The Long Road to Run Disney

Another cup user here. I think mine is called saalt. Literally life changing.

I had my period last week and I was so grumpy beforehand that I was grumpy I was grumpy 😣
Age can play a factor in periods. Ugh. I’m a new convert to a saalt disc (similar to a cup) and there’s definitely a bit of a learning curve but I’m optimistic about it. I think that flexdisc does a disposable one you can try, and then a reusable one if you like it.

There’s also an online quiz that will recommend one to you (separate quizzes for discs and cups) that my online mom group says does a pretty good job. They also have an explanation page about the differences between each of them if you’re looking for an alternative.

Grumpiness: I’ve started taking a super tiny dose of Zoloft during my luteal phase (about 6 days before my period starts) to make me not a horrible person to be around. I used to be ok, but the last couple of years it’s gotten worse and worse with my mood, and it was time to deal with it.
Have you ever tried a cup? I use MeLuna. It takes a little bit of getting used to, but I find it vastly superior to pads or tampons.

Another cup user here. I think mine is called saalt. Literally life changing.

I had my period last week and I was so grumpy beforehand that I was grumpy I was grumpy 😣

No, I haven't tried a cup. More TMI, but how do they do with clots? That's my biggest problem with tampons, they just don't soak up clots.

I totally relate to being grumpy that I'm grumpy :headache:

Age can play a factor in periods. Ugh. I’m a new convert to a saalt disc (similar to a cup) and there’s definitely a bit of a learning curve but I’m optimistic about it. I think that flexdisc does a disposable one you can try, and then a reusable one if you like it.

There’s also an online quiz that will recommend one to you (separate quizzes for discs and cups) that my online mom group says does a pretty good job. They also have an explanation page about the differences between each of them if you’re looking for an alternative.

Grumpiness: I’ve started taking a super tiny dose of Zoloft during my luteal phase (about 6 days before my period starts) to make me not a horrible person to be around. I used to be ok, but the last couple of years it’s gotten worse and worse with my mood, and it was time to deal with it.
I think it's a combination of age and having my tubes tied when my younger daughter was born. I've heard of cups, but not discs. I'll definitely look into that as well.

I'm more than a bit anxious about antidepressants. I took them as a teenager and felt like a zombie. I also checked my daughter into a behavioral hospital for a two week suicide watch shortly after her doctor prescribed them for her. It turns out she has bipolar disorder and antidepressants can actually make things worse. Mood stabilizers, however, have made a world of difference for her.

With all that said, I do need to find a way to deal with it. I think my family and co-workers would be okay with me hiding out in a cave for a few days each month and I honestly don't blame them.
No, I haven't tried a cup. More TMI, but how do they do with clots? That's my biggest problem with tampons, they just don't soak up clots.
Since they just "catch" everything, I think they'd do fine with clots. Those are super annoying, I agree.

Here's a link for the cup-recommender quiz

Here's the one for discs

There's also an article that shows the difference between how each fit.

I'm more than a bit anxious about antidepressants. I took them as a teenager and felt like a zombie. I also checked my daughter into a behavioral hospital for a two week suicide watch shortly after her doctor prescribed them for her. It turns out she has bipolar disorder and antidepressants can actually make things worse. Mood stabilizers, however, have made a world of difference for her.

With all that said, I do need to find a way to deal with it. I think my family and co-workers would be okay with me hiding out in a cave for a few days each month and I honestly don't blame them.
Those are all very valid feelings. It sounds like you've had some really scary experiences with meds If you feel like PMS is really effecting your mood and ability to interact with others, if you have painful or very heavy periods it's definitely worthwhile to talk to your doc about it because it could be PMDD. For me, and this is just my experience (I am not a dr) the zoloft works, but I've dialed back the doseage every month trying to figure out what's enough to help, but not so much that I'm having side-effects. I'm currently cutting my 50mg tablets into quarters because with thirds I was having hot flashes, dry/cracked lips, and massive thirst (like 130+oz/day of water.) It was also messing with my sleep and giving me super weird dreams. So the benefits weren't really outweighing the downside until this month. Super annoying to have to figure it out, but I'm not a ticking time bomb of emotion with meds.
Thank you @Herding_Cats ! I am going to look into discs and cups and give something a try. I go back to my doctor in December and I plan to talk to her then if things aren't improving.
I spent most of this past week totally derailed from my training plan. I broke a streak of running three days a week that had been going since the last week of May. I did run 2.5 miles Thursday morning before work, easy + strides. I also ran 3 miles this morning while my girls were playing tennis. Both runs felt very good despite a T+D of 153 and 155. Today's run even incorporated some hills.

