~~ They're leaving the nest, sew it's time for a trip - or two - or three...~~ D~'s bag ~9/22 ~~

Sorry you are not feeling better. Poor Alli, I just hope she gets over this hurdle and feels better.
I have had a headache since yesterday afternoon. Not sure if its my sinus again or just my body reacting to not taking all those meds.
But I am with you on enough of this already.
I officially booked our fast passes. We are really getting excited. My sewing projects are coming along. I need to butter up my dad and see if he can paint something for me. :rolleyes1

Feel better and have a great day!
What is with Disney this year? It seems they send me something every other week. Yesterday, it was 30% off room and free upgrade to Park Hopper passes from regular. It is so difficult to be a responsible adult when they keep doing that. Trying to stay strong.

Sorry to hear the sore throat is back. Allison will get over it eventually.

Thanks Suzi for posting the 1st day plans. It all sounds amazing.
Grrrr... I had all of my replies done, and then the Dis locked up.. This is the first time this has happened to me with the new site. How frustrating...

I hope you and A feel better.

Thank you!

What a bummer that you and Allison are still feeling bad. I hope you both get over whatever it is soon.

Loved the first day update from Suzi! You guys are going to have a blast. One thing I do when I travel with my Mom is go to Walmart and buy a 10 pack of wire hangers. Last time I bought some they cost less than two dollars. This give us double the hanger space. I just leave them there when we are done and it gives me a bit more room in my suitcase to bring home souvenirs.

THanks... I hope so too. It's getting really annoying.

Excellent idea!

I've done this before too. But I just love having those hanging organizers. I have two of them, so one for me and one for D. Bradey's stuff will fit in the drawers. And they say you can always call mousekeeping and get more hangers....no need to pack them. I haven't tried this, but I've heard it said other places. I don't usually have much to hang....mostly tshirts and shorts etc.

I am curious to see how this works... Maybe it will change me into an "unpacker" when I travel. Currently I live out of my suitcase, but maybe Suzi will make me change my ways?

feel better already!!! GEESH!

NO! we do NOT need any more acronyms!!! type is out.. call it working out for your fingers! LOL

I KNOW!!!! cracks me up when she doesn't know she cracks me up.. kinda like the NO WAFFLES for you!

Trying... Sigh.


I know - I love Suzi so much! :lovestruc

Sorry you are still experiencing a sore throat. Do you have allergies? Maybe reflux? I hope you get it figured out soon. I found that the older I get the harder it is to recover and after I had kids my allergies were so much worse. Sucks to get old (for me, not that you are ) In any event, I hope you find the root of it soon. Couldn't hurt to be tested for mono...

Thanks! I don't think it's allergies? I've never had them before... I guess I should never say never, but... If I am not better by Friday - I'll do in to the Dr. At this point, it's not really a "painful" sick - it's an "annoying" sick. But hopefully I am almost over it...

You may want to be checked for mono too if you keep having similar symptoms. Could it also be allergies? Mine are acting up terribly bad recently. We have had a rather warm spurt the last week or so (low 70s!) and lots of rain, so everything has decided to try to bloom (like all the native Tennessee trees and bushes that I am allergic to).

What no puppy picture today??? What am I going to do for my puppy fix for the day...

Keep at what you are doing food/eating wise...you are doing a great job!


Thanks Lynn... Yes, if I go in on Friday - I will be tested for mono & strep. I don't think I have allergies, as I have never had them before.

I know - I think I have a puppy picture for today though... :lovestruc

Thanks... It's been a rough few weeks - but I am committed to doing much better today... All of the trigger foods will be leaving my house this morning - and that will be helpful! ::yes::

Sorry you are not feeling better. Poor Alli, I just hope she gets over this hurdle and feels better.
I have had a headache since yesterday afternoon. Not sure if its my sinus again or just my body reacting to not taking all those meds.
But I am with you on enough of this already.
I officially booked our fast passes. We are really getting excited. My sewing projects are coming along. I need to butter up my dad and see if he can paint something for me.

Feel better and have a great day!

Thank you Lynee... I hope so too... I know she is tired of fighting it off. Every time we think she is over it - it flares up. It's so frustrating to all of us.

