The McSparklesons are BACK and they are CRUISIN! COMPLETE 10/4


DISmom by land and by sea!
Mar 25, 2007
Well, a lot has changed since my last TR....... we have moved out of the Sunshine State and back to SC due to Jeff's job transfer and none of us are very happy about it. But you do what you gotta do, right? We are very blessed in that we both have great jobs and we are still able to see our favorite mouse, just not as often........

And this time, we are going to see him on the high seas! Yup, the McSparklesons are heading out for 7 MAGICal days in the Eastern Caribbean.

The original McSparklesons (Gilmore Girls eat your hearts out!!!)......



But we're letting Daddy come too....... :rotfl2:

From 2007 right after moving to FL

From 2008


Not only will this be our first DCL cruise, but our first cruise EVER! And to think we lived in Jacksonville where we could have taken a 3 day Carnival cruise for $119 - I don't think I can afford to LIVE that cheap for 3 days, let alone cruise for it! But we never took advantage of the opportunity, because, like a lot of things, we put it off thinking we could do it "later."

Kind of like Seaworld....and Busch Gardens.....and Kennedy Space Center.....and Key West....... we thought we were in Florida for the long haul and we could do it all "later."

Well, it looks like "later" isn't coming now, at least not until retirement, because now that I have lived in Florida, I GET it!!! I GET why people move there and never move north again. I GET why people retire there! It is just a wonderful lifestyle and I WILL live there again!!!!

Anyway. Back to this PTR.........

This will be the first of 3 Disney trips for me this year. In May I will be heading back to the World for the 3rd Annual DISmoms Gone Wild trip with Ellen (podsnel), Joan (wannabeadismon), Lonnie, and new this year Laura (CRDismom) and Evie!

Then in December my sister and I will be taking our families along with our parents to WDW to celebrate their 50th anniversary! I am lucky enough to be staying at BWV for both those trips.

But first, we have a cruise to make!!!!

We leave 3 weeks from today to make our way back into the Sunshine State, and then hit the seas on March 26. We considered a 4 day cruise, and 4 days at WDW, but knowing we'd be back for a week in December as a family, we decided to go all out for a week.

So here's where we stand. I have a box in my office that I keep dumping things into as I read of the "must haves" for the cruise. I've already got all my electronics chargers in there, a highlighter, sharpie for autographs, Ally's personalized pillowcase for autographes, a photo matte for autographs, dry erase board for the door, about a bazillion magnets I've made to decorate the door, excursion bag, waterproof id holders for our lanyards, passports, etc...... And each day I dump something new into the box. I will begin to sort through it next week when I will also pull out the 764 suitcases that I'm sure I'll need.

Aside from the fact that nobody can charge a phone, DS, laptop, or anything else without first attacking the Cruise bag, I feel safe knowing that everything is all in one place.

We are doing the FE exchange with what appears to be a great group of fellow cruisers..... so add another 61 suitcases for that.

Bringing our own alcohol? You'd better believe it! Packing another 14 bags even as we speak.......

I have booked the Exotic Rasul for one afternoon, Palo for dinner, a rental car in St Maarten, not a darn thing for St Thomas, bikes, floats, and snorkel gear for Castaway Cay, and a birthday cake for Ally while on board.

Oh yeah, did I mention Ally will be turning 10 on the cruise???? :cool1:

I cannot believe it's been almost 5 years since her first trip. And she's been hooked ever since. We went as a family about a month after Ally turned 5. Then we went back in 2008 with Jeff's whole family. That was right after we became Florida residents and discovered the coveted Fl Resident Pass. After that we were there about every 6-8 weeks for either a day trip, or a weekend stay.

Aside from the wonderful Florida weather, the proximity to the beach, the great friends we made there, we all miss Disney the most!

Please join us for our family's adventures (and if you've read any of my other TRs, you KNOW there will be adventures!) as we set sail for parts as yet unknown (to us......).........

Follow along Chapter by Chapter....

