Teenage Mutant Backseat Dancers - 11/18 UPDATE! P25 - Leaving on a jet plane

They're trying to kill me!!

July 7

I may never forget that date.

The previous evening, I informed the girls that we would be driving to Cedar Point the next day.

I, personally, didn't really care when we got there, but I knew Dee was a coaster junkie.
I left it up to them.

"So." I asked. "What time do you guys want to be at Cedar Point?"
"How long does it take to get there?" Dee wanted to know.
"Well." I replied. "It's a four and a half hour drive. Plus we have to go through customs."
"What time does it open?" She asked.
"The park opens at ten a.m."
I was starting to see where this was going.
I'm not gonna lie. A frisson of fear skittered down my spine.

"Wake us up at six!" Dee says.

<Groan> That means I get to be up at five!
Oh, joy!

Well, it could have been worse.
And it was.


Five a.m. the following morning and the alarm brays out its devil call.
I scoop the alarm clock off the end table where it happily sits...
and straight arm it into the wall.
Bits of broken plastic and wiring clatter to the floor.

I am awake. But I feel much better now.

Well, okay. Maybe I'm taking literary licence with what exactly happened.
But c'mon! Who here hasn't wanted to do that????

Feel free to live vicariously through me.

I get up and do all the stuff one does to get ready in the morning.
The usual.
Stumble about like a drunkard.
Stub toe on evil protruding piece of furniture.
Grab toe and hop wildly on the other foot before falling unceremoniously back onto the bed.
Remember, too late, that the bed is a bed in name only.
Hop back up while still holding sore foot with one hand while now rubbing bruised backside with the other.
Curse sleeping children.
Glare menacingly in turn at both offending protruding furniture and "bed".
Swear to God that you will never ever do this again.
Ponder what, exactly you are referring to when you say, "this".
Give up on life and continue with your day.

The usual.

Once I got myself all pretty and everything, I went to wake the girls at the requested hour.
When they finally stirred enough and appeared to be semi-conscious,
I told them that I would be going out to fill up the car so when they were ready,
we could head straight out.

I got back to the hotel room at six forty five.
The girls were gone.

A minute later, they were back.
"Where'd you go?" I asked.
"We went down for breakfast." They replied.
"You mean the breakfast that doesn't open until seven?"


Fifteen minutes later, we all headed down for a bite.

Once we were all fed and watered, it was time to check out and hit the road.

I'm just going to say this.
But even now, it sounds absurd.
Completely unbelievable.
But I swear it's true.
When I told Ruby about it, she knew what I was talking about.
When she had gone to Niagara Falls for work,
she had to explain it to her expense auditor, who didn't believe it either!

But I swear it's true.

In Canada, like a lot of countries, we have sales tax.
Ours is called GST or "Goods and Services Tax"... or "Gouge and Screw Tax".
Which is a fancy way of saying "We're going to tax you on more than just stuff!"
In addition, most provinces also collect a PST or "Provincial Sales Tax".
About half of the provinces have combined their two taxes into one "Harmonized Sales Tax", or HST.
The HST in Niagara Falls is thirteen percent.
But Niagara Falls also has a TIF.
Not the country, not the province, just Niagara Falls.
TIF stands for Tourism Infrastructure Fee.
It's not a tax.
And when I did more research on it, when I got back home, it turns out that it's supposed to be voluntary!
But when you are presented with your bill, they don't tell you that.
I questioned what the TIF was and was told... but wasn't told that it was voluntary.

Clerk: "That's the Tourism Infrastructure Fee, but you don't have to pay it."
Me: "Great. Take it off."

The TIF isn't collected everywhere,
and it varies from place to place from about three percent to three and a half percent.

And there's no oversight as to where the money goes!
Each establishment does what it wants with the extra extortion... er, fee that it collects.

The hotels claim that the money collected is for things like fireworks, but no one really knows.

