Title Chosen: World of Friendship! October 2017 Girls Getaway: Aloha to the Poly/ MCO Hyatt p33-4

See? That's how you gauge love.

$$$ :love: $$$

Almost exactly the same things!



I've never actually thrown out a coconut before. It would be a new experience.

Coconuts are good for something...

Coconut Shells.jpg

Well of course. When you exit Stitch, you're still in MK.


That is seriously what the TSA agent said (yelled) "Don't put your shoes in the bins. That's nasty!"

Cool opening line! You should copywrite that!

Nah! That's ok. I'm willing to share.

I hate those words.

You won't get any presents on Christmas. Nor Easter.

I sad.

Just so you know, I will never be able to experience a brutal New England storm without thinking of these words.


Best time for a birthday. ::yes::

All the cool kids are Scorpios!


Good man. :)

Way to go Mark!

He truly is!


That's cheap!

Not bad, especially since it wasn't a cost we had planned on.

Lucky! Close call.

As I was posting the pictures and writing, I wonder if I was able to get a room because I only needed one bed- this rooms wouldn't have worked for families that were stranded.

I want to say "next time".... but I don't think you want a next time.

Maybe there would be circumstances I would stay there again.

I didn't need a traffic report to tell me how busy it was at the airport. I just needed to peek out the window. The view was actually pretty cool!

Make up your minds! Food in or food out? And let us know BEFORE we get to the xray machine bins!

What did you get Burger King?

Coffee, definitely.

Not sure about breakfast, but probably a sandwich of some sort.

No school in our town, no power or snow, seems to come in pairs and it did this time, too. A few Halloweens ago we had no school for two days due to snow. That is unusual for October!

Who does that?!?!?!

Well, probably may people DO that (read over a strangers shoulders), but I don't think most people out themselves by commenting on what they read!

Leg room!

Leg room is lost on me. Due to my stature, I am pretty comfortable even in the cheap seats.

The protocol is to eject the passenger immediately. regardless of altitude or attitude (the plane's... not yours... well... yours too.)

Good to know!

I actually asked Susan if it is okay for me to take pictures while on the plane. Mark tries to tell me that my camera is an electronic device and shouldn't be used on the plane. I think he is just sick of me taking pictures out the window and blocking his view.

Well... poop. No way to celebrate a birthday.

Agreed. But Mark was able to heat some coffee for me on a camp stove, so it wasn't all bad!


Heh. Just in time for lights out.

I probably slept with the lights on just because I could!

Lucky. Normally airlines won't reimburse for flights cancelled due to weather. Mechanical, yes. Weather, no.

Really? I guess I must have made a good case that they were not able to get me home in a reasonable timeframe. And it was my birthday!

Thanks for sharing them with us! :goodvibes

I appreciate all your great comments!
(and the crappy ones too)


That's great you were able to get one of the last rooms at the Hyatt and an early flight the next morning. Considering you had no power for two days, waiting for the Tuesday flight may not have been a bad idea!

I figured those rooms at the Airport Hyatt were really expensive. I may now consider that with later flights. Definitely cheaper than Disney resorts.

How nice that you made a new friend. I love when that happens!

You were lucky to get a refund from Southwest. Did you ask to talk to a supervisor?

Your birthday flowers story is funny. Men!

Hindsight is 20-20.

I certainly would have been more comfortable staying in Orlando, enjoying the electricity.

My husband would have lost his mind. And I probably would have come home to multiple generators.

I was pleasantly surprised at the price of the hotel. Of course, all is relative- when you compare the rate to the cost of Disney hotels...

That was the biggest plus that came out of my journey home- meeting Susan.

I don't think I talked to a supervisor. I believe whoever answered the phone for customer service was able to help me. I must have stated my case calmly and reasonably. Or as you are the second one to point out, I was very lucky.

I pull out that birthday flowers story quite often.

I even found a comic strip that ran recently that was related to my experience.

Halloween BD.jpg


Yikes, that sounds like a stressful travel experience. I can just imagine how exhausting it must have been, trying to talk to the Southwest agent and then talk to Mark to try and figure out a new, last minute game plan. I'm happy that everything worked itself out, that you snagged the last Hyatt room, and were able to be back home the following night. Although the lack of power had to be a stark reminder that vacation was over and you were back to the real world...

Loved reading this latest report! It was such fun and made me wanna spend some time in the parks with friends. :goodvibes

It was funny. The gate agent insisted he was helping me, in between his regular gate duties (for Nannette's and other flights). He originally told me he had a decent flight he could book the next day, but then he told me he couldn't get into the system to book it. I am so lucky Mark took action into his own hands!

