Title Chosen: World of Friendship! October 2017 Girls Getaway: Aloha to the Poly/ MCO Hyatt p33-4

Mustang it was not.

If I had money to blow and cared about what car I had, I would get a classic mustang. But I don't. And I don't.

Oh, snap!



Okay... that sounds.... pretty darned good.


But I was wondering what to ask for next. Maybe breakfasts... hmmmm....

I don't know what I would submit for a breakfast recipe. That's usually DH's department.

“Come on Eileen “always makes me think of summer :)
A traveling amusement fair came to a leisure center near where I lived when I was 16 or so and blasted it out all day long, or so it seemed! My best friend at the time was called Eileen so we used to break into dancing a jig every time we heard it lol
Mind you, I’ve enjoyed the wee trip back to the 80s. Loved that time, music-wise at least, between Soft Cell, Human League, Dexys and Madness it was a great time to be a teenager :charac2::dancer:

Both the space and ninja’s photos are amazing :thumbsup2

That is funny! I love the song, but hearing it all summer long might be a bit much.

I have a radio station in my van set to 80's music (along with the Jimmy Buffet and Classic Vinyl). Switching it over is always like biting into a box of chocolates- some of it is sweet but sometimes you get that gooey chocolate cherry. YUCK!

Thanks for the warning on Rose & Crown- I'll take your expert opinion.


I don't usually worry too much about getting sick from others. I figure if it is going to happen I can't really stop it. BUT... I do shudder at the thought of using an airplane washroom so I was most concerned about not being sick for the hours when I would be on the plane going home. I was a bit concerned about sharing a bed with her, but my temptation to stay in a nice Disney bed was stronger. In the end I didn't get sick at all. (Whew!)

We did have one trip, back in 2007, where I got some kind of food poisoning on our last night. It made for a terrible last day. Our flight didn't leave until 9:30 pm. I was so sick that day that I couldn't do anything. My husband and son were fine so they went over to MK and had a great time. I stayed back at the WL and after getting as late a check out as possible, I just moved from couch to couch to rocking chair all around the WL lobby until it was time to head to the airport. While being sick without a bed to lay in isn't fun, WL lobby is one of the nicer place to be confined to if all you can do is just sit all day. There are so many nooks to relax in that in the end it wasn't too bad.

I was very relieved when I heard that you didn't contract the plague and I'm glad you were fine for the flight home. I was feeling lousy during my family's trip to Yellowstone in 2015. The last day there was miserable. We had a kayak tour and Mark said he knew how sick I was because I couldn't help paddle our double kayak. The next day was our flight home and we had a very short window to get across a very large airport during the layover. I honestly did not think I would make it. Turned out I had pneumonia!

It is nice to have a trip that is not rushing from one attraction to the other (like when I am with family) and being able to enjoy some of the "overlooked" experiences.

That's so cool! I think that's my goal in life - to be recognized randomly in the parks because of the Dis :goodvibes::yes::

My family was a lot less enthusiastic about being recognized!

I am active in a lot of different groups in town, from when my boys were younger and now that they are in school, so I get recognized a lot while I am in town. Or people think I look like someone they know. Once, while getting on a plane in Miami, a flight attendant said to me. "I know you!" I told her, "I get that a lot" and she answered "No, we live in the same town" And, indeed, we do!


I do, too! In January my family wanted to stick to MK and AK, but I forced everyone to do the Epcot monorail loops so we could "go into" Epcot ;):laughing:

During our first trip to Universal, we had one day when we visited MK, and stayed for the entire day. To break up the time and get some air-conditioned rest, we took the monorail around the resort loop.

Little did they know, they were talking to Disers, taking pictures of food is what we do! :rotfl2:

What's the point of eating if you don't take a picture???

What?! I don't know that I knew this existed!??! :confused3:thumbsup2 How cool!!!

I didn't know about the DVC lounge either! I should ask Nannette if they have secret lounges in the other parks, too.


