"There's Nothing To Do At Disney World!" Jan '17 Weekend TR **05/19 X2**

Day 1, Part 1 - "We're Going To Disney World!"

Let me tell you something.

2 AM comes by reeeeaaaal fast when you didn't fall asleep until like, 10:30 PM.

Yet, I managed to spring out of bed a lot faster than I do after seven hours of sleep, when I'm waking up for work.

Go figure.

I got my morning routine out of the way, and then woke Amber so she could get started on hers. While she was getting ready, I got the last items situated in our carry ons, such as chargers and electronics, and around 2:20 or so, I called for a cab.

I asked how long it would take, and the girl said it should be 5 or 10 minutes. Time to get moving!

We gave our princess kitty some love before abandoning her for the weekend (no worries, someone came to check on her while we were gone) and made our way outside the apartment building, as by then it was closer to the 10 minutes delay and so I figured the cab would be there soon.

So there we were, standing on the side of the road at 2:30 AM.

You may have heard, Canada can sometimes be a little chilly.

We'd also decided to forego winter boots since we'd just be in and out, and it'd make the airport security process easier.

In no time my toes were basically ice cubes in my flats.

Around 2:45, I called the cab company again. It'd been 25 minutes at that time, so I figured it was fair. The guy looked up our address, and said there was a bit of a delay at the time, but it should only be another five minutes or so.

Around 3, I got a text saying our driver was on the way.

Finally, a little less than ten minutes later, we spotted a cab turning onto our street. We hurriedly got our carry on suitcases in the trunk, and off we were!

Thankfully, we live really close to the airport. We have planes flying over us on a daily basis - Amber sometimes tries to guess which airline they belong to. Air Canada is typically pretty easy to spot since most of their aircraft is a light blue with the bright red maple leaf on the tail. They've actually just recently re-done them though, with a much more sleek look in my opinion, and now they'll probably be even easier to see since they all have the black underside.

So all of that to say, we made it to the airport around 3:30.

I sent Amber in to get our boarding passes printed while I took care of the cab fare (which, with tip, came to about 35$, so all in all pretty reasonable for the time saver it is from taking public transportation. Not that that would have been an option anyway at that time of night).

I met up with Amber inside just as she was finishing up.


The check in area was pretty empty, but the bag check line was really long. Probably easily a ten minutes wait right there. We were doubly glad not to have any baggage to check in. So with our boarding passes in hand, we made our way to the security area.

Now, if you haven't been to Montreal airport, here's how security works for the U.S. departures.

You've got the usual line right outside the security area, which winds about ten times - it's a pretty decently sized line, really. You could easily be in it for over an hour.

Then, there's a space before the line starts where we used to have to fill the customs form. They've gotten rid of the forms now, cause they have the nifty machines. They still have some in the customs area for people traveling without a Canadian or US passport, but it doesn't clog the security area at least.

Then, outside of that big room, is another line. Much shorter, maybe a tenth of the size, but a line nonetheless. It's just a little past the check in counters.

So that's the first line we encountered, and it was already full.

I panicked for a brief moment - if this line was full, and then the inside line was full on top of that, we may not make it in time to board.

Then Amber pointed out that the door was still closed. They hadn't opened the security area yet.


They actually opened the door right as we walked up, so we headed into the second, bigger security line - where, again, the actual security screening process hadn't started. They didn't really start it until 4, but let me tell you, we were still glad to have gotten in line when we did, because that line just kept on growing and growing.

We got through pretty painlessly, and then headed to the U.S. pre clearance area. That's really what it is, but it avoids having to go through customs upon arrival in the States. We waited another bit of time in that line, and then stepped up to the customs agent.

He'd seemed a little strict with some of the people before us, so we were of course a little weary. Well, I mean, Amber is American and travel with her US passport, so it's not exactly that nerve wrecking. They could still decide not to let me in, though.

He actually ended up being pretty easy going with us. He looked at our boarding pass and asked us if we were going to see the Mouse, which we confirmed. He then told us that if you take your passport into Guest Services in the Magic Kingdom, they'll stamp it with a Main Street USA seal.

That was pretty much the extent of our questioning, and then we were on our way.

Our gate was right there as we exited the duty free shop, and Amber got herself situated while I headed to Starbucks to get myself a drink. At the airport is pretty much the only time I'm technically allowed to get Starbucks, so you know, I don't usually pass it up.

I can't even remember what I got at this point. I think I ended up going with a Strawberries and Cream frap. I also got a chocolate chunks muffin, because I was getting hungry, and although we were technically on standby for business class, they could bump us down if need be. So I decided I'd rather get something to eat then rather than have to buy plane food.

