The Spring Break Dude issues a huge apology.

While he was clearly stupid, as fast as this all happened, I really can't get mad at the kids who went on Spring Break. We were still looking at single digit cases and no deaths is a lot of places. Pretty much at the same time fully grown adults were piling into Disney World. A lot of the realities of this hadn't sunk in.
All the Spring breakers basically increased the growth rate, no disputing that from anyone.
My son goes to school with this kid, and while they aren't friends, he "knows of" him. Remember that there was no "shelter in place" at the time, actual cases were in the single digits, and the common rhetoric on the news was that young people didn't get the virus. Not an excuse, but a reminder of where we were at that time.

The kid was stupid. He said dumb things that kids say when they are with friends and tipsy. Since then he has gotten death threats and all kinds of horrible statements on social media as well as in real life.

While I agree it was dumb, I certainly don't think it rises to the level of having your life threatened. The kid made a mistake. He has apologized and is sincere.

Remember that we've all done dumb things - most of us were lucky enough to not have our worst moments recorded and played for the world.
I'm not too upset with this kid (although I'd have a thing or two to say to him if he were mine). It was early in the game and kids that age just don't see the big picture. If 1% of the dumb things I did or said at his age were made public I'd have looked like a horse's behind half the time and no employer would even look at me.

What bothers me are supposedly mature adults who are acting like the quarantine is everyone's problem but theirs. Especially those who have travelled and are supposed to be in quarantine, or who have actually been tested and are waiting for the results. Keep yourself at home!
While he was clearly stupid, as fast as this all happened, I really can't get mad at the kids who went on Spring Break. We were still looking at single digit cases and no deaths is a lot of places. Pretty much at the same time fully grown adults were piling into Disney World. A lot of the realities of this hadn't sunk in.
My college kids were in our own version of lock down with us for over a week when that happened, so nope.
My son goes to school with this kid, and while they aren't friends, he "knows of" him. Remember that there was no "shelter in place" at the time, actual cases were in the single digits, and the common rhetoric on the news was that young people didn't get the virus. Not an excuse, but a reminder of where we were at that time.

The kid was stupid. He said dumb things that kids say when they are with friends and tipsy. Since then he has gotten death threats and all kinds of horrible statements on social media as well as in real life.

While I agree it was dumb, I certainly don't think it rises to the level of having your life threatened. The kid made a mistake. He has apologized and is sincere.

Remember that we've all done dumb things - most of us were lucky enough to not have our worst moments recorded and played for the world.
To be clear, what he did was actually put people's lives in danger. While I wouldn't respond like some have, him receiving threats seems on par with what he actually did. He didn't threaten people with hypothetical actions - he carried out those actions - who knows how many people those kids killed.
People spreading viruses happens every day - whether people realize they are doing it or not. Look how many people have died from the flu over the years. And every year we are told to wash our hands and cover our mouths and people still expose others. Yes - this is a very serious virus, yes, we need to be vigilant, and yes, people are dying. I still don't think threatening the life of a 19 year old kid who went to the beach with his friends when we were stil learning about this is reasonable.

Full-grown adults still had parties and events after shelter-in-place regulations were announced and there are verified COVID-19 cases from those events. Why am I not seeing them on the news apologizing?! If we're going to hole people accountable for their stupidity, let's start there.
Well it seems like haters and death threads just come with the territory with social media these days. So, that doesn't mean anything to me at all. Sure there have been the few adults that didn't want to see this and take it seriously. But, hasn't this been a big problem with these younger kids this age? The thing is, what is good about this is, it is another major step in getting these young idiots to take this thing seriously! Let them all think that this kind of thing gets outrage and death threats. It is all of these latest stories that is getting them to take this seriously. That is what is good about it!
Full-grown adults still had parties and events after shelter-in-place regulations were announced and there are verified COVID-19 cases from those events. Why am I not seeing them on the news apologizing?! If we're going to hole people accountable for their stupidity, let's start there.
We saw Rand apologize yesterday. Some people are apologizing. Not nearly enough.
I have a few of these people in my family.... :headache:

My cousin is in her mid 40s and is OBSESSED with going on vacation during spring break. Most years that's all she can talk about on Christmas and on Easter. She's a teacher. She became a teacher because she refused to give up her spring break and summer vacation. She did cancel her spring break trip to FL this year... But ONLY because the resort closed.

My aunt is just as bad. We normally have our family reunion (40+ people) in late April or early May. My aunt rents the Boy Scouts clubhouse every year. She had to cancel it this year because the city wouldn't let her hold it.

Two grown adults that should have willingly cancelled their plans, but had to be forced to cancel by authorities.

I'm sure my aunt will still host Easter dinner (12+ people) this year. She didn't cancel it last year when my uncle was sick (and I mean throwing up sick). So why would she cancel it this year? I already told my mom that we are not going. I don't trust my cousin to stay home during this.


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