Thanksgiving with Mickey again...a November 2016 TRIP REPORT! (DONE)

Getting around WITHOUT any transportation? That's the NEW plan for some of us this weekend.

I totally forgot to mention this one, but over the weekend it was brought to my attention that my youngest son thought this upcoming Disney trip would also include a trip over to the Kennedy Space Center. Why? I'm not totally sure but we have talked about including it in a future Florida trip because he is such a big fan of space stuff. There's just no way to include a day there for this upcoming trip with family without them missing other stuff. a consolation for now I thought perhaps they could at least try to head over in that direction for the Rocket Launch that is happening on SATURDAY around 5:30pm. They aren't going to pay for tickets to get too up close to it, but are maybe going to drive in that direction and get as close as they can to see it. Then they will return back to Shades of Green that evening.

Next Launch : November 19, 2016 17:42 PM | Rocket Launch: United Launch Alliance Atlas V GOES-R

My husband is concerned about leaving me and the other two kids without transportation, since they will most likely leave from the Universal Park area around 4pm. My family should arrive in the area sometime around dinnertime and I'll most likely be left without transportation to meet them.

So my hope is that mom and dad arrive in the area first...and I can just have them pick us up somewhere and take us over to Shades of Green. They are the only ones who will be able to transport all 3 of us in their vehicle. If my brother and family arrive first...well we'll have to arrange transportation to Shades of Green on our own, most likely via Taxi.

I looked into possibly renting a car just for the day just in case...but don't know that I want to deal with the hassle of that.

Anyway I'm all on board with my husband and youngest son going on this afternoon adventure and I know the kids and I will figure things out on our own if necessary. There's also the possibility that the launch gets scrubbed last minute...and they are prepared for that as well.

We've decided we'll now most likely stick to our plan of heading back to Florida for Spring Break and during that time we'll schedule a day for the Space Center for sure.

Surprised and shocked a bit

So last night we took all 3 kids out to dinner to celebrate excellent report cards from last week. It was an historic event as all three kids made honor roll...and to our memory that has NEVER happened!

Anyway on our way to the all-u-can-eat chinese buffet they selected (via picking out of a hat from 6 choices) we spoke to them about the possibility of leaving for vacation on THURSDAY instead of Friday, stopping overnight along the way, then driving the rest of the way the next day. I actually think this could get us at least two extra hours to spend at Royal Pacific Resort which would be nice...but of course they don't know we are staying there yet. Doesn't matter since the decision was unanimous for them that we stick to the plan of leaving:car: at 4AM on Friday instead. :confused3

Ok then.

So I cancelled the potential hotels I had booked for us on the road in NC and we'll stick to the plan of leaving at the crack of dawn on Friday.

Last night I actually began the packing process. I have most of my t-shirts and shorts and stuff piled up and ready to pack. I had these grand ideas of using a smallish suitcase I've used many times...and then I realized that DH looked at my pile (which isn't complete yet) and instead brought up a larger new suitcase I bought recently to use. Yeah...he's probably right about that one, especially when I'm packing layers of shorts and jeans and sweatshirts for each day.

No luck on changing resorts or hearing back about the possibility of changing our Thanksgiving Day meal to SOG instead. I guess I'll just stick with what I have now.

Only 3 more days of work and then we'll be in full vacation mode! :tigger:
Isn't that funny that they didn't want to leave Thursday?? Sometimes kids are weird lol! Great on them all making honor roll :thumbsup2 Here they don't start honor roll until 6th grade and Chris is in 5th, so he hasn't made it yet obviously. And there's talk of getting rid of the honor roll altogether which is just STUPID IMO. Ricky has made high honor roll every quarter since 6th grade minus one on the honor roll so I'm in favor of keeping it. It's all about being fair to those that never/can't make it. I get that, but how about some recognition for those that can and do make it instead of just focusing on not disappointing any child?
OK, whew, took over your PTR there for a minute! Sorry about that :D I started packing Sunday and am planning to do more I sit here on the Dis instead. I wanted to do smaller suitcases and try 2 instead of our usual 4 but looks like I won't get away with less than 3 plus a carryon for all of us. I'm a terrible packer!
We were discussing doing Kennedy Space Center back on our Aug. 2014 trip but sadly never got there; both boys would like to eventually go. I hope your DH and younger DS do get there and the launch occurs!
Isn't that funny that they didn't want to leave Thursday?? Sometimes kids are weird lol! Great on them all making honor roll :thumbsup2 Here they don't start honor roll until 6th grade and Chris is in 5th, so he hasn't made it yet obviously. And there's talk of getting rid of the honor roll altogether which is just STUPID IMO. Ricky has made high honor roll every quarter since 6th grade minus one on the honor roll so I'm in favor of keeping it. It's all about being fair to those that never/can't make it. I get that, but how about some recognition for those that can and do make it instead of just focusing on not disappointing any child?
OK, whew, took over your PTR there for a minute! Sorry about that :D I started packing Sunday and am planning to do more I sit here on the Dis instead. I wanted to do smaller suitcases and try 2 instead of our usual 4 but looks like I won't get away with less than 3 plus a carryon for all of us. I'm a terrible packer!
We were discussing doing Kennedy Space Center back on our Aug. 2014 trip but sadly never got there; both boys would like to eventually go. I hope your DH and younger DS do get there and the launch occurs!

