*Teresa & Greg-7/1/12*Swan/Fultons/GF Marina-Epcot Character Fun-Updated*2/22*

I just had to post and say what a BEAUTIFUL bride you were! Your dress, flowers and shoes were BEAUTIFUL!! Very handsome groom, too! Your pictures are beautiful, too!

Wishing you both, nothing but the BEST as you begin married life!

DH and I honeymooned at DW 35 year's ago! :faint:
•I absolutely LOVE the cereal confetti pictures. I love the one where you are trying to catch them in your mouth, haha! But the colors are really fun, too!
•The pics around the Swalphin are so pretty. I really wanna stay there someday!
Absolutely lovely!


You're pictures are stunning! It looks like the weather was beautiful and you both look so happy :)

The weather was amazing! Sure it was hot but that was not really a problem! We had such a fabulous time

I just had to post and say what a BEAUTIFUL bride you were! Your dress, flowers and shoes were BEAUTIFUL!! Very handsome groom, too! Your pictures are beautiful, too!

Wishing you both, nothing but the BEST as you begin married life!

DH and I honeymooned at DW 35 year's ago! :faint:

Oh wow amazing! Then you would love our honeymoon report that is coming up soon. I hope you keep following and I hope you enjoy what you see

•I absolutely LOVE the cereal confetti pictures. I love the one where you are trying to catch them in your mouth, haha! But the colors are really fun, too!
•The pics around the Swalphin are so pretty. I really wanna stay there someday!

I want to stay there too! We were considering staying there in november but there are no openings so it looks like value resort here we come!

Hey Teresa ! I love following your PJ. I'm looking into being. S&D/ Fultons bride myself :-)
Did you guys book a private room in Fultons ? Or just make regular reservations ? Did you have a F&B minimum ? A set menu - or did you all order off the menu ?
Thanks so much for any info ?!
I'm so lost with the planning
Hey Teresa ! I love following your PJ. I'm looking into being. S&D/ Fultons bride myself :-)
Did you guys book a private room in Fultons ? Or just make regular reservations ? Did you have a F&B minimum ? A set menu - or did you all order off the menu ?
Thanks so much for any info ?!
I'm so lost with the planning

We did have a private room up on the top deck. We did have a minimum I will need to find our contract to figure out what it was. It was not much though maybe 2,000 I will have to look though. We looked at the group menus they offered and there was one really liked but we added some options and switched a couple of things up. The food was amazing and there was so much of it. The kids ordered off the kids menu when they got there and our guests were allowed to order sodas, we were just charged for the sodas that were ordered on the day of the reception after it was over and that is when we paid for the kids food also. We have a swan and dolphin group on facebook you should join.

So, so many gorgeous portraits! And I love all the details of your ceremony elements and decor. Beautiful!

Thanks girly!

After the photos at the Swan hotel Greg and I got into our personal car that was waiting for us. The car took us over to Downtown Disney where we met Randy and Stan. Also one of the planning assistants met us over by the LEGO store because she was going to help me with my bouquet and dress. She also was going to be a go between in case any Disney Castmembers came up to us to tell us we could not take pictures. Luckily for us we never ran into that problem. As we waited in the air conditioning of the LEGO store we had several customers come up and ask if we got married at Disney today. We of course said yes and they said congratulations. Once Randy arrived we were off to go take pictures all around Downtown Disney but we had to be back over at the Reception by 1pm.


















Walking around downtown disney in a wedding dress is a sure fire way to make you a celebrity for a little bit. So many people said congratulations I got really tired of saying "thank you". There were also some people that wanted to take a picture with us. It was kind of strange but also pretty fun so we took pictures with them.


We had such a blast and there are so many great places to take pictures if you get a chance to do a shoot there I highly recommend it.


Coming Up: Yummy Crab Legs and Dancing the Night Away
After taking pictures around the Downtown Disney area and saying "Thank You" about 5,000 times to people as they congratulated us it was time to go get ready to enter our reception. The reception was to start a 1pm that would be when food was served. Our guests were already up and seated and talking just waiting for us. We entered Fulton's went up the stairs and into the private room that we were not using. It was here that I took off my garters and got some air under my dress because man were my legs hot. We took off my veils, bustled my dress and put the peacock feather clip in my hair. When we were ready Diana led us to the door and then our DJ started playing our entrance song "Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride" from Lilo & Stitch.


