The Flippant Trip - (new TWILIGHT TR update 11/16/09 bottom of pg 29)

I absolutely loved your little "walk through Twilight town" pictures!!! I've seen the movie twice also and I loved it. I agree there are some things that bother me but for the most part, I thought it was great!!! :thumbsup2
I absolutely loved your little "walk through Twilight town" pictures!!! I've seen the movie twice also and I loved it. I agree there are some things that bother me but for the most part, I thought it was great!!! :thumbsup2

Thanks! Glad you liked them, it was sure fun to do. I agree with your review, as well. :thumbsup2 :thumbsup2
Happy of Thanksgiving to You All!

May you be surrounded with the ones you love. Many thanks, to you guys, for hanging out with me on this thread. :hug:

And of course I gotta leave you with... some pics. ;)






Don't forget... Holiday Food Porn and any other pics you'd like to share are all welcome on the Seasonal Thread!

The Seasonal Thread- All welcome!

The pumpkin, fall/winter squash and sweet potato thread

Thanks for all the info Travelmel!!!!

I can't wait to go see the movie again (hopefully this weekend). It'll be interesting to see it with the trip in mind.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!
Oh My Word. husband graduated from Kalama High. Some one is missing the boat by not starting a weekend tour of Kalama, Forks, and Vernonia. Seems there is a large following for this this movie. If I happen to see anything that would be of interest to any of you in our Daily paper I will let you know. Anyway hope you are having a nice Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I went to see Twilight again today and took my husband along. Poor guy has been suffering through my obsession for a long, long time and I thought he would hate the movie. HE LOVED it! I was shocked, but glad!
Happy Thanksgiving!

Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I went to see Twilight again today and took my husband along. Poor guy has been suffering through my obsession for a long, long time and I thought he would hate the movie. HE LOVED it! I was shocked, but glad!

That is so cool that DH liked it! :love: Did you like it better the second time, too? I know I did. I honestly think that history will paint it as a badly acted almost "B movie" but I still can't help but enjoy myself.

Thanks for all the info Travelmel!!!!

I can't wait to go see the movie again (hopefully this weekend). It'll be interesting to see it with the trip in mind.

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed the "backstage" look. Let me know what you thought the second time around. Hope you had a great turkey day :goodvibes

Oh My Word. husband graduated from Kalama High. Some one is missing the boat by not starting a weekend tour of Kalama, Forks, and Vernonia. Seems there is a large following for this this movie. If I happen to see anything that would be of interest to any of you in our Daily paper I will let you know. Anyway hope you are having a nice Thanksgiving


Wow, how cool! When we were there we went to a deli and ate lunch. The girl behind the counter said she went to school there but had been trying to avoid the books since the hype was so big.

Seeing the fact that out of towners were coming to her town to take pics (we weren't alone in our quest that day! :eek: ) I could see that her resolve was weakening! LOL

I think the town made almost $100 off of us that day! We bought gas, lunch, and a knick-nack from an antique store. I hope that makes us well received in the towns eyes. I know Forks has embraced the possible tourist dollars. The Viewpoint Inn, as well. They are actually depending on them.

I SO hope you will share any news that comes your way. Thanks for reading along!

To all: As for Thanksgiving, it was YUMMY as usual. I have so much to be thankful for. I hope yours were all wonderful as well.

2 7 D a y s T i l l C h r i s t m a s !


Coming Soon: New Food Porn to the Seasonal Thread! Feel free to post about any great "Black Friday" deals you may have found!​
what a page turner. I could not put it down! Now onto the next book! I was even reading about 10 pages at a time while I had guests over for T Day! I was reading in the bathroom lol! Today I am dragging poor DH to see the movie! Wish me luck!
Well, my quest for the books is finally over. Stupid small town that I live in didn't have any when I went to do further prowling on Wed afternoon. I called a bookstore in Knoxville & they have all of them & are holding them for me. I NEVER go out shopping on Black Friday but I am about to head out to go get the books because it is driving me nuts to know what happens. I am going straight in the mall to the bookstore & straight back out. I am nuts.:rolleyes1
what a page turner. I could not put it down! Now onto the next book! I was even reading about 10 pages at a time while I had guests over for T Day! I was reading in the bathroom lol! Today I am dragging poor DH to see the movie! Wish me luck!

