"Thats not a parade! There's no candy!"

No, she wears one more dress and I think it would be the best outfit for Mulan. I'm talking about her battle in the palace outfit. Neither the matchmaker outfit nor her soldier uniform were really her because she was trying to hide a part of her with both. The matchmaker dress she was trying to be passive like everyone expected of her while the soldier outfit has her hiding that she was female. The last battle outfit has her both acting tough but also showing that yes she was a girl and that she could be both. But unfortunately I don't think that outfit is showy enough for princesses.
I'd completely forgotten about that one! I agree.
I agree on the Mulan bit. Funny story, I was there last October, looking at the Terra Cotta warriors and stuff in that room. A girl walks by in the traditional Chinese dress and make-up and gives me a big smile, and I nod. I figure she works somewhere in the pavilion, but then I thought she would make a great Mulan. Then I see her "handler" following behind her and realize that she is Mulan! The thing is, I never think of Mulan in a dress, and rather in her soldier outfit. That's when I realized that having her dress like that really goes against the message of the movie as that's not really who she was. I think the outfit mentioned above would be much more fitting.


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