The Tale of the Grow Walk ….Hunh?

You totally rocked the DL photo editing :cool1:

Ahhhh, the joys of travelling with extended family :rolleyes2

Not sure that I would ever do it again, myself :rolleyes1

Should make for an interesting report though :lmao:

That patty melt looks DEE-lish!! ::yes::

I give up a lot for my kid, but that window seat is where I draw the line :rolleyes1 Kira would be opening and closing that shade 100 times plus she would never look out the window, so it's mine, I say, all MINE! :goodvibes

I've been trying to stay away from your pics on FB because I would prefer to see them here with your descriptions and explanations but I am DYING to see your Magic photos :woohoo:

Oh and I wish I was with you too, I sure do miss the Magic :love:

Can't wait for the explanation of your title :teeth:
I'm in!

Read your intro and arrival post. Sounds like it wasn't too bad getting to Florida.

I'll have to catchup up with your report in a couple of weeks.

I am outa here!

Checking in. Looks like your travel day was relatively smooth even with the plane's technical issues and your father fretting a little.

I'm glad I only have to be responsible for myself at the had your hands full! :rotfl:

Jill in CO

Yes...I did! :rotfl:

I missed the start of this. Saving my place in line and then going back to read. :thumbsup2

Hi Karin! Glad you could make it!

Joining in just as you've landed. So glad you didn't have any real problems with the plane.

Thanks....the plane was fine...but we have a hurdle coming up.

You totally rocked the DL photo editing :cool1:

Ahhhh, the joys of travelling with extended family :rolleyes2

Not sure that I would ever do it again, myself :rolleyes1

Should make for an interesting report though :lmao:

That patty melt looks DEE-lish!! ::yes::

I give up a lot for my kid, but that window seat is where I draw the line :rolleyes1 Kira would be opening and closing that shade 100 times plus she would never look out the window, so it's mine, I say, all MINE! :goodvibes

I've been trying to stay away from your pics on FB because I would prefer to see them here with your descriptions and explanations but I am DYING to see your Magic photos :woohoo:

Oh and I wish I was with you too, I sure do miss the Magic :love:

Can't wait for the explanation of your title :teeth:

Traveling with family can be a chore, but it can be fun and I know these are good memories for Claire.
I still have soooo many pictures to edit from this trip yet. I like doing it, but yet I wish I was a bit faster.
I did tell Claire she wouldn't get it in the future if she complained once about me looking over her. :rotfl:

I haven't edited too many of the Magic pictures yet, but I can't wait to get to the part too!

I'm in!

Read your intro and arrival post. Sounds like it wasn't too bad getting to Florida.

I'll have to catchup up with your report in a couple of weeks.

I am outa here!


You just go off and have fun and I will have a few updates for you to read when you get back! :rotfl2:
Now it was time to pick up our rental cars. Because the majority of our trip was offsite, we had to have cars to get to and from the parks. Originally I had a great car deal with Firefly, which is a new company at MCO, owned by Hertz. When I added extra days and tried to add those dates to the rental, it tripled in price. Even though the site said it would honor my original price, it was very clear it was not doing so. I searched around and found Dollar for a steal. I had issues with Dollars counter service in 2012, but for the price, I knew I could handle them and be OK.

My Mom is (WAS) a die-hard Hertz fan. She pretty much rents from them exclusively, with a few exceptions.
My sister in law works for Hertz and we can get a family and friends discount. It used to be that I had to ask her to schedule this for us every time we wanted to use it, but then she gave me the code and told me how to enter it. I have used this a few times (though Hertz is not always the cheapest, even with the discount) and I have NEVER had a problem or issue. I reserved Mom’s car using this discount.

Once our bags were retrieved we all headed our separate ways to the car rental counters. Claire and I got in line for Dollar and the line was long. The lady monitoring the line asked if we had a reservation, and I told her yes, and she said good, because they are sold out. UGH, not what I want to hear, as that means the parks are busy as I feared they would be.
The line actually moved fast and soon we were the next in line, when Claire points out a wet spot on one of the suitcases. UGH!!!! I just knew what it was. A few years ago I had this issue. One of my hair products had leaked and got all over everything in the bag. The thing was, I had double ziplock bagged it, so I wasn’t sure how any liquid of any kind could leak out like that. Well nothing we could do now, once we got our car checked in, we would go to the side and check it out.