So I get my bill and I see the sub-total for our stay.
Below that is the TIF which at this hotel happens to be 3.8%.
Then there's the HST of 13%
But we're not done.
After that, there's a TIF on the HST! A tax on tax!
And parking isn't free, there's a nightly charge for that.
So it's included below the sub-total, TIF, HST and TIF on HST.
And then there's the TIF on parking.
And HST on parking.
And, of course, the TIF on the HST on the parking.

So our bill looked like this:

Wow. What a racket.
Who runs this hotel? The mafia?


Still in disbelief, I pay the bill and head out to the car.
Pack up all the bags, arrange sack 'o tutus carefully on top, set up videos for the girls...
And head out!
And stop about two minutes later at U.S. Customs.

Mercifully, the line up to get into the States is short and it only takes a few minutes before it's our turn.

I hand our passports over to the severe looking officer.
"Where do you all live?"
"Who's with you in the car?"
"My daughter and my daughter's friend."
"Where are you going?"
"Back to Winnipeg."
"Leaving anything behind in the States?"
"Not my sanity, it's already gone."
"Are you constipated?"
"You look exhausted, too."
"I am."
He hands back our passports and bids us adieu.

Back in the U.S.! It's a straight shot to Cedar Point now!
I know we're all tired after getting up so early,
but at least we're all awake now and can keep each other up and entertained.




And in case you're wondering?

As I drove, they stayed that way.
For three. Straight. Hours.

"Don't worry! We can get up early! No problem! Yay!"

I hate them both.

Around noon, the girls rouse themselves and start making little hungry noises.
Not unlike what I imagine the noise hungry chipmunks might make.

I'm not hungry, but I'm ready to stop somewhere so they can eat.
Only question is where?
I see a sign for a Cracker Barrel and suggest it.

I've never been to a Cracker Barrel, but I've heard some folks like them.
I still don't know.
I wasn't hungry at all!

So while Elle got a house salad and Dee got a BLT hold the T (so no 'tons of bacon'),
I went without.

Someday, I'm going to eat there. I am! I am!

The girls eat in the car as I continue the drive.
They seem refreshed and well rested.
I daydream of novel ways of torturing them.

Around one fifteen, we arrive at Cedar Point.

I had taken the advice of Orangecats2 and pre-purchased our tickets.
I had also spent extra to get Fast Lane Plus.
Fast Lane Plus allows you to skip the line on all rides,
but it ain't cheap!
Eighty bucks per person!
But I knew that we only had one day to do this and waiting hours in line was not an option.
Nor was arriving at park opening (I was not getting up at two a.m.!!!)

I had also purchased a Prime parking pass for twenty five bucks.
I figured that if the place was packed, we might have to park miles away.

Well it turned out that the Fast Lane purchase was a wise one, but the parking not so much.
Regular parking is fifteen bucks, so I was only out ten bucks, but it wasn't needed.
There was plenty of good parking available.

And yes... I did think of Chevy Chase running through the lot with Rusty.

We arrive at the park and stop at the gate.
I show the attendant my Prime parking pass and he tells me to:
"Go straight to the end of the line, then turn left."

I follow the instructions... but there are no signs anywhere for prime parking.
All I can see is the handicap parking area.

We continue for a bit and I ask someone else for directions.
"It's right over there."
"Where?" I ask. "All I saw was the handicap parking."
"That's it."

So the prime parking is the handicap parking.
You just display your Prime parking pass on the dash.
Still, I felt very weird and uncomfortable parking there.

What if that lot fills up and someone with special needs has to park far away?
It turned out that the lot never did fill up, but still.
I wasn't thrilled about it.

Once I parked the car, Dee lunged out of the car and bolted for the main entrance!

The girl is a coaster junkie and there was no stopping her!

I think, at some point she realized that I had all the tickets and she'd have to wait for us.
I got her to stop for a picture, but you can tell that she's itching to go.

By now, some of you may have noticed that it's overcast.
It was, and it was also very windy.
Coasters and high winds don't mix too well,
which meant that a lot of the rides that Dee wanted to go on were closed!

I've mentioned this before, but I'll say it again.
Dee is a coaster junkie.
Elle..... is not.
Elle's idea of a thrill ride is.... the car.