After we were introduced we went straight into our first dance which was to our song "I See The Light" from Tangled. It was fun to do that first and when you are up there dancing while everyone stares at you it feels like the song is really long. In actuality that song really is not that long I think it is about 3 minutes and 44 seconds long which really is NOT that long.



you can see the room here


After our dance it was time to sit down (finally) and eat. It was great to sit down and what made it even better was our table was full of my friends and our brothers. It made lunch for us easy going and not stressful. The wine goblets my mom had made by her pottery friend were set out at our seats, our boxes of skittles were at our places and the special menus Fulton's printed with our names and wedding date were also there. Everything was so beautiful. I looked around and the centerpieces were gorgeous the feathers in the napkins the linens looked stunning and it all just went together so well. I was so happy! Here are some pictures of the reception room:


Our goblets


This table was filled with our seating game boxes


The entire room


Aladdin Table you can see my DIY coloring pages for table names in the frame

Also to discuss this I chose the table linen and then off set it with a matte chair cover of a similar color. The centerpieces are tall with blue gel to simulate blue lightsabers with out using blue lightsabers.


The bridal table we had a purple centerpiece to simulate a purple light saber

Also here you can see that our two chairs have a slightly different chair cover we went with a marine blue but in a different fabric and we used a sash to designate the importance of the chairs. We were the Lion King table.


Back to blue centerpiece and the Little Mermaid table


The boxes for the seating game they had a person's name on the outside and on the inside was a decorated wooden star with a character name. They had to match that character to one of the three tables to find where they would sit. We also added skittles under the star.


The entire room from the other direction


Our Guest Book Table


The table sign for the Lion King table


napkin and menu detail




detailed shot of the Little Mermaid table sign


detailed shot of the Aladdin table sign

The food was delicious we had a chicken, fish and crab option for our guests and of course Greg and I had to have the crab. The crab was actually very very good and I could have kept eating but I knew we had to move things along. I love the food at Fulton's and it definitely did not disappoint.

We had toasts from Greg's brother, my maid of honor and my mom. My mom seemed to feel a little awkward about doing it but it only made sense she say something. The toast from Greg's brother was great I was a little nervous of what he might say but he did a good job. Salina my maid of honor just made me tear up because she really was just so happy for us. My mom did a great job and said some wonderful things. Of course she called me up to stand with her and I am so glad she did because if she hadn't we would have just been crying separately and instead we got to cry together.

Once the meals were done we got to start dancing! Woo hoo I love dancing and I don't think I really stopped dancing once we started. The first dance was with my dad to Trashin the Camp from Tarzan. I had told him in advance what it would be and said he should listen to it. From his reaction he totally did not listen to it. I think he was expecting the traditional slow song and instead we got a fun upbeat song. It was fun though we laughed a lot.


The next song would be my dance with my Mom. She was holding my nephew and he did not want to get put down so he joined in on our dance to In My Daughters Eyes by Martina McBride.


The next dance would be for Greg and his mom this dance would also lead into all the guests joining in on the dance floor. They danced to Somewhere Over the Rainbow performed by Katherine McPhee.


It would be at this point that everyone got up to dance so I had a dance with my brother and then from there the party just let loose. We had so much fun and danced SO SO SO much. The only regret I have is that we did not lengthen the reception. We should have made it one hour longer just so we could have danced more and had more time to eat dessert. Dessert was served after the dancing started it was yummy cheesecake and I only got a few bites. During this fun dancing time my nephew and I did the wobble together and tried to teach the 2 year old. That was a blast!


At the end of the reception our DJ Maria Shafer, I forgot to mention who our DJ was (she was so amazing by the way), said it was time for the last slow dance of the afternoon and it was to Can You See the Love Tonight. Only for this dance Greg and I were to dance in the middle of a circle of all our guests and they were belting out the lyrics to the song while we danced. Once the song was over we got a great big group hug. This was amazing to me because I had never seen it done before and it was just so cool. This is why I loved our intimate wedding little tid bits like this.


