The Most MAGICAL Trip Of Them All! "EVERYTHING'S PERFECT!" Oct. 2012 UPDATE 1/11

What wonderful news made even more amazing by being in Disney.

I'm so glad your passion for Disney will translate into your most wanted dream.

I'm heading over the new TR right now! I can't wait to hear everything about DCP!

Why thank you!
I am too. :) I am so excited to see where this dream takes me. I just know it's going to be an amazing adventure!
I'm so glad you'll be joining me! And I can't wait to share!

Ahh Jess, what a perfect ending to a magical trip! It sounds like it was absolutely incredible. I hope your DCP is everything you've been dreaming of AND MORE!!! And I hope I get to come down sometime and finally meet you! :goodvibes

Thanks for writing another wonderful TR!


Aww thank you, Marissa! It seriously was! And ahh I hope so too! I'm really looking forward to it! :goodvibes And ME TOO, GIRL!! That would be awesome!!

Thank YOU for reading it! :goodvibes

I remember following along on Twitter when you got your acceptance, but it still made me so happy and teary-eyed reading it again on here. I am truly so happy and excited for this next big journey you are going to be taking. It couldn't happen to a better person!

Aww thank you so much for the support and the kind words! It means so much to have all of my dis-friends behind me while I take on this adventure! Thank you, thank you, thank you! :hug:

Wow, that is awesome you got accepted for the CP while you were in WDW!

Love your Dooney and Bourke and all your pins (especially the Duffy ones...I am tempted to make my sister buy me a Duffy once she gets her CM discount, hehe).

It really couldn't have been more magical! :goodvibes

Thank you so much! Hahaha I am buying a Duffy with my discount right when I get there!!! I'm SUPER excited!
Hi! So, I just had to tell you, your story about getting into the college program gave me ligit goosebumps, that has to be the coolest way to find out ever! I hope you love it down there, but then again how can you not. Good Luck!
What a perfect ending to a great trip! So magical! Can't wait to read about the NYE trip and all of your adventures on your DCP- I'm sure you will be running the place before too long! :thumbsup2
Thanks for sharing your trip report. It was great!!

Congratulations on the acceptance of the DCP.

Love's so fun and you would make a great princess!

Love all your pins and your new purse. :)
That is so cool that you got your acceptance when you were actually in Disney. I love the t-shirts with the castle UP style. I need one of those as well. Are you starting DCP in like a week and a bit?
October 8th, 2012

I slept in until 8:30 am this morning. We had to leave today. ): It's always so sad when you have to pack up the room.

Bell services came to pick us up and they took us to Old Port Royale.

Our driver was awesome. We told him I applied for the DCP and he told my Mom, "once she moves down here, she's not coming back!" Hahaha so true. Someday I'm moving there and never leaving. How did he know!? He says he always looks forward to coming to work and his wife doesn't because she doesn't work there. It's the Disney difference!

We dropped off our bags and Miranda came to pick us up for breakfast! We were so sad it was our last day but we had such a fun trip.

We had a breakfast reservation at 1900 Park Fare to wrap up our girls trip!

We were just chatting away and then all of the sudden I felt one single vibrate on my phone.


I mean, at that point I didn't think it would actually be Disney, but I was in constant email checking mode. It was probably just my school or something, right?

So I unlocked my phone and an email flashed across the top of the screen saying "" and under that it said "CONGRATULATIONS!"

I SCREAMED!!! Mom and Miranda were in the middle of a conversation and I was just like, "OH MY GOD, I GOT MY ACCEPTANCE LETTER!! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

They immediately switched their focus and we all started FREAKING OUT!!

I opened he email and I was so excited that I had quite a hard time finding out where my job offer was!

I had to scroll down to the bottom and click on a link.

It was the moment of truth. I was about to find out what I had been wondering for 10 years - what role would I be placed in for my DISNEY COLLEGE PROGRAM?!

I clicked open the link and saw the bolded word:


I just SCREAMED, told my Mom and Miranda, and started crying. All three of us were crying!! I absolutely couldn't believe I was offered my dream job!! I have been working so hard towards a position like this my ENTIRE life and now I have the chance to perform it. ABSOLUTELY UNBELIEVABLE!!

Not to mention, we were driving to the Grand Floridian UNDER the Magic Kingdom gates when I received my letter.

