This is Us- Season six

Our local news was talking about this show and they said there are only 6 episodes left, which included tonight’s show I didn‘t realize it was wrapping up that quickly. I’m really going to miss it.


We haven't had thirteen episodes already.

They said there would be 18 this season.

Just trying to figure out what I am missing. :surfweb: Not yelling at you Izzy. :flower3:
I feel like we are all going to be that Charlie Day gif where he is figuring out a conspiracy before the final episode :rotfl2:

Is that the one with string connecting a bunch of things on the wall?

I’m not really sure how I feel about this episode. It seemed like so, so much was happening, like there were ten storylines and times to try and follow.

I’m glad Beth got her moment with her old dance instructor. When she called him, he acted like he didn’t remember who she was, but I’m pretty sure he was totally shocked when she said her name. He may not be a good character, but Goran (the actor) is handsome at any age. I used to love him on ER (for us oldies)

I think that Kate and Toby’s marriage will fail because Toby gives her an ultimatum (either he leaves, or I do) and Kate chooses Kevin.

It was really jerky of Kevin to make Kate keep that secret.

Where would you even buy a measuring cup as big as the one Rebecca was brining the turkey in. I couldn’t stop laughing at it.

Current Randall didn’t get much airtime tonight, and I’m ok with that. He can be a lot to take.

I’m interested to read others thoughts.
I’m not really sure how I feel about this episode. It seemed like so, so much was happening, like there were ten storylines and times to try and follow.

I felt the same. Too much going on. Was not the usual seamless flow.

Shows often bump around with writers-only know that from the Globes and Emmys - so it would be interesting to see who wrote this one. And poorly edited (Look at me I'm a director!)

, but Goran (the actor) is handsome at any age. I used to love him on ER (for us oldies)

Even better looking. The man has always had a je ne sais quoi about him.

think that Kate and Toby’s marriage will fail because Toby gives her an ultimatum (either he leaves, or I do) and Kate chooses Kevin.


I have to watch it again. Once again, I have an annoyance with Marcus Dixon :love: aka Beth's father speaking his lousy patois. Either the actor can not pull it off or they slowed it down to be understood. Do it right and subtitle it if need be. The things that bother me. :laughing:

Oh and Beth looked extra fantastic in this episode. They did an excellent job through wardrobe and makeup to represent her coming into her own.
It was a great episode, but did feel a little choppy.

Was interesting to see how Kate stood by Kevin as a teen just because he is her brother. As she grew and matured she now was able to stand opposite him and side with Madison. I loved when she said that Elija (I think that's his name) was in love with Madison and she has never had that before because Kevin didn't love her that way. I was glad someone stood up to Kevin after he basically threw a tantrum because Madison didn't want to fly across the country to the cabin with the twins. That whole ridiculous Pearson Thanksgiving is so uncomfortable for anyone who was not part of that day that started the traditions (Rebecca, jack and the triplets) It is so awkward to watch them put on the pilgrim hat and throw yarn around. so cringy for everyone else. They need to find another way to honor Jack, maybe just have the hat be part of the centerpiece or something. LOL.

I also think they are setting it up to be Sophie and Kevin in the end.

I can't believe how good the casting is. Those teens are so good at playing the big three.

hard to see decline of Toby and Kate. I do think Kevin could be a part of it. He has clearly worn out his welcome and is clueless.

Beth was amazing as always. Loved to see how the ballerina, Stacey, made it big in the end.

No episode next week.
Is that the one with string connecting a bunch of things on the wall?

I’m not really sure how I feel about this episode. It seemed like so, so much was happening, like there were ten storylines and times to try and follow.

I’m glad Beth got her moment with her old dance instructor. When she called him, he acted like he didn’t remember who she was, but I’m pretty sure he was totally shocked when she said her name. He may not be a good character, but Goran (the actor) is handsome at any age. I used to love him on ER (for us oldies)

I think that Kate and Toby’s marriage will fail because Toby gives her an ultimatum (either he leaves, or I do) and Kate chooses Kevin.