I joined Amber at the gate, and we passed the time with me quizzing her on her anatomy note cards. She had a test on Monday morning, so she'd brought them along to do some studying.

A little before boarding was to begin, the gate agent came up and started calling names to come to the desk. Usually, that's when they call people who didn't get a seat assignment while checking in, as well as standby travellers.

Our name didn't get called.

That's not usually a good sign.

Not long after that, they began the actual boarding process.

Alright, I won't panic. Keep it cool.

Then they made the call to say that the door would be closing soon and everyone should be on board.

Now, the etiquette of standby is, you're not supposed to ask anything of the gate agents. You don't go bug them prior to them calling you, you don't ask for upgrades, you just wait til you're called.

Normally, not being called means you're not getting on the plane.

But I had, of course, checked the flight load a few moments before, and it is usually accurate. It was still showing seats.

So I went up to the counter, and asked if by any chance we did not have seats.

And the gate agent looked down at the counter, picked up two boarding passes that had been printed, and said oh, these are yours.

Well thanks.

So we hurriedly gathered our belongings and made our way onto the plane.

We're officially on our way!

We settled in our comfy seats and were promptly handed an iPad for movie watching. Air Canada Rouge doesn't have the entertainment system on the back of the seats anymore, but they have it on their app, so you can still watch movies for free, you just have to do it on your own device - or rent an iPad for 10$. Unless you're in business, then you just get the iPad.

They had a few Disney movies, but I decided to watch things I'd never watched before, so I watched The Secret Life of Pets and Mr. Church. I enjoyed both, and of course, Mr Church made me cry.

We were in the air before too long, and I tried to take a picture of the clouds while it was still a little dark out.


Then our breakfast was brought over.


I gave Amber pretty much all of my strawberries, because that's the only fruit she eats out of that assortment.

She slept throughout most of the plane ride, while I just kept myself entertained with the movies and taking pictures.

Hello, fellow travelers!


She woke up as we were starting our descent into Orlando, and was obviously very excited.


Getting close!


We ended up landing and getting to the gate ten or fifteen minutes early, which is always exciting when you're going to Disney!

I had to take a picture of this all too familiar terminal (it's the carpet, really).


We were among the first off the plane, and we decided to stop by a bathroom then and there to get ourselves changed. We have to wear business appropriate clothes when flying standby, regardless of whether we're seated in economy or business, and we had debated changing at Disney, but decided to just get it out of the way.

As we stepped over toward the Fake-o-Rail though, we were greeted with this sight.


It was apparently down, and there was no information about it anywhere so we just hoped it would be back and running soon. It took maybe five-ten minutes before it arrived, so not too terrible, and we squeezed on with everybody else.

Amber took this picture to post on Instagram. Where in the world are we?


At that point, we still hadn't told anyone we were going to Disney (except the people I shift traded with, and the person who was coming to look after our cat), so we decided to just spill it already.

It's a Mickey to Mickey! That can only mean one thing!


It's Disney time!

We stepped right on the unmagical yellow Mears bus that was waiting for us, but at that point we really couldn't care less.

It was less than five minutes until we were underway, and we both were still having a bit of a hard time believing we were actually on our way to Disney World. That was actually the theme of the whole weekend. In a way, we couldn't believe we were actually there. On the other hand, it felt incredibly natural and normal to be there.

The drive went by smoothly, although we pondered a few times if it was our driver's first day.

Soon, we were seeing this.


And then this!


Okay, that might be a little too close...




Much better.

We got off the bus and retrieved our carry ons before making our way inside the lobby.

God I love this lobby.




I got us checked in while Amber took some pictures. Our room was, of course, not ready yet (it was still before 11 at that point), so got our park bags settled and left the rest of our stuff with bell services.

No time to lose, we only have 53 hours until our park time is over!

We headed outside and got in a reasonably short line for our park of choice.


After a surprisingly short ride, we stepped foot in our first park of the trip!


Animal Kingdom!

Starting with Animal Kingdom was definitely a first, but it was the park at which we would spend the least amount of time, so we decided that since we would have three hours of practically empty Magic Kingdom time before us that day, we might as well spend a few hours at Animal Kingdom.


We went through bag check, and of course I was picked to go through the metal detector.

We then headed over to the park entrance, and soon we were in!

As we walked in, we were greeted by this sight.



She was right by the entrance area. It was our very first time seeing her, but unfortunately, we didn't really have time to stop. Still, it was cool catching a glimpse of her.