Not exactly the "I'm back in my own home/bed, so I can sleep comfortably" that I as looking forward to.

The great thing about WDW is that you can do all sorts of trips. Family. Couple. Friends. Even solo. And they are all magical!


That really stinks! I'm glad you were able to book a flight the next day with Jet Blue and in the end you were able to get a refund from SW! And at least you can say you stayed in the airport hotel ;) And how nice to make a friend on the way home!

I very much enjoyed reading this report, thank you for sharing!!

Thank you so much for following along and for your comments. My regret now is not knowing you were in the World, and more specifically EPCOT, at the same time we were. I definitely would have made the effort to meet up with you and your folks!

In the end it all worked out, and I am thankful that through my ordeal, I made a new friend!

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First off, congratulations on finishing this trip report! I know you spend much thought and effort on your reports so it is an accomplishment to get through to the very last moments.

Thank you!

I really enjoy writing these reports but they do take a lot of time.

I write it out in a document, and attach the codes for the pictures there. You know I am a numbers girl...

111 pages/17865 words!


Thanks to you (and everyone else) who has read them!


We could definitely do Disney on the cheap! I have no shame in walking into Ghiradelli to get my free sample.

I don't really mind getting to the airport early as I've usually had my fill of Disney by the end of the week and I like the people watching. That said, sending Canadians flying to Toronto to the airport an hour earlier makes no sense. First off, the agents aren't always at the counter so you might have to wait to drop of your bags, and more importantly... we clear customs on arrival in Toronto, so our time spent in security is no longer than someone flying to another US destination. On one of our trips home from Disney our plane arrived in Toronto and we had to wait in the plane for an extra 30 minutes because there was no one from the US to open the door at our gate. When the plane lands in Toronto we are still technically in the US until we go through the customs agents to get back into Canada. Ok, rant over.

Let's do it!

Rant away! So much trouble in this world if decisions and policies were made based on common sense.

Your trip to DC sounded exhausting, but a really great way to mark Ben's senior year.

It is a tricky time at this stage of parenting. Such mixed emotions seeing them grow up to be successful adults, but not wanting them to be too far away.

Our son moved out (but within the same city) for two years and is now back at home. I'm not sure how long he will stay, but I'll have him for as long as he wants as I love having him back.

We enjoy visiting DC, and I suspect we will have many, many more trips there in the future. We did a lot of repeat things but we managed a couple of new experiences- a day trip to Gettysburg and a visit to the Library of Congress.

The hotel at the airport looks great. I'd love to spend some time floating in the pool watching the planes come and go! I'm sure I'll never stay there as a Disney hotel just a bus ride away is more tempting, but maybe I'll do the DCL thing someday and take advantage of staying at the airport.

That guy does sound like a creep! If you are rude enough to read over someone's shoulder keep your thoughts to yourself. Glad you recovered with your new friend on board.

Thanks again for documenting our trip. It was fun to look back and remember it through your eyes. Can't wait for the next time!

I have positive thoughts about the airport hotel, even though it wasn't the best of circumstances.

Exactly! Don't make comments that highlight your rude behavior. Susan was so friendly. It was fun to share part of my flight with her. When I told her at the end of the flight that the one thing I regretted about missing the SW flight was that I had drink coupons that were expiring the next day that I had planned on using on my night flight since I had a car service. She said if I had told her that earlier, she would have gotten me a drink #7amflight #5oclocksomewhere

Mark is a saint :goodvibes
I’m glad he was able to get you on another flight and grab your room at the Hyatt
What a creeper behind you in security :scared1:
I had the exit row on an AA flight to Orlando lots of leg room and right next to one of the flight attendants :thumbsup2
Thanks for sharing another one of your adventures with us :D

Mark was really helpful, fighting with me long distance about doing whatever he could (and spending whatever necessary) to get me home comfortably and safely!

I still have trouble believing that guy. I wish I had replied with a snarky comment.

I thoroughly enjoyed the plane ride home on account of a few factors- I was flying "alone" but with a new friend, and Jet Blue has tvs and I was watching some breaking political news that continues to be a story of interest to me.

Ugh- travel delays stink! We actually stayed at the Hyatt before our cruise in June and it was perfect- nothing like getting off a late night flight and being at your hotel! And in the morning, right downstairs to the DCL bus!

Sorry you didn't have power when you got home. I hope it was restored soon!