I was very impressed with Dollar this time. They did not do the super pushy sales pitch for insurance and the digital thing that you have to hit agree on (the one that will give you insurance anyways if you hit agree without paying attention) was set up completely different. It was such a smooth process and I was so relieved when I walked away.
I was told where to go and that I would have a Ford Focus. Sounds good to me.

Of course, we went off to the side and opened up the wet suitcase and sure enough, it was my hair lotion that had almost completely spilled out and through TWO ziplocked bags. Luckily I pretty much pack everything in ziplock bags, so even though it had spilled out, it really hadn’t gotten on too many other things and I knew that I could just wipe down just about everything and be fine once we got to POFQ.

Now the trek out to the cars. I checked with a gal and asked which aisle to go and she pointed the right way. We could not find any Ford Focus’s at all. In fact this row had mostly vans. After walking up and down a bit, I went back to the check in hut and the guy told me again which row, and told me that any car in the economy area would be OK.
OK, that’s good, but my arms are hurting from dragging these stupid bags and I am now hot and I could feel my blood pressure rising. I have LOW blood pressure normally, like really low, where they often ask me at the Dr.s how I could possibly be living with such low blood pressure. LOL….so when it rises, I feel it and my head pounds and my face is heated and I am not a nice person. (kind of like when I need to eat!)

We found the cars and several were hatchbacks, which I really didn’t want if I didn’t have to, but did find 2 4 doors and I picked one. It was a Nissan Versa, which I have never even heard of before, but it looked decent and we started to load it and I really had to get creative to fit the 2 big bags in the trunk. I am now going to refer to this car from now on as the POC (Piece of Crap). Yeah, I am sure by that description, you can tell I wasn’t a fan of the Versa at all.

So we sit down in the car and I look over everything to familiarize myself with it and I program my phone to Port Orleans French Quarter. Something to take note of….you may not have a signal inside the parking garages. It kept telling me it could not connect. UGH! I did not print any directions out at all beforehand as I was going to rely solely on my phones GPS. Not smart at all!

So I decide to take off and will hit the gps to connect once I get outside. We stop and have the car scanned and pull out as my phone rings. It’s Mom and the line for Hertz was really long and slow and she is finally at the counter with a newbie. He won’t let her get the car at the family and friends discount. Good lord…what a freaking idiot and of course I am on the road and there is nowhere to pull over and I have no idea where I am going because I now can’t set the GPS!
He says my SIL’s name doesn’t show up in their data base and I tell my Mom that’s her nickname, her real name is this…..and I have no clue how to spell it and I am on the road and lost at the current moment.

So she hands the phone to the guy to talk to me. He is foreign and I can’t understand a word he is saying. I tell him so, and I wasn’t nice about it. In the mean time I see a ME bus and just start following it, which of course takes me to a toll road, which I was trying to avoid as I did not have my change bag out. Yep. The blood pressure is rising some more.

So I tell this guy her name and he can’t find her and asks how to spell it. I tell him I have no clue, as I never had to spell it before and he basically calls all of us liars and they we are trying to cheat them. I ask for a supervisor and this guy is just as much of a jerk as the first one. He tells me that it is impossible for me not to know the spelling of her name. Um, no it’s not, no one calls her that and I have never been asked for it before. My mom argues with him too, but they won’t relent and they end up charging her full price which is more than double what we reserved it at…..over $400 for a week. She was FUMING! And on top of that, they did not even give her the kind of car we had reserved either. The got a Chrysler 200 (which I personally would’ve loved to have as that was the car I wanted when we were car shopping last fall, but Skip wouldn’t go for it), but they had wanted a full size and something fancier, as they drive a Cadillac at home.

So I finally hang up with the idiot and click my phone to search how to get to POFQ since I am going by the seat of my pants at this point and I feel a little better, though mad that I am on a toll road and stopping constantly to pay.

It’s really hot…I mean much hotter than I expected it to be this time of year and time of day and I turn on the AC…and find out this car has absolutely no power at all if you turn on the AC. It was just puttering along and Claire and I just started laughing. It was really unreal how crappy this car was.

We follow Siri’s directions and I take a wrong turn and then she back-tracks us, which leads us way out of the way and we have to circle around for miles before we get on the right track again. I am pretty sure Claire might have heard a few select words coming from my mouth at that point.

FINALLY we arrive at POFQ and go out and park. I literally just got out of the car and stood there calming myself down for about 10 minutes. I am sure I had to dig for ibuprofen and then I also pulled out our Magic Bands and finally I was under control enough to go and check in.