If that's not a Disney welcome, I don't know what is! The whole thing was absolutely unreal. It felt like a movie!!

I was just crying. I was SO happy! I called my Dad, Preston, Mark, Kristen, and my Nana. I just had to tell them all the news! Everyone was absolutely thrilled!!!

I was beside myself. That was probably the most magical moment of my ENTIRE life. It couldn't have happened any better!

Miranda kept saying "I bet you're going to find out on your last day here!" and I just brushed it off being like "I wish!!" I couldn't believe it actually happened!

Also, I got accepted for my program while I was IN DISNEY. My life. I wouldn't expect anything else from myself.

Anyways... after the most exciting moment of my life, we arrived at the Grand Floridian! I was still SO HAPPY! I couldn't believe it! I WAS MOVING TO DISNEY WORLD!!!


We went right over to 1900 Park Fare for breakfast!




We checked in and got our picture taken!


We saw the girl and her boyfriend who were dressed up as Snow White and Prince Charming at MNSSHP! What a small world! We were so excited to see each other and we told them about my DCP acceptance! They were thrilled! I love those full circle trip moments.

We were seated relatively quickly in the back room. It was a PERFECT location because it was less hectic, not as loud, and you could easily see when the characters were coming!

I got Mickey waffles with banana foster sauce, breakfast pizza, ham, strawberries, and strawberry soup!


Oh and by the way... Mickey waffles and strawberry soup are PERFECT together.


Here are Mom and Miranda's plates:



Pooh was our first character! He was so cuddly and adorable. I just love giving him bear hugs!




Tigger was next and he was just SO HAPPY! He's adorable. I love him.



Mary Poppins was our next character. It was lovely to meet her!


The Mad Hatter was FUNNY. He was such a great character. He had the voice down pat! I think this was the first time I ever met him!


Our last character was Alice. She seemed a little old, but she had the voice and acting down perfectly! Very cute!



All of the characters were really precious and efficient! They were all in a row so we weren't waiting at all!

I surprisingly only ate ONE PLATE of food. ONE. That is the only time that has EVER happened in the history of ever at a Disney buffet. I guess I was just so excited about my acceptance that I couldn't concentrate on my food!

We left 1900 Park Fare and went in the gift shop. I wanted to get my cross body Dooney and Bourke!

I was hoping to find the perfect pattern on it, and I found one that I really liked! It was so exciting and another big moment on our trip! We also got our premium AP discount which made it even better!


We left there and went to the other gift shop. Miranda and I found "Perfectly Princess Best Friend Certificates" so we took some for ourselves! They were adorable.

We left after that and Miranda drove us back to Caribbean Beach. We said our goodbyes but also our see you soons! I would be back before I knew it!


We went to get our bags and we waited in the lobby for our Magical Express bus. I was writing in my trip journal while I had some time.

I was texting my Jungle Cruise Skipper friend, Ryan, about my acceptance letter and he was like "you should get an 'I'm Celebrating' pin!" BRILLIANT!

So I went up to the concierge desk and asked for one! The CM there was actually from my hometown and he did the DCP for Concierge as well! He has stayed with the company since! What a coincidence!

I got my pin and wrote my celebration on it! It was perfect and I will keep it forever!


We got picked up for our 12:55 pm Magical Express bus! I wrote in my trip journal the whole way there.


We got to MCO, went through security, and found our gate.

I worked on my Communications project on War of the Worlds. I had to listen to a 58 minute podcast and write an essay. Welcome back to the real world.

Alicia's fiance Andy, her sister Sam, and Sam's two friends were at our gate!

Mom and I went to that Mexican restaurant again to get dinner! It's pretty good there but I wish it was San Angel Inn! I got quesadillas and Mom got enchiladas.

Our flight got delayed from 3:30 pm to 4:57 pm and then it ended up not taking off till even later.

Once we got on the plane we had to wait even LONGER for the flight to take off.

I studied for my Jazz test and finished up my essay on the flight. We got back around 8:30-9 pm and Mom drove me back to school!

Preston and Mark came to my car, said hi to my Mom, and we took my stuff up to my dorm! My new roommate was all moved in, and me, her, her friend, Preston, and Mark hung out in my room while I unpacked!

