The Deluxe Dining that defeated us ...a German perspective! (FINISHED!)

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I had that same frittata a few years ago and it remains one of my favorite breakfast entrees anywhere, it is that good!:thumbsup2

Yes, I really liked it too! That said, my favorite breakfast entree is what I had at The Wave, but I will come to that in a while :)

Still loving the reviews :) yummo!

Thank you!

Yumm! Keep them coming!

Thanks! I will!

Great reviews and what a great selection of restaurants you went to. Can't wait for the next installment.

I spent weeks and months selecting the restaurants before the 90 day reservation window opened ... Actually I spent hours drooling over the menus when I was at work and couldn't get anything to eat :rotfl:

Wow, can't believe I missed that many updates in such a short period of time :eek:

Yes, I never work on Mondays plus we had a national holiday on Thursday, so I had plenty of time to write updates! :surfweb:
After a fun half day at Typhoon Lagoon and some rest at the hotel, we were headed for an early dinner at 1900 Park Fare at 5:50. (Both the location and the early hour were due to the fact that we were off to Magic Kingdom afterwards with ample time to find a good viewing spot for our first ever Spectromagic. Now, as all of you probably know, this is the location of Cinderella’s Storybook Dinner – and I am sure I had read that somewhere, but not really paid much attention to what that actually meant. Well, I was about to find out …:sad2:)

This was also our first visit to the Grand Floridian, so we had a brief look around there and then headed over to 1900 PF. We had wanted to skip the photo again, but they were lightning quick in arranging us and snapping away, so oh well, we didn’t really waste any time by doing that :). Afterwards we had a 3-minute wait at most, and were taken to our table by a very nervous lady wearing an “Earning my Ears” label (poor her, we were extra nice to her but she still appeared nervous :confused3).

How can I say – as soon as we entered the dining room we knew that we were out of place here :grouphug: :scared:. I mean, we seemed to be absolutely the only couple without children in the whole dining room which made us feel weird to start with, the noise level was incredible, Cinderella was just being announced over the speaker system, and we suddenly realized that while we loooved meeting fur characters, we were both really apprehensive about meeting face characters and didn’t have a clue what to say to them :scared1:. I should have been alerted by the fact that oone of our guidebooks said this meal would be like a “wacky dinner theater”. I would never go to a dinner theater! I never do any audience participation either! I would die! So as you can see, I felt really weird about the whole experience, and I could tell from DH’s frantic expression that he probably felt even worse ;).

Our waitress told us that Prince Charming would be with us in a few minutes, so we both acted on the same impulse, ordered a beer and drank it down pretty much in one gulp when it arrived to muster all our courage :rolleyes1.

We also went to get some food, but I could hardly eat any of it as I was so nervous (yes, yes, go ahead and laugh at me if you will – I am laughing now too, but while I was there, I didn’t really find it funny :rotfl2:).

Anyway, this is what I had (and don’t expect me to show you what DH ate, I was in no condition to be organized about photographing food):


... something with seafood, and something with veggies, and something with rice. Whatever. And don’t ask me what it tasted like – what did I care, I was too busy throwing hectic glances over my shoulder to find out if some prince or princess was approaching :lmao:.

And sure enough – there he was:


Actually it was over pretty quickly, as I was trying to make conversation and failing dismally, and he seemed to wonder what we were doing there without kids as well – so before I knew it he was gone, and I ordered another beer to celebrate :). (The good mood lasted only until Cinderella appeared, of course …)

That said, I must add that it was much, much easier interacting with Cindy’s stepfamily than with her and Charming: As they were not taking the whole thing seriously, and were meant to be funny, I was much more at ease and didn’t have any trouble going along with the conversation and saying something funny myself (whether they found it funny or not, is another story, of course).


As it seems that I was having my non-magical and sarcastic day, I liked the evil stepmother best of all – and cracked up when seeing what happened at the table next to ours: A mother tried to take a picture of her son (maybe 5 or 6 years of age) with Evil Stepmom, and Stepmom was giving him a nasty look and kept telling him sternly to “sit up straight, child! Straight!” until he burst into tears and had to be comforted by his laughing mommy. Stepmom did not move a muscle in her face, said “A-ha! Did Cinderella make you cry again!” and stomped off. I know it probably wasn’t nice for the poor little boy, but I was in fits of laughter and couldn’t believe that Stepmom carried it off like that.