Just wanted to let you know I started my TR if you are interested!

Are people always like this? - A Solo Adventure Spring Break 2018 (Update: 3/28/18)

Thanks so much for the heads up!

Well... that was easy!


Was running out the door to work when I posted an update. Did not realize I had not replied to previous messages. OCD requires that they be in the proper order.

(Unlike this post)

Pandora is just great to walk around in. I bought a Banshee when I was there opening weekend. They were cheaper then so I felt better about spending the money. I am a big fan of RoL even though many find it lackluster. Excited to hear about the next resort and the 4 parks attempt!

There are some parts of WDW that I know very well, but I know I could spend hours in Pandora, just taking in the details... if I didn't have somewhere else to be.

I would like to go through the stand-by line of FoP, but I think a wait-time of about an hour would be the limit for me.

What is the name of your Banshee? No judgement from me. That is the kind of "pet" for a college student to have. The farm where I work got a baby goat a year ago because a student thought his dorm room closet would be a good home.

The long wait on uncomfortable benches surrounded by fidgety kids probably played a lot into our lack of appreciation for the show.

I was so excited to be spending a night at the Poly!!! I love the theming and location and all of the stores/restaurants there!


The floats in RoL look beautiful but i can't imagine how I'd convince anyone in my family to give that much time to waiting on the show. You'd think they'd be selling snacks to their seated,captive audience wouldn't you! I love that you remembered a friend <3
Glad to have seen this through your eyes so I don't need to worry if I miss it on future trips :thumbsup2
I love how convenient it seems to be to do a little in-house catering while staying at SSR. Sounds like you trip was the perfect mix of self-catering and dining out. :goodvibes

I can't get my family into any shows!

Some popcorn or a Mickey bar would have helped pass the time.

It was nice to have some food right there in our room, and since were moving the next day, our goal was to try to finish up a few things


How ever did you manage such restraint?! :laughing:

Well, knowing I have a house back home full of toys my boys have aged out of helped.

I had a FP to see it back in August but it was kinda raining and I kinda wasn't feeling it, so I have yet to see it. But given everyone's "glowing" reviews (;);)), I don't know that I'm in a hurry either. I do enjoy the pictures, though! So thanks for that! :thumbsup2

Right place, right time. I am so glad we saw the show on our "free night" because it opened up our scheduled for the following day. Rivers of Life is worth seeing if the time and conditions are right.

Isn't Pandora especially beautiful at night?! :goodvibes

It really is, even if I couldn't capture that beauty with my cameras.


Those banshees are now about $100?! Yikes! I thought they were $60 or $70 when Pandora first opened.

I haven't been to AK in a few years as we skip it altogether on shorter trips, so haven't seen any of the nighttime attractions. I really want to see the Tree of Life Awakening, though. Rivers of Light certainly doesn't seem to get many raving reviews.

Love your Beverly Hillbillies reference!

So I guess I was exaggerating about the cost, but even $60 or $70 is outside of my comfort zone.

I only saw a very small bit of the Tree of Life Awakening. I would love to catch the whole thing.

Glad you liked the Beverly Hillbillies reference. That was a last minute inspiration!

How do you feel about that now?

That place just draws them in...

I'm glad we watched Rivers of Light, but with so many excellent nighttime shows around WDW, I'm not sure that it will fit into future plans. Although I still don't feel that I have spent enough time at AK at night.


I don't get it. I saw grown men wearing them. Really? Gonna wear that to the office? Impress the boss or clients? "Ooh! Is that real?"

I don't really have a problem if others want one. You can spend your money any way that makes you happy (isn't that why we're all here, anyway?) But it's not for me. Not at a fraction of the cost.


Right. People are welcome to spend their money on what they want. I'm not sure I would want others judging my purchases.


I hear that. I made sure my kids had treats before (or shortly after) they sat down for long waits.

Smart parenting right there. Funny that we had 3 moms there and none of us thought ahead!