And here are the end results of the pin intake on this trip:



Pins from Cast Connections:


I really couldn't have asked more on this trip. My level of Disney appreciation was at an all time high. I got to be a Disney princess. I was there for Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party. I finally got to try Food and Wine. I got to spend time with Miranda. My Mom and I got to take another Mother Daughter trip. I got a break from school at a very good time. And last but not least, I left there knowing that I was going to be WORKING AT DISNEY in the very near future!!

The amount of dreams come true in such a short period of time were absolutely amazing to me.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this trip report! As usual, it is such a pleasure to have you along for the ride. Each and every one of you make the time I spend on these trip reports worth it! I'm glad that you enjoy reading them just as much as I enjoy writing them!

If you haven't already and would like to follow along on my most recent trip, I would love to direct you over to
If the Yacht Club was a Person, I Would Marry It. ♥ NYE TRIP 2012-2013!
From there you'll be able to read about our wonderful family vacation and also find out how I am going to report back from my DCP! (once I figure that out)

Thank you all so much again! I hope you have a magical night, and always keep on dreaming! :-)

What an AMAZING way to find out! That is true Disney perfection right there. Can I also just say, I love your UP castle shirt. Good luck with being a concierge!
What a great trip you had with your mom - it was fun being along for the ride. You're going to be an AMZING CM!!
Loved it! Thanks for sharing:goodvibes

I'm so excited for you to start your DCP (and excited for me to read about it)! Sometimes I wonder if I missed my true calling- instead of teaching kids (and being the one to make them do work and thus unhappy) I could have worked at Disney (and put smiles on their faces!) Lol...oh well! It will be good enough to live through your reports and tweets.

Are you seriously leaving in 10 days? I can't believe it! Time went so fast from October!
Even though I already knew you got into DCP on the last day of this trip, just reading it made me want to scream out loud in excitement too (except the hubs is sleeping in on this Saturday!). Omg, it must've been SUCH a thrill! It must have made the fact that you had to leave not as horrible.

I have to say though that you are one productive girl! I can't believe you were able to concentrate and get so much work done while waiting for and taking the flight home! I know it doesn't SEEM related to Disney, but I think it is. You have a fabulous work ethic, and you definitely will be an asset to the Disney company.
I can see the excitement in your eyes and smile in all the pictures in this update. I am so excited for you too! :dance3:

That's so perfect you found out while in WDW!

I will be looking for you in May!
A great and happy end to this report. And I so agree that concierge is one of the best positions that you could get. Getting to give advice and spread some pixie dust around will help guests and also give you that happy Disney feeling. So so fun. And it is so soon!!
And I am now going over to the new trip report. Bless you for doing consecutive reports! I love your reports and am truely grateful that I have had so many to enjoy. It really helps those of us who can't go as often as we need to.
hugs and Disney love to you.
Wow, what a way to end your trip!!! How exciting! :goodvibes Do you know which resort you will be working for yet?

Heading over to your new report.
Congratulations!! I got goosebumps when you described how you found out :goodvibes You will be perfect in your position in Concierge - I hope to see you one day while you are on the CP if we get to visit WDW this year! I am so happy for you :hippie:
Finding out you got in to the DCP at DISNEY must have been so magical. I am SO happy for you, Jess!

Strawberry soup! *angels sing*

Your Dooney is so awesome! I have a wristlet with that design on it. I love it!

That Mickey bar pin is like THE BEST THING EVER. I need it.

I enjoyed this TR a lot, Jess! It was so cool reading about MNSSHP and seeing all of the fall decorations!
Hi! So, I just had to tell you, your story about getting into the college program gave me ligit goosebumps, that has to be the coolest way to find out ever! I hope you love it down there, but then again how can you not. Good Luck!

Aww thank you. It was really magical! I'm sure I will! Thanks!

Yet another great TR, Jess! Keep up the good work and good luck with Concierge!

Thank you so much!

What a perfect ending to a great trip! So magical! Can't wait to read about the NYE trip and all of your adventures on your DCP- I'm sure you will be running the place before too long! :thumbsup2

Thank you so much! Hahaha I can't wait to begin! :goodvibes

Thanks for sharing your trip report. It was great!!

Congratulations on the acceptance of the DCP.

Love's so fun and you would make a great princess!

Love all your pins and your new purse. :)

You're welcome! Thank you so much for everything! :goodvibes

That is so cool that you got your acceptance when you were actually in Disney. I love the t-shirts with the castle UP style. I need one of those as well. Are you starting DCP in like a week and a bit?