I hope your headache is gone now. :hug:

Yay for booking fastpasses! I do kind of like knowing that we can do that. Hehehe... Glad to hear you are making progress on your projects... Hopefully your dad can help you out.

Thanks - you too!

What is with Disney this year? It seems they send me something every other week. Yesterday, it was 30% off room and free upgrade to Park Hopper passes from regular. It is so difficult to be a responsible adult when they keep doing that. Trying to stay strong.

Sorry to hear the sore throat is back. Allison will get over it eventually.

Thanks Suzi for posting the 1st day plans. It all sounds amazing.

Figures... LOL They are trying to get you to cave in. LOL YOu can do it Shannon!

Yah - hopefully we get over this soon - it's getting old.

I Know - I am so glad she did. I plan to copy them to the first page today.

Hope you and Allison feel better!

Awww... Thank you!


I had a good day yesterday.

I worked out in the morning, which is a good thing.

Then I worked all day upstairs... I am super excited about this bag I am doing - it's really cool! I love the colors and the theme.

After lunch - I laid down to take a nap... And wow - I slept for 3 hours! I woke up just as the girls were getting off the bus. I felt like such a slacker!

When I got up - I had to make monkey bread... I'd purchased frozen bread dough to make Gus' not cake before I actually read the recipe where I discovered I had to make the dough myself... Well, by then the frozen stuff was already thawed... before I knew it, it was rising in there - so I had to do something with it before it exploded. LOL Monkey bread to the rescue... Bad, bad, bad idea D~! The house smelled amazing, and I couldn't stop myself from trying some when it came out of the oven... It was so delicious... I just kept trying more. :( To top it off, I had to make 2 pans because of all the dough I had. Needless to say - I told the girls that they had to take the rest of it with them to school today... And I told Josh to take the other pan to work with him... Get it out of my house! Clearly - after all this time, home-made items like this are still trigger foods for me, and I need to keep them out of the house. Put a loaf of bread in front of me, and I am not bothered at all... Put home-made rolls in front of me, and I have no control. :/

Today... It's a heavy lifting day for me... So, that's on my agenda before anything else.

Then I will be upstairs all day working on the appliques for this bag. I am really hoping to finish them today.

If so, then I will rest this afternoon... I am tired of complaining about being sick - so I won't. LOL

I do have a puppy picture for you all today... This is little Adam - and potentially our new little Cooper. :lovestruc Adam is one of my friend's kids' favorites - so he gets lots of cuddle time and attention... And since we are hoping for a cuddly puppy - well, this is very promising. Isn't he just the most adorable little guy ever?


I hope you all have a wonderful day! Prayers and good thoughts go out to all of you! :grouphug:

D~ <---- who is trying to get this posted before The Dis eats it again... Sigh.
I'm the same way with trigger foods, just can't stop eating them! I try not to keep too much of that stuff in the house.

Yay for the cute puppy fix!

Just FYI, I posted the last two Universal updates this week. After this the TR will move onto our Airboat Tour, Legoland and Sea World.
I love looking at puppy pictures, but I don't want another puppy! Our Lab is 3 and her puppyhood was....well..wow. :laughing: Thankfully, she's settled down now so I've decided she's not the worst mistake of my life. ;) But there were days, man. Many days when I would have sold her for a quarter.
I am curious to see how this works... Maybe it will change me into an "unpacker" when I travel. Currently I live out of my suitcase, but maybe Suzi will make me change my ways?

I can't imagine keeping things in the suitcase....wrinkles!!! I empty everything out and put it away and as clothes are worn, I fold them up and put them back in the suitcases. Then when it's time to pack up and leave, most everything is already packed :)

Hope you are feeling a little better today. I know how you feel....sick of complaining about being sick.
We will only have 5day hopper passes, and six days there if you count arrival day. So instead of going to a park when we arrive, we will explore our resort. Have some lunch at Roaring Forks and possibly rent a surrey bike.
The difference between a 5 day ph and a 6 day ph is just $10.65 - and the MK is just a 12 minute boat ride away - just saying ;).

