Title Chosen: World of Friendship! October 2017 Girls Getaway: Aloha to the Poly/ MCO Hyatt p33-4

Sorry to hear about your dad's fall and infection! Those things are scary! But what great news that he's doing better.

Your view from your Poly room must have been so special! Doesn't get much more "Disney" than that!
Hey folks! Again, sorry I have been away and gotten so behind everywhere- here, on your reports and on the Yacht & Beach Club FAQ board.

I continue to be busy dealing with my dad's recovery (which is going mostly well, but is practically a full-time job) and the busy season for my actual (part-time) job. Meanwhile, the clean-up of my dad's house, my childhood home, by my brother, nephew and niece is remarkably done. That incredible feat has not been without some heartache, surprises, disgust, rebukes (both warranted and unfair), sleepless nights, dust-induced coughing fits...

No tears or puking, though, so that's good, right?

I will probably write about it sometime soon, and most likely share some of the experiences and pictures, because that is how I process things. And apparently, always have, as demonstrated by the discovery of a book I wrote when I was in 5th grade and my 4-H award ribbon for a photography demonstration.

But for now, on with the show. I'll work on replies and posting the latest installment of this report today.

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I thank you all for your concern and good wishes about my dad. He has bounced back pretty well, which is incredible for a guy who has been on this earth for 85 years, and been through hell for way too many of those. His mind is as sharp as ever. It is difficult to see him struggle physically, but he is still getting around (slowly) with a rollator walker, when he isn't being too stubborn to use it! He has had numerous doctor's appointments since his hospitalization- both scheduled and unexpected.

As his personal physician commented "You're in good shape for the shape you're in"

Again thank you all, my friends!


So sorry to hear about your dad. Glad he is doing better!

Wow your room is so nice and what a fabulous view!! You got some great pics both day and night!

The room was AWESOME!!! I loved it!


Glad your dad is doing better. That is always scary.

Love the room! The view is fantastic too!

I totally agree. The Poly is fantastic! I love the room, the theming, the view, the location.


First Dee I’m so sorry to hear that your Dad fell but thankful he’s on the mend :hug:
Love your room at the Poly so pretty and what a view
I love watching the castle change colors too :goodvibes
2 bathrooms very nice :thumbsup2
Morning shots are gorgeous

You know what's better than watching the castle change colors?

Doing it from the comfort of your room!


Your studio is gorgeous. If you had to do it over again would you want to stay all four nights in the studio?

The macaroni casserole looks delicious. I just happen to have some ham in the freezer that was leftover from Easter which would be perfect for this dish. :)

I'll chime in here... I wouldn't want to do the studio with the four of us for four nights. I think we might have driven each other a bit crazy if we were in that small a space for too long. But having two bathrooms in the studio was a big help. It was really nice to have the full kitchen and separate bedroom(s) for the first few nights. The full suite also comes with a dining table and chairs which we often sat at for our first few nights.

You can’t beat a villa when it comes to space. :)

Did the studio have two full bathrooms or just a shower and sink in the second one?

I think one bathroom had the sink, wheelchair accessible shower and toilet, and the second bathroom had the bathtub shower and sink with no toilet.

That's a good question. As Janet points out, it probably would have been a little too much of a good thing to have us in such close quarters for that period of time.​


I'm so sorry to hear about your dad's fall. Glad that things are better. I know how difficult it can be with aging parents.

Those views from your room are amazing! I'm an early riser also, and I think I like the early morning views the best!

It was SO pretty in the morning. I loved walking to the lobby to check that out, with nobody else around.


I'll chime in here... I wouldn't want to do the studio with the four of us for four nights. I think we might have driven each other a bit crazy if we were in that small a space for too long. But having two bathrooms in the studio was a big help. It was really nice to have the full kitchen and separate bedroom(s) for the first few nights. The full suite also comes with a dining table and chairs which we often sat at for our first few nights.

Great points!

I wouldn't have minded being there for the entire trip if we had a 1BR at the Poly.

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So happy to hear that your dad is doing well - but so sorry to hear of his fall and hospital/rehab stay :guilty: Sounds like he's on the uphill swing though :goodvibes :thumbsup2

I would have been SO excited about this (trundle bed), too!!! It's so cute!

Sure looked it, wow! :wizard:

Nannette made it clear that she was staking her claim on the trundle bed! Justly so.

A longer stay is the only thing that would have made the room even perfecter!


Oh no, sorry to hear about your dad's fall. I'm sure he appreciates you visiting with him last week, though.

Your room view! It was wonderful! Seeing your early morning shots make me even more excited for our night stay in 2(!) weeks.

Loved the room, loved the room. Your stay has come and gone. From what I saw, you had a lovely time!