Maddy also skipped a few runs this week. She did run 3 miles yesterday and will go out this afternoon or tomorrow for another 3.

I am shifting some things around for the remainder of the month. I have 3 mile runs on the calendar for Tuesday and Wednesday and a 5 mile run down for next Sunday. That should put me just under 40 miles for the month.
We are now just 70 days away from our Smoky Mountain vacation and 71 days away from the 4 Bridges Half Marathon.

I finished July with 34.6 miles ran. Maddy actually did meet her goal of running 45 miles last month. We're going to have a tough decision ahead of us between now and race day about how long we should try to stick together. She is just so much faster than I am! I am a bit nervous about her running a race at her own pace and basically alone, but I also don't want to take away from what she can do. I'm struggling to figure out the Live Track function of her new Forerunner 45S. I do want to hold her back a bit at the start to keep her from starting out too fast.

August started with Maddy's 15th birthday on which she passed the test for her learners permit on the first try :car: and drove us home from the pool without any incidents.

We've also had open house at the school and the girls first days of 9th and 1st grades.


We have run 5.1 miles so far with a 2.6 mile easy run on the 2nd and a 2.5 mile run with strides today. T+D was closely approaching 160 for both runs so needless to say they were painfully slow.
This heat is killing my motivation to run! Our race day is now just 63 days away so I know I've got to find a way to suck it up and deal with it. The actual temperature broke 100 degrees today with a dew point in the mid 70s.

We ran 4 miles with 60/30 run/walk intervals on the 7th. A neighbor was kind enough to spray us with her water hose at our turn around point. Our average pace was 13:36 with negative mile splits.

I was supposed to run 2.5 miles on the 9th, but I only made it to 1.7 before stopping due to feeling a bit lightheaded. T+D=169. Maddy skipped this run and swam instead.

I skipped the scheduled 2.5 mile run on the 10th. Maddy ran this one with an average pace of 11:07.

The 11th was a scheduled rest day and a tough, longer than normal day at work for me. Maddy ran 2.5 miles at an 11:02 pace to make up for the missed run on the 9th.

Today was supposed to be an easy 2 mile run. We both skipped this one. We went to Maddy's tennis practice at 7:30 this morning, but even immediately afterwards it was suffocatingly hot amd humid.

I purchased a Salt cup which I really do think I will love once I have the hang of it. Thank you ladies for the recommendation! However, the combination of the heat and my heavy periods are leaving me feeling drained. At this point, I'm just trying to tough things out until after our race and vacation, but I do need to make an appointment with a gynecologist after we get back.
If your periods have been getting worse, see if you can have them do a blood test and check your iron and your ferratin (iron stores.) I have 0 energy in the 2nd half of the day when my ferratin gets low, and taking an iron supplement helped a lot.
If your periods have been getting worse, see if you can have them do a blood test and check your iron and your ferratin (iron stores.) I have 0 energy in the 2nd half of the day when my ferratin gets low, and taking an iron supplement helped a lot.
I had my iron checked in December, but not ferratin. This is the first time I've ever heard of it. I do have to take potassium daily. I probably need to try adding a multivitamin with some iron until my next checkup.
I'm not sure how old you are or if you would be a candidate, you'd have to ask your doc, but maybe an endometrial ablation would help? I had horribly unpredictable periods in my early 40's with heavy flow and clots. It made me terribly irritable and depressed. I had the ablation and it was the best decision for me. I don't get periods at all anymore.
I'm not sure how old you are or if you would be a candidate, you'd have to ask your doc, but maybe an endometrial ablation would help? I had horribly unpredictable periods in my early 40's with heavy flow and clots. It made me terribly irritable and depressed. I had the ablation and it was the best decision for me. I don't get periods at all anymore.
That's something I will definitely consider. I'm 36, but my younger cousin just had an ablation and she's really glad she did it.

