There should be a resorts etiquette brochure

Here is what the response from the "rude" people wopuld be to yuou asking them to quiet down, stop the running up and down the halls, etc.: "I paid a ton for this vacation, I can do what I want", "My children wouldn't do that", "Shut up and mind your own business", "How dare you say that about my children", "(This is the one fingered salute-didn't want to say it)", "(something in a foreign language that I am sure is not very flattering to me)". Rudeness is something that I akin to the "ME" movement. It is always about me so get out of my way. Wish it wasn't so. Would be nice if we all practiced the Golden Rule, but I don't even think most people know what this is anymore.
Its not "noise". Its white noise. There's a difference. White noise isnt a sound of car horns blaring, glass shattering, etc. Its literally a constant smooth ambient sound (a running fan is a perfect example of the white noise i prefer). I understand you're use to silence....but when on vacation in a hotel, there is no such thing. Its either you get woken up by doors slamming , people talking loudly outside your door etc, OR you use white noise to draw out all that garbage so that you're able to have a restful sleep. Its worth a try!

I understand what white noise is. I also understand that one should expect the occasional loud person or slamming door in a hotel, which is fine by us. But we'd have a tough time falling asleep to constant "white noise", which is why that doesn't work for us. Just like we have a hard time falling asleep when there's a constant fan running or even when its raining hard, at times. Everyone has their sleeping habits!
We were on a bus going back to CSR with a group pf cheers. They were cheering and chanting, and it got pretty loud/ It was late, kids were tired, and babies sleeping. I spoke to a chaperone, and boom! A few did not listen so as we exited the bus he had the entire group pulled aside, and their planned visit to the food court was canceled. Room and lights out.
That is totally different. When cheerleaders travel with chaperones (mostly school groups) its a completely different animal than kids with their parents, parents responsible for their individual child. Groups tend to be much better behaved because of exactly what you describe.
That is totally different. When cheerleaders travel with chaperones (mostly school groups) its a completely different animal than kids with their parents, parents responsible for their individual child. Groups tend to be much better behaved because of exactly what you describe.

I agree! Saw a very well behaved cheerleader group listening intently to what a chaperone was saying in the lobby at the Dolphin one morning back in late January.
I understand what white noise is. I also understand that one should expect the occasional loud person or slamming door in a hotel, which is fine by us. But we'd have a tough time falling asleep to constant "white noise", which is why that doesn't work for us. Just like we have a hard time falling asleep when there's a constant fan running or even when its raining hard, at times. Everyone has their sleeping habits!

Have you considered ear plugs? I have tried them, and tried white noise, and I prefer the white noise because the ear plugs made it too quiet. But it sounds like they might work well for you.
I understand what white noise is. I also understand that one should expect the occasional loud person or slamming door in a hotel, which is fine by us. But we'd have a tough time falling asleep to constant "white noise", which is why that doesn't work for us. Just like we have a hard time falling asleep when there's a constant fan running or even when its raining hard, at times. Everyone has their sleeping habits!

Constant fan noise drives me nuts, trying to sleep or otherwise, so I get it. The occasional loud noise disrupting me is actually preferable.
No thundering wildebeest running in resort hallways

Posting to say this has made my day... MemberName / Comment combo for the ages...


In fact I'm going to suggest that my husband and I will likely use this exact term to describe this when we are annoyed by anyone running down a hallway in a hotel ever again. :rotfl2:
I understand what white noise is. I also understand that one should expect the occasional loud person or slamming door in a hotel, which is fine by us. But we'd have a tough time falling asleep to constant "white noise", which is why that doesn't work for us. Just like we have a hard time falling asleep when there's a constant fan running or even when its raining hard, at times. Everyone has their sleeping habits!
Interesting. To each their own i guess.

Have you considered ear plugs? I have tried them, and tried white noise, and I prefer the white noise because the ear plugs made it too quiet. But it sounds like they might work well for you.
I wish i could use ear plugs. It would be nice. They always fall out of my matter what type of earplugs i use. its annoying.

Constant fan noise drives me nuts, trying to sleep or otherwise, so I get it. The occasional loud noise disrupting me is actually preferable.
Interesting. See with me, if i get woken up by a slamming door for example, it'll take me forever to fall asleep again. Thats why i need the white noise to drown it out. Im an extremely light sleeper so I hear everything. Its rather annoying.
Interesting. To each their own i guess.

lol, yes, sleeping is very subjective. As PP puts it, I'd rather be disturbed once or twice a trip by the occasional loud guest or slamming door than have to contend with white noise or a fan (or whatever) every night, which I'm not used to.

