone else also do so. This became very tiring for Steph and unfortunately continued throughout the trip.

There must have been something in the water. My two-year-old went through the same thing the whole trip, "Mommy, uppah!" constantly and "No! Mommy!" when I offered to hold her.


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