Before we went on the trip, I had told her that we'd be going to Cedar Point.
She said that she was going to make an effort and do some 'scary' rides.

Well, the first coaster we saw was actually up and running.
It's a coaster where you sit in a seat and your legs dangle below you.
No floor.

She put her foot down and categorically refused to ride it!

Dee said they'd work up to it.

As we walked through the park, we kept seeing rides that weren't open.
I was really starting to regret spending all that money on passes and Fast Lane passes.

We finally found one that was open.
Blue Streak
It's a wooden coaster that is the park's oldest coaster. (Built in 1964)
It was ranked 27th overall for wooden coasters in 2013.

Dee convinced Elle to try it.

As one of the few rides that were open, there was a line up.
Our Fast Lane passes got us on it in only a couple of minutes.
Hmmm... maybe this pass isn't such a bad idea after all.

Dee was very kind and supportive of Elle's anxiety.

She had lots of fun watching Elle squirm.

The ride starts with a seventy eight foot climb followed by a forty five degree drop
at speeds of up to forty miles per hour.

I, while it not being my favorite, liked it enough.
Dee, loved it.
And Elle... loved it too!

First hurdle crossed.

Elle insisted that it was now her turn to pick a ride.
Dee was agreeable.
What coaster would be next???


Elle picked the Matterhorn.
It's a merry-go-round type ride where you sit in a car and go around in a circle.

Doesn't Dee look like she's having the time of her life here? :rolleyes2

By the time the girls were done, a few more rides had opened up.
This held true throughout the day.
As we'd finish one ride, another would open.
So by the time we were done, all of the rides were open... with one notable exception.
Which I'll get to later.

One of the rides which opened up was Magnum XL-200.
This steel coaster was built in 1989 and at the time, was the tallest coaster in the world.
In fact, it was the first coaster to exceed two hundred feet and is considered
to be the coaster that started the wave of taller, faster coasters war.

I didn't think Dee was going to get Elle on it,
but Elle had just forced Dee on Matterhorn, so she had to do it.

In case you're wondering, Magnum's hill is two hundred and five feet high,
drops at a sixty degree angle and reaches seventy two miles per hour.
It's currently ranked ninth in the steel coaster category.

Dee loved it.
I loved it.
And Elle... loved it too!

From this point on, Elle became a thrill junkie herself,
and there wasn't a coaster that she wouldn't try.
Way to go Elle!:cool1:

We paused to see our picture come up and I took a picture of the picture.
Much to the chagrin of the teenybopper manning the photo booth.
"Sir! Sir! You can't take a picture sir!"
"Oh, okay.... <click> Oops." :rolleyes1

We bounced from this ride over to Gemini.
If Gemini wasn't my favourite coaster, it's in the top two or three.
What makes this wooden hybrid (steel track) fun,
is you have two tracks side by side and you 'race' the other cars.
It was a blast!
Both cars were cat-calling the other and hooting loudly when their car pulled ahead
and booing when you fell behind.
At the end, we came out ahead.

While all this was going on, the clouds parted and the sun came out.
Ahhh.... blessed sun. So nice and warm.

Which was followed shortly thereafter with:
Ah!!! Cursed sun! So hot and burning!

Naturally, when we arrived, it was cloudy and cold, so who needs hats or sunscreen???


While the girls rode a smaller ride, I staggered over to the Coca Cola Freestyle booth.
I loved this thing.
It's a touch screen drink dispenser with over a hundred different flavours.
I'm pretty sure I got myself a Vanilla Coke, but in my fevered state, I can't be sure.
What I do know is that I pretty much chugged it.
Then felt sick as a dog for the next half hour or so.


The girls joined me when they were done with their ride and I got them some drinks too.
Why should I be the only one in misery???

They drank more sensibly.

We rode more coasters.

Corkscrew. In 1976, it was the first (steel) coaster with three inversions.

Mean Streak. At over three minutes, one of the longer coasters. A wooden coaster that at one time was the world's tallest.
We all hated it. Waaaaay too rough. I'm pretty sure my kidneys will never be the same.

