The Running Thread - 2021

QOTD: Are in-person races starting to come back in your neck of the woods and where are you located?
Tampa Bay area, Florida. Almost all races have been postponed, turned into virtuals, or are happening with reduced numbers in-person. Lots of "creative" solutions... One race org has canceled a few races altogether, turning them into virtuals, but has been able to put on a few live races in a location that can handle physical distancing requirements - rules include maintaining 10' of space between runners, no passing unless you can remain ahead of the person you pass, masks on outside of the actual race, no festivities/awards ceremonies, and no new medals - they're using extra medals from races past. Gasparilla is our biggest local race: it was postponed from Feb to May and it's technically not happening as an in-person race, only virtual... but they are doing an in-person expo/packet pick up, and the city of Tampa is closing streets so participants can do their "virtual" races in person, minus any support. Registration has opened for some local fall races, so it seems they're optimistic about live races happening then.
Oh! And the (traverse city) Bayshore Marathon, which is really popular destination race (it makes a lot of lists in magazines, etc), went virtual already. I think that is usually run in the end of May as well. It sells out really quickly every year, and is probably the biggest race in my area annually.
I did a race at the end of January in the Phx area. It was very small, and they started each runner, or group of runners individually every 15 seconds of so. I was alone for the whole race mostly. I was signed up for a half marathon in Tucson at the end of February that was moved to April 10. The race stated that permits were allowed from March 1st on but those in February were cancelled.
-Your progression seems fairly linear unlike many of the other graphs. There aren't really any noticeable sudden peaks. How would you describe the progression of your training from 2011 to 2020? Has it been roughly the same, or does it also follow a progression of sorts?
-Are the three valleys your marathon performances? Are there any other marathons on the graph?
-How many career miles are you at now?
-The first four years there wasn't much training, or even trying to have weekly mileage goals. Since 2016, there's been a gradual uptick each year in mileage, from a little over 1k in 2016 to 2.5k last year.
-Correct, those are all full marathons. The high, 53.7, is a 10k. The graph covers everything from a mile road race to full marathons. If you want, I can send over the raw data.
-It'd put at ~9,100 miles since the start of that graph. The bulk has been since 2016.
ATTQOTD: I am in southern Illinois (53 miles from KY). Racing shut down last March and there have been 3 local in person races in the last 4 weeks. Neither of the local running clubs/timing companies have anything else on their schedules at this point.

Most of what is run in this area are 5ks. From what was scheduled in 2019 there are 3 HM, 1 10k, 112k, a 10 miler and a few other odd races.
-Correct, those are all full marathons. The high, 53.7, is a 10k. The graph covers everything from a mile road race to full marathons. If you want, I can send over the raw data.

-So if you compare the VDOT values of the races around the marathons, how closely did the equivalent marathon VDOT come to your goal ahead of the race? It looks like you're hitting around delta 8-12 from races around it to marathon.
-What was your average training pace during your last marathon training cycle? I'd estimate around an 8:00 min/mile based on the VDOT 53.7. Is it possible your volume is in a good place, but you are overall training too fast?
QOTD: Are in-person races starting to come back in your neck of the woods and where are you located? I know a lot of people don't like putting too many specifics about themselves out there so you can be vague for that second part.

NYC has had some smaller races come back (a few thousand people, staggered starts, masks required), but nothing big yet.

Colorado has been holding smaller races for awhile. Bolder Boulder just made their announcement today. They will hold it at 5 different areas around Denver metro over all 3 days of Memorial Day weekend, none of the options are Boulder. You sign up for the time and location of your choice. I was signed up for 2020 and I have the choice of doing this or holding on to my deferment until next year.

I’m signed up for a trail ultra in June that is still a go, just no spectators. As of right now they are still planning on aid stations.
NYC has had some smaller races come back (a few thousand people, staggered starts, masks required), but nothing big yet.
Hi Sarah! Fellow NYer here, who is having races that large? I thought NYRR and NYCRuns have been sticking to under 1,000 for their races? I know NYRR is starting to ramp up a bit more but the races are selling out so fast due to the limited capacity.
Hi Sarah! Fellow NYer here, who is having races that large? I thought NYRR and NYCRuns have been sticking to under 1,000 for their races? I know NYRR is starting to ramp up a bit more but the races are selling out so fast due to the limited capacity.
I thought NYRR was up to 2,000-3,000 for some of the more recent ones, but I could be wrong.
My post in the 2020 thread from August 16th...