But there are a lot of things to do at the WL. You can take Bradey fishing at the pier. There are boats to rent and you can take it past the MK, Poly and GF if you like. You can see Wishes from the beach and the Electric Water parade comes past at 9:30 or 9:35pm every night, I can't remember which it is. If you are there on a Saturday there is magic cookie hour at 2pm - which is a free sugar cookie with different colored frosting and sprinkles for the kids to decorate. :)

I hear the trail between Wilderness Lodge and Fort Wilderness is great.
We love the WL and we love walking to FW. It is one of the reasons we love the lodge so much. There are bikes to rent, too. FW has ponies and a horse stable that you can tour. The food at Trail's End is very good and the breakfast and dinner buffets are the lowest price buffets on Disney property, at least that is the rumor I hear.

And I am very excited to have our own pool. I think it might be too cool for most people, so it should be pretty quiet.
The villas pool is our favorite. It has three bubbling springs that are fun to float in. Our five year old grandson had a blast with these springs. The main pool has a slide which is fun for kids, too.

I am soooo excited to stay at VWL... It's a dream resort of mine for sure.
We love the WL. We haven't stayed at the villas but we frequently visit there. The train room is the comfiest place in Disney. You'll have to come over to explore the Wilderness Lodge facts thread. There is a ton of information with pictures there.

I had to make monkey bread..
What is monkey bread?
I am also tempted by rolls but can turn down sliced bread without a single problem.
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:dogdance::dogdance:I met Suzi !!!!!! Yay but forgot to take a pic! however I am sure that when D~ and Mo come to visit I'll try to meet up with them some where in their adventure in Maine!! :jumping1:

So sorry D~ that you just can't seem to shake that icky bug... lot's of rest, maybe some sunshine or open windows to air out the whole house might just help get rid of whatever it is.. anyhoo HUGS..

Happy late birthday to Gus and glad your conquered your fear of yeast (one of mine as well)

take care Michelle
Awww...thank you for the puppy fix!

Monkey bread...glad I don't live near you, cause I would have been the same as you.

I hope today goes GREAT for you!

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I'm the same way with certain foods as a trigger. I don't allow them in my house or I know that I will eat it, nonstop. So it's better to not have it in the house than to have it taunt me over and over, lol! :teeth:

Hoping you're feeling better and that your day went great!

Thanks for the puppy fix!!!! :cloud9:
Oh lets not mention trigger foods...I can avoid every sweet known to mankind but put salt in front of me and I'm a goner. That puppy is precious! DH & DD's want one but I'm not sure DS's and I would be able to afford the added trips to the allergy specialist. Enjoy your weekend!
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Stephanie!!!! Hello there girl - it's been too long!!!! How are you????

Yes, I am very excited for all of these trips! I cannot wait to do some DIsney with Suzi and Mo, and all of the kidlets! And I am very excited to do Disney at a liesurely pace with Allison... Then again with V a few months later. It's going to be so much fun!

So glad to have you here and back on The Dis.


It's so good to be back. :grouphug:I have missed all my DIS friends, but it's been a nightmare trying to find the time to get on here, much less to keep up with all the posts. I started a new job in October and it is keeping me super busy. :faint:

I am sure each of your 3 trips will be unique and special in it's own way, especially the trips with each of the girls. There's a part of me that would love to take a trip with just me and Caden...just to have those memories of just the 2 of us! :hug:

I must mention that I have a trip in the works...I would love to get a PTR started, but I'm afraid I just can't keep up with it at the moment.:scared1:
Im loving all the puppy pictures. My boys would love a puppy but with them moving out soon i tell them they can get one then.
The difference between a 5 day ph and a 6 day ph is just $10.65 - and the MK is just a 12 minute boat ride away - just saying ;).

But there are a lot of things to do at the WL. You can take Bradey fishing at the pier. There are boats to rent and you can take it past the MK, Poly and GF if you like. You can see Wishes from the beach and the Electric Water parade comes past at 9:30 or 9:35pm every night, I can't remember which it is. If you are there on a Saturday there is magic cookie hour at 2pm - which is a free sugar cookie with different colored frosting and sprinkles for the kids to decorate. :)

We love the WL and we love walking to FW. It is one of the reasons we love the lodge so much. There are bikes to rent, too. FW has ponies and a horse stable that you can tour. The food at Trail's End is very good and the breakfast and dinner buffets are the lowest price buffets on Disney property, at least that is the rumor I hear.