I was never so glad to be somewhere as I was right now.

I didn’t do online check in, which I should have, so I had to wait in the regular line….as I saw several people come and go in the online check in line. This really is the first time I have witnessed it being faster, but I think now that Magic Bands are in the mix, this is the way to go and I will do it for future trips.

Yep…while standing there; I took a lot of pictures to calm myself down some more.

We had a super nice guy wait on us and he made sure our bands were good to go (I can’t remember if we had my parents bands with us or not, but I know we never went back to have them looked at, so there is a good chance I had all of them with me), and told us about the resort and told us to enjoy ourselves. I was starting to feel better already. He also said he had something for me and went and got an envelope. Now I have no clue why I got this, nor really what it was, but I think it had something to do with World of Sports building. I would have to go dig them out to see exactly what they were, but I never did use them as they had an expiration date and it wouldn’t work with our plans. Again, no clue why I got these special passes and I really didn’t pay much attention to them after I asked initially as I knew I wouldn’t use them.
He then told us where to park the car to be closest to our building. Another mistake I made, I typically note that I want first floor and I did not, and of course I got 2nd floor.

A sigh of relief was made and I truly felt like vacation was finally starting. We made our way back out to the car to head over to our building.

Well, I was going to say :dance3: for the car rental going quickly and being on your way to the resort. But, then I read about the phone call from your mother and with the agent and I :sad2:.

I'm glad that you had a nicer/friendlier castmember at the French Quarter than we did. We had Ms. Nose in the Air check us in.:sad1:
What a pain that you had issues with both cars and that you got lost. I am glad that the Magic Bands worked for you. Port Orleans looks lovely.

WOW! What a horrible experience for both you and your Mom.

I have to be honest; we had a Versa while our car was undrivable and we actually liked it (maybe you got a bad one) and my husband hates the Chrysler 200. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

I would have been writing a letter to Hertz and complained about the treatment you received from the employee and the supervisor. Totally unacceptable and to accuse you of cheating them. Absolutely wrong!

I'm glad you finally arrived at the resort and were able to calm down and check in.

Can't wait to see where you ended up.
I was just thinking, good to hear that your rental process was MUCH better this time than last time, until I got to the part where your mother called you!

Just hoping that your room was real nice even though you were on the second floor.
Oh, and we have always done online check in, very easy and I always got my request. ;)
Well, I was going to say :dance3: for the car rental going quickly and being on your way to the resort. But, then I read about the phone call from your mother and with the agent and I :sad2:.

I'm glad that you had a nicer/friendlier castmember at the French Quarter than we did. We had Ms. Nose in the Air check us in.:sad1:

It was such a mess and so stressful and my mom was totally spazzing out about it. I mean there was nothing I could do and I think she expected me to turn around...but I was freaking lost at the time. :rolleyes1
We loved POFQ. I really want to go back and stay longer.

What a pain that you had issues with both cars and that you got lost. I am glad that the Magic Bands worked for you. Port Orleans looks lovely.


It was such a pain. I will say right now....not a big fan of magic bands.

WOW! What a horrible experience for both you and your Mom.

I have to be honest; we had a Versa while our car was undrivable and we actually liked it (maybe you got a bad one) and my husband hates the Chrysler 200. :lmao::lmao::lmao:

Thats funny. It was awful and when we returned at the end of the trip we had a porter helping us with our bags and Skip told him how awful the car was and he said it was either blah blah blah or a Versa....and we were like yep, the Versa.
I had a Sebring before we got this current car and I LOVED it and that is what a 200 is....just newer version. I still like the Sebring better, but the 200's I test drove were great. Some are 4 cylinder and some are 6...I wanted the 6.

I would have been writing a letter to Hertz and complained about the treatment you received from the employee and the supervisor. Totally unacceptable and to accuse you of cheating them. Absolutely wrong!

Mom did, a couple of times and the NEVER responded to her.

I'm glad you finally arrived at the resort and were able to calm down and check in.

Can't wait to see where you ended up.

I was so happy to finally be at the resort and to just chill out and relax. I am so glad I didn't make any big plans for the night.

I was just thinking, good to hear that your rental process was MUCH better this time than last time, until I got to the part where your mother called you!