I keep hearing that. I don't think I've yet to hear a "wow" review.

That place is spectacular after dark. They really did a good job.

Well... poop!

That's cool too. :)

This was my first time at AK after dark, but I feel like I still have so much to do... ride EE at night, see the Tree of Life Awakening properly, explore Pandora.

mmmmmm... potato salad.

Should make some soon. Haven't in a long time.

I have made it a couple of times in the past month. I just got one of those Instant Pot pressure cookers. I was able to cook the eggs AND potatoes in the same pot at the same time.


Holy cow! That's one full day!

It was! A great one, too!

The gift shop in Pandora seems small considering how many people want to check out Pandora. Perhaps in a few years it won't be a busy, but I know for the present it's constantly insane in there.
Thank goodness my kids have no idea about those banshees!!

Kind of a bummer that there wasn't any place to grab some food before Rivers of Light. I'm sure you guys were hungry by the time you got back to the resort.
Sounds like a good night, glad you got to see RoL for yourself and also see Pandora in the dark!
I'm glad we watched Rivers of Light, but with so many excellent nighttime shows around WDW, I'm not sure that it will fit into future plans. Although I still don't feel that I have spent enough time at AK at night.

I'd like to do more AK at night too.

Right. People are welcome to spend their money on what they want. I'm not sure I would want others judging my purchases.


Ha! I don't have that problem.
I don't buy silly items for people to wonder about.

On a totally unrelated topic...
Hey! Have you seen my poker chip collection?

Smart parenting right there. Funny that we had 3 moms there and none of us thought ahead!



This was my first time at AK after dark, but I feel like I still have so much to do... ride EE at night, see the Tree of Life Awakening properly, explore Pandora.

Yes! Agree with all that!

I have made it a couple of times in the past month. I just got one of those Instant Pot pressure cookers. I was able to cook the eggs AND potatoes in the same pot at the same time.


I have one too. And I think I saw a spud salad recipe somewhere. I'll Google when I'm ready to do that.
I really enjoyed seeing the Pandora land at night. It is so beautifully done. On our next trip we will be sure to make the time to see it both at night and in the daylight. My husband wants to have his first view of Pandora be at night, so AK will be on the itinerary for one of our first few nights.

It is too bad that the RoL show wasn't more spectacular. It is worth seeing, but not worth the hour of wait required to get a good seat.
The gift shop in Pandora seems small considering how many people want to check out Pandora. Perhaps in a few years it won't be a busy, but I know for the present it's constantly insane in there.
Thank goodness my kids have no idea about those banshees!!

Kind of a bummer that there wasn't any place to grab some food before Rivers of Light. I'm sure you guys were hungry by the time you got back to the resort.

The gift shop really was uncomfortably small and crowded. Certainly looks like a parent's nightmare!

I'm surprised. A couple of stands offering soft drinks, popcorn and Mickey Bars/frozen treats would have been very successful!


Sounds like a good night, glad you got to see RoL for yourself and also see Pandora in the dark!

Although we had FP to see RoL the following night, the timing (and the weather) made for a much more enjoyable time to watch.


I really enjoyed seeing the Pandora land at night. It is so beautifully done. On our next trip we will be sure to make the time to see it both at night and in the daylight. My husband wants to have his first view of Pandora be at night, so AK will be on the itinerary for one of our first few nights.

It is too bad that the RoL show wasn't more spectacular. It is worth seeing, but not worth the hour of wait required to get a good seat.

That's gonna be rough stumbling around Pandora at night for the first time for him!

I don't think our viewing spot was the best place to see the show, and waiting an hour while hungry did not lead to the best experience. But like you, I am glad we watched the show. And especially glad we did it that evening.

I'd like to do more AK at night too.

Yes! Agree with all that!

Most of my Disney trips until recently were in the summer, with kids who were early to bed and early to rise, so there really were no opportunities to see AK at night. Heck, I think most nights it closed before getting dark anyway.