The villas pool is our favorite. It has three bubbling springs that are fun to float in. Our five year old grandson had a blast with these springs. The main pool has a slide which is fun for kids, too.

We love the WL. We haven't stayed at the villas but we frequently visit there. The train room is the comfiest place in Disney. You'll have to come over to explore the Wilderness Lodge facts thread. There is a ton of information with pictures there.

I know it's not much to upgrade to a 6day....and it is a possibility. But I have to do that there, right? I bought the 5day tickets from Undercover Tourist and already have them attached to MDE. I can't just call them and have Disney add another day now, right? But I might do it at check in. There were many reasons why I did the 5day.....and to be honest, I am looking forward to just chilling when we get there. Usually we hit the ground running, cover two parks and fireworks. So it will be nice to just have time to tour the new resort. Bradey and I will have to get up around 3am for our flight, so we will be exhausted.

I did read about the cookie hour. And totally plan on doing that! Already found the info thread and visit there daily. I've never stayed at the Lodge, but we visit there every trip either for a meal at Whuspering Canyon, or just a drink at Trout Pass. It reminds us of home with the "streams" and pine trees :)

I plan to print off a WL Hidden Mickey list, or just get one when we check in. That will keep Bradey and I busy for a long time!

Thanks for all the advice and suggestions :)

I met Suzi !!!!!! Yay but forgot to take a pic! however I am sure that when D~ and Mo come to visit I'll try to meet up with them some where in their adventure in Maine!

Yay! It was great to meet you Michelle!
I'm the same way with trigger foods, just can't stop eating them! I try not to keep too much of that stuff in the house.

Yay for the cute puppy fix!

Just FYI, I posted the last two Universal updates this week. After this the TR will move onto our Airboat Tour, Legoland and Sea World.

Yah - Lesson learned... No more orange rolls/cinnamon rolls allowed in the house... That was bad!

I know - I love sharing pictures of them! They are so cute!

I'll try to get over there today or over the weekend. Thanks for letting me know. :)

That puppy is too cute.

I know - I am afraid that we have to choose only ONE. :eek:

I love looking at puppy pictures, but I don't want another puppy! Our Lab is 3 and her puppyhood was....well..wow Thankfully, she's settled down now so I've decided she's not the worst mistake of my life. But there were days, man. Many days when I would have sold her for a quarter.

Great.... <----- Sarcasm. Max's puppyhood wasn't too bad, once we got him potty trained, he was a pretty good puppy. I just hope that him and the puppy get along well, because it will also be good for MM to have a buddy. ::yes::

I can't imagine keeping things in the suitcase....wrinkles!!! I empty everything out and put it away and as clothes are worn, I fold them up and put them back in the suitcases. Then when it's time to pack up and leave, most everything is already packed

Hope you are feeling a little better today. I know how you feel....sick of complaining about being sick.

I always live out of my suitcases... Mostly because I am afraid I'll forget somethign when we leave... but the way you do it - sounds like it will work out well. I am a little excited to try. ::yes::

Yah... Not feeling better - still the same... Sore throat has moved on - now it's the stuffy nose/raw chest again. Sigh.

The difference between a 5 day ph and a 6 day ph is just $10.65 - and the MK is just a 12 minute boat ride away - just saying .

But there are a lot of things to do at the WL. You can take Bradey fishing at the pier. There are boats to rent and you can take it past the MK, Poly and GF if you like. You can see Wishes from the beach and the Electric Water parade comes past at 9:30 or 9:35pm every night, I can't remember which it is. If you are there on a Saturday there is magic cookie hour at 2pm - which is a free sugar cookie with different colored frosting and sprinkles for the kids to decorate.

We love the WL and we love walking to FW. It is one of the reasons we love the lodge so much. There are bikes to rent, too. FW has ponies and a horse stable that you can tour. The food at Trail's End is very good and the breakfast and dinner buffets are the lowest price buffets on Disney property, at least that is the rumor I hear.

