"tame" rollercoaster ride


Oct 14, 2010
I'm looking for a "tame" rollercoaster type ride in any of the parks for both me (mom) and my 6 yr old. We used to really like Goofy's Barnstormer in Toontown.
Any suggestions? (I don't like bumpy jerky rides)
Big thunder can be really jerky, but it is very tame. The same goes for space mountain. Honestly even EE isnt all that bad. I would just avoid RnR
How is Splash Mountain?
(Space mountain is not for me)

Splash isn't a rollercoaser really although there are a few elements during the ride like a coaster. Honestly Big Thunder is the one for you, not too fast and not too crazy. Sit at the front for a tamer ride, you don't get pulled over the hills the same way.

I think that Thunder Mountain is prob the nearest in sensation to Goofy's Barn Stormer, its just a bit longer and as long as you ask to sit near the front it is a very tame ride! I think your 6 year old should be ok on this as its only a small step up from the Barn Stormer. :) I don't like space mountain either and will not do Splash mountain because of that huge drop you can see from the bridge! Yes I am a complete whimp...

Oh yes and Test Track is very tame...no drops.
Another tip: there are some sharp turns on Big Thunder, so if you think your child would be bothered by this, have them sit as far to the right in your seat as possible. :)
My vote would be for Test Track....as a second choice I would say EE - IMO Expedition Everest is a smoother, more 'swoopy' (not a real word, I'm sure!) ride than Thunder Mountain or Space Mountain.
BTMR is definitely the next step up from Barnstormer, so that's a good place to start. Then if you like that, you can move on to other things.

Splash Mt might be a good choice. It's a pretty tame ride. the big drop you can see is the worst part and just when you start to not like the feeling you get from the drop...it's over. There are a few small drops in it as well. It's my favorite ride. :)

Test Track would be ok as long as you like fast. It's smooth, you can see where you're going, there are no dips....but it does get up to around 65mph. If you'd enjoy riding in a convertible on the interstate, then you'll probably like Test Track.

AVOID Primeval Whirl at AK. It's SUPER jerky. It's tame...but I found it to be extremely uncomfortable because of the sudden turns and stops. My neck hurt when I got off it.

I wouldn't recommend EE or Space yet if you're wanting something tame-ish.
BTMR is definitely the next step up from Barnstormer, so that's a good place to start. Then if you like that, you can move on to other things.

Splash Mt might be a good choice. It's a pretty tame ride. the big drop you can see is the worst part and just when you start to not like the feeling you get from the drop...it's over. There are a few small drops in it as well. It's my favorite ride. :)

Test Track would be ok as long as you like fast. It's smooth, you can see where you're going, there are no dips....but it does get up to around 65mph. If you'd enjoy riding in a convertible on the interstate, then you'll probably like Test Track.

AVOID Primeval Whirl at AK. It's SUPER jerky. It's tame...but I found it to be extremely uncomfortable because of the sudden turns and stops. My neck hurt when I got off it.

I wouldn't recommend EE or Space yet if you're wanting something tame-ish.

Agree 100% with all of this!
As a total ride wimp who worked my way up to these rides (at the urging of my DS!), I actually always found Big Thunder to be LESS intense, overall, than the Barnstormer. Sure, it's a longer ride, but IMHO the Barnstormer packed quite a bit into it's short little run.

Also agree, respectfully, that the folks who are recommending Space and EE are those who probably never had any issues riding any coasters -- those two are incredibly intense for those of us who prefer things on the milder side....
I'd also say thunder mountain.

Word of warning though, there is a dim area where it goes up the tracks on a chain. There are evil bat eyes and it's very loud. Really scared my 5 year old at first. But now he loves it
Oh yes and Test Track is very tame...no drops.

However, just for clarification --

there are track sections that are bumpy (the German and Belgian blocks), and a couple of sharp turns and stops (non-ABS and ABS section) that could be uncomfortable if you're suffering any neck or joint issues...


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