"I ran my first Disney virtual 5k this morning in order to earn the 2019 Iron Man medal I bought on eBay. I finished in 36:33, which isn't a great time, but considering that up to this point I have primarily been walking to get in shape, I'll take it."

That was an average time of 11 minutes, 47 seconds per mile and was my first true run since... probably high school.

Sunday, March 7, 2021 I ran eight miles at an average pace of 9 minutes, 27 second per mile. Still probably not a great time compared to some, but I am very happy with my progress over the last 7 months. Heck, 12 months ago, I was 30 lbs. heavier and I couldn't have run even one mile!

This Friday, my fiancée and I are going to run the Star Wars virtual half. It will be my 54th birthday, and my first ever 1/2 marathon (and my longest run ever).
My post in the 2020 thread from August 16th...

"I ran my first Disney virtual 5k this morning in order to earn the 2019 Iron Man medal I bought on eBay. I finished in 36:33, which isn't a great time, but considering that up to this point I have primarily been walking to get in shape, I'll take it."

That was an average time of 11 minutes, 47 seconds per mile and was my first true run since... probably high school.

Sunday, March 7, 2021 I ran eight miles at an average pace of 9 minutes, 27 second per mile. Still probably not a great time compared to some, but I am very happy with my progress over the last 7 months. Heck, 12 months ago, I was 30 lbs. heavier and I couldn't have run even one mile!

This Friday, my fiancée and I are going to run the Star Wars virtual half. It will be my 54th birthday, and my first ever 1/2 marathon (and my longest run ever).

That is awesome, way to go!
Little race report here...

I ran Farm Daze, a looped trail race on a farm in southern Georgia! It was so good to be running, to be outside, to see one of my close friends. It was small and I think that made it easier to follow COVID protocols.d

I hit a little over 18 miles in the six hours. I would’ve liked to get more, but I think I did meet my goal of holding back at first. This wasn't my peak but a training race for a bigger race next month. It was hot by the end, like 84. It’s been so cold here lately that I wasn’t heat adapted at all.

It was a looped course, about 1.3 miles. I took a Huma gel one lap and ate some potato chips on the alternate laps. Ate some random salt tabs from some nice stranger who left them taped to a tent pole for people to grab. Didn’t wear a pack but was able to drink with each lap. They had a great aid station with individually packaged food, but I felt like it was easier and safer to just use my own.

This course is way less technical than my April race. I’m super nervous about not hitting the cutoffs. The cutoffs are generous, but I am pretty slow and still pretty new at running trails. I did find out that the race has moved to a waved start, and they’ll start the cutoff time from when the last group starts (the way Disney does). I'm not usually nervous about races, but I kinda am for this one.
Little race report here...

I ran Farm Daze, a looped trail race on a farm in southern Georgia! It was so good to be running, to be outside, to see one of my close friends. It was small and I think that made it easier to follow COVID protocols.d

I hit a little over 18 miles in the six hours. I would’ve liked to get more, but I think I did meet my goal of holding back at first. This wasn't my peak but a training race for a bigger race next month. It was hot by the end, like 84. It’s been so cold here lately that I wasn’t heat adapted at all.

It was a looped course, about 1.3 miles. I took a Huma gel one lap and ate some potato chips on the alternate laps. Ate some random salt tabs from some nice stranger who left them taped to a tent pole for people to grab. Didn’t wear a pack but was able to drink with each lap. They had a great aid station with individually packaged food, but I felt like it was easier and safer to just use my own.

This course is way less technical than my April race. I’m super nervous about not hitting the cutoffs. The cutoffs are generous, but I am pretty slow and still pretty new at running trails. I did find out that the race has moved to a waved start, and they’ll start the cutoff time from when the last group starts (the way Disney does). I'm not usually nervous about races, but I kinda am for this one.