The villas pool is our favorite. It has three bubbling springs that are fun to float in. Our five year old grandson had a blast with these springs. The main pool has a slide which is fun for kids, too.

We love the WL. We haven't stayed at the villas but we frequently visit there. The train room is the comfiest place in Disney. You'll have to come over to explore the Wilderness Lodge facts thread. There is a ton of information with pictures there.

What is monkey bread?
I am also tempted by rolls but can turn down sliced bread without a single problem.

I love all of your tips! This is going to be so much fun. Like Suzi - I am kind of looking forward to having the travel day off... Just to bum around and enjoy the resort with no place to really be. ::yes:: But who knows? We'll probably come to our senses soon enough. LOL

I am just super excited to stay at VWL anyways... And to check out the studio room - to see if it's even possible that the girls and I could ever stay in one together - not that it matters, I don't know that we will ever do a trip together again?

Monkey bread... It's almost exactly like caramel rolls/cinnamon rolls - but you break the dough up into small pieces, so you can pull them apart with your fingers - like Monkeys would. ::yes:: Here's the recipe I used: http://sallysbakingaddiction.com/2014/06/30/homemade-monkey-bread-aka-cinnamon-roll-bites/

I met Suzi !!!!!! Yay but forgot to take a pic! however I am sure that when D~ and Mo come to visit I'll try to meet up with them some where in their adventure in Maine!!

So sorry D~ that you just can't seem to shake that icky bug... lot's of rest, maybe some sunshine or open windows to air out the whole house might just help get rid of whatever it is.. anyhoo HUGS..

Happy late birthday to Gus and glad your conquered your fear of yeast (one of mine as well)

take care Michelle

Yay!!! Super excited that the two of you finally got to meet! :woohoo: That's so awesome! I sure hope we get the chance to meet while we are out there.

Yes, I sure hope it goes away soon! Thank you.

And thanks... I am sure Gus had a good birthday. I am super proud of the yeast conquering... Something I never thought I would do - kind of like sewing. :scratchin

Thanks - you too! :hug:

Awww...thank you for the puppy fix!

Monkey bread...glad I don't live near you, cause I would have been the same as you.

I can't wait to see this week's custom order...I loved the Lilo & Stitch one you posted on FB

I hope today goes GREAT for you!


Any time... Just wait until he moves in... LOL

I know - that Monkey bread is dangerous!

I am really excited about this week's order - it's really cool. I am almost done with the applique, and I am excited to see it come together. ::yes::

Thanks - it did! You too!

I'm the same way with certain foods as a trigger. I don't allow them in my house or I know that I will eat it, nonstop. So it's better to not have it in the house than to have it taunt me over and over, lol!

Hoping you're feeling better and that your day went great!

Thanks for the puppy fix!!!!

Well - lesson learned with home-made rolls. ::yes:: As soon as the girls got home from school yesterday, they asked me to make another batch... Hmph... No way! LOL Not in this lifetime... Not unless I have a billion people here to eat it all right away.

I had a great day - not feeling great yet, but dealing with it. Thanks.

Any time... I can't wait to share him with you every day! :lovestruc

Oh lets not mention trigger foods...I can avoid every sweet known to mankind but put salt in front of me and I'm a goner. That puppy is precious! DH & DD's want one but I'm not sure DS's and I would be able to afford the added trips to the allergy specialist. That bag is amazing but you already know I love Lilo! I'm pretty sure though I'll love every bag you make especially mine:) Enjoy your weekend!

I sometimes have issues with salt too - although not in recent years... This time, it was all sugar and bread.

Yikes - yah - I'd avoid a new puppy for that reason too. ::yes::

LOL - Yah - that was an awesome bag! Super fun to make!

You too! Thanks!

It's so good to be back. I have missed all my DIS friends, but it's been a nightmare trying to find the time to get on here, much less to keep up with all the posts. I started a new job in October and it is keeping me super busy.

I am sure each of your 3 trips will be unique and special in it's own way, especially the trips with each of the girls. There's a part of me that would love to take a trip with just me and Caden...just to have those memories of just the 2 of us!

