I think the parking at the Villas is very convenient and easy. We use a car onsite all the time now and have never had an issue finding a spot in the Villas parking lot and the walk is pretty short.

It depends greatly upon whether or not there's a wedding big enough for overflow into the VGF1 lot.

We've returned late morning and early afternoon several times and found the villas lot full or nearly so with signs of a wedding such as the Cinderella coach or a limo parked near the wedding planner building.

Now, if you'd happen to need a handicapped space, there often is a problem getting one of those. There are only about 6 directly behind the spa building. In that case, it's advisable to drop off the disabled person under the porte cochere and park the car elsewhere in the lot. The HA spaces may be uncomfortably distant from the entrance for someone walking disabled.

Using valet parking at the GF is also an option, of course. When doing this, you can often get a golf cart ride from the GF main building over to VGF1. Bell services is very kind about doing this, although there may be a longer wait than is convenient. I've even had them offer to give me a ride there after I'd left our car with the valet.
It's frustrating that the lobby construction may be delayed until next year. What they are doing now is disrupting the lobby anyway and an eyesore - why not do it all at once during this low-crowd time?

This new tactic is going to disrupt the main spaces for twice as long...
It's Disneythink. - make up stuff last minute and discover it dun work.
Definitely bummed the lobby looks like this a week out from our trip. We are taking my in-laws for the first time and hoping the construction wasn't going to make it into the main building until after out trip. At least most of our time at the resort will be in the villas building.
It's frustrating that the lobby construction may be delayed until next year. What they are doing now is disrupting the lobby anyway and an eyesore - why not do it all at once during this low-crowd time?

This new tactic is going to disrupt the main spaces for twice as long...
I can’t imagine any way in which they’d be able to stage the equipment the way they are and be able to renovate that part of the lobby at the same time. So even if they were going to do the lobby renovations also, they would still take as much time as the current approach. They could do some of the work in parallel but certainly not all of it. Plus, it may be difficult finding enough workers to work on two different things at the same time.
Thought I’d add these comments from a DVC Blog:

Grand Floridian Refurbishment Work Moves Into Main Lobby

According to workers, refurbishment of all guest rooms is expected to extend into August 2023. It is not clear if the lobby itself will be immediately updated during the current calendar year. Disney intends to have the lobby fully open during the 2023 holiday season. As such, refurbishment of the lobby itself may be delayed until the start of 2024. Workers claim there are no plans to alter or remove the lobby's elaborate marble floor.

Paneling Removed From Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort Columns During Balcony Refurbishment

As part of the ongoing refurbishment of Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, crew members are working on the balconies overlooking the resort’s lavish lobby.




I just purchased a VGF contract since I got a pretty good direct deal. Haven't stayed there for a few years, but do remember I loved the beds.

The construction is an eye sore!
My husband and I are newish VGF owners (9/2022). Very new to the Dis Boards! We used our points the first time in April and adored the vibe at VGF. (Succumbed to addonitis for which I do not foresee a cure)
Looking forward to many years of fond memories. Thank you all for the advice and wealth of information you provide.

Paneling Removed From Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort Columns During Balcony Refurbishment

As part of the ongoing refurbishment of Disney’s Grand Floridian Resort & Spa, crew members are working on the balconies overlooking the resort’s lavish lobby.




I find it hard to believe that paneling is getting removed from the lobby walls when the lobby may not be getting refurbished this year? Only time will tell, but I guess they could be doing crane work on the lobby vs ground level stuff like carpeting this year? Poor GF will look terrible with a new blue upstairs (guessing based on the new rooms) and old white downstairs :rotfl:
I don’t think I ever posted on here when we added our VGF points. I have loved GF forever(probably since the Tanners stayed there on Full House).

We didn‘t buy GF at first bc my Dh isn’t a fan. However, he isn’t really a Disney fan at all and told me to just buy what makes me happy. In December, I took a baby step into direct points and added 60pts. Added another 150 pts this month with the great incentives. I never would have believed you a few years ago if you told me I’d be able to have 210 direct points at VGF.🥰🥰

Looking at these photos of The Summerhouse really has me wishing they were planning on using it to service the resort again, rather than keeping it for special events. With the GF being the flagship resort, I really think they could use a dedicated ice cream and coffee spot. After all, the Poly has both...so does Boardwalk.

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