It was really jerky of Kevin to make Kate keep that secret.

Where would you even buy a measuring cup as big as the one Rebecca was brining the turkey in. I couldn’t stop laughing at it.

Current Randall didn’t get much airtime tonight, and I’m ok with that. He can be a lot to take.

I’m interested to read others thoughts.
Haven’t watched yes but that is in fact the gif I was thinking of

We haven't had thirteen episodes already.

They said there would be 18 this season.

Just trying to figure out what I am missing. :surfweb: Not yelling at you Izzy. :flower3:

No worries - I definitely didn’t think you were yelling at me. 😀. I’m just glad that the news reported it wrong! My mom had heard it on the news earlier, and I told her she must have misheard because that had to be wrong. I saw the same story later, and sure enough they said 6 episodes left. I kept saying “that can’t be right”, but when I saw that there was no episode next week I began to wonder if they were spacing out the remaining episodes.

Beth continues to be my favorite character. I really enjoyed last night’s episode. Like some others, I think Sophie will be making a return in Kevin’s life.
I felt the same. Too much going on. Was not the usual seamless flow.

Shows often bump around with writers-only know that from the Globes and Emmys - so it would be interesting to see who wrote this one. And poorly edited (Look at me I'm a director!)

Even better looking. The man has always had a je ne sais quoi about him.


I have to watch it again. Once again, I have an annoyance with Marcus Dixon :love: aka Beth's father speaking his lousy patois. Either the actor can not pull it off or they slowed it down to be understood. Do it right and subtitle it if need be. The things that bother me. :laughing:

Oh and Beth looked extra fantastic in this episode. They did an excellent job through wardrobe and makeup to represent her coming into her own.

The actor who plays Beth co-wrote the episode!

I was at Elton John concert at MSG last night so I’ll be watching later!

A very acceptable reason to miss the episode!
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Loved it, as usual!

I loved Beth's dad and how he talked to his daughter, and the actress who played her as a little kid was perfect. I was so glad Beth was able to become the coach she needed but didn't have!

I agree that bringing Sophie back might mean Kevin ends up with her. And that's a good insight about Kate's growth in standing up to Kevin.

In the real world, I would not have flown cross-country with kids that young right now. But in TV world, I think I would have given in to the "it might be Rebecca's last good Thanksgiving" argument.

I do think Deja was planning to finish the semester, and people were saying there are a lot of storylines in this week's episode already, so maybe the writers just let that sit for the moment?

I'm wondering what Rebecca wants to talk to all of them about! (from the teaser for the next episode)

Seeing Rebecca's reaction to Miguel inviting Marguerite to Thanksgiving makes me wonder if there was already some little spark, but something happens to drive them apart? (I know they reconnect years later via e-mail.)

I am definitely going to miss this show! (And I'm glad there are actually more than six left!)
I think that Kevin gets the short end of the stick WRT the twins. I think a lot of what he does is stupid but I felt a lot of sympathy for him when he didn't get to take the twins to Thanksgiving. His mom's Alzheimers is progressing and it might be his only chance to have them spend Thanksgiving with her while his mom still recognizes them.
I think that Kevin gets the short end of the stick WRT the twins. I think a lot of what he does is stupid but I felt a lot of sympathy for him when he didn't get to take the twins to Thanksgiving. His mom's Alzheimers is progressing and it might be his only chance to have them spend Thanksgiving with her while his mom still recognizes them.

I do too. I really think he needs to get his own place so they can work out a proper custody/visitation/whatever schedule.

All of them doing things together is only going to get more awkward as things progress with Elijah (and maybe Sophie, too.) As hard as it can be for kids to go back and forth, they're so young they won't know any different.
I think that Kevin gets the short end of the stick WRT the twins. I think a lot of what he does is stupid but I felt a lot of sympathy for him when he didn't get to take the twins to Thanksgiving. His mom's Alzheimers is progressing and it might be his only chance to have them spend Thanksgiving with her while his mom still recognizes them.

