Summary of "Save VMK" related posts

I just left a comment on that blog :)

It seems like Disney chose not to renew the contract with Sulake, I cant imagine Sulake is choosing to not work with Disney.
Right, but now that that decision is in the past, Sulake still has the engine that runs the car. I am wondering at this point if Disney has the ability to keep VMK open, if indeed they don't own the engine that runs their wildly popular car.

A radio station has mentioned VMK recently (will try to find all the links related asap).
Great. If you find them, post here and I will update main post. :)

Added Spark CBC Radio to main post.
Right, but now that that decision is in the past, Sulake still has the engine that runs the car. I am wondering at this point if Disney has the ability to keep VMK open, if indeed they don't own the engine that runs their wildly popular car.

Great. If you find them, post here and I will update main post. :)

Added Spark CBC Radio to main post.

ah I see your point, well the good news is, I am sure Sulake would be willing to sell it if they are now indeed obligated elsewhere.
Another new article, this time from The Motely Fool. The author first wrote a review on VMK during it's Beta days and after the first month "Live". In the article below he asks the same questions a lot of us are asking.
(for those who don't know "The Fool" is a very well known and respected business and finance website)

Disney Trashes its Kingdom
Another new article, this time from The Motely Fool. The author first wrote a review on VMK during it's Beta days and after the first month "Live". In the article below he asks the same questions a lot of us are asking.
(for those who don't know "The Fool" is a very well known and respected business and finance website)

Disney Trashes its Kingdom

Thanks for sharing this. What is significant about this imo is that it is NOT an entertainment or gaming media source, but a business source that is showing how non-logical this decision seems to be from the sheer business perspective.

- sigh -

I have added this to the media coverage list.
I think this needs a bump. If only so people are reminded to keep on writing! :thumbsup2

Send out a letter every day if you can! :goodvibes
Needs another bump - Keep fighting! BTW, Miss Jegrezo - your Pm's are full!
Another good one:

Also came across a post on a mom bloggers site and added my comments:

# Annette Reed Said:
April 23rd, 2008 at 10:32 pm

How awesome it is that Disney got a group of mom bloggers together to experience first hand the MAGIC of disney in the parks while supporting your efforts. Your observation
“I think that we mom bloggers had a few extra perks, but people seem to be treated pretty well at Disney, expenses paid or not” rings true. Now imagine as a mom having a child with special needs who would risk putting their health in jeopardy to visit the parks. Why? Because kids with special needs are treated well at disney and its the only place they can be a kid just like other kids. Now imagine a virtual place just like this where everyday a child (or even an adult) can experience the magic of disney and “play” in a safe, family environment without the risk of getting sick. In case you didn’t know it, there is such a place and it’s called Virtual Magic Kingdom or VMK. VMK will however shut down on May 21st leaving thousands of children without an acceptable outlet to imagine, create, learn and socialize with their families or other kids just like them. For these kids it’s not the tangible every day “things” that they love but the ability to interact on their own and gain a sense of love and accomplishment. As a mom you want only the best for your child and VMK gives any child the “best” in a virtual world. Kudos disney for making magic in the parks and for creating such an even more magical place on the web for 3 years. Many children however will loose their closest friends and contact with far away family members like even with a parent in Iraq. Dreams do come true even in VMK!!!

From overgame (website in french dedicated to games news) I am not sure if the guy who wrote the news ever played VMK but it is a good article

Kasiks, Thanks for the article, I took time to translate it (using software) so please correct me if I am wrong. Very good article.

The closing of one of the virtual worlds Disney causes a draft never seen at the players – and a sometimes moving disappointment at the children. A lesson for industry MMO and, particularly, for giant: a community is not a product.

Virtual Magic Kingdom is, as his name points it out, a numerical recreation of the parks of charm Disney in most cases intended for the 8-14 years. Within this one, the young players (and the least young) can discuss between them, participate in activities and in mini-games, as well as decorate their personal space with the aid of various objects acquired via purchase or search. The title, thrown at the mi of 2005 on the occasion of the 50th birthday of Disneyland, was conceived at first as a temporary promotion, free MMO the life of which was estimated around the eighteen months. Success obliges, title continued turning – until today but more for a long time: some days ago, Disney announced the close next of the waiters on May 21st of this year. In a letter addressed last week to the players, the group says that it had " never envisaged that Virtual Magic Kingdom turns forever " and invites the users to migrate to other virtual worlds of the society such as Pirates of Online Caribbean or Penguin club.

The logic of Disney is clear. The celebrations of the 50th birthday being since ended nice lurette, and VMK being to a great extent free, perspectives back on investment for the society on this particular plan are consequently void, or even negatives. In the opposite, it had been revealed early in the year that the group got ready to spend up to 100 million dollars on the creation of ten new virtual worlds. Among these, Online Coaches, being supposed to do urgent make link with the arrival of new charm based on the film of animation of Pixar in parks. Already available, Pixie Hollow, shone, is between others made responsible for supporting mark Disney Fairies and, particularly, the series of toys linked as well as next exit of the film Tinker Bell, centered around the new adventures of the small fairy of Peter Pan.

For the fans of Virtual Magic Kingdom, not much interested by the economic strategy of the group, explanation of Disney represents of course a pitiful solace only. On this subject, the most interesting aspect of this affair is indeed the record draft of the players, decided well to make go back the giant on its decision thanks to a true guerilla mass media of a rare intensity in the world of MMO. Going much more far than the habitual disillusioned messages and big anger which accompany in general the closing of a virtual world, the team takes attack sections comments of professional sites such as Worlds In Motion (close to Gamasutra) either Virtual World News, copying out mothers' long evidence having seen their sons or girls to mourn further to the announcement, or children attained by cancers or by autism having found consolation in virtual Disneyland. The petition of a small 11-year-old girl, attained of atrophies muscular and fan of
Virtual Magic Kingdom because " nobody looks there strangely at it, " is particularly taken back by Next Generation or Raph Koster. Everywhere, they check off Disney of the finger: in some days, Mickey the friend of all was transformed into Picsou, the skinflint who tears off their toy preferred to the ill children.

Many people draw lessons of such marketing failure. Next Generation sees " there a warning on the way to manage MMO communities destinies to the children. " Some people reproach particularly Disney they have not known how fit to the success of title there, for instance, passing to a model of profitable subscription, a resolution which Mattel newly adopted for the virtual world Others think that the society merged product and community, an error which returns, one more time, in the endless question of the value of the virtual, put forward newly by the reboot of Shadowbane.

" There is a reality when you decide to throw an online community, and it is that at instant, this one develops so as to become the responsibility of the creator, " estimates John Frost, editor of the Disney Blog. Nonetheless, the group does not seem to have intention to bend. In two messages addressed to the players since the announcement, this one claims to be "affected " by evidence but confirms his plans of closing. But the fans, them, do not lower arms. " Be not discouraged by their answer, because nobody waited from them only they capitulate immediately, reassure one of the activists of the site VMKMagic. [This email proves qu '] they begin studying reactions and which this makes them reflect. It is the instant to counter-attack with MORE of emails and MORE signatures. "


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