I'm holding out now until after our vacation for sure and possibly until after the first of the year.
I did an R pace workout on Sunday which was a one mile walk followed by 8 all out :30 intervals with 1:30 rest breaks and then another one mile walk. Even starting at 7 am had me ending up running in a 90 degree temp. Maddy picked up a 24 hour stomach bug at school and sat this one out.

Yesterday was a scheduled rest day.

Today is an easy 2 mile run. I'm waiting until a little closer to dusk.

Maddy and I just registered for a local 5K on August 26th. It's an Autism Awareness 5K color run. Its a late evening run around the same lake course we've ran several times before.
We actually hit all our scheduled runs this week! Definite win :cheer2:

Tuesday's 2 mile run was done with a T+D=148. I had almost perfect splits of 13:08 and 13:09 with NO walk breaks. Maddy went a little farther and finished 2.5 miles, but her splits were much less even at 11:34, 12:58, and 6:38.

Wednesday was 2.5 easy miles in a T+D=145. I did 60/30 run/walk intervals and had an average pace of 13:12 so not much different from the solid run the day before. Maddy cut this one short at 2 miles. Her splits were 10:52 and 11:53.

We swam on Thursday afternoon.

I worked late Friday so no exercise.

We hit the grocery store Saturday morning and picked up Scarlett's friend for a play date. We spent about three hours in the pool. I honestly spent most of that time lounging with a book.

Today was our longest run so far for this training cycle. 6.2 miles early this morning with a T+D=158. Average pace was 13:34 with splits of 13:13, 13:44, 13:52, 12:42, 13:55, and 13:43.

I'm dreading the heat wave that is in the forecast for next week.

Weekly Update, 7 Weeks Until Race Day

Monday July 21st was a scheduled rest day following Sunday's 10K run.

Tuesday July 22nd was an easy 3 mile run. T+D=165 so I chose to complete 60/30 run/walk intervals. I ended up with an average pace of 13:30. Madilyn didn't run intervals. Her mile splits were 10:06, 11:18, and 12:26 for an average pace of 11:18 with definite fading.

Wednesday July 23rd was supposed to be 2 miles (easy + strides), but we both skipped this one.

Thursday July 24th was a scheduled rest day. I was scheduled to work late.

Friday July 25th was also a scheduled rest day leading up to our 5K race on Saturday. I unexpectedly had to work late and I also had to work the concession stand at the football game. I ended up with over 12K steps and a lot of time on my feet. I went to sleep with compression socks on, but took them off at some point during the night.

Saturday morning I woke up really early with a backache and sore calves. I must have gotten dehydrated the day before and slept wrong. I went back to sleep in the recliner in the living room with a heating pad on my lower back and ice packs on my calves. We went to town and had a really good, although heavy lunch at Outback. We bought a shirt for my husband to wear to an upcoming wedding. I've still got to find a dress to wear. We also bought groceries and spent a few hours at home before heading back to town for the 5K.

The run was a Run For Autism 5K Color Run which started at 7:30 PM. Maddy talked a friend from school and his mom into joining us. The mom has a mile-a-day run-streak that's lasted two whole years and they just ran a half marathon at the beginning of the summer. The T+D at the start was 166 🥵 I tried to start out slow, but obviously I didn't start out slow enough. The first mile felt okay with an 11:49 pace and one big downhill section. I ran through the first four color zones and walked through the first water stop heading into mile two. Mile two was done at a 12:26 pace and still feeling okay. Mile three was where I started doing a lot of walking and it was also back up the big hill we ran down in the first mile. Mile three ended up being at a 13:20 pace.

I was the last member of our grip to finish with a total time of 39:32, which is one of my worst ever 5K times. I was 16th out of only 24 runners. I found out that Maddy's friend from school won the race and his mom was second overall and the first female finisher! His time was 25:08 and hers was 25:53. I'm very impressed considering the heat! Maddy finished in 34:24, with her pace fading throughout the race like mine did.