Packing and Passport Problems, Oh My!
Finalizing the FE
The "Official" TR is Begun!
McSparklesons Get to the Port!
McSparklesons are ON the Magic - cleanup in aisle 7!
A Muster MESS!
Captain John, Take Me Away!
The Motion of the Ocean
The Temperature of Pee
Who is this Rasul dude?
No Talking Tea Pots in Lumiere's!
No Place to Be, Nothing to Do
Goofy Fitness
Wardrobe Malfunction and Who's the Homewrecker?
Dancin at Dinner
Sociology 101 - The People of St Maarten
Where's Waldo? St Maarten continued....
The Hills are Alive.....
We be Pirates!
Pirate Vittles - part 1
Pirate Vittles and party - part 2
Pimp My Ride in St Thomas
Don't Miss the Boat!
The Best Thing I Ever Ate!
Happy Birthday Ally!
A very UNbirthday Birthday!
More Birthday Wishes, and Is that Jim Cantore?
Castaway Cay
Tastes Like Chicken
I Need a Therapist
Et tu, Mickey?
Don't Let the Gangway Hit You in the Aft
good call on renting a car in St. maarten. hadn't thought of that. how does price compare to ship excursions? there's 8 of us but even renting a bigger vehicle may be better than booking excursion or tours
Yay!! Subbing, can't wait to hear all about this trip. Soooo glad the McSparkleson's are baaack! Hope you're taking enough suitcases to bring back a lot of cool souvenirs. Do you think 16 will be enough for the booze? :lmao:
Great start to your trip report Kara. I can't believe its in 3 weeks - I can't wait!

I have tons of piles started. I am using our guest room as Cruise Central. Everything goes in there.
good call on renting a car in St. maarten. hadn't thought of that. how does price compare to ship excursions? there's 8 of us but even renting a bigger vehicle may be better than booking excursion or tours

We are paying $99 for a Jeep Wrangler in St Maarten. I think that will be fun for the day. And I think I added the damage waiver and liability since it only added $20 for the day and the last thing I want to do is deal with insurance companies. I normally don't take out additional coverage here in the states, but for this I will gladly pay it!

Yay!! Subbing, can't wait to hear all about this trip. Soooo glad the McSparkleson's are baaack! Hope you're taking enough suitcases to bring back a lot of cool souvenirs. Do you think 16 will be enough for the booze? :lmao:

The way I see it, it's a small price to pay for sanity.......:rolleyes1

Great start to your trip report Kara. I can't believe its in 3 weeks - I can't wait!

I have tons of piles started. I am using our guest room as Cruise Central. Everything goes in there.

I know, right? I'm also using the guest room and next week the piles will begin to grow. But I actually use the guest room sometimes when Sir Snoresalot really gets going so I need to keep a spot cleared for me just in case I need to escape. After all, a girl needs her beauty sleep......
Well, a lot has changed since my last TR.......

Bringing our own alcohol? You'd better believe it! Packing another 14 bags even as we speak.......

I have booked the Exotic Rasul for one afternoon,....... Hee-hee:lmao: Is is just two of you are are there more cuz Ellen said you can bring three people.....I am sooooo bad:rotfl2:.

Super excited:banana:
You forgot to mention packing a power outlet strip, an over the door shoe organizer for all the bathroom stuff (a must have once you have tried this idea), bathroom air freshener, a night light and anti bacterial wipes. All must haves for our cruises.
Hi girl! Subscribing for all the laughs :-). Can't wait to hear about all your trip plans!:goodvibes
Come on here from time to time to read reports and get even more psyched for our upcoming cruise and here you are!!!:thumbsup2

I got to get on that pile making myself. Going shopping for new clothes/dresses tomorrow with our daughter. She's been asking "Mom, when are we making magnets?!!!" So doing that this weekend too.:)

Looking forward to meeting you on the ship!! (Actually, probably run into you at the Radisson.):thumbsup2
Super excited:banana:

Well that makes two of us!!! Four if you cound Jeff and Ally..... and about 2000 if you count everyone who is cruising with us!!!! And don't forget the CMs, cause they get excited when they see us too. They just KNOW the McSparklesons will do something, entertaining..... :thumbsup2

I will creep. Excited to hear all about it!:thumbsup2

OMG!!!! Where have you been girl??? I've missed you!