Just hoping that your room was real nice even though you were on the second floor.
Oh, and we have always done online check in, very easy and I always got my request. ;)

Dollar was so much better....and I am renting from the again in Aug. so I hope it continues to go smoothly.

I think with Magic Bands in play now, it really is better to do online check in. Some people are getting texts before they arrive with their room numbers and they don't even have to go to the desk now. It's in testing phase and I actually heard it's not going so well because people are stopping off to ask where their room is, or other questions.
I'm joining in! I just read your Disneyland trip report and I am super curious as to what kind of business you do. But that's just me, I am a curious person!

Anyway, I am looking forward to reading this trip report, especially because it contains a Disney cruise! We are looking into taking one in February, but I'm skeptical of a Disney cruise because it is so expensive. Can't wait to hear about your adventures!
Oh what a horrible trip to the resort. I can only imagine how stressed out you were. You just want to get somewhere and you can't seem to do that. :rolleyes:

Hope it gets better and quick. :goodvibes
What a stressful way to start off the trip! That is one of the main reasons why I love staying onsite.....not having to deal with a rental car and figuring out directions, etc.
We loved our stays at POFQ and POR! They both have such a relaxing atmosphere and we love the boat to Downtown. They are both contenders for our February 2015 trip. I love the size of POFQ, but I'd give a slight edge to POR because we liked the food court a little better and the kids liked the pool slide better at POR. Either one is great! Can't wait to hear what you think and see your pictures.
The line actually moved fast and soon we were the next in line, when Claire points out a wet spot on one of the suitcases. UGH!!!! I just knew what it was. A few years ago I had this issue. One of my hair products had leaked and got all over everything in the bag. The thing was, I had double ziplock bagged it, so I wasn’t sure how any liquid of any kind could leak out like that.

Now the trek out to the cars. I checked with a gal and asked which aisle to go and she pointed the right way. We could not find any Ford Focus’s at all. In fact this row had mostly vans. After walking up and down a bit, I went back to the check in hut and the guy told me again which row, and told me that any car in the economy area would be OK.

OK, that’s good, but my arms are hurting from dragging these stupid bags and I am now hot and I could feel my blood pressure rising. I have LOW blood pressure normally, like really low, where they often ask me at the Dr.s how I could possibly be living with such low blood pressure. LOL….so when it rises, I feel it and my head pounds and my face is heated and I am not a nice person. (kind of like when I need to eat!)

We found the cars and several were hatchbacks, which I really didn’t want if I didn’t have to, but did find 2 4 doors and I picked one. It was a Nissan Versa, which I have never even heard of before, but it looked decent and we started to load it and I really had to get creative to fit the 2 big bags in the trunk. I am now going to refer to this car from now on as the POC (Piece of Crap). Yeah, I am sure by that description, you can tell I wasn’t a fan of the Versa at all.

So we sit down in the car and I look over everything to familiarize myself with it and I program my phone to Port Orleans French Quarter. Something to take note of….you may not have a signal inside the parking garages. It kept telling me it could not connect. UGH! I did not print any directions out at all beforehand as I was going to rely solely on my phones GPS. Not smart at all!

So I decide to take off and will hit the gps to connect once I get outside. We stop and have the car scanned and pull out as my phone rings. It’s Mom and the line for Hertz was really long and slow and she is finally at the counter with a newbie. He won’t let her get the car at the family and friends discount. Good lord…what a freaking idiot and of course I am on the road and there is nowhere to pull over and I have no idea where I am going because I now can’t set the GPS!

He says my SIL’s name doesn’t show up in their data base and I tell my Mom that’s her nickname, her real name is this…..and I have no clue how to spell it and I am on the road and lost at the current moment.

So she hands the phone to the guy to talk to me. He is foreign and I can’t understand a word he is saying. I tell him so, and I wasn’t nice about it. In the mean time I see a ME bus and just start following it, which of course takes me to a toll road, which I was trying to avoid as I did not have my change bag out. Yep. The blood pressure is rising some more.

So I tell this guy her name and he can’t find her and asks how to spell it. I tell him I have no clue, as I never had to spell it before and he basically calls all of us liars and they we are trying to cheat them. I ask for a supervisor and this guy is just as much of a jerk as the first one. He tells me that it is impossible for me not to know the spelling of her name. Um, no it’s not, no one calls her that and I have never been asked for it before. My mom argues with him too, but they won’t relent and they end up charging her full price which is more than double what we reserved it at…..over $400 for a week. She was FUMING! And on top of that, they did not even give her the kind of car we had reserved either. The got a Chrysler 200 (which I personally would’ve loved to have as that was the car I wanted when we were car shopping last fall, but Skip wouldn’t go for it), but they had wanted a full size and something fancier, as they drive a Cadillac at home.