I thought it was a low blow to bring up Rebecca’s illness as a reason to have the twins. It can be true, but still seemed like a major guilt trip.
Ok I watched it!

Don’t mind waiting the two weeks as I believe this was mentioned we’d have one more bi-week situation and then straight through til May 24th.

Susan Kelechi Watson is amazing how have the Emmys not recognized her. Seriously. Beth is one of the best characters on the show and it is in huge part to her portrayal.

Elijah impressed me. Confrontation was mild but still impressive. I do think Kevin had a point with Madison not telling him but also that falls to both of them for not talking it over.

I have a feeling Kevin will be with Sophie but Madison will still be a huge part of his life. I also don’t think her and Elijah are endgame. Something is off about it.

Kevin has put Kate through hell and I’m so happy she is seeing that.

Miguel and Rebecca were definitely flirtatious back in the day. Can’t wait to see how that blows up and comes back together.

It was a nice parallel to see of Kate reaching out to Sophie like when Miguel reached out to Rebecca post Tess’ birth.

The Thanksgiving episode is always intense. March 8th is gonna be crazy.
Ok I watched it!

Don’t mind waiting the two weeks as I believe this was mentioned we’d have one more bi-week situation and then straight through til May 24th.

Susan Kelechi Watson is amazing how have the Emmys not recognized her. Seriously. Beth is one of the best characters on the show and it is in huge part to her portrayal.

Elijah impressed me. Confrontation was mild but still impressive. I do think Kevin had a point with Madison not telling him but also that falls to both of them for not talking it over.

I have a feeling Kevin will be with Sophie but Madison will still be a huge part of his life. I also don’t think her and Elijah are endgame. Something is off about it.

Kevin has put Kate through hell and I’m so happy she is seeing that.

Miguel and Rebecca were definitely flirtatious back in the day. Can’t wait to see how that blows up and comes back together.

It was a nice parallel to see of Kate reaching out to Sophie like when Miguel reached out to Rebecca post Tess’ birth.

The Thanksgiving episode is always intense. March 8th is gonna be crazy.

To me, it feels like he's dating Madison to get closer to Kevin. There is something a little off about him.
I think that Kevin gets the short end of the stick WRT the twins. I think a lot of what he does is stupid but I felt a lot of sympathy for him when he didn't get to take the twins to Thanksgiving. His mom's Alzheimers is progressing and it might be his only chance to have them spend Thanksgiving with her while his mom still recognizes them.

At this point, I’m like, “good grief, Kevin, Buy a dang house and start having your kids half time like millions of divorced situations across America.” I’m tired of his whining about never seeing them.

The obvious (to me) holiday negotiation is, Kevin gets Thanksgiving with the twins since it’s his family’s big day and those days Rebecca will be an active part of are numbered. In turn, Madison gets the twins first Christmas. Which to most people would be the bigger deal.

In the real world, Kevin would be magnanimous to invite Madison, but when she refused it would be with the understanding that the twins are going with Kevin.

I also think they telegraphed the return of Sophie. Still not sure how they’ll convince me that a woman in her 40’s would forgive a man who’s been cheating on her since they were teens. They are the love of each other’s lives but… I’m going to need some great story telling to believe it’s forever rather than just until Kevin has another oops.

Beth is my absolute favorite especially when she’s interacting with Randall or any other character. That being said, we already knew she became successful in what was her lifelong passion that had been ruined for her as a teen. I honestly didn’t need any more back story. If she had confronted the teacher in the restaurant, I think I would have liked it more. Doing it over the phone all those years later.🤷🏻‍♀️ This storyline felt like wasted time.

I could definitely feel the tension building between Toby and Kate which makes me sad. When that Green Egg shows up and they plan a cookout, we’ll know it’s about to blow.

I don’t really enjoy the back story on Rebecca and Miguel either. It’s such a contrast to the great love story of Rebecca and Jack. Miguel clearly loves her but she seems to have settled for comfortable with a good friend. We know they have been together for years so move on to how the decision was made. Maybe a great episode will convince me that they are a true love.


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