Yes I have 7th, 8th and 11th graders all in the same school. However they did do Honor Roll in 4th and 5th grade also (I think that's when they started getting As/Bs...etc grades) but I don't know if my oldest ever made it (maybe once?) and the youngest son may have made it a few times. I don't think my oldest have ever made Honor Roll in middle or high school though.

Good luck getting the packing done. I'm terrible at getting things packed also. I still have to decide what goes into an overnight bag since I need two days worth of clothes there.

Yes the Space Center is very expensive but something my youngest son really wants to do and I think the rest of us might enjoy it also. I hope they get to see the launch this weekend also...I'll let you know.

I may try to do some live updates while down there!
The Queen has Fallen!

So around my house it is well known that I am the queen of procrastination. While I may have most of this Disney trip planned out, that is more by necessity than anything else. When it comes to me getting ready for a trip...I'm a total last minute person. This is the 4am start time is killing me...because I know me and that morning I'll be running around like a chicken with it's head cut off, grabbing things I forgot to pack, getting the cats ready for a week without us, getting the house cleaned up a little more (no dishes in the sink), getting the cooler will be nuts. Sure my DH will pack the bags in the car...but the rest of the chaos will likely be all mine.

Needless to say, the fact that last night I actually PACKED my suitcase AND my overnight means the queen of procrastination may just lose her title! Ok maybe not too much considering I do still have to pack the electronics as well as my toiletries. Of course the suitcase my DH brought up is a new one I bought earlier this summer and it is WAY too big so my reputation for over-stuffing suitcases until I can fit NOTHING else is also in danger. My DH just said to me "more room for souvenirs" but honestly I don't tend to do too much souvenir shopping in Disney. As it is, I have some kind of Disney t-shirt for each day there, and there are still at LEAST 8 more that I'm not taking with me.

Our room also looks like it's own mini light show with all the chargers plugged in right now. I'm charging several small cell phone battery chargers, plus my batteries for my compact camera, plus my mini laptop that I am taking for the kids to do some homework (yes one of their teachers is assigning homework to do during Thanksgiving break...the nerve!) and of course my tablet for entertainment on the road.

So what is left right now? Well my toiletry bag needs to be packed for sure. I think I have one or two other pairs of shoes I may want to take with me as well, though most of the time I'll be in my tennis shoes. I may take another light jacket and sweatshirt that aren't packed yet. I think that's about it.

Tonight I play tennis so I'll be gone from about 6pm to 8:30pm. I'll come home and shower and maybe get a few more last minute things done, but really I will still have tomorrow to finish stuff. Still kinda wishing we could convince the kids to leave late Thursday instead, but I cancelled the hotel rooms I had booked and I guess we'll try to get to bed early. I know we really won't sleep and I'll probably be up at 3am anyway.
I've fallen terribly behind here... I just wanted to stop by - incase I forget later - (which is likely) to wish you a wonderful and safe trip!!! I hope you all have a great time! :lovestruc

I'm rethinking my packing list and wondering if I need to add another pair of long pants for everyone and maybe another jacket for me......not that it's going to be COLD down there, but I did see now a couple days are high 60's/ low around 49 and thats changed a bit.
You're coming along well with your packing! Going to pm you tomorrow about trying to meet up :)
Ooo I'll be in BLT, too, starting Monday.

Super excited. Our first time. We're leaving tomorrow as well, but have a stop for family visiting along the way.

I can't stop changing my plans. I'll probably keep changing them at least until a day or two after I'm back home.
I'm Greetings from the road!