In that BATHROOM!!!??? :lmao:

Tooooooooooooooo funny!

Well, my quest for the books is finally over. Stupid small town that I live in didn't have any when I went to do further prowling on Wed afternoon. I called a bookstore in Knoxville & they have all of them & are holding them for me. I NEVER go out shopping on Black Friday but I am about to head out to go get the books because it is driving me nuts to know what happens. I am going straight in the mall to the bookstore & straight back out. I am nuts.:rolleyes1

Ha ha ha haha ha ha ha ha ha!!! I'm cracking up! I love it!!!
So are you guys....​
Team Edward?
Team Jacob?
Team Emmett?
Team Stephanie?
Team Alice?
Team Bella?
Team James?
Team Rosalie?
Team Victoria?
Team Charlie?

Team Carlisle and Esme?

We shall see......
Oh, I love the newest pictures of the girls. I especially like the one of them in front of all the trees. They are such cuties!!
Team Edward!!! Wooo!!

Jesus and I went to the mall on Wednesday and I wanted to go to Hot Topic because I knew they had Twilight stuff and I showed him the Team Edward shirt and the the Stupid Lamb shirt and said I wanted both for Christmas. His response? "Uh, I don't get it?" :rolleyes:
Oh, I love the newest pictures of the girls. I especially like the one of them in front of all the trees. They are such cuties!!

You are so sweet.. Thank you. :goodvibes

Did you get any good shopping deals?

Team Edward!!! Wooo!!

Jesus and I went to the mall on Wednesday and I wanted to go to Hot Topic because I knew they had Twilight stuff and I showed him the Team Edward shirt and the the Stupid Lamb shirt and said I wanted both for Christmas. His response? "Uh, I don't get it?" :rolleyes:

Yes, me too, Team Edward :love:

Hot Topic had a cute sweatshirt that I would have liked but I'm too cheap to pay $45 for a sweatshirt! :scared:

Poor Jesus... some guys have no idea what they're up against.
Team Edward for sure! Can u believe I am already well into Eclipse?!!!!! I will PM you so we can talk about the books further! The movie was fun and DH liked it! He keeps asking me for updates on the characters as I read further. I def. Liked the book better as some of the scenes straight out of the book would have been better. But they sure cast Edward nicely! LOL. Eye candy! Just wish he could speak with his British accent!
Team Edward for sure! Can u believe I am already well into Eclipse?!!!!! I will PM you so we can talk about the books further! The movie was fun and DH liked it! He keeps asking me for updates on the characters as I read further. I def. Liked the book better as some of the scenes straight out of the book would have been better. But they sure cast Edward nicely! LOL. Eye candy! Just wish he could speak with his British accent!

Ha ha ha! That's exactly what I said (I am a Duran Duran fan so I like my pasty white English guys with an accent!)

So cute about your DH. PM anytime (or write me here, I don't care. I suppose I might get a mod warning eventually? :confused3 ) or join us over at the Twilight dis-thread on the Community Board.. it's easy to find. It's the one on the first page with the 92,000 something views. Course, as with anything, the conversation can get heated. LOL
:cool1: :cheer2: I finally found you:cheer2: :cool1:
Stupid me I was looking on the disneyland forum, and didn't scroll down to the trip report forums.
But I am learning slowly but surely to find my way around here:rolleyes:

Team Edward here...........
I saw the movie today (& it was cool going oh yeah I saw that in Melissa's pictures) & am about 2/3 of the way through with Eclipse.
It's become a sickness.:rolleyes1
I love Edward *sigh* He's SO dreamy! :cloud9:

Bella can have Jacob, I'll take Edward. :lovestruc
:cool1: :cheer2: I finally found you:cheer2: :cool1:
Stupid me I was looking on the disneyland forum, and didn't scroll down to the trip report forums.
But I am learning slowly but surely to find my way around here:rolleyes:



So glad you found it!

Here are the other two threads I enjoy...

The Seasonal Thread- All welcome!
The pumpkin, fall/winter squash and sweet potato thread

Nice to see you! :goodvibes


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