So I finally hang up with the idiot and click my phone to search how to get to POFQ since I am going by the seat of my pants at this point and I feel a little better, though mad that I am on a toll road and stopping constantly to pay.

It’s really hot…I mean much hotter than I expected it to be this time of year and time of day and I turn on the AC…and find out this car has absolutely no power at all if you turn on the AC. It was just puttering along and Claire and I just started laughing. It was really unreal how crappy this car was.

We follow Siri’s directions and I take a wrong turn and then she back-tracks us, which leads us way out of the way and we have to circle around for miles before we get on the right track again. I am pretty sure Claire might have heard a few select words coming from my mouth at that point.

FINALLY we arrive at POFQ and go out and park. I literally just got out of the car and stood there calming myself down for about 10 minutes. I am sure I had to dig for ibuprofen and then I also pulled out our Magic Bands and finally I was under control enough to go and check in.
:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: Not trying to make fun of your trials and tribulations but it warms my heart to know that someone ELSE has days like I do!! I feel your pain because this sounds like exactly something that would happen to me! Once, we rented a car that had a flat tire! How can you not see that your car has a flat tire!!! :confused3 I'm glad things started to settle out once you arrived at POFQ. I'm looking forward to the rest of the TR and hopefully, less high BP moments!!
I'm sorry you had a crazy start to your trip. I'm sure it can only get better from here. :) (We stayed at Port Orleans Riverside in March and loved it. Didn't make it over to POFQ but I'm sure it's equally as nice.) :)
Just wanted to say Hi as I started following along on your trip report. My DH and I will be staying at POFQ in September and can't wait to hear/see more about it.
I'm joining in! I just read your Disneyland trip report and I am super curious as to what kind of business you do. But that's just me, I am a curious person!

Anyway, I am looking forward to reading this trip report, especially because it contains a Disney cruise! We are looking into taking one in February, but I'm skeptical of a Disney cruise because it is so expensive. Can't wait to hear about your adventures!

Thanks for joining in!!!! I LOVE Disney cruises...they are more, but they also include more as well....and it's Disney!
I have been on a couple already and do have those TR's linked in my signature.

Oh what a horrible trip to the resort. I can only imagine how stressed out you were. You just want to get somewhere and you can't seem to do that. :rolleyes:

Hope it gets better and quick. :goodvibes

It was not starting out too good, but it got better.

What a stressful way to start off the trip! That is one of the main reasons why I love staying onsite.....not having to deal with a rental car and figuring out directions, etc.
We loved our stays at POFQ and POR! They both have such a relaxing atmosphere and we love the boat to Downtown. They are both contenders for our February 2015 trip. I love the size of POFQ, but I'd give a slight edge to POR because we liked the food court a little better and the kids liked the pool slide better at POR. Either one is great! Can't wait to hear what you think and see your pictures.

I am not a fan of renting either, but sometimes it's just what you have to do. And though our offsite resort was wasn't Disney and I always have issues with that. :goodvibes

:lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl: Not trying to make fun of your trials and tribulations but it warms my heart to know that someone ELSE has days like I do!! I feel your pain because this sounds like exactly something that would happen to me! Once, we rented a car that had a flat tire! How can you not see that your car has a flat tire!!! :confused3 I'm glad things started to settle out once you arrived at POFQ. I'm looking forward to the rest of the TR and hopefully, less high BP moments!!

I would be the one to get a flat tire car too. :rotfl2:

I'm sorry you had a crazy start to your trip. I'm sure it can only get better from here. :) (We stayed at Port Orleans Riverside in March and loved it. Didn't make it over to POFQ but I'm sure it's equally as nice.) :)

I will say it wasn't the best trip we've ever had, but it was still fun and you just have to go with the flow sometimes.

Just wanted to say Hi as I started following along on your trip report. My DH and I will be staying at POFQ in September and can't wait to hear/see more about it.

Thanks for joining in. I did love POFQ for the short time we were there.
We found a spot to park the car and gathered one trip worth of bags and headed to our room.

Once we got all the bags in the room, we called Mom and Dad, who were also lost, and working their way here. They said to wait for them to eat, as we were all hungry by now.