We kept moving, as we had places to be (although we weren't in too big a rush that we couldn't take walking pictures while we were at it. That being said, we are definitely due for a new camera, because most of these are way bad).


And of course, there's always time to take a picture of the Tree of Life.


We didn't stop for a PhotoPass picture though, because we had a FastPass to catch, and I'd timed it with the hopes that our morning would go smoothly, which it thankfully had, but it did mean we were toward the tail end of it.



Any guesses where we were off to?

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He actually ended up being pretty easy going with us. He looked at our boarding pass and asked us if we were going to see the Mouse, which we confirmed. He then told us that if you take your passport into Guest Services in the Magic Kingdom, they'll stamp it with a Main Street USA seal.

That's kind of fabulous and I didn't know that about passports!

I actually said "oh yuck" out loud. Ugh that's the worst! At least it didn't last too long!

Any guesses where we were off to?

So glad I found this! This is my dream, to hop on a plane and be at Disney. I mean, I love the planning, but the spontaneity is awesome! Can't wait to see the next update!
I'm in. That's pretty cool about the passport. Wonder if they would do it for a US one or just foreign ones?
That's kind of fabulous and I didn't know that about passports!

Yeah, it was nice of him to share! We did end up getting them stamped, too :)

I actually said "oh yuck" out loud. Ugh that's the worst! At least it didn't last too long!

Definitely not the kind of sight you want to see upon arriving at any airport, but especially not Orlando when on your way to Disney World :P

So glad I found this! This is my dream, to hop on a plane and be at Disney. I mean, I love the planning, but the spontaneity is awesome! Can't wait to see the next update!

Hi, welcome! It was really awesome to do, although I'm also a big planner. I've already started planning some bits of our trip with my family, which won't be until 2020 :rotfl: Obviously will be subject to change :P

I'm in. That's pretty cool about the passport. Wonder if they would do it for a US one or just foreign ones?

Thanks for joining in! And they will stamp any passport :) My wife had her US passport stamped. Although, the guy at Guest Services seemed a little taken aback that we were willing to get our actual passports stamped, and not just a piece of paper and whatnot. He seemed to be worried it would cause issues, but we told him it was actually a customs agent who'd tipped us off.
Glad things worked out relatively smoothly for your trip - though I would have been freaking the h - e - double hockey sticks out when they didn't call your name for standby!

Is it because you got the standby tickets via work that you had to dress in business clothes?

I did not know that about stamping the passports at guest services - very cool!

I remember when I first saw some of your posts on social media - definite a 'what the what?" moment -

The Art of Animation lobby is pretty darn cool

i will guess your first fast pass is for Festival of the Lion King
Hi, welcome! It was really awesome to do, although I'm also a big planner. I've already started planning some bits of our trip with my family, which won't be until 2020 :rotfl: Obviously will be subject to change :P

Ha!! I have a PTR for my December trip, but offline I have plans for our big family 2019 cruise (we have 8 kids)! And secret plans for runDisney (doctor clearing pending).
Glad things worked out relatively smoothly for your trip - though I would have been freaking the h - e - double hockey sticks out when they didn't call your name for standby!

Oh, very nearly was! Really, the only reason I was able to mostly keep it cool was because of the fact that I've never known the employee website to display wrong information about flight loads, and I had checked it past the time when people would have been able to check in. Otherwise I probably would have been crying.

Is it because you got the standby tickets via work that you had to dress in business clothes?

Yep. I'm not a hundred percent sure why, to be honest. I'd guess to 'better represent the company', but it's not like anyone but me and the gate agents know I'm an employee.

I remember when I first saw some of your posts on social media - definite a 'what the what?" moment -

That was the goal ;)

Ha!! I have a PTR for my December trip, but offline I have plans for our big family 2019 cruise (we have 8 kids)! And secret plans for runDisney (doctor clearing pending).

Oooh I love cruising! You got some great travel plans coming up! But wow, props to you not only for wrangling 8 kids, but also for consistently planning vacations for such a big group, which such an age range too! We struggled when we went with my in-laws, though I didn't bother asking them for their preferences :P (To be fair, they all said they trusted me with the planning... you can probably imagine how that went).
Okay, I hopped over here from your June PTR! How exciting to have a last minute trip. We actually live in GA - 7 hours from the mouse - and I've never had a truly last minute trip. We have done one where we had like a month or so to prepare but never less than a week! And I've actually been a pass holder once, which would've made it very easy. Smh.

God I love this lobby.
We almost stayed in a Cars family suite last June bc my youngest is obsessed with Cars and it was my two boys (2 & 5), my parents, and myself, so we needed the room. We ended up in a 1 bedroom at SSR though. So on our last day, we drove over and toured the resort. We all really liked it!