I have no idea why I am not getting notifications of updates any more. That's happened to me on many of the threads that I am following. So glad to hear that your dad is doing better after his fall. It's scary seeing our loved ones as they grow old. I am the main caretaker for my mother and it pains me to see how much she has slowed down over the last couple of years.

Back to the report: You ladies look like you are having THE best time on this trip! It's amazing how the Dis has brought you all together. And the view from the Poly. Oh my goodness! I'd love to look out over that every day.

Well, 1. I have found that as well. I get one update when there is a new post, but I am not alerted to any posts made after that one, so if I don't go and check that out, there are no new notifications and 2. I haven't had many new posts lately!!!

We had so much fun! Many laughs, late night chats and inside jokes.

I continue to be busy dealing with my dad's recovery (which is going mostly well, but is practically a full-time job) and the busy season for my actual (part-time) job. Meanwhile, the clean-up of my dad's house, my childhood home, by my brother, nephew and niece is remarkably done. That incredible feat has not been without some heartache, surprises, disgust, rebukes (both warranted and unfair), sleepless nights, dust-induced coughing fits...

Glad the recovery and clean up are going well. :)

No tears or puking, though, so that's good, right?

No puking is always a good thing. Unless you work at poison control.

I will probably write about it sometime soon, and most likely share some of the experiences and pictures, because that is how I process things. And apparently, always have, as demonstrated by the discovery of a book I wrote when I was in 5th grade and my 4-H award ribbon for a photography demonstration.

Sounds like you took a little detour down memory lane.
One of you (not naming names...... Ninja) is not as happy as the others.

You guys always get great PP photos. :)

Sleep. No one sleeps at Disney. Well... you sleep really well... but never long enough.

Agreed! (Gorgeous view from table)

That looks and sounds good! (Salmon and Quinoa Salad)

Really! I'd be all over that. (Loaded Mac & Cheese)

Too much greens, but... surprised by the size!

Glad you enjoyed it, even if it wasn't up to your standards. :)

Interesting shot.

Huh. Don't think that was there when I was a couple years ago. I'd try it.

That bad, huh?

No. Just.... no.

coconut = evil

Sorry to hear that. Glad nothing was broken.


~Ninja said she was sad that we were sailing by the Beach Club without stopping in for a visit.

Thank you! I keep saying it but we had the most amazing Photopass photographers ever on this trip.

Yes, there are times I sleep TOO well at Disney. Apparently, quality over quantity.

The gruyere tart was huge and rich! (and unfinished).

I haven't really found stuffed grape leaves or chicken mole that I like as much as the ones I make. Sure, you can get more authentic, but you can't get more familiar.

Yes the Panoramic shot is interesting. I can get some weird results with that camera setting.

I'll have your SPAM! I LOVE it!

Yes. The macadamia passion fruit cheesecake was AWFUL! Hated it! No one should get it! (*more for me)

Coconut = Evil. Yes, more people are killed every year by falling coconuts than by sharks. But the fruit tastes incredible!

Glad the recovery and clean up are going well. :)

Thanks! Me, too!

No puking is always a good thing. Unless you work at poison control.

Good point!

Sounds like you took a little detour down memory lane.

More than a little detour. It was the full-on deluxe edition hike complete with high school love letters from my now husband, and maybe for one or two who predated him. Or predated me. If you know what I mean!

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Sounds like there's been some emotional ups and downs lately - here's hoping things are on the uphill swing :goodvibes Thinking about you!
Thank you! I keep saying it but we had the most amazing Photopass photographers ever on this trip.


Yes, there are times I sleep TOO well at Disney. Apparently, quality over quantity.

No sleep like a Disney sleep.

Yes the Panoramic shot is interesting. I can get some weird results with that camera setting.

And probably the most well known:

Yes. The macadamia passion fruit cheesecake was AWFUL! Hated it! No one should get it! (*more for me)


Coconut = Evil. Yes, more people are killed every year by falling coconuts than by sharks. But the fruit tastes incredible!

Not true, but coconut is still evil.
I think possibly one person has been killed by a coconut? Or was that zero.... don't remember.

More than a little detour. It was the full-on deluxe edition hike complete with high school love letters from my now husband, and maybe for one or two who predated him. Or predated me. If you know what I mean!

Well phrased. :)
You got a real bed this time!

I did! Slept great as I recall. Then again, it was at the end of a 4 park day and the end of a whirlwind trip so I probably could have slept in the tub (like Janet)

Uh, huh. How excited was she after she slept in it?

Pretty sure she loved it.

Pretty much anytime you can see a piece of the castle-FROM YOUR ROOM- it is a win.

Probably should have been discreet about yelling "This is my grass! This is my grass!" around Disney security.

Not too shabby!!

Unobstructed view of Space.