After the whole royal (and not-so-royal) family had finished their rounds, I could finally go get some dessert!


This was all really nice and the fruity tarts were very refreshing, but once more I do not know what anything was called – even though the ordeal was over, I now had the influence of two beers to battle against!

So this was the end of our evening at 1900 Park Fare, and it will not surprise you now to hear me say that we did not return for our breakfast with Mary Poppins here the next morning, but rather cancelled that ADR and stayed clear of face characters from then on :rolleyes1.
If I ever have a daughter, I am sure she will delight in meeting Cinderella and Charming, and then they will finally also make ME happy; and if I ever have a son, will take care not to try and take his picture with the evil stepmother ;).

Coming up next: Lunch at the Sci-Fi Dine-In … first some pixie dust :wizard:, then a frantic search in the dark! :eek:
I just found you today and have loved reading your reviews! I used to love Tusker House when it was CS (best CS on property, imho), but the new format looks pretty darn good too! I now simply must try Raglan Road! I never did Spoodles breakfast, but enjoyed dinner there a year and a half ago very much. I laughed out loud at your description of 1900 PF - we've never done it, but we do have princess girls who would probably enjoy it. I seem to like interacting with face characters more, since you can actually converse, but I do understand your stage fright!

Can't wait to read more!
I never know what to say to the characters either. Usually I just embarrass my children. I am sure that I would have said the wrong thing to Prince Charming, he sure is really cute!!! Great reviews so far, looking forward to more!
Love all of your reviews!! Question for you though...... How would you compare crystal palace and tusker house both for breakfast? I am stuck on which one to go for. We have done CP before and we really enjoyed it. Thanks so much and can't wait for more!!
Just found your reviews today and love them! I have to say I did start to giggle when I started reading about you guys ordering the beers and drinking them to get over being nervous! :lmao:
I love your Reviews!!!! You have the same sense of humor as my German boyfriend...go figure lol! The deluxe plan is way too much! It's a ton of food even on the regular plan.

Note:And I also am not a fan of Boma either and believe me, I like exotic and ethnic food, so it was a disappointment for me.
Wow, I can't believe how many replies I've got! Thanks everybody! :banana:
I seem to like interacting with face characters more, since you can actually converse, but I do understand your stage fright!

Seems like I prefer hugs to conversation :rotfl2:
No, but maybe this is a language-barrier thing - I'd have to think about it, it might be easier to speak to them in German, I don't know. Anyway, unless they come up with Munich Disneyland I'm afraid that won't happen :)

Stepmother makes me want to bring my 7 year olds! Thanks for the laugh.

Yes, she was fierce! If I was in her shoes, I would either have cracked up laughing or run to the poor boy and apologized. So I guess it's a good thing I wasn't born to be stepmother Tremaine... ;)

I never know what to say to the characters either. Usually I just embarrass my children. I am sure that I would have said the wrong thing to Prince Charming, he sure is really cute!!! Great reviews so far, looking forward to more!

Well, now that you say so, I guess you're right, he WAS cute. I guess I've never looked at him other than through the eyes of total terror :rotfl:

Love all of your reviews!! Question for you though...... How would you compare crystal palace and tusker house both for breakfast? I am stuck on which one to go for. We have done CP before and we really enjoyed it. Thanks so much and can't wait for more!!

That's a bit hard to say. If you can only do one of them, I would probably ask myself which characters you prefer: Pooh and friends? Or the Donald and Mickey gang? (You can get Donald and Mickey at other meals as well, but Pooh is more unique).
The food, on my opinion, was better at Tusker House but more traditional at Crystal Palace. The whole setting at CP is lighter and sunnier, while it is a bit darker at TH.
Personally, even though I really liked TH, I would probably decide for CP as I couldn't dine with Pooh anywhere else. Hope that helps a bit!

Just found your reviews today and love them! I have to say I did start to giggle when I started reading about you guys ordering the beers and drinking them to get over being nervous! :lmao:

Yes, I know ... Repeat after me, kids: Alcohol is never the solution to any problem! :thumbsup2

I love your Reviews!!!! You have the same sense of humor as my German boyfriend...go figure lol!