You mention you're a light sleeper. I'm usually not, its just getting to sleep that's the hard part sometimes, which is when I need the quiet. Or else I focus on the noise.
I agree, honestly I don't get people lugging around backbacks and bags all day. Too much work to save $2 or $3. Of course that is unless there are babies involved and you need diaper bags and such, but that is different.
We are backpack luggers, it saves us $40-$50 a day in drink and snacks. Florida water has a certain taste that we just can't stand. So worth it to bring our own water and tea
I must be some weird combo of blessed and oblivious because I don’t think I can remember any other Disney guests interfering with my enjoyment at a resort. I’ve had some subpar cast members and met a few crazies in the parks, but generally the other guests are not disturbing me. The worst thing I can remember are some pool hoppers at the Poly taking up a lot of lounges, but that was years ago. I’m also reasonably sure that no one would complain about us. We’re a family of three and not probe to being noisy.
I wish i could use ear plugs. It would be nice. They always fall out of my matter what type of earplugs i use. its annoying.
I, too, am a very light sleeper. I've tried just about everything- and found there is an entire science to using ear plugs. You probably already know that they're not all created equal- but there's a certain method to using them and keeping them in one's ears.

My earplugs still aren't very good because I've not gotten around to buying the really good kind, but I learned how to squish them down and get them in my ears. There are actual video tutorials out there on how to use them. Seems silly but it's true.

The problem now is if I do it properly, I can't hear anything- and as a mom, that's just as big a problem as hearing everything!:tilt:
I, too, am a very light sleeper. I've tried just about everything- and found there is an entire science to using ear plugs. You probably already know that they're not all created equal- but there's a certain method to using them and keeping them in one's ears.

My earplugs still aren't very good because I've not gotten around to buying the really good kind, but I learned how to squish them down and get them in my ears. There are actual video tutorials out there on how to use them. Seems silly but it's true.

The problem now is if I do it properly, I can't hear anything- and as a mom, that's just as big a problem as hearing everything!:tilt:
I've squished them down, held them in, i've followed tutorials. Nothing works. :( I have very small ear-holes (?) :laughing: which makes it even difficult for me to use standard ear buds too. If only i can sleep with noise cancelling headphones. Would be good if i remained on my back all night, but of course that's not realistic.

And i totally know what you mean about ear plugs working too well. As a mom, i'd be paranoid to use them. I'd want to be able to hear something in case of an emergency.
lol, yes, sleeping is very subjective. As PP puts it, I'd rather be disturbed once or twice a trip by the occasional loud guest or slamming door than have to contend with white noise or a fan (or whatever) every night, which I'm not used to.

You mention you're a light sleeper. I'm usually not, its just getting to sleep that's the hard part sometimes, which is when I need the quiet. Or else I focus on the noise.
I hear you about focusing on the fan noise. I know what you mean. Me, I fall asleep quick enough, but staying asleep is my problem. I wake up when someone is even talking outside in the hallway (not even loudly, just talking), luggage rolling, birds chirping, you name it. Its terrible. Which is why i need the white noise. Hey if disney rooms were equipped with these, would be great! :)
Here is what the response from the "rude" people wopuld be to yuou asking them to quiet down, stop the running up and down the halls, etc.: "I paid a ton for this vacation, I can do what I want", "My children wouldn't do that", "Shut up and mind your own business", "How dare you say that about my children", "(This is the one fingered salute-didn't want to say it)", "(something in a foreign language that I am sure is not very flattering to me)". Rudeness is something that I akin to the "ME" movement. It is always about me so get out of my way. Wish it wasn't so. Would be nice if we all practiced the Golden Rule, but I don't even think most people know what this is anymore.
I have this conversation with my DH each and every time we vacation. His reply to me is always “their vacation is far more important than yours. Don’t you realize that?” I get that Disney is expensive and people want to get the “most for their Disney dollar”, but some of the behavior I have seen, and mostly by adults, is so disrespectful. My favorite was the guy in the room above us at AKL who was spitting off the balcony. Unbelievable!
There was a lot of kid noise in the hallways at the Swan last week. But I blame it in part on the fact that we were very close to the elevators. Still you would think that at 7 or 8 am parents would remind their kids to use a inside voice as people are sleeping.
I hear you about focusing on the fan noise. I know what you mean. Me, I fall asleep quick enough, but staying asleep is my problem. I wake up when someone is even talking outside in the hallway (not even loudly, just talking), luggage rolling, birds chirping, you name it. Its terrible. Which is why i need the white noise. Hey if disney rooms were equipped with these, would be great! :)

My favorite hotel in midtown Manhattan that we sometimes stay at when visiting DD28 offers white noise machines. You can request one online along with many other items when you make a reservation. The hotel is not on a terribly busy street but if you end up on a low floor, it can be extremely helpful.
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"I paid a lot of MONEY for my VACATION so I'll DO WHAT I WANT, TYVM." They'll say as they crumple the brochure and toss it on the ground in the vague direction of the trash can, expecting the "help" to pick it up for them.
"I paid a lot of MONEY for my VACATION so I'll DO WHAT I WANT, TYVM." They'll say as they crumple the brochure and toss it on the ground in the vague direction of the trash can, expecting the "help" to pick it up for them.

Your so right and my reply to all those with that attitude is hey guess what mine wasn't free I paid for my vacation too now bend down and pick up
what you thru on should see the look on their face "priceless"


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