Tough choice...but I'll go with Main Street; Frontierland has the jumping fish, and the patio full of star lanterns that look beautiful when lit up at night, but Main Street has Mr. Disney's lamp in the window, and the candy store, and a classic view of the Castle to welcome one to the Park...

If you could go back in time, would you rather ride Adventure Thru Inner Space or the Mine Train Thru Nature's Wonderland?
ooo thats a tough choice I would probably say the mine train just because its out doors and i really would have liked to see the rainbow water :)

Which song would you rather have stuck in your head Small World, or Tiki Room
I've actually had both stuck in my head on different occasions, but I think "Small World"

Sitting in the front row on Space Mountain or the last row?
Sitting in the front row on Space Mountain or the last row?

Front row.

TNP do you prefer.......Splash from the front or back of the log?
I'd have to say back of the log, because I don't want to get any wetter than necessary. Have to try to conserve dryness, because DGD will make us go on it 15 times in a day, and by the end, we'll all be soaked anyway.

TNP - traditional HM or HMH?
Traditional accept for the loading area thats better at holiday times I also love the Giant jack anamatronic, but I will always pick the original.

TNP: Canoes or Mark Twain
Canoes! I love the Mark Twain, too, but the canoes remind me of a hilarious time that my BFF & I had on them several years ago.

Disneyland on July 4th or on New Year's Eve? :scared1:
Aladdin Musical. I'm not real big on Parades.

Anticipating more: Star Tours II & Little Mermaid ride or Carland as a whole
Anticipating more: Star Tours II & Little Mermaid ride or Carland as a whole

Honestly Star Tours is not of great interest to me, Little Mermaid I look forward to a lot. But Carsland is so far and above those two attractions.

TNP do you prefer....... Screemin or ToT?
The themeing and the story and just about everything is better on ToT. The only thing keeping me from NOT choosing it though is that it doesn't last nearly long enough. For it to be perfect, they would need to add 4-6 additional up/downs. As it is now, it's too short. Just as you start to really get into it, it's over.

Screamin' is a great coaster and I love how it lasts for a long time. I guess it's one of the longer coasters in the world. It just needs better themeing. Disney should seriously consider plusing it in that catagory. Hopefully they don't make it too cheesy though.

Small World vs Roger Rabbit's Cartoon Spin
I love them both, but I'll go with it's a small world for the following reasons:

It's a classic. When I was a kid, maybe 11 or 12, I saw the "making of" special on the Disney Channel (this was back when they would show all the cool made-whilst-Walt-Disney-himself-was-still-around shows :cloud9:) and seeing/hearing it narrated by Mr. Disney really stuck with me. I love the Christmas overlay in the winter and the air conditioning in the summer. I like seeing all the topiary animals out front (indeed, I love the whole facade). And also, it's a nice, long ride.

If you had your choice of either: a stay in the Pirate Suite at the Disneyland Hotel, or a stay in the Dream Suite in the Park itsself?
If you had your choice of either: a stay in the Pirate Suite at the Disneyland Hotel, or a stay in the Dream Suite in the Park itsself?

The Dream Suite, because it's in the park, though I would probably not sleep so I could watch for the night happenings in the park.

TNP would you prefer......... to stay in a standard GCH room or concierge PPH?
Standard GCH room...especially around the holidays, when all the decorations are up in the lobby. :santa:

The smell of oranges in Soarin', or the smell of gingerbread in Haunted Mansion Holiday?
The smell of gingerbread in the Haunted Mansion Holiday! It absolutely gets me in the holiday spirit and it smells delicious! :goodvibes

Which do you like better:
The old orangey tigger tails or the newer sugary tigger tails?
Which do you like better:
The old orangey tigger tails or the newer sugary tigger tails?

I'll say neither because I prefer the Chocolate covered ones.

TNP do you prefer.........Wearing shoes or sandals to the parks regardless of the day's weather?
I pick shoes. The only time I ever wear sandles is if I know it's going to be a rainy day. (Sometimes I'll pack sandles along if I know I'll be going on Splash & Grizzly. That way I can change in and out of the real quick)

Tortilla Joe's vs ESPN Restaraunt
I liked Joe's, but if you're into sports, I go with ESPN.

Walking through the Castle vs Riding the Matterhorn
Poncho...because it's a PITB to try & walk through a crowd with an open umbrella! I learned this last October, when it was raining whilst I and many others were leaving the Park & many, MANY others were entering the Park for the Halloween party :scared1:

If all of the boats were removed, and the water were sanitary, which would you rather swim/float through on a hot day: Pirates or it's a small world?


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