Thank you! I am starting on the 22nd!

What an AMAZING way to find out! That is true Disney perfection right there. Can I also just say, I love your UP castle shirt. Good luck with being a concierge!

Thank you so much for everything! :)

What a great trip you had with your mom - it was fun being along for the ride. You're going to be an AMZING CM!!

Thank you very much!

Loved it! Thanks for sharing:goodvibes

I'm so excited for you to start your DCP (and excited for me to read about it)! Sometimes I wonder if I missed my true calling- instead of teaching kids (and being the one to make them do work and thus unhappy) I could have worked at Disney (and put smiles on their faces!) Lol...oh well! It will be good enough to live through your reports and tweets.

Are you seriously leaving in 10 days? I can't believe it! Time went so fast from October!

You're so welcome!
Aww well it's never too late! A lot of people go down there when they retire! Thank you!
Yup I'm actually leaving in a week from day and checkin in 9 DAYS!!!!

Even though I already knew you got into DCP on the last day of this trip, just reading it made me want to scream out loud in excitement too (except the hubs is sleeping in on this Saturday!). Omg, it must've been SUCH a thrill! It must have made the fact that you had to leave not as horrible.

I have to say though that you are one productive girl! I can't believe you were able to concentrate and get so much work done while waiting for and taking the flight home! I know it doesn't SEEM related to Disney, but I think it is. You have a fabulous work ethic, and you definitely will be an asset to the Disney company.

Aww thank you! That's adorable. It really was awesome!

Haha I can be very determined to get stuff done. (hence the insane amount of trip reports I have going) My parents always tell me that my hard work is going to get me somewhere in life, whether it's in school or working for Disney, etc. I sure hope so! Thank you so much for your kind words! And I'm glad you were able to join in!

I can see the excitement in your eyes and smile in all the pictures in this update. I am so excited for you too! :dance3:

That's so perfect you found out while in WDW!

I will be looking for you in May!

Aww thank you! And maybe I will see you around!

A great and happy end to this report. And I so agree that concierge is one of the best positions that you could get. Getting to give advice and spread some pixie dust around will help guests and also give you that happy Disney feeling. So so fun. And it is so soon!!
And I am now going over to the new trip report. Bless you for doing consecutive reports! I love your reports and am truely grateful that I have had so many to enjoy. It really helps those of us who can't go as often as we need to.
hugs and Disney love to you.

Thank you so much! I think it's going to be an incredible experience! You're welcome. :p I have gotten so used to writing them that I would feel weird if I didn't! Aww thank you! :goodvibes

Wow, what a way to end your trip!!! How exciting! :goodvibes Do you know which resort you will be working for yet?

Heading over to your new report.

Thank you! I find out when I get there!

I'm soooo excited for you? Will you be concierge at a resort or the same one? You MUST start a DCP blog!!:)

Thank you! I'm not exactly sure how it'll work yet! I probably will!

Congratulations!! I got goosebumps when you described how you found out :goodvibes You will be perfect in your position in Concierge - I hope to see you one day while you are on the CP if we get to visit WDW this year! I am so happy for you :hippie:

Thank you so much! I sure hope so! Yeah let me know! Thank you!

Finding out you got in to the DCP at DISNEY must have been so magical. I am SO happy for you, Jess!

Strawberry soup! *angels sing*

Your Dooney is so awesome! I have a wristlet with that design on it. I love it!

That Mickey bar pin is like THE BEST THING EVER. I need it.

I enjoyed this TR a lot, Jess! It was so cool reading about MNSSHP and seeing all of the fall decorations!

It really was! Thank you!
Thank you very much!
I'm so glad!! Thanks for being here!

The look on your face when you found out is beyond excitement! You're kind of radiating happiness! Perfect end to a trip.
Great trip report! Congratulations on making the college program I think I'm going to apply next year or the year after. =)
Wow, finding out you were accepted to the DCP WHILE you're in Disney is SO perfect!!! :banana: :woohoo: I'm so happy for you, you're going to have such an amazing time down there! Maybe I'll run into you in February!

Park Fare looks adorable, I'd love to try it sometime, for some reason I always forget the Pooh characters are there! :goodvibes

Sounds like it was an amazing trip, and just think, in a few days, you will be starting the adventure of a lifetime! Yay!!! :woohoo:


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