I loved the quick peeks I had of AK after dark, but still have so much more I want to see.

Ha! I don't have that problem.
I don't buy silly items for people to wonder about.

On a totally unrelated topic...
Hey! Have you seen my poker chip collection?

Seen it? Heck, I considered adding to it!

I have one too. And I think I saw a spud salad recipe somewhere. I'll Google when I'm ready to do that.

The pulled pork in the IP is amazing! I currently have a 15 bean soup with Easter hambone brewing away now. 20 minutes to go...

I am hoping to go out and find some of the snowy owls that have been seen in our area this winter.

YAY!!! I found a cooperative snowy owl over the weekend!

A friend had posted a picture of a snowy in a tree at a nearby beach last week. I intended to make it over, but didn't find the time until Saturday. Weather was great and the owl was perched right out in the open just off the roadway. Lots of folks with binoculars and cameras!

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Most of my Disney trips until recently were in the summer, with kids who were early to bed and early to rise, so there really were no opportunities to see AK at night. Heck, I think most nights it closed before getting dark anyway.

I loved the quick peeks I had of AK after dark, but still have so much more I want to see.

I was pretty surprised when they started having AK open at night. "Oh, we can't have the park open after dark... for the animals, you know. It's all about not disturbing the animals."

You can make buckets of cash if you stay open.

"We feel that the animals won't be disturbed by remaining open."

Seen it? Heck, I considered adding to it!


While I appreciate the thought, I encourage people to not pick them up for me. My collection is strictly one that I can point to and say "I've been to all of those". :)

The pulled pork in the IP is amazing! I currently have a 15 bean soup with Easter hambone brewing away now. 20 minutes to go...


While I love pulled pork, I'm the only one in the family that does, so... that's not an option. DW will do pulled chicken (haven't done it in the IP yet but have in the slow cooker). Love my IP.

Okay... that is seriously cool. Might be a bit jealous....

Nah... A lot jealous. ;)
I agree the monorail is a ride :thumbsup2
I love taking pictures too as you enter FW some of my favorite from F & G
Beautiful pics from ROL
We love Pandora it’s so pretty but you’re right about the gift shop :crowded:
I was pretty surprised when they started having AK open at night. "Oh, we can't have the park open after dark... for the animals, you know. It's all about not disturbing the animals."

You can make buckets of cash if you stay open.

"We feel that the animals won't be disturbed by remaining open."

$$$ ::yes::


While I appreciate the thought, I encourage people to not pick them up for me. My collection is strictly one that I can point to and say "I've been to all of those". :)

Glad my inaction was the right thing to do!


While I love pulled pork, I'm the only one in the family that does, so... that's not an option. DW will do pulled chicken (haven't done it in the IP yet but have in the slow cooker). Love my IP.

The best thing so far about the IP is that I have been trying a lot of new interesting recipes. Mostly winners so far.

Okay... that is seriously cool. Might be a bit jealous....

Nah... A lot jealous. ;)

The snowy was right out in the open, not too far from the road. Wasn't bothered by the paparazzi watching it and pointing our cameras.

I agree the monorail is a ride :thumbsup2
I love taking pictures too as you enter FW some of my favorite from F & G
Beautiful pics from ROL
We love Pandora it’s so pretty but you’re right about the gift shop :crowded:

More food & wine pictures coming up soon-ish.

Thanks- either I didn't take any water projection pictures or they didn't come out well.

I'm glad I'm not a shopper. I don't think I could handle spending much time in that gift shop.

And they loaded up the trucks and moved to the Poly (Nesian, that is) (Volcano Pools) (Tiki Bars)

Today was moving day!

We had a one night stay at the Poly villas. I was super excited since I have always wanted to stay at the Poly- I love the theming, the shops and restaurants and of course the proximity to the MK!

We had mostly packed up the night before, but we had some last minute gathering to do while we all got ready for the day. I believed I cooked up some of our food so that we didn’t have to move it.