Cedar Creek Mine. Exactly the same as BTMRR in Disney. Except for the scenery. And the layout. And the speed. And the fun.
No one fell asleep on it... but it was close.

Maverick. The girls' favorite. A steel coaster with speeds of seventy miles per hour.
It shoots you through tunnels and is ranked twenty third in the world.
Always fairly busy, but our Fast Lane passes got us on in no time.

And then...
It opened.

Millennium Force.

Ranked number one in the world for steel coasters.
When it opened in 2000 it broke six world records and was the first coaster to exceed three hundred feet in height.
The coaster drags you up a hill... forever.
I honest-to-God turned to the gentleman seated next to me and said:
"When does it end??"
At the top, you plunge at an eighty degree angle.... three hundred feet at speeds of up to ninety three miles per hour!


By the time we got over to it, there was a HUGE lineup for it.

Not that it mattered, dat da da dah! Fast Lane passes to the rescue.
On in just a few short minutes.


It was a blast!

While I was disappointed that I left my stomach at the top of the three hundred foot hill,
it was still worth every second.


After riding the biggest and baddest coaster.... that was open...
The girls decided to slow things down somewhat.

Elle suggested Skyhawk and Dee agreed.
Skyhawk is only the world's tallest swing.
At max height, the rider is suspended a hundred and twenty five feet off the ground...
before plummeting down at sixty five miles per hour...

After this, Dee insisted they ride Snake River Falls.
This ride, when it opened in 1993, was the world's tallest (80 feet), fastest (40 mph)
and steepest log flume type ride.
Dee told me, prior to boarding that she knew a trick to avoiding getting wet:
"Just duck down below the seat in front of you.”

She may have neglected to pass on this little nugget of information to Elle.

When the ride plunges down the hill, a huge splash of water is created.
Dee ducked.
Elle did not.

The result.

Here's what it looks like, from the bridge you cross after riding.
(And no, I didn't go. Just didn't feel like getting soaked.)

Elle was so wet, that we wound up going back to the car to get her a change of clothes.

Which was a good thing, since this gave us the opportunity to get sunscreen and for me to get a hat.
I was probably suffering from heat stroke by then.

I don't think Elle has fully forgiven Dee for making her go on that ride.

I, however, thought it was hysterical.

Upon re-entering the park, we immediately made our way over to Gatekeeper.
This is the coaster we first saw when we arrived and which Elle refused to ride.

How times have changed.
Now she couldn't wait to try it!
I was barely keeping myself conscious by this point, but was game for one more ride.
Once again, we bypassed the long line and were on in a few minutes.

Gatekeeper. A steel "wing over" coaster. Meaning that the seats are extended out from the track like wings.
You sit with your feet dangling in the wind.
It has the world's highest inversion and is ranked twenty eighth in the world.

It was fun, one of my favourites.

But then I was... DONE.

I was so tired, so sun burned and burned out.
Might not have helped that I hadn't eaten anything for twelve hours or so.

Around seven thirty or so, I convinced the girls to take a short break and get some dinner.
At this point I wanted food less... and a cool, air-conditioned seat more!

We decide on Famous Dave's.
As we stagger towards it, I dream of air-conditioning.
And getting off my feet.
Please, Lord. It's all I want. Air. Seat. That's it.

We stumble through the door..... ahhhhhhhh.... blessed coolness.
The hostess tells us it'll be about twenty minutes.... Would we like to wait outside?

I didn't kill her.
Only because, by this time, I lacked the strength to do so.

Besides, if anyone could, or would, it would be the girls.
Heck, they'd been doing their darndest to kill me, right?

"Can we just sit (oh God, to SIT!) in the lounge?" I ask/beg/whimper.

We can! Hooray!

I snag a menu to peruse and fall into the closest chair I can find.
But I'm up right away.
"You guys want some water?"
I go over to the bar and ask the bartender for three waters.
(I've had enough Coke for one day, thank you.)

True to her word, the hostess seats us in the dining room about twenty minutes later.
We are sat at a table, three menus are dropped off and we are told our waiter would be there shortly.