Amazingly we were all up and out the door not only by 4am..but in the car by about 3:55am :car:
which made my husband very happy. I tried to catch a little more sleep but wasn't too successful. Might be an early bedtime tonight though I think two of the kids got got a little more sleep.

We had some Krispy Kreme donuts thanks to my husband:


Still rolling along along we stopped for the first time time in Smithfield, NC for gas and potty and snacks. I was in need of some real food.


I had a quick convo with with a stranger who was a Dallas Cowboys football fan and made a comment about my Baltimore Ravens playing his team this weekend. I told him Dallas should just rest up and let my team I this weekend since his team is is way is way ahead in their Division and mine is fighting to stay ahead. He didn't agree with that plan. Yeah I will talk to anybody!

Anyway as of 20 minutes ago we crossed into South Carolina and and we currently show a 4:30 pm arrival time at Universal with no more stops. We will have have to stop for lunch and one more gas fill up with our honking SUV but I suspect 5:30 pm arrival isn't unreasonable. Husband is still good with driving so even though I teased that I would take over driving in Georgia it may just just be until then the way we are going.
Sounds like you are making great time. When we went in June we left that early in the morning too but stopped at the boarder of GA and Florida. We are from the Cleveland area so I think our drive is longer.

I am not a fan of the Ravens. You stole our team :tongue:. But my team does not have a leg to stand on right now 0-10 is pretty bad. I would rather you guys go to the playoffs then the Steelers though.

I have been following along on your TR report for awhile. Have a great trip. Can't wait to hear how it goes.
Sounds like you are making great time. When we went in June we left that early in the morning too but stopped at the boarder of GA and Florida. We are from the Cleveland area so I think our drive is longer.

I am not a fan of the Ravens. You stole our team :tongue:. But my team does not have a leg to stand on right now 0-10 is pretty bad. I would rather you guys go to the playoffs then the Steelers though.

I have been following along on your TR report for awhile. Have a great trip. Can't wait to hear how it goes.

It's about a 14 hour drive for us on average. We are making pretty good time so far...but we did leave at 4am-ish.

So I am totally rooting for your team this of course we always root against the Steelers as well. Plus I really think your team will get at least one win this year...I was just glad is wasn't against us because I thought the chances were good.

Thanks for tuning in here!
So just narrowly escaped the fuzz in SC. He was sitting in the median and we we may have been exceeding the speed limit a bit. He pulled out as we saw in the rearview mirror and turned on his lights...and pulled over the car that was behind us! Eeek!

So still rolling along and about 90 minutes or so from Georgia!
I've fallen terribly behind here... I just wanted to stop by - incase I forget later - (which is likely) to wish you a wonderful and safe trip!!! I hope you all have a great time! :lovestruc


I'm rethinking my packing list and wondering if I need to add another pair of long pants for everyone and maybe another jacket for me......not that it's going to be COLD down there, but I did see now a couple days are high 60's/ low around 49 and thats changed a bit.
You're coming along well with your packing! Going to pm you tomorrow about trying to meet up :)

Yes I threw in another pair of jeans myself. My friend who lives in the Orlando area texted me earlier and said it looked like I was bringing the Maryland cold weather with me!

Ooo I'll be in BLT, too, starting Monday.

Super excited. Our first time. We're leaving tomorrow as well, but have a stop for family visiting along the way.

I can't stop changing my plans. I'll probably keep changing them at least until a day or two after I'm back home.

Ah...have a great time. We love Bay Lake and are sad we aren't staying there but I am hoping my parents have a great stay there and we hope to visit them there.

Hey no judgment on the changing plans. We all do it. I was just a little bit ago looking at possible FP+ selections if we decided to do a Disney park tonight...while staying at Universal! Sadly we don't want to have to pay for parking!
I'm a Giants fan so I support your plan of the Cowboys losing this weekend! I try not to wear my Giants stuff on the road because I hate confrontation. Good for you repping your team!

And have a safe rest of your drive!
Greetings from Walt Disney World!

We arrived at Universal Royal Pacific Resort around 6pm yesterday and had a great stay there. I'll do a bigger review later but dinner at Jake's was good and CityWalk was nice also.

Today we spent the day at the Universal parks. Our main goal was accomplished here.


That was one of the last rides we did today and we were at the parks from about 8:30am until 3pm or so. Weather was great and DH dropped me and two of the kids off while he and youngest went to Cape Canaveral to watch the rocket launch. I ended up being delayed about an hour but they did get to see it. My family arrived at our resort around 5pm after dad got lost getting here.

