Tips that you didnt think of last trip!

Excellent tips! Just got the sponges ready :)

We leave tomorrow afternoon for flight! POR Saturday morning! Can we say EXCITED
Let DD take her own pictures. It's interesting to see what a 10 yr old takes pictures of vs what an adult takes pictures of. We just let DD make a Shutterfly book of last year's Spring Break Road Trip.

This is a great idea. We will borrow it next time!!
We brought markers for characters to sign. The autographs look much nicer than ballpoint pen. We match the characters with their colors: Tink (green), Sofia (purple) etc. The characters are happy that we bring "their color" for them to sign.

Next time, we would bring a disposable plastic plate as soap dish at the resort. We used the paper plate last time, and it kept "melting".

Buy a resort-specific post card to send home. We actually wanted to get more resort-specific souvenirs, but there aren't too many. So, we get the postcard.

On the last park day, we go say "goodbye" to Mickey as we head out of MK.
I totally agree about the ponchos! Last time we brought the cheap dollar store ones. What a joke! The funniest picture we have is my husband wearing the dollar store poncho and it ripped when he put it on and he's 6'3" so it only came down to his waist! He was soaked but still wearing it! haha My parents had the thick disney ones and what a difference! They save theirs and resuse them each trip they are that nice! Next time I'll just buy them there.

I bought the travel size lysol wipes for cleaning the airplane seat tray and the hotel phone and tv remote!

Def a sharpie! We ended up picking the same color resort mugs and didn't realize and kept getting them mixed up so we put our initials on the bottom.
I bought the travel size lysol wipes for cleaning the airplane seat tray and the hotel phone and tv remote!

We bring a transparent plastic bag to hold the tv remote in it. Then I don't have to clean the remote for them. DH loves this idea.
Buy and bring lots of gum if you're a gum chewer. They don't sell it at Disney! Learned this last trip too!
We bought a rechargeable battery pack and packed that and the cell phone cable so that we could charge the phones without looking for a plug. Kept it in a ziploc bag so it didn't get wet. With multiple cell phones and then using the camera on the phones, we needed this every day.

We rented a car for a couple of days and went for snacks at Walmart - the rain ponchos had Mickey on then and were half the price there.

Sharpie for autographs - easier for characters to hold.

Take a picture of your photopass card in case you lose it.

I have always been benadryl cream and tablets in case someone gets bit by something.

The sponges soaked in dishwashing liquid and then cut up worked wonders for us!

We also took a roll of quarters and shiny pennies for pressed pennies.

Hope this helps!
Dollar shop rain ponchos are a big NO NO...they are ok for "normal" rain but if you get the usual Florida monsoons they are totally useless..they are not very long ( wet butt ) the hood wont stay up as its too flimsy ( wet head ) and the whole thing blows up with the least bit of breeze ( wet body )...believe me..we were cursing these up and down last year at future we will either buy a Disney poncho or spring for a better one out of Target or somewhere.

This is so right! We got caught on the dock off the yacht club in a sudden downpour last Dec. OMG! We had those stupid dollar store ponchos and were like cool, we finally get to use them(carried them around a few trips), lol! What a mess! So hard to get on with the wind blowing and it's starting to rain! Could hardly find the arm holes or even get the neck hole open and the hood on, which really didn't cover my hair at all. Plus, if you are pooh sized at all, the stupid thing isn't even big enough to go down over hips at all so totally soaked and stupid looking! We just had to go and escape the pouring rain. We went through the Yacht club to get back to our room at the Beach club, walking by a big party of women and men all dressed up for some nice party. Talk about feeling and looking like a drowned rat, lol! :rolleyes2 So, after this, I will find the Mickey ponchos we did buy in a previous year and always bring those with us! :thumbsup2

Scissors, chargers including small phone charger I can carry, power strip, two sizes ziploc bags(use for receipts, left overs, and more), and Blister Aid (or something like it), really keeps blisters away!
Buy and bring lots of gum if you're a gum chewer. They don't sell it at Disney! Learned this last trip too!
And, they don't sell gum in the Orlando airport, either. Found that out the hard way - we went through 4 packs of gum at Disney, but figured we could get some gum for the plane when we got to the airport. Nope! MCO must be in cahoots with Disney or something....
WalMart has really cute Disney princess rain ponchos right now for <$5/each.

Even though we bring rain ponchos, I also bring an umbrella, too. It does double-duty for rain protection and providing shade when it's sunny. It really came in handy when my mom and I had to wait over an hour in the blistering sun to meet Tink at EPCOT.