Great job on the 6-hour race! Those sort of races scare me. :)

Which race are you doing in April?
ATTQOTD: Racing has been hit or miss in the Houston area. I was supposed to run the Brazos Bend 100 in December but it was cancelled. I ran Rocky Raccoon 100 as a replacement in February. 250 100 mi finishers and probably double that ran the 100mi and 100k. Social distancing and masking was strictly enforced with the statement that "they wanted to be able to put on more races going forward". Staggered starts with four different 30 min windows for the 100 miler. Mask/buff on until crosssing the start line and had to be on at all aid stations. Probably 25% wearing a mask or buff on the course. I felt very comfortable with the setup of the race and the conscientousness of the runners to each other. I crewed/supported the 50mi/50k races the next week and that weekend was the same. Far fewer people, as the weather dropped into the low 30s.

Ran the Woodlands Marathon last Saturday and the total for all racers (Marathon, Half and 10k) was 4000. Corrals were in parking garages with about 100 per corral. We walked out 4 wide and into 4 chutes. Masked until past the start line. Seperate start lines for the 10k, half and full marathon. Fairly normal water/gatorade station setups. Some with people handing out cups some with self server cups on tables. All the volunteers appeared to be high school/college aged with various levels of mask wearing. I believe they were all supposed to be wearing masks. Never felt crowded on the course. At the finish, the two chutes were narrow and went on forever. Might be because I pushed it quite a bit during the race :) Spectators at the finish were wearing masks at the level you would expect in Texas ;) This was not as comfortable a race but given there were almost 10x the amount of participants and in a suburban area, it was OK. I was also 3 weeks post first vaccine dose, so that helped with being around the less compliant people.

Most of our go/no go on races seem to be decided by the county governments. Some counties are OK and some are not allowing anything. The City of Houston is not permitting any races for 2021, as of a couple of weeks ago.
Little race report here...

I ran Farm Daze, a looped trail race on a farm in southern Georgia! It was so good to be running, to be outside, to see one of my close friends. It was small and I think that made it easier to follow COVID protocols.d

I hit a little over 18 miles in the six hours. I would’ve liked to get more, but I think I did meet my goal of holding back at first. This wasn't my peak but a training race for a bigger race next month. It was hot by the end, like 84. It’s been so cold here lately that I wasn’t heat adapted at all.

It was a looped course, about 1.3 miles. I took a Huma gel one lap and ate some potato chips on the alternate laps. Ate some random salt tabs from some nice stranger who left them taped to a tent pole for people to grab. Didn’t wear a pack but was able to drink with each lap. They had a great aid station with individually packaged food, but I felt like it was easier and safer to just use my own.

This course is way less technical than my April race. I’m super nervous about not hitting the cutoffs. The cutoffs are generous, but I am pretty slow and still pretty new at running trails. I did find out that the race has moved to a waved start, and they’ll start the cutoff time from when the last group starts (the way Disney does). I'm not usually nervous about races, but I kinda am for this one.

Congratulations Bovie! I never like the first big run after it warms up. Seems like you have a solid plan in place for your target race. I did the same with food for my race in February. I hope you have a good race next month.
I am signed up for one that had about 2000 runners in 2019. I’ve ran it before and didn’t realize how big it really was until now when I looked it up! The 10k (~750 runners in 2019) does start about 20 minutes after the half/full. And they plan to use corrals and staggered starts.
Well... This race was just re-scheduled for the fall (just 5 weeks before the race was supposed to happen - April 17th). So now... I have 4 marathons (2 which were originally scheduled for the spring) in 7 weeks this fall. :oops:🤣 Thankfully there is at least one weekend off between each of them.
Well... This race was just re-scheduled for the fall (just 5 weeks before the race was supposed to happen - April 17th). So now... I have 4 marathons (2 which were originally scheduled for the spring) in 7 weeks this fall. :oops:🤣 Thankfully there is at least one weekend off between each of them.
Holy smokes! Wishing you good luck!


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