Love her!

Looking forward to more!
Following! With the Canadian winter weather that's just kicked in in the east, an unexpected weekend getaway sounds pretty nice!!
Okay, I hopped over here from your June PTR! How exciting to have a last minute trip. We actually live in GA - 7 hours from the mouse - and I've never had a truly last minute trip. We have done one where we had like a month or so to prepare but never less than a week! And I've actually been a pass holder once, which would've made it very easy. Smh.

Yay, welcome! I mean, I feel like even living 7 hours away, it's really just a matter of needing everything to align perfectly, and that can be really tricky to achieve no matter how close you live. Unless it's like, an hour or less. I guess you could probably push it to two hours - but we've been saying we need to go visit Quebec City for months, and that's three hours away from us, and we just never make or find the time for it.

We almost stayed in a Cars family suite last June bc my youngest is obsessed with Cars and it was my two boys (2 & 5), my parents, and myself, so we needed the room. We ended up in a 1 bedroom at SSR though. So on our last day, we drove over and toured the resort. We all really liked it!

Amber loooves Cars, and we did spend quite a bit of time exploring it last August! We were staying at Pop for the night so we just walked over and looked around, she loves it. Saratoga seems really nice though. We've established that if we do buy DVC in the future, it'll probably be there.

Following! I can't wait to read more about this trip!!

Hey there, :welcome:

Thanks for joining in! :wave:

Following! With the Canadian winter weather that's just kicked in in the east, an unexpected weekend getaway sounds pretty nice!!

Welcome! And I know what you mean, that was pretty rough! Although now around here we're starting to get some Spring weather. Which is actually almost worse than the snow, because everything's melting and refreezing over during the night so some places are a nightmare to walk across. Pretty much the usual I guess! But it was definitely nice to get away, even though it was actually pretty chilly for Florida weather.
Day 1, Part 2 - "Front Row Is The Best Row"

Before too long, we made it into Asia!



At that point we started running into a bit more crowds. In hindsight, I really do think that in the little bit of time we spent at Animal Kingdom on this day, we experienced some of the highest crowds we've seen there.

Like, at some points I felt like some of the pathways had similar crowd levels to what you'd experience walking out of the Finding Nemo Musical, when people are all converging to head toward Dinoland and there's the stroller parking and you just want to scream a little.

But you know, we weren't gonna be there for that long, so we just took it in stride and still enjoyed the beauty that Animal Kingdom has to offer.




And here, our final destination looming in the distance.


That's right, our very first ride of the trip was Expedition Everest!

As far as I'm concerned, that's a win. I mean, we typically always start our vacation at the Magic Kingdom, and although there's obviously been some exceptions (like, you know, this trip) and there will surely be more in the future (like, our next trip), I think ultimately that'll remain part of our Disney traditions. But ultimately, if we're not gonna start with the Magic Kingdom, I'm a-okay with starting with Expedition Everest.



I was definitely glad the timing of the morning had aligned properly, because our FastPass had been planned a little tight with our flight arrival time and such. The only other alternative, however, was mid afternoon, and it just didn't fit with what we hoped our plans would be, so I moved it to an earlier slot and hoped for the best.

The standby wasn't terrible, posted at 35 minutes. Still, we were glad to jump into the FastPass line instead


It was actually fairly full, but as FastPass lines usually do, we moved in pretty quickly.


Besides, I never mind having more of an opportunity to take in the queue for this ride.


I'm always in awe of the theming. Amber also thinks it's one of the best queue on property.


Once we got to the front of the line, we did decide to ask if we could wait for front row, especially since there was nobody else standing in the little front row askers line area. The guy directed us to it, said it would be a couple of minutes, but literally thirty seconds later if that, he sent us off to the front.



It was an awesome ride, as usual.


From that point on, we had a bit of wait until our next FastPass, so we decided to use that time for lunch! Breakfast was pretty far at that point, especially considering that neither of us ate a whole lot of it, so it seemed like the perfect timing.

We headed first to the Yak and Yeti counter service, because Amber wanted to get herself some chicken fried rice. It's technically sold as a side, so the price is really good and the portion is really meal sized.

I wasn't feeling Yak and Yeti though, so I headed off in search of my own food at Flame Tree BBQ instead!

I ended up getting the pulled pork sandwich, without the coleslaw, and I replaced the baked beans with grapes.

I also got the mandarin lemonade because it is sooo goooood and I have to have it at least once a trip, so you know, that was pretty much it.


I clearly have a thing with Disney's flavored lemonades.