Our waiter comes by, introduces himself but doesn't ask if we'd like drinks.
Which is good, since we're not sure what we want yet.
A few minutes later, he's back, mumbles something, then leaves.
Huh. Odd.
A few more minutes and he goes by, but doesn't stop.

What the?

A few more minutes and he comes by and says,
"Do you know how much longer until the rest of your party arrives?"

What? This is it! We're all here!

"Oh." He says. "I saw four menus and assumed someone else was joining you."



I ordered Catfish fingers (sorry, no picture) for all of us to try.
It was at that point that I found out that Dee couldn't eat it.
And Elle didn't want it.

Ah well. It's the dumb thought that counts.

Elle ordered chicken fingers,
(I didn't bother to snap a picture. You've seen one chicken finger you've seen 'em all.)
I ordered the brisket with mac 'n cheese and coleslaw,

while Dee... well, she ordered... this:

When the waiter came by with a forklift and plopped it down in front of her,
her eyes got really, really big.

Not as big as the ginormous platter of nachos that was threatening to collapse the table,
but really pretty big.

I think she was pretty hungry and ate a fair bit, but when she was finished eating,
it looked like she hadn't even put a dent in the mass of chips and toppings in front of her.

During our meal, our waiter would occasionally pop by to ask how things were,
and if we needed anything else.
Unfortunately, when we did ask him for something,
("More water, please? or "Could I have some more iced tea?")
he never brought them.
We'd have to flag down a busboy or another server and get them to bring it.

He did bring us one thing, though.
He brought us our bill... while we were eating.
Isn't it customary to bring the bill after the meal?
Maybe this is a Famous Dave's thing.
Still, I have to admit that I was annoyed.

He may not have received the world's largest tip.

Ah, well. The food wasn't bad, so I guess that's something.
Not great. But not bad either.
I wouldn't rush out to eat there again, but I wouldn't refuse to either.

By now, I was so tired that it was all I could do to remain vertical.
But the girls weren't done yet.

Kids these days. Too much stamina.

We headed back into the park and the girls went on more coasters.
Same ones we'd been on before, with the exception of:

Mantis. A steel stand up coaster. They both came off that one battered and bruised.
Kinda glad I was too pooped to ride it.

It was getting late and all I wanted to do was sleep, but...
We walked to the very end of the park...
As far away from the exit as possible.
Where the girls re-rode Maverick.
And over.
And over.

At last they quit riding, but only because the park was closed and they were kicked off.

We started shambling to the front of the park, and we noticed that we kept hearing a periodic "whooshing" sound.

We looked up...
Way up.

Top Thrill had just opened for the night.
Fifteen minutes after park closing.

Top thrill was the first and is still one of only two coasters in the world to top the four hundred foot drop height.

You sit in your seat, at standstill and are then catapulted up to one hundred and twenty miles per hour.
In under four seconds.
You then shoot straight up.
Over four hundred feet, straight up.
There's a little pause at the top as you round the loop...
then it's straight down, to the end.

As we approached this behemoth my heart sank.
I was beat.
I was done.
I was wiped out.

But if the girls insisted on riding it... I would drag my sorry self in line and hope to not pass out.
Whether from G forces or exhaustion.

Both girls looked upon the monster with apprehension.
I could read their unspoken words on their faces.
"If you want to go, I'll go... but I'm not saying anything."

We passed by in a silence that was intermittently broken by the roar of the monster.

If it had been open earlier, would I have ridden it?
Of course!
Possibly not without some trepidation on what its effect might be on my back,
but I would've gone.

But not now.

I was glad the girls kept walking.

As I type this, I wish I had gone on it.
But at the time, the only wish I had was to lie down.

We continued on our journey out of the park.
Everything other than Top Thrill was closed...
or was it?

As we approached the exit, we saw that Raptor,
a steel coaster with many twists, drops and inversions, was open now too.

We stopped.
Were the girls going to ride it?
Yes, they decided, just as the ride entrance lights were extinguished.
While guests who'd already passed through the entrance could ride,
they weren't allowing anyone else on.

I, secretly thrilled that we would be leaving now,
commiserated with the thwarted thrill riding girls.