We called bell services to come and pick up the huge stash of luggage we were transferring. There were 5-6 large suitcases, some smaller bags and a Styrofoam cooler with the remaining food we had.

Major fail #1- I don’t have photographic evidence…

~Ninja understandably wanted to bring over her camera equipment herself to ensure it did not get lost or damaged. She ubered over to the Poly while the 3 of us headed to the bus stop. The bus came along, and the three of us were the only ones on it. We had a fun ride full of silly and secret girls’ talk.

Fail #2- I thought I took a picture of the empty bus, but apparently not.

We were starting out at Hollywood Studios with the only priority being Nannette and Janet battling it out on Toy Story Mania. We had Fast Passes for later in the day at Animal Kingdom (Safari, Flights of Passage and Rivers of Light), so we were going to have to “run with the bulls” first thing.

Our ambitious plans for the day included rope drop at Hollywood Studios, hopping (sailing) over to EPCOT for Food & Wine, settling in at the Poly, using our Fast Passes at Animal Kingdom and then hopefully going to Magic Kingdom so Janet and Nannette could see Happily Ever After.

That’s 4 parks and 2 resorts, if anyone is counting.



I believe we arrived right around rope drop, a little before 9.

We received the red carpet treatment upon arrival and a welcome by Evie Starlight.



@amazingact21 You will have to get the Evies together on a future trip!

The ride was a walk-on!


Nannette and Janet rode together so they could battle it out. I rode alone.




I’m not sure who won the round between Janet and Nannette- maybe Janet remembers (if she was the winner)

As we were finishing up, we received word that ~Ninja was arriving at the park. Along the way to meet her, we stopped at a spot that is infamous in my trip reports (and in some others’ as well):

Dee’s corner:


Dang! I'm just realizing now that I didn't have my "Dee's Corner" sign with me.


After meeting up with ~Ninja, I made a crucial mistake. I suggested going back to Toy Story to ride again.


We got into line inside the building and then we didn’t move. We were in a verrrryyy slow moving line, for around 45 minutes. It was not a pleasant wait.

When we were finally able to load, I rode with Nannette and Janet and ~Ninja were on the other side of the car.



Since we were attempting to visit all of the parks that day, we thought it would be a hoot to get our picture taken in each of them.




Are we channeling Diana Ross & the Supremes?

"Stop! In the Name of Love"

The photographer commented “I think I took your picture in Animal Kingdom!” She had taken our group picture during our first visit to Pandora! When our photoshoot was over, she asked where we were going to be that night. We told her Animal Kingdom. She pulled an anytime/any attraction (except Rivers of Light) FP out of her pocket and handed it to us:


That’s cool!

On our way out, we popped into a gift shop and watched the March of the First Order from the doorway as it passed by.


Saying hello- actually, goodbye- to my buddy Bo:

And we're off to our next park!

Next Up: “2”
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Looks like you’re off to a great start
Can’t wait to see your pictures of the Poly
That’s so cool the photographer remembered you and what a nice gift :thumbsup2
That’s 4 parks and 2 resorts, if anyone is counting.

This is an ambitious day!

@amazingact21 You will have to get the Evies together on a future trip!

Definitely! I'm not sure which one has more sass.:rotfl2:

We got into line inside the building and then we didn’t move. We were in a verrrryyy slow moving line, for around 45 minutes. It was not a pleasant wait.

Ugh, TSMM is a great attraction but waiting 45 minutes for it is borderline too long. Especially now that they've added that 3rd track and nobody has to do the Mad Dash at park opening, anymore. Man I don't miss those days...(even though that's sort of how FOP is now)

She pulled an anytime/any attraction (except Rivers of Light) FP out of her pocket and handed it to us:

How great! What a nice moment from the photographer, and I love that you all wanted to get a photo from every park to commemorate your busy day. :goodvibes

Looking forward to hearing what you thought of the Poly.


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