We had a good time, despite the heat. I feel like this race would be a big hit if it was held during a cooler month. I was hoping for more consistent miles and a better overall time, but I'm going to take this race in stride and just keep training for our A race this fall.
August Wrap Up

I think my watch is permanently dyed from the color run. I am less annoyed about the band than the side of the watch face.



Sunday, August 27th, was a planned rest day following the 5K the evening before.

Monday, August 28th, was an easy 2 mile run. T+D=160. My pace was 13:19 and splits of 12:46 and 13:52 with a long downhill portion on the first mile and that same hill, but going back up on the second mile. Maddy's splits were 10:43 and 11:35 for an average pace of 11:11.

Tuesday, August 29th, was an easy 3 mile run. T+D=157. I went with 60/30 run/walk intervals for an average pace of 13:40. I'm still a baby about consecutive running days. Maddy did not run intervals. Her pace was 11:11 with mile splits of 10:42, 11:54, and 10:54.

Wednesday, August 30th, was a planned rest day. Maddy got some driving time on the way from school to the pool, from the pool to pick up pizza, and from Pizza Hut to our home.


Thursday, August 31st, was 3 miles (easy + strides). T+D=148 which felt AMAZING compared to what we've been experiencing. My mile splits were 12:32, 12:37, and 13:05 for an average of 12:44. Maddy's were 10:47, 11:56, and 11:21 for an average of 11:21.

Our total mileage for August was 39 miles, 9 miles short of our target.
5 Weeks Until Race Day!!!

Friday September 1st was a rest day. Most Fridays are because that's often a day I have to work late and this was no exception.

Saturday September 2nd started with morning tennis lessons for the big kiddo and the cadets tennis clinic for the little kiddo. We finished the evening with a 4 mile long run. T+D=157. Maddy did not hang with me on this run. Her average pace was 11:02 and mine was 12:39. Both of us had pretty consistent miles that I'm not bothering listing out.

Sunday September 3rd was a planned rest day.

Monday September 4th, Labor Day, was supposed to be another 4 mile run, but we spent the afternoon at the pool instead.

Tuesday September 5th was a planned rest day, but we did run 2 of the 4 miles we didn't run the day before. T+D=152. I ran 60/30 run/walk intervals for an average pace of 13:05. Maddy did not run intervals and had an average pace of 11:35 with fairly consistent mile splits.

Wednesday September 6th was 3 easy miles with strides. T+D=159. My average pace was 13:40 with near perfect splits. I did do some walking in the stride portion. Maddy's average pace was 10:45 with some definite fade in the second and third miles.

Thursday September 7th was 2 easy miles. T+D=156. My pace was 12:59 with pretty even splits and Maddy was 10:52 again with definite fading. This was the first time either of us has ever run three days in a row.

I did actually snap a picture during this run. This is on the road we live on in what is basically a flat swampy bottom.


Friday September 8th was a planned rest day and I had to work late again.

Saturday September 9th started with a morning of tennis and grocery shopping and concluded with my husband and I attending a wedding.

Which brings us to the absolute ****-show of a run today. We were supposed to run a 10K and give the SIS gels we are considering using on race day a trial run. The only good things I can say about this run is that we did complete the distance and the gels seem to agree with us and aren't completely gross tasting.

T+D=151 which is a bit better than what we have been running in, but it was a very bright sunny day unlike all week which has been overcast. We started off okay with a first mile at 12:59 and a second at 12:25. We walked a bit during the third mile and ended up with a pace of 14:11. By the fourth mile we were walking more than running. That mile ended up taking 15:31. And for me, it went downhill from there with me walking the final 2.2 miles. Maddy went on ahead and ran most of this.

I can't put my finger on what was wrong. My legs didn't hurt and my breathing wasn't labored. I just had no energy and even felt a bit lightheaded. I also had downed all of the water in my 16oz bottle by the end of mile 3 and still felt very thirsty. Was I fatigued from the three consecutive days of running earlier in the week? Dehydrated? I'm just not sure.

I do feel that non of my recent paces are where they need to be for this to be a PR race. Is the heat the cause? I just don't know.


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