That must've been amazing. Bit envious. :)

Not gonna lie. It was pretty cool. I wish a MK view for you, someday!

Thanks for the recipe Dee. I'm definitely going to give it a go (minus the mushrooms-not a fan). Might add peppers in their place :)
Glad your dad is back home - great photo of you both.
I've always wanted to stay at the poly and your photos have just solidified that wish! Gorgeous views and who doesn’t love getting to sing and dance on their own grass:jumping1:

The mac and cheese is one recipe my family unanimously requests.

I would stay at the Poly again. The Yacht & Beach has my heart, especially with the proximity to EPCOT, but there are so many things about the Poly that I love- the theming, the food options, convenience and view of the MK, the beach.


I'm so glad your Dad is doing better!

What gorgeous views from your Studio- just wow! Can't wait to hear more about your day!


The views were great! We didn't have much time to enjoy them, but may I say the views were great paired with a fine white wine (later that night)


Sounds like there's been some emotional ups and downs lately - here's hoping things are on the uphill swing :goodvibes Thinking about you!

Definitely been a rollercoaster! I have always said that I am strong because of my mom, and I have a great sense of humour that comes from my dad. I am glad that his spirits have remained positive through most of what he has been through.

No sleep like a Disney sleep.

True- I have actually had a couple of trip reports centered around the way I sleep at Disney.


And probably the most well known:


I don't think I have seen these pictures.

Are macadamia nuts and passion fruit on the pkondz approved food lists?

Not true, but coconut is still evil.
I think possibly one person has been killed by a coconut? Or was that zero.... don't remember.

I know, urban legend. But I thought that it fit here.

Well phrased. :)

Thank you. I did make a couple of passes on the way I wanted to say that.

Sorry to hear about your dad's fall and infection! Those things are scary! But what great news that he's doing better.

Your view from your Poly room must have been so special! Doesn't get much more "Disney" than that!

Thank you! Hope all is going ok in your world. :hug:

Our room and view were pretty darned great! Although seeing some of the Contemporary Theme park views- it DOES get a bit more "Disney" than that.

I still would prefer a stay at the Poly though.

I think I have caught up with replies here, but I was skipping around, so if I missed yours, please let me know.

“3” Safari so good, until it was time to ride Flights of Passage

Nannette, Janet and I arrived at our 3rd park of the day around 5 pm.


For the first time I noticed the kangaroos in the garden in front of the Tree of Life. Are they new there?


We had 3 Fast Passes for this evening, along with Sue and her husband:

Safari from 4:30 to 5:30

Flights of Passage from 5:30 to 6:30

*Rivers of Light*

Although the three of us watched the Rivers of Light show the previous night, we kept the Fast Pass so that ~Ninja could go and take pictures of the show, while we completed our 4 park quest.

We met up with Sue and her husband, and proceeded to the Safari.

An afternoon safari is unusual for me because I have mostly experienced this attraction first thing in the morning. It was not the best safari I have been on, but it wasn’t the worst either.







Hey! We saw you a couple of days ago!



Then we approached the “Will we? Or won’t we?” corner.






Not bad!



As I said, the safari was decent.

But it was now time for one our most anticipated experiences of the trip!

Next Up: Flights of Passage
I did! Slept great as I recall. Then again, it was at the end of a 4 park day and the end of a whirlwind trip so I probably could have slept in the tub (like Janet)

How does one sleep in the tub?!?!?

Unless it's filled with oh-so-toasty hot water and... zzzzzzzzzzz........ :cat:

Pretty much anytime you can see a piece of the castle-FROM YOUR ROOM- it is a win.


Probably should have been discreet about yelling "This is my grass! This is my grass!" around Disney security.


Not gonna lie. It was pretty cool. I wish a MK view for you, someday!


Thanks! I'd love that.

True- I have actually had a couple of trip reports centered around the way I sleep at Disney.



Are macadamia nuts and passion fruit on the pkondz approved food lists?

Oh yes. Although chocolate covered macadamia nuts are better.

I know, urban legend. But I thought that it fit here.

Nannette, Janet and I arrived at our 3rd park of the day

The time is irrelevant.
Just the fact... 3rd park of the day...

For the first time I noticed the kangaroos in the garden in front of the Tree of Life. Are they new there?

No, just visiting.


We had 3 Fast Passes for this evening, along with Sue and her husband:

I didn't know you could get fast passes for Sue and her husband.
Good to know.

We met up with Sue and her husband, and proceeded to the Safari.

Quickest DISmeet on record.
Is that part of the four park challenge?

I had to take a double look at these photos. At first, it looked like the same photo, just zoomed in. I gnu there was something off about it though.

Then we approached the “Will we? Or won’t we?” corner.

:laughing: Good name.
And... he was awake! You got some good shots there.


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