Once the reception was over we took some pictures with Randy. The boys took some out on the boat deck and then the girls as well. After all of this was done we had to figure out clean up. Diana was boxing everything up and we were deciding what to keep. I really wanted to just get back to Old Key West to rest for a while before the dessert party. So once we bagged some stuff up for us to take to the room my mom, Greg and I made our way out of Fulton's and walked to the boat launch that would take us to Old Key West from Downtown Disney. That is right folks I rode on the boat in my wedding dress! Once we got back to the resort we were able to get one of the golf cart guys to drive us back to Turtle Pond where we were staying so we could go to our room.

Greg helped me out of my dress and I found a way to lay down for a while...man was I exhausted.

We had to be up and get dressed to go to the Dessert party later so everyone took advantage of the down time we will have and I think it was a good idea to space the events out and give people some time to breathe.

There are so many more pictures you can follow this link the pictures of the reception on my photobucket.

Coming Up Next: Fireworks, Desserts and Wishes Oh My!

Love the update! Your DTD photos are fabulous (I don't think I've ever seen any DTD photos before come to think of it...) and it's super cool that people were stopping you guys like you were celebrities! You reception space looked amazing, and those centerpieces are so awesome! I love the subtle lightsaber touch, it's so perfect!
The reception room looks great, fab centrepieces.

I thought they were pretty cool and they were way prettier than i had expected

Love the update! Your DTD photos are fabulous (I don't think I've ever seen any DTD photos before come to think of it...) and it's super cool that people were stopping you guys like you were celebrities! You reception space looked amazing, and those centerpieces are so awesome! I love the subtle lightsaber touch, it's so perfect!

Thank you so much for the compliments and I loved doing the DTD thing it was really fun.
•The DTD pics are awesome...I've never really seen any bridal pictures there before!
•Haha, you two were famous! Love that group picture with the teen group. :rotfl:
•The Fulton's private room is really pretty.
•Love all the decor you picked. Those peacock colors just look so nice together. :thumbsup2
•YAY for a subtle touch of lightsabers! So cool.
•OF course you were at the Lion King table. I always think of you and your simba. :)
•Loved that you danced with your Mom and nephew...so cute!
•Mmm, the cheesecake looks so yummy.
AH! I'm so overwhelmed with all the awesomeness I missed!! haha Everything looks so incredibly gorgeous! I'm irritated for you that your guests wouldn't clear the lobby like your planner told them to, even if you smiled and walked by quickly. ugh. Your first look pics look so fun, that was one of my favorite moments of our day too! :goodvibes The cereal toss worked great!! The baggies you put it in too!!

I love how much time you seemed to have for pictures, you really got to do a lot everywhere you went! Your reception seemed like the perfect space and touches for your group size! I hope everyone appreciated all your personal touches everywhere! We ended up being hugged by everyone at the end of the night too, it was so sweet! So glad everything went so amazing for you!! :goodvibes
•The DTD pics are awesome...I've never really seen any bridal pictures there before!
•Haha, you two were famous! Love that group picture with the teen group. :rotfl:
•The Fulton's private room is really pretty.
•Love all the decor you picked. Those peacock colors just look so nice together. :thumbsup2
•YAY for a subtle touch of lightsabers! So cool.
•OF course you were at the Lion King table. I always think of you and your simba. :)
•Loved that you danced with your Mom and nephew...so cute!
•Mmm, the cheesecake looks so yummy.

Aww he definitely is my Simba! The cheesecake was really good and the best part is you can order all the food we got off of their menu so we are definitely going to eat there more often

Excellent update. I love your lego store pics. Asolutely awesome.

The lego store kicks butt and has great walls

AH! I'm so overwhelmed with all the awesomeness I missed!! haha Everything looks so incredibly gorgeous! I'm irritated for you that your guests wouldn't clear the lobby like your planner told them to, even if you smiled and walked by quickly. ugh. Your first look pics look so fun, that was one of my favorite moments of our day too! :goodvibes The cereal toss worked great!! The baggies you put it in too!!

I love how much time you seemed to have for pictures, you really got to do a lot everywhere you went! Your reception seemed like the perfect space and touches for your group size! I hope everyone appreciated all your personal touches everywhere! We ended up being hugged by everyone at the end of the night too, it was so sweet! So glad everything went so amazing for you!! :goodvibes

The bags for the cereal toss were actually recycled from my dad's wedding in april. I ran around grabbing all of them once their confetti was thrown and took them home. We really did get a ton of pictures that randy guy just knows how to get stuff done! I think they appreciated it at least the ones that cared enough to notice. Wasn't the hug just way cool!