My platinum cruise companion, Teena, prefers to get a shuttle to Port Canaveral and stay there overnight so that she can be one of the first to board the ship.

It was almost 2 days without power. 2 am Sunday morning to 9:30 Tuesday night. The worst park of a power outage is not knowing when it will be restored. If they were able to definitively tell you it would be a day or two you could mentally (and physically) prepare.


:laughing: Didn't know you knew that one.

Coconuts are good for something...


Ah yes. The exterior of the coconut has its uses.

Just so you know, I will never be able to experience a brutal New England storm without thinking of these words.


:laughing: You're welcome.

As I was posting the pictures and writing, I wonder if I was able to get a room because I only needed one bed- this rooms wouldn't have worked for families that were stranded.

Huh. Could be.

Maybe there would be circumstances I would stay there again.

Such as? (Other than being stranded) Maybe going on a cruise and arriving a day early?

I didn't need a traffic report to tell me how busy it was at the airport. I just needed to peek out the window. The view was actually pretty cool!


A few Halloweens ago we had no school for two days due to snow. That is unusual for October!

That is.
The weirdest Halloweens I recall. We had snow about a foot deep (also very unusual for us) one year... the next year was T-shirt weather (which is also fairly unusual for us).

Well, probably may people DO that (read over a strangers shoulders), but I don't think most people out themselves by commenting on what they read!

I do not read over shoulders. Just plain rude and an invasion of privacy.

Leg room is lost on me. Due to my stature, I am pretty comfortable even in the cheap seats.

Ah yes, that's right. I forgot your feet don't reach the floor.

I actually asked Susan if it is okay for me to take pictures while on the plane. Mark tries to tell me that my camera is an electronic device and shouldn't be used on the plane. I think he is just sick of me taking pictures out the window and blocking his view.

:laughing: Mark's right.... his view is blocked.
Your camera has no effect on the plane. Actually, I'm not sure if it's up here, or the FAA down there... but one of them is probably going to remove the ban on cell phone usage during take-off/landing since it has zero effect on the plane.

Agreed. But Mark was able to heat some coffee for me on a camp stove, so it wasn't all bad!

It's the little things... :)

I probably slept with the lights on just because I could!


Really? I guess I must have made a good case that they were not able to get me home in a reasonable timeframe. And it was my birthday!

Probably the latter.

I appreciate all your great comments!
(and the crappy ones too)


Mark really saved the day (night) for me! I was relying on the SW gate agent who was promising to help me, but he was getting nowhere!
Well done Mark :)
It was kind of fun to check out the hotel. I just wish I was not too tired that night to explore, or get a decent dinner, or swim.
We've eaten there a few years back when we decided the queue was just too crazy to face for a bit!
The incident with the guy in line was seriously creepy. Because he used my name, it was clear that he was reading over my shoulder while I was on Facebook. ICK!
It really was a silver lining that I met Susan and made a new friend.
Speaking of birthdays... Hope you have a SUPER, magical one!

Yes, my birthday is on October 31, Halloween.
Woohoo! Sweetie overload :banana:
It really is more of a blessing than a curse- there is always a party to be found on my birthday and most people are able to remember it.


One Halloween, when the kids were younger and I had been married to my husband for more than 20 years, this happened:

As usual, I got up early with Mark as he was getting ready for work.

No happy birthday wishes from him as he left for work. He knew it was Halloween, because he was coming home early for Trick or Treat.

I didn't get any emails or texts from him throughout the day.

I told my friend, Tara about this and she was horrified! She happened to be working for a florist at the time and she sent me a "Boo-quet" because she felt sorry for me.

When Mark came home and saw the flowers, he asked "What's that?"

I told him "Tara sent them"

"For what?" he asked.

"For my birthday. It falls on Halloween this year."
Well even Mark isn't always perfect!:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Thank you so much for taking us along on your travels. I've really, really enjoyed your trip report :)
So glad your journey home ended on a high note and that you made a new friend :goodvibes
YAY for Jet Blue, The Hyatt room availability and eventually getting home. Thanks Dee for taking the time to write your TR I enjoyed it and you always have some great pictures.
Ah yes. The exterior of the coconut has its uses.

I'll take the interior of the coconut, and hand the shells over to you.

Such as? (Other than being stranded) Maybe going on a cruise and arriving a day early?

IDK, maybe if every room on Disney property is sold out.

That is.
The weirdest Halloweens I recall. We had snow about a foot deep (also very unusual for us) one year... the next year was T-shirt weather (which is also fairly unusual for us).

Halloween in the north can definitely be a mixed bag.