I must mention that I have a trip in the works...I would love to get a PTR started, but I'm afraid I just can't keep up with it at the moment.:

We are glad to have you back - we've missed you too! I know - I fell way behind until a few weeks ago... It was such a relief to close down my latest TR and come back to the PTR section. This last TR was really hard to write because I had so many photos on so many devices.

Congrats on the new job! I hope you enjoy it?

Oh I am sure they will be, I am looking forward to each of them. I encouage you to do that some day - it's really awesome! I know Suzi and Bradey love their trips together!

Yay - that's exciting! When are you going? Where are you staying? All the good stuff...

Im loving all the puppy pictures. My boys would love a puppy but with them moving out soon i tell them they can get one then.

I totally understand - until then, you can look at puppy pictures with me. LOL ::yes::

I know it's not much to upgrade to a 6day....and it is a possibility. But I have to do that there, right? I bought the 5day tickets from Undercover Tourist and already have them attached to MDE. I can't just call them and have Disney add another day now, right? But I might do it at check in. There were many reasons why I did the 5day.....and to be honest, I am looking forward to just chilling when we get there. Usually we hit the ground running, cover two parks and fireworks. So it will be nice to just have time to tour the new resort. Bradey and I will have to get up around 3am for our flight, so we will be exhausted.

I did read about the cookie hour. And totally plan on doing that! Already found the info thread and visit there daily. I've never stayed at the Lodge, but we visit there every trip either for a meal at Whuspering Canyon, or just a drink at Trout Pass. It reminds us of home with the "streams" and pine trees

I plan to print off a WL Hidden Mickey list, or just get one when we check in. That will keep Bradey and I busy for a long time!

Thanks for all the advice and suggestions

Yay! It was great to meet you Michelle!

Eeeep! Super excited to do this trip with you Suzi! I think it's going to be so awesome! And I am looking forward to touring with you too - it's a totally different style than what the girls and I usually do, I think it will be fun! And just staying at VWL... Swoon... Who knows, maybe we will get along perfectly, and we can take more trips like this in the future? ::yes::


I did my heavy lifting right away yesterday morning... Yesterday was "squat day"... Along with many other things. ::yes::

Then I went straight upstairs to work on the appliques for this bag... I made a lot of progress on them - stopping only for lunch and then continuing to work on them until I had to leave to get Allison.

Ran to town... Allison drove me home. Gus came for dinner.

After dinner, I went back upstairs to work... I am nearly done with the appliques - just a little bit left to do this morning.

Today... I'll work out.

Then I will head upstairs - I plan to finish this bag today, so I can get it out in tomorrow's mail. This customer leaves in a week, and I want to get it to her in time for her trip.

I have to run to town this afternoon.

Then it's a lazy weekend at home. If I am bored, I will start on some auction bags. ::yes::

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Prayers and good thoughts go out to all of yoU! :grouphug:

and to be honest, I am looking forward to just chilling when we get there. Usually we hit the ground running, cover two parks and fireworks. So it will be nice to just have time to tour the new resort. Bradey and I will have to get up around 3am for our flight, so we will be exhausted.
I can certainly understand why you would want to just chill out. We usually get up at 3 am, too, for our flights to Disney. It seems like the less time we spend in a park, the more we enjoy the trip. :)

I am just super excited to stay at VWL anyways... And to check out the studio room - to see if it's even possible that the girls and I could ever stay in one together - not that it matters, I don't know that we will ever do a trip together again?
It sounds like this trip is more of a yes than a maybe. ;)
I'm sure that you and the girls will get back to Disney together. Once my son went off to college and the two younger girls were still in high school we did one more trip that was just the five of us. We wanted to go one last time as a family before significant others became significant enough to have to be invited, too.
I know - that Monkey bread is dangerous!
My husband would love that bread but it looks totally decadent. I have a rule for myself about junk food like that. I refuse to taste it in the first place. I don't want to know what I'm missing. :upsidedow
I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I've got a fun weekend of cleaning :crazy2: in front of me because Mom and my brother are coming to visit in April.
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:figment::stitch2::banana:Ohhhh...AUCTION bags....maybe they will have some of the smaller version ones with simple designs that a person going to WDW in May (and on a fairly tight budget) might be able to purchase?:rolleyes1:love:


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