Anyway dinner was against the resort and then we did nothing else this evening. Still don't know how we will keep two small munchkins entertained for 5 hours tomorrow while also getting my mom around who can barely walk the hallway to our rooms. Wondering if it is too late to rent a wheelchair for her to have on site.

So everybody here is in bed and tomorrow is our first park day...Probably in the afternoon at EPCOT.

LIVE from my bed Saratoga Springs Resort!

Yesterday was a busy day. We had to move from Shades of Green to ouride Disney resort and bring two little ones and my mom who doesn't move very well with us.

Overall it went well and I managed to rent a wheelchair last minute for my mom and had it delivered to SSR by noon. Worrying about her falling was something we didn't need today. Thankfully my kids are great babysitters of the little ones which also made it easy to get both our vehicle and my brothers vehicle unloaded with just 3 of us and no luggage cart. I believe my brother and SIL packed enough for a month stay...SO MUCH FOOD Here!

We hit our first Disney park last night and unfortunately my mom and dad canceled out on joining us. I think having them at another resort is gonna make it too easy for my mom to bail out which is sad especially since the wheelchair rental was supposed to make it easier for her. Anyway we had fun during our 5.5 hours or so at EPCOT and got a ton done. The boys met 4 Disney characters and that was cool. Great photos I'll share once I get Photo pass activated as we need to upgrade our passes. Ended our evening talking to Crush which was just so fun.

Waiting for the kids to rise today, plan to let the youngest ones dictate when we will leave this morning especially since we have a very full day at MK!

So on the plus side...we had a GREAT day at MK despite the crazy crowds and long lines. Another plus was my mom and dad joining us for most of the day through dinner. We had such fun at Crystal Palace and I really did enjoy the food much more than I expected as did everybody else.

On the negative crazy security lines. Our fault for arriving after 9am. And the weather was great all day until after about 8pm and it was cold...not as cold as the previous night at EPCOT but still...brrrr. Biggest negative at all was my mom and dad left after dinner..and went back home this morning. Mom just couldn't deal with all the current health issues she has even with the wheelchair. I'm thankful that she got to spend about 8 hours with us in the parks today and got to ride some rides with all of her grandkids and watch them at the character meals too.

Anyway the girls in our group of nine now hung at MK last night until about midnight. My SIL experienced some Disney magic when Mickey picked up the tab for a replacement MagicBand for her when hers was lost. We all got a later start today but we are headed to another park to see what we can get done. Boys are having a blast and even the 2 year old rode Seven Dwarfs Mine Coaster with his hands up!!

Will try to do another update later. With a 1:30am bedtime followed by 6:30am wakeup to head to BLT to get the wheelchair from my parents and say goodbye..I'm dragging. I could totally nap right now...but we shall press on! Sleep is for the weak...or at least for after vacation.

I am sorry to hear your parents are not able to stay longer and I hope things improve.

We are always use Bit Belts for out magic bands and fitbits. it is just a rubber band type thing that holds the two sides together so if they band comes unsnapped the bit belt will still hold it in place. They are pretty cheap. The website is
I am sorry to hear your parents are not able to stay longer and I hope things improve.

We are always use Bit Belts for out magic bands and fitbits. it is just a rubber band type thing that holds the two sides together so if they band comes unsnapped the bit belt will still hold it in place. They are pretty cheap. The website is
Good to know...thanks. Will keep those in mind for the future. Still haven't made it to the TTC to get her original band and tonight at Studios she lost her new band again...but it was found in the stroller. The perils of lugging around a big and wiggly 2 year old all day.
Tuesday Update:
We had a good day overall. Headed to Studios via bus around 1pm Maybe? Hit Great Movie Ride first with a posted 40 min wait but probably was about 25-30 mins. Next we figured the little ones would like the Playhouse Disney Live but we had 45 mins until next show. DH took our two boys to the Star Wars Cafe (whatever that is called) and DD and I hung with the boys while they met and took photos with Pluto and Jake. Boys loved the PHD show of course. Finished right in time to hit our 4PM TSM, then we waited in line forever to meet Buzz and Woody, then 5PM Star Tours, then Muppets and finally 6PM TOT. By then we were all done so caught bus back to resort where we ordered food from Chevys and while boys went to get it I promptly passed out cold...I mean napped. I woke up about 9, quickly ate a bit, and now I a mostly awake but have no plans. Our hope is to make our first rope drop this week tomorrow at AK.



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