I do not read over shoulders. Just plain rude and an invasion of privacy.

There was a recent report of a woman on a plane who had a guy next to her reading her phone and she tweeted about it during her flight to shame him.

Ah yes, that's right. I forgot your feet don't reach the floor.

short people.jpg

It's the little things... :)

Believe me. Having hot coffee when the power is out is NOT a little thing!

Well done Mark :)

Very, very true!


We've eaten there a few years back when we decided the queue was just too crazy to face for a bit!

I'm glad I had my leftovers from Skippers, but not all that glad. The noodle salad wasn't that great to begin with and didn't improve with time!


Woohoo! Sweetie overload :banana:

That's the great thing about a Halloween birthday- candy AND cake!

Not so great for the waistline.

Well even Mark isn't always perfect!:rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:

Practically perfect!

Thank you so much for taking us along on your travels. I've really, really enjoyed your trip report :)
So glad your journey home ended on a high note and that you made a new friend :goodvibes

Always pleased to have you on board!

Looking forward to the day when one of my trip reports includes a visit with you!


YAY for Jet Blue, The Hyatt room availability and eventually getting home. Thanks Dee for taking the time to write your TR I enjoyed it and you always have some great pictures.

I appreciate the kind words!

Thanks for coming along!

I'll take the interior of the coconut, and hand the shells over to you.

That'll work.

IDK, maybe if every room on Disney property is sold out.

:scared: Bite your tongue!

There was a recent report of a woman on a plane who had a guy next to her reading her phone and she tweeted about it during her flight to shame him.

:laughing: Good!

I picture you with your little feet dangling under the seat...

Believe me. Having hot coffee when the power is out is NOT a little thing!


Whoops! I stand corrected.... so I can reach the top shelf for that extra tin of coffee.
My platinum cruise companion, Teena, prefers to get a shuttle to Port Canaveral and stay there overnight so that she can be one of the first to board the ship.


Oh yes, it would be glorious to be one of the first families on the ship, but at 10 pm with 3 kids (8,5 and 3) staying at the Hyatt in the airport made the most sense!
Always love reading about your adventures Dee!
Glad the flight home worked for you. I on the other hand would’ve said oh...2 more days, ok!!
Just a little update on my trip... my DH and DS17 LOVED FoP!!! So glad we got a chance to ride it. I went the first time but skipped the second day we had FP. It’s a one and done for me.
We had another amazing trip. We’ll be back end of October for F&W.
~Ninja's flight was about 3 hours earlier than mine, so I believe she was able to get out of there as scheduled.


I left around noon-1 pm for a 4pm flight. I couldn't check my bags at the Poly for Southwest because my last name is hyphenated. It's a computer glitch in the software that the outside contractors that handle the luggage use. It's infuriating because the contractors are too stupid to fix it. This is the perfect example of the decline of service, compliments of outside providers being used at Disney.

Bell services outside the hotel at the stands at the entrance is also contacted out. They are separate from the people that handle the luggage. I had a hell of a time at Port Orleans Riverside with "external" Bell Services making me wait close to an hour for a ride to my room when I had refrigerated groceries. Think about that. Stuff like lunch meat and yogurt outside in the Florida heat while a bunch of, literally, kids chatted and socialized rather than have the brains to understand that they needed to EXPEDITE my groceries and myself to my room.

Yes, I know Bell Services has fridges to store stuff in but I needed to get the groceries to my room, put them away and hit the road because the entire family was waiting. I knew, based on prior experience, that bell services would MASH my groceries into an already full fridge with such force that the yogurt containers would pop open and squeeze goo all over the rest of my groceries.

I finally told them I had ICE CREAM in my bags and they went nuclear trying to redirect a golf cart to help me. It wasn't so hard after all.

Now if you think about it there are no freezers in the fridges in the rooms at POR. I knew the chuckle heads I was dealing with couldn't put 2 and 2 together so they wouldn't figure that part out... and no, I did not actually have Ice Cream.

So getting back to the check out at the Poly, I had to drag 2 suit cases and a back pack and a rolling camera case on the magical express and over to the SouthWest check in desk. Fun times! :thumbsup2 But at least my flight got off ok. I was south of the weather kerfuffle so my flights were not affected.

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That'll work.

So, I actually do have some coconut shells that I am saving, but I'll have to wait before I get them to you. I may need them for props for a local production of Spamalot that I hope will be happening.

coconut shells.JPG

I picture you with your little feet dangling under the seat...


Whoops! I stand corrected.... so I can reach the top shelf for that extra tin of coffee.



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