Amber managed to find me after a bit of looking around - she started off in the seating area, but I was waiting for her in front of the restaurant because I figured there's so much seating that it would have been crazy trying to find each other.

And here is her food.


It was all really good, and we were both pretty happy with our picks.

Of course, we got a visit from this bird friend, because Disney birds have too much chill.


We did not feed the bird, of course.

We sat around a bit and then decided it was time to stop being lazy.

I'd never noticed this super nice water spot before, so I took a picture as we headed off.


We had a bit of time to kill still until our next FastPass, so we did a bit of browsing in gift shops and pin trading as well.

At some point though, it was time to actually get a bit closer to our next destination.


We passed the line where Pocahontas is now meeting (which is where Donald and Daisy used to meet, and before that, Pooh and friends). We didn't even have to contemplate it, though - it was all the way to the entrance of the line, and if you've been in it, you'll know how long that is. If you haven't, well, trust me. It's long.

So we kept on walking...


Until we arrived in Dinoland!


First stop, Chester and Hester's Dino-Rama!


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On my last trip we were selected to sit in the front row of EE. Of course later in the day we were the back row. I personally like the front row better than the back.
seems like a good start and I agree that Everest is a great first ride if you aren't starting in MK!

Sounds like a nice and relatively relaxing lunch. That does seem like a good deal on that side of fried rice if there is protein in it as well!
On my last trip we were selected to sit in the front row of EE. Of course later in the day we were the back row. I personally like the front row better than the back.

I prefer the front for Expedition Everest, but I prefer the back for Big Thunder Mountain. I do love that they now have the line to request front row for a lot of the bigger coasters, it makes me feel less bad about asking for it.

Sounds like a nice and relatively relaxing lunch. That does seem like a good deal on that side of fried rice if there is protein in it as well!

Amber always finds it to be a nicely sized meal, and I think it's something like 4 or 5$, so it's a pretty good deal.
Amber also thinks it's one of the best queue on property.

100% agreed! It's one of my favorite queues too!

We headed first to the Yak and Yeti counter service, because Amber wanted to get herself some chicken fried rice. It's technically sold as a side, so the price is really good and the portion is really meal sized.

I ended up getting the pulled pork sandwich, without the coleslaw, and I replaced the baked beans with grapes.

I also got the mandarin lemonade because it is sooo goooood and I have to have it at least once a trip, so you know, that was pretty much it

Okay, if we put your two meals together, this is my ideal meal - pulled pork and rice with lemonade? I mean, it'd be like the only thing I would eat all day, but it'd be worth it. Goals.

We did not feed the bird, of course.

Because you are awesome people. And I'm still traumatized from the begging ducks last April.
But ultimately, if we're not gonna start with the Magic Kingdom, I'm a-okay with starting with Expedition Everest.
Love it! Have you tried it at night? Like its awesomeness x10!!

Besides, I never mind having more of an opportunity to take in the queue for this ride.
It is very cool!

we did decide to ask if we could wait for front row
I should do this next time but I'll be a single rider (no other tall enough thrill riders in my family...boo!). Not that that should matter. I guess they would just fill the seat with another single rider.

Amber wanted to get herself some chicken fried rice.
This sounds good. We are doing Flame Tree as our QS lunch on our AK day but I'm not too thrilled about the choices (not a BBQ fan)...so maybe I'll do what Amber did...grab some and meet the boys at Flame Tree. Thanks for the idea! :)

I also got the mandarin lemonade because it is sooo goooood and I have to have it at least once a trip, so you know, that was pretty much it.


I clearly have a thing with Disney's flavored lemonades.
I am a huge flavored lemonade fan. They have several "adult" flavored lemonade drinks at AK that I would love to try!

I'd never noticed this super nice water spot before, so I took a picture as we headed off.
Is this near the Flame Tree seating? Maybe we should check it out in June.

We passed the line where Pocahontas is now meeting
Didn't even realize she had a meet there (again, right?). I think she used to have a meet with friends down at Camp Minnie-Mickey. I'd love to meet her but my boys would probably protest.

Looking forward to more!
I think I need to try some of the adult and un-adult lemonades! Where would one find these in AK?
I don't have my list upstairs with me but I can tell you tomorrow. Or if you go to the Disney site, you can search under dining at AK and pull up the menus. That's what I did.

Offhand I seem to recall Dawa Bar, Nomad Lounge, Tamu Tamu, Thirsty River Bar & Snacks. I am not sure if they all have flavored lemonade with alcohol drinks but I know I printed all those drink menus! And I think there are several others, too!


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