Band-Aid makes a rub relief blister block that works wonders for blister prevention/relief, but a stick of Body Glide works just as well too.

I have a little cosmetics bag that I pack pharmacy-type stuff in: Pepto-Bismol tablets, Lactaid (since I'm lactose intolerant), ibuprofen, Claritin, Plackers & gumpicks, eye drops, Midol, fem. hygiene products, and hand sanitizer.

A travel pack of Wet Ones always comes in handy. I use them to clean up ice cream drips, wipe off tables or handles on the monorail, and even to clean my hands after I reapply sunscreen mid-day. And this may be TMI, but if it's been especially sweltering and I feel yucky, I'll go to the bathroom and swipe myself down with a Wet One to get all the sweat off. It's quite refreshing, actually.
We take a bottle of liquid hand soap for our stays. Makes washing hands so much easier. Most of the brands will lock closed so no problems packing.

Rubber Bands! We were fortunate and found a CM that had one, but these come in handy for lots of stuff. I wanted one specifically for the drawings that we did at Hollywood Studios. Kept the pictures nice and wrinkle free.
anbesol or orajel is handy for itchy bites and it's a small tube to carry around. It really helps...sounds weird, but works. I bring a small maglite...always handy to have a flashlight at night. Somebody posted a while back about bringing a small nightlight if you have small kiddos. Take a photo of your insurance card.

Also, this was on the lost kid thread long ago...CM's say take a picture of your child before entering the park because in panic you won't remember what they were wearing.
I didn't think about how uncomfortable wet shoes would be to walk in after a water ride. This time I'll pack a cheap flip flops in my bag and swap them out for my shows just before riding. I'll keep the shoes and socks in a Zip Loc bag during the ride and put them back on after riding. Cheap flip flops take up very little space, as does the Zip Loc bag.

Good idea. To add to this, I'll also say to bring two pairs of sneakers or whatever you use for walking shoes. If it rains and your sneakers get wet, they may not dry out completely overnight. If you have a back-up pair with you, at least you won't have to wear wet sneakers the next day. This came in handy for us last trip.

I'd also recommend bringing small medicines for any ailment you can think of. I packed cough medicine, nyquil, pepto bismal, allergy pills, nasal spray, ibuprofen, and probably more. All small bottles from the dollar store or travel size, so they didn't take up too much room. Two trips ago I came down with pneumonia on the second to last day of our trip. I had advil for my fever but nothing for my cough, and had to shell out $15 for a travel size bottle of generic cough syrup at the gift shop :sad2:
Take a small accordion file (from target dollar section) to keep receipts, post its of memories you don't want to forget and other small pieces of paper I seem to accumulate. Just leave it in the room and empty pockets and purses at night.

Froggy Togg towels are amazing! Especially for my sun-sensitive youngest DS. We put them under his legs in the stroller.

I take large size ziploc bags and pack my kids' outfits in them. Socks, underwear, shirt and shorts. They grab a bag and get dressed. Keeps things tidy and easy to get to each morning when I tend to want to rush out the door!
When we went to DisneyLand, my sister law kept a travel size bottle of baby powder in her backpack for her husband. He would chaff something awful between his legs if he started sweating. The big joke was about "nut powder" after that hahah :rotfl2:
When we went to DisneyLand, my sister law kept a travel size bottle of baby powder in her backpack for her husband. He would chaff something awful between his legs if he started sweating. The big joke was about "nut powder" after that hahah :rotfl2:
Body Glide is great for this! We always carry a small stick of it. I should start calling it a "nut stick" or "b**b stick" (didn't realize that'd be censored). Haha
1. Plan break day(s)!!!! I remember reading this tip so many times before my trip, and I just thought "oh that's for families with kids.." NOPE. It was just my boyfriend and I, we're both 22. And we were so tired..mentally and our legs hurt..Plus having a few break days makes your trips longer.. :goodvibes

2. Plan for 2 days in either Epcot and/or Magic Kingdom! It's not that you can't see it all in one day...We definitely did everything we wanted to do..but those are 2 awesome parks! I'd just love to spend more time there!

3. If you're planning on bringing food into the parks...bring baggies!!! We totally as we ran out of things, we used those baggies for sandwiches! :lmao:

4. (this is a personal one, but) Bring a journal! I totally planned to ...but it just slipped my mind! I love keeping trip journals :)


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