I called Skip and relayed the news about the car rental issues and he was not sympathetic at all.

I also set to the task of cleaning out my suitcase and wiping down everything and letting the inside air dry. I was really lucky, as nothing really got wet clothes wise and most everything could just be wiped down easily.

Skip called a few times and said his Mom told him that I wasn’t allowed to make the Hertz reservation, that his sister had to and that is why they didn’t allow us to use it. I informed him that is not what she told me at all and that I had the code and have done this more than once and never once had an issue. He said I was wrong, and I told him I was right.

Then of course he calls back a little later and tells me his mom called his sister and said the same thing. Well I am not going to argue, but I am right. Why on earth did she give me the code if that is not how it works? I am sure she forgot she gave it to me. There is nothing else to do but put this code in…it gives you the price options and you book it. The issue was on their end that they weren’t smart enough to find her in the computer to verify…….again, we have never had to verify her in the past either. (And when I asked Skip how to spell her name, he had no clue either) He said his sister refused to go in and adjust the cost, which also really ticked me off. Now whether his sister really said this or not, I will never know and I have never brought it up since being home. I just know we will NEVER rent from Hertz again….EVER! My Mom has since wrote several letters to Hertz and they have not once replied to her, but they did send her a random survey about her experience with them and she gave the lowest score to every question….again they have not contacted her about that either. And I thought Dollar was bad before. LOL!

We were now basically settled in the room, with the suitcase airing out and everything else wiped and drying, so Claire and I decided to take a walk while we waited for my parents to arrive.
I guess I didn’t take pictures, which surprises me, but it was getting dark and I was still a bit worked up. I also was messaging back and forth with my co-worker Deb while we walked around and explored the area. I had to vent somewhere and she has a good ear. I think I was also texting my friend Janet as well, so between the 2 of them I am sure I got my frustrations out.

I found a bench and took a seat and wasn’t there for too long when Mom and Dad called and they had arrived! Yay! I didn’t have to go out and search for them.

We met them out in the parking lot and helped them with bags and then we handed them their magic bands and told them to wear them. Dad refused to wear his. I told him that he would need it to get in the room if he ever got separated from us, and his response was that he never intended to be away from my Mother the whole trip. LOL! Mom rolled her eyes and Claire and I found that pretty funny. Poor Mom! We did convince him to put it on his belt loop for now.

While we are on the subject of Magic Bands, I’ll give you my opinion now. I was not a big fan. I knew I wouldn’t be, but I had hoped once I used them I would learn to love them. Now for many things they are convenient to use…when they work. I had issues a few times and my ticket had to be reset on the band 2 additional times after the initial linkage. (I had to pick my ticket up at Guest Services before entering the park).
I also did not like the way it felt on my wrist. I wear my watch on my left wrist and I put the band on my right. I can’t stand things on my right wrist and it drove me nuts. I didn’t like the way it felt on my skin either. And I hated the way I had to bend my wrist to scan it for everything. Later, when we returned from the cruise and stayed another additional night on property I did end up putting the band on my left wrist above my watch and that did work better for me.

Back to the current time…..We all had our bands and we set off to the food court to get something to eat. All of the adults decided a beer was really needed at this point as well.

We took a quick look around to see what we wanted.

I decided on chicken parmesan with spaghetti. On the picture it showed several pieces of chicken and a nice helping of noodles, so Claire and I decided to share. Now the portion was good sized, but there were not as many pieces of chicken as th picture showed so we did fight over the chicken part a little bit.

I think the picture showed 3 and it appears that there are 2 on the plate on top of each other, but actually it was more like one as they were stuck together.

Notice the beer?

That was one darn good tasting beer too!

This was also our first experience with the new cups with the timer on the machines. It took me a minute to figure it out, but I finally got it. We filled Claire’s cup up before we left once again and headed back to the room. Claire went back with my parents and I lagged behind and did some texting. Claire wanted to be the one to lead my parents to the room, so I had to let her have that fun.
She then changed into her swimsuit and was ready for me once I got back.

And off the pool we went.

Skip didn't believe you? Your SIL said she never told you that? Then how the heck did you get the code? Something not right in the whole scenario.

Nice room pictures. I don't think I realize how dark the rooms are at POFQ.

Lunch looks yummy...despite the meal being a little short on the chicken.

Love your pictures as you walked to the pool.


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