We're on the Magic right before you ... we'll be sure to leave her in great shape!

You'd better! And if you want to leave some mints on my pillow on your way out, I'm fine with that too..... :upsidedow

You forgot to mention packing a power outlet strip, an over the door shoe organizer for all the bathroom stuff (a must have once you have tried this idea), bathroom air freshener, a night light and anti bacterial wipes. All must haves for our cruises.

I have the power strip packed, the over the door shoe organizer is a MUST HAVE for me in any hotel over 3 nights, bathroom air freshenener, well, have you met my family??? It's already packed...... Forgot the night light so I need to go pull it out of my WDW bag....... and anti bacterial wipes I gave up on years ago when I realized that I just can't clean it all. I keep the gel on me so I can clean my hands whenever, but once I start wiping stuff down I end up freaking out cause I just can't get it all.

Besides, papertraveller is going to make sure it's all clean for me..... :rolleyes1

subbing, can't wait to hear all about it

Me too!!!! It really hit me last night at dinner that we are on a BIG BOAT in 3 weeks!!!! I have absolutely no idea what to expect and that freaks me out just a little!

Hi girl! Subscribing for all the laughs :-). Can't wait to hear about all your trip plans!:goodvibes

Plans? What plans? Panic.... freak out..... panic..... freak out. That's where I am so far..... :eek:

Hi Kara! I'm reporting in - can't wait to SEA all your adventures!:cool1:

I don't think you're creepy - you don't even have an axe!:goodvibes

:rotfl2: Should I pack the axe???? After all, we are planning a DISmeet.... I'll have to tell the axe story a little later... :rotfl2:

Come on here from time to time to read reports and get even more psyched for our upcoming cruise and here you are!!!:thumbsup2

I got to get on that pile making myself. Going shopping for new clothes/dresses tomorrow with our daughter. She's been asking "Mom, when are we making magnets?!!!" So doing that this weekend too.:)

Looking forward to meeting you on the ship!! (Actually, probably run into you at the Radisson.):thumbsup2

We are getting in late to the Radisson, probably around 10 the night before. Are you on the first shuttle in the morning???? I'm sure I'll be up by 6 or so that morning so I'll be the one aimlessly wandering the halls of the hotel trying to make the clock move faster.....
Now I have a dilemma. I've been reading that when your family is announced, you can choose any name you want. So why would we NOT want to be introduced as the ....... wait for it......


Ally has vetoed it already. Vehemently, I might add. But I'm seriously thinking that it has a nice ring to it........

So I need to know, McSparklesons? Or real name?
around 10 the night before. Are you on the first shuttle in the morning???? I'm sure I'll be up by 6 or so that morning so I'll be the one aimlessly wandering the halls of the hotel trying to make the clock move faster.....

Y'all flying or driving? We'll be there pretty early at the hotel. We're taking the train overnight, getting in at about 10am I think it is on the 25th. We're renting a car so not doing the shuttle like we'd thought. Hubby is dropping us off at the port with luggage, etc. then taking rental car back. Then he's taking the car rental shuttle to meet up with us. Can't wait until all the logistics is over and we're kicking back with a drink o' the day. :thumbsup2
Now I have a dilemma. I've been reading that when your family is announced, you can choose any name you want. So why would we NOT want to be introduced as the ....... wait for it......


Ally has vetoed it already. Vehemently, I might add. But I'm seriously thinking that it has a nice ring to it........

So I need to know, McSparklesons? Or real name?

Oh, McSparklesons for sure!!! :yay: Of course, you will have to be-dazzle your shirts or something to go with the name!!!:rotfl2:
poor Ally, therapy will help her get over the embarassment it might cause but really you need to do McSparklsons. That is AWESOME!!! no worse than some of the names my lovely father has thought up over the years and yes he always used them much to my horror. I turned out okay (LOL!)
Definitely McSparkelsons!! What good is even HAVING children if ya can't embarrass and humiliate them sometimes???:confused3 :rotfl:

And DEFINITELY you need that over the door shoe holder- that is the most important thing!!!! :thumbsup2


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