We shuffled off into the parking lot and located our car.
I couldn't wait to get to the hotel...

which was an hour's drive away, in Toledo.


I started the car and we headed out.
A few minutes later, I glanced into the rear seat and Dee was fast asleep again.
Elle, perhaps sensing that if they both fell asleep,
they'd wake up abandoned on the side of the rode, remained alert and ready for an attack.

We finally... FINALLY!... got to our hotel.
Check in was quick.

I think.

I don't remember.

I don't remember much of anything, once we got there.

I assume I did the tutu shuffle, folded out my torture rack and passed out.

I don't even remember how uncomfortable I'm sure the "bed" was.

I'm just glad I survived the day, although the girls did their best to kill me,
I beat them!!!

Ah ha ha ha hahaaaah!


Next up, in what will most likely be the last chapter.
Elle plots her revenge and I almost get arrested.

Next up, in what will most likely be the last chapter.
Elle plots her revenge and I almost get arrested.

Noooooo! Last chapter? Say it isn't so.

However, I can't wait to hear about Elle's plotting. You almost got arrested? OKittySquared got you?
Elle did well for her thrill ride being a car... My idea of a thrill ride is Peter pan and I refuse to go on anything that moves faster :lmao:
You did well to last that length after getting up so early! :thumbsup2

Boo to last chapter
Next up, in what will most likely be the last chapter.
Elle plots her revenge and I almost get arrested.

What, you've got Riglee ghost writing the next chapter for you?

Great chapter. Lot's more coasters there since I last went when I was 16. I don't know how you did it; I love coasters, but I'm usually cooked after 4 or 5 in a day. Once tried to do all the coasters at Canada's Wonderland, but was too spinny after 6 or 7 to do any more.
Noooooo! Last chapter? Say it isn't so.

Might have a little surprise for you. Announcement coming up in a bit.

However, I can't wait to hear about Elle's plotting. You almost got arrested? OKittySquared got you?

:laughing: Wouldn't that be something.
"So we stopped off again in Cleveland for another DISmeet with a pair of orange cats.
I was five minutes late and she was so ticked off, she threatened to toss me into the slammer."

Elle did well for her thrill ride being a car... My idea of a thrill ride is Peter pan and I refuse to go on anything that moves faster :lmao:


You did well to last that length after getting up so early! :thumbsup2

I think I did.
It's all just a blur.

Boo to last chapter

As I mentioned to Marie... stand by.
What, you've got Riglee ghost writing the next chapter for you?

The thought crossed my mind.
Since my numbers are way down, I gotta do something to boost 'em!

Great chapter. Lot's more coasters there since I last went when I was 16. I don't know how you did it; I love coasters, but I'm usually cooked after 4 or 5 in a day. Once tried to do all the coasters at Canada's Wonderland, but was too spinny after 6 or 7 to do any more.

I have to admit, I never thought the day would come when I'd say "enough!" to going on roller coasters.
But add in a few years, sun stroke, dehydration, hunger and exhaustion... well... there ya go.

Still. Part of me says "never again" and part of me says "I've got unfinished business there".
Oh my God, I think you just described a perfect nightmarish day for me. Getting up really early, driving for hours, getting on coaster where you could fall and die over and over, and getting to a resting place really late. NO, please NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

That said, it was a fun read as always, thanks! Sad that only one more update is coming though. :sad1:
Oh my God, I think you just described a perfect nightmarish day for me. Getting up really early, driving for hours, getting on coaster where you could fall and die over and over,

and over...

and getting to a resting place really late. NO, please NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

Yeah.... That's pretty much how I felt.
Except I didn't have the energy left for a NOOOOOOOOO!!!!
More like just a "no".

That said, it was a fun read as always, thanks!

Glad you enjoyed it!

Sad that only one more update is coming though. :sad1:

Stay tuned for a (possible) major announcement.
Nebo sighting!

Well maybe more of a "hearing" than a sighting.