Wow, that's interesting - I didn't even realize there was such a thing as a typical German sense of humour :) Say Guten Tag to your boyfriend from me!

Joining in, love your reviews. :thumbsup2

Welcome aboard, thanks for joining!
Our original plans for today had included breakfast at 1900 Park Fare and then skipping lunch, as we had our first signature dining experience waiting for us for dinner.
Now however, as I wrote before, the pressing need had arisen to cancel the 1900 PF breakfast so we opted for an early lunch instead, and visiting Lobby Concierge managed to get an 11:45 ADR at the Sci-Fi Dine-In Restaurant.

I had read lots of reviews about this place before our vacation, and most of them had been pretty bad. Apparently, downright dismal food was awaiting us. So was I mad or just masochistic to want to eat there? Well, it was neither: I was really looking forward to the atmosphere, and I didn’t really care if the food was bad since I was expecting a great dinner :).

Therefore, we were happy and optimistic (and hungry!) when we arrived at the Sci-Fi Dine-In.


Upon check-in, I asked for a car table as I did not want to sit off to the side, but the CM assured me that they guaranteed a car table with every advance reservation anyway (I hadn’t known that).
We had to wait about 8 or 10 minutes for our table, to which we were escorted by a really sweet lady who escorted us into the dining room with a happy “Time warp! Woohoo!”. And right she was: Here we were in our night-time drive-in cinema in the Fifties.


I loved, loved, loved the setting! It was soo gorgeous, and soo Disney. (Unfortunately, by the way, it was also soo cold, and I had to borrow DH’s shirt which he was wearing over his T-Shirt.)

“Our” car was a bit off to the left when looking at the screen, and we had the front row. Pretty soon, a really nice couple was seated behind us and we said hello to each other. When our server, Jannelle, arrived, she told us that we had picked us up a couple of back-seat drivers and should say hello, and we could happily say that we had already done so.
She then announced that they would pay for our meal as we gave them a ride – we thanked them profusely, but then reassured them that they were off the hook this time as we were on the Dining Plan :thumbsup2. (They got back at us by asking the server, when she put ketchup on their table and telling them sternly not to squirt each other with it, asking if they could squirt us instead :rotfl:)

We both started by ordering milkshakes – vanilla for DH, strawberry for me. Those were our first “normal” milkshakes (so not counting MegaBerry smoothies) of the vacation, and they were great! Yummy, thick, not too sweet, and so plentiful that they almost flowed over the brim.
(You can’t really see much in the picture, and I gave up on taking pics afterwards as it simply was too dark. We could just about read the menu and guess what was on our plates, but that was about it. Didn’t worry us, though – after all we were here to see the movie ;))


I then proceeded with the BLT soup. The menu sums it up by saying it is a creamy tomato basil soup, topped with an herb crouton, shredded lettuce and bacon. Very nice, tasteful and creamy! DH had the mixed greens for starters.

As an entrée, I took the Beef and Blue Salad (“Sliced butcher-tender steak with a Wedge of Iceberg Lettuce with Blue Cheese Dressing, Tomatoes and Bacon”) which was a great choice – very yummy, especially the blue cheese dressing and the great steak slices. The only thing I had not been prepared for what the salad – I mean, I was expecting something tossed or chopped, and found like half a head of salad on my plate, I couldn’t believe it! :eek:
DH found this really funny so he took a picture of it:


I was good, though, I finished about two thirds of it! popcorn::
DH went with the Angus Chuck Burger with fries, and he liked that very much as well.

At this point we were the happy recipients of some pixie dust as our back-seat drivers asked us whether we would be in the park for the afternoon, as they were planning to leave right after lunch, and they gave us their Toy Story Mania fastpasses! I was so happy - we didn’t know that ride yet and we didn’t get fastpasses as the return time was like five hours away, and now we got to ride it that day after all! :yay:

For dessert, DH had ordered the fruit salad and I had planned on having the Hot Fudge Sundae. However, at this point, I was so full that no matter how much I would have loved to try the Sundae, I decided to go for the sensible choice instead and asked our server to bring me the fruit salad instead. She said, “of course, but that will be a five dollar dessert-changing fee”. I was still busy making up my mind whether this was worth it, and being slightly angry at Disney for imposing such a fee, when her and DH’s laughter told me that she was putting me on!! Gosh, I’m always so gullible :sad2:

So of course I got my fruit salad, and DH got his, and we got the bill, and this was the moment when I realized I had lost my KTTW card :scared1::scared1::scared1:. I started digging through my bag and DH’s bag and the car, and all in near total darkness. I couldn’t really enjoy my fruit salad that way, I’m afraid :guilty:. (I never found that card again by the way, so I had to go to Guest Services and get the old one voided and a new one issued – this only cost us a few minutes, though, so a big “thank you” to DHS Guest Services! :worship:)

All in all, it was a great experience – we were very happy with the setting, the food, our very friendly server Jannelle, simply everything (except for the excessively cold air-conditioning). We strongly differ from all the negative reviews and will definitely eat here again! I can’t say why we feel so much “against the trend”, though – maybe the kitchen was just having a good day? Generally, we ARE pretty critical of what we eat, but there just wasn’t much to criticize here. The only thing I can’t really comment on is the presentation of the food as we hardly saw it anyway! :smooth:

Coming up next: On top of the world – dinner at the California Grill.
We love Sci-fi! Always have had good meals there :thumbsup2

From your reaction, I'm guessing that lettuce wedges aren't common in Germany? :rotfl: It's not just Sci-Fi, it's seen alot at steakhouses (and other restaurants). It really is a "wedge" of lettuce usually with blue cheese dressing. DH loves 'em :confused3
Great review so far. Glad your bug didn't last too long and that you were able to enjoy most of your vacation.
Wow, what a great food thread! I am enjoying reading all about it. I had to laugh about 1900 Park Fare. That's actually my favorite character meal. We had such a good time there.

We're going back in Sept on the regular dining plan, so I love reading about different choices and seeing all of the pictures.

Keep up the good work!
We always enjoy Sci-fi for Lunch. It's a nice reprieve from the Florida sun and we always have good Food there. I never understand the bad reviews, but then again, we only do lunch there. that Lettuce Wedge is something else!
It is a must for us every trip. When I started making our ADR's for this trip, the first thing my DD and DH said, was "don't forget Sci-Fi!" :laughing:
Just started reading your DTR but had to comment on your comment about the bacon..

The eggs and fruit were very nice, but we both found the bacon quite greasy and not crisp and salty enough for our taste. Maybe just another difference between German and American breakfast preferences? Not sure.

I absolutely hate underdone bacon. :scared1:I like mine crispy-the crispier the better. :cloud9: Doesn't taste as greasy that way. As far as the saltiness, I don't know if German bacon is saltier than American. I too like my bacon to taste a little salty-different brands/types taste different here. My DM feels the same way about cripsy bacon. My DD9 on the other hand, likes hers less done. When I make it at home I take hers out before ours. My new fav. method of cooking bacon-in the oven. Gets it nice a crispy all over! :cloud9:

Okay, now I'm going back to read more of your report. Looking forward to more pictures as well. Loving it so far, jealous that you got to go for 2 whole weeks.

ADDED-I finished your report to date and can't wait to read the rest.:goodvibes

Raglan Road-you had my favorite entree there (and the only one I have ordered since first trying it) I absolutely love It's not Bleedin' Chowder. Next time try the Bread Pudding-its TDF! (To die for!)

Desserts-we've only ever had the standard DDP and I can't imagine having the deluxe. So much food! Even with the standard plan my DM and I usually end up taking our desserts back to our room for later (or breakfast) unless we split an entree, which we do a lot.

Park Fare-we haven't been back since the added the Steps and took away the mice. We liked it before but heard the food had gone downhill. What did you think of the food? Also, when we've had PF for breakfast it hasn't been as in your face as dinner can be. But then we usually book a late breakfast ADR on our going home day.

more please....
Great reviews!! I just caught up with all of your reviews and i'm dying to read more! Also, as an American teacher :teacher:, I have to add that there is NOTHING wrong with your spot-on English. In fact, I wish my students wrote as well as you do!!:thumbsup2
I am really enjoying your reveiws. Great work! I know how time consuming it is to write one and you are doing a great job.

I can't wait to read more!
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