Late to the party but, I have to say, your flowers...jaw-dropping. Just wow!

Thank you so much I loved them! My vendor did a fabulous job.

The Dessert Party may have been my absolute favorite part of the whole entire wedding. Although the Lobster Bisque Soup was pretty darn amazing at Fulton's. The evening began with everyone getting ready after naps to go to the Dessert Party. It was time for me to put on my 2nd wedding dress that was short in the front and longer in the back. My feet were hurting so I took my heels with me but I ended up in my flip flops. Everyone except my brother and youngest nephew walked down to the bus stop at Old Key West and got on the bus to the Magic Kingdom. Once we were there we took the boat launch over to the Grand Floridian.

We walked over to the marina and got a glimpse at the Dessert Party area. My mouth dropped at how beautifully it was set up. Considering I had no expectations of what it would like I think they did a wonderful job.









The party itself was a blast once they let us into the area everyone grabbed table to sit at and moved around chairs so they could all hang out together. We encouraged everyone to dive in on the desserts and they seemed to be a great big hit. I had to try a little of everything but I was also trying to talk to everyone as well. Greg and I made sure to get a few helpings of Bananas Foster as they were making it right there in front of us. This was really cool to see and I enjoyed watching them flambe the bananas.



My favorite desserts of the night however were the miniature fruit tarts, the chocolate covered strawberries and the mini cheesecake bites. They were simply to die for and I want to do another dessert party at the Grand Floridian just for these tasty treats. We had so many people say how wonderful it was because the weather was nice and the desserts were yummy. The only part we did not get to enjoy with them was Wishes because we were whisked away to take pictures.

During the Dessert Party we put out the guest books again so if anyone missed signing them we could make sure they had time to sign them. This was a great idea because we were able to get more people to sign in them this way. When we got home we did notice that there were people that just did not sign them at all. Even though that hurt my feelings a little bit my guess is that with guests books you are never going to get everyone.


I made sure to get around and talk to everyone at least for a little bit and I am glad I did because I got to really say thank you to people for coming and being a part of our day. It was also amazing that our wedding planner came to the Dessert Party. We invited her and were unsure if she would come but she made it. One of the cool things the kids found out was that you can take the light up cube inside of the lanterns out and you can push a button to change it's color.

Continued on the next Post
As I said before shortly before Wishes we got whisked away for to what I believe is Sago Cay to take pictures. The pictures we got were wonderful and getting to watch wishes that way was a once in a lifetime opportunity. A lot of people say that you don't get to see the fireworks but we still did not all of them but it was enough. Having the music piped in to the marina was great because we could hear the soundtrack during the fireworks and it made it simply amazing. Here are some great fireworks pictures.












After fireworks we headed back over to the marina where everyone was simply raving about how awesome the fireworks show was. We ate more desserts and talked with family more. As the party wound down the cast member working the dessert party gave me all the mickey mouse head rice krispie treats to take home that were left over. They also gave me all of the little light up cubes from inside the lanterns and the small ones from inside the cylinders on the food tables. I thought this was so incredibly nice of them. We made sure to thank everyone that worked the dessert party and we even helped clean up so that there was not stuff lying everywhere. I think they really appreciated it. Once it was all over everyone left a little at a time and we said goodbye to everyone. My family that was staying at Old Key West left last and we walked to the Launch back to the Magic Kingdom so we could hope on a Resort bus. Everyone was tired at this point and the ride back was pretty uneventful. All I can remember is that once we got back to the room we changed clothes, my mom helped me take out my here and the 500 bobby pins. I washed my face and climbed into bed. Greg and I talked a little about how magical the day was and how happy we were but mostly we were just tired. So we fell asleep in each other's arms as a newly wed couple and couldn't wait to start the honeymoon.

Coming Up Next: The Wedding Aftermath...randomness that there is to tell from the day
everythin looks absolutely delicious!!!! think the chocolate brownies made my mouth water the most! soooooo wish i could have a dessert party jus for them!

Also u'v got some amazin pictures with the fireworks hope they'r pictures an moments u treasure! I thought bout gettin pictures wi the fireworks but decided i'd prefer to watch the fireworks from the poly beach just the two of us as one of our first moments together as a married couple.

ps finally remembered was gonna pm u a bunch of questions lol so over to facebook i go an will pm u now :)



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