I'd been meaning to call Nebo for a few days now, but life kept getting in the way.
After hearing that Nebo's wrist had taken a turn for the worst, I resolved to call him sooner, rather than later.
I wanted to call him Thursday, but got too busy and didn't have a chance before I left for work.
Friday. I'll call him Friday.

I was just finishing up my shopping list in preparation for shopping, cooking and then phoning, when...


Before I could grab the phone, the answering machine picked up.
I paused, to see if it was a solicitor or a rare actual person with interesting things to say.

It was neither (oh, okay. I'm kidding.) it was Nebo!

The goof first apologizes for being a terrible friend for not calling sooner.
Umm... hello? You called me! What does that make me??? :crazy2:

Anyway, we chatted for a while and, well..
Things aren't going that great.
You know about the wrist.
But he also said that his eyes were getting worse quicker than what the doctor said.
He mentioned that he hadn't even turned on the computer for over two months.
Just too hard to see it.

I suggested getting an iPad.
You can zoom in just by using your fingers.
But that would mean installing a router for WiFi which might be difficult.
I said, "Get one of your kids to do it."

Don't know if it'll happen or not, though.

Anyway, as you may or may not know, Nebo and Smidgy have been to Disney recently.
Apparently there were some... let's say "adventures" there.
Nebo mentioned that he'd like to post a chapter on their trip.
He doesn't want to do a whole TR, that'd be tough going using just two fingers to type.
While (I presume) his nose is pressed up against the monitor to see.

(Hey Smidgy! Most computers let you zoom in on a web page by pressing "Ctrl +". Try that.
Pushing the "+" key several times zooms in even more.
Maybe that way he can see what he's typing.)

So here it is.
The announcement I promised.

Now don't get too excited. It may or may not happen.
If it doesn't happen by October 27th, when he has his surgery, then it isn't going to.


Nebo would like to post a chapter here!


I sure hope he does, I for one would love to get one more Nebo story!

wow I tried that control + stuff. it really works!!!! holy cow.. you know what also works? the magnifier on our screen... however, the control plus isn't as blurry as the result of the magnifier. ... you learn something new every day. _anyone notice how Nebo uses the ;;;; or the , , , , while I use the .......
we have to differ in some way! :rotfl:

I have been bugging him that we should buy an I pad air. It would be perfect for him. (I also told him he could dictate a chapter to me and I would be his secretary. ) I also told him we should look into voice activation software.) sigh.
I hope he does post the story. it is quite a story, and then I can post all the corrections!!!;)
Hi Nebo and Smidgy! Glad to hear from you! I second getting an Ipad! They really make things easier.

Can't wait to hear about the adventures.

Jill in CO
anyone notice how Nebo uses the ;;;; or the , , , , while I use the .......
we have to differ in some way! :rotfl:

For a while there, I was kinda wondering if you were one and the same.
Especially when Nebo would post under your name! :laughing:

I have been bugging him that we should buy and I pad air. It would be perfect for him. (I also told him he could dictate a chapter to me and I would be his secretary. ) I also told him we should look into voice ativation software.) sigh.

I can just see that.

"Okay Smidgy, ready to type? Okay, here goes.

And we're off... but spell 'and' with 14 a's and 5 n's.
Where was I? Right. And we're off comma comma comma comma comma comma
We drove, spell 'drove' D O R V E okay?
We drove off at the horrible hour of 6am because, spell 'because' without a 'u' and with two s's..."


I hope he does post the story. it is quite a story, and then I can post all the corrections!!!;)

He gave me a quick 'teaser' on the phone.
I'm dying to read about it!
Stinks about Nebo needing more surgery! I do hope we get to read about his trip though!! I use my IPad most of the time, and while it is easier to read, I hate typing on it! And I can't figure out how to add smiley faces etc.
Hey boys and girls, I'mk working on it, I just can't write for long eriods of time, but it's coming, it's coming. ( I know, so is Christmas)
Hey boys and girls, I'mk working on it, I just can't write for long eriods of time, but it's coming, it's coming. ( I know, so is Christmas)

He Baaaccckkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,,,,,,,
Welcome back, Nebo, missed you tons!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :dance3::cheer2::banana:


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