Step 1: Admit you have a problem

I don't think I have a problem at all...
I mean, I have only been to Walt Disney World twice.
Once in June of 2014, then again in January of 2015.

But then again... We did buy DVC on our first trip to WDW, and I do take a weekly trip to Disneyland...

I first went to Disneyland when I was 1, and if course I don't remember it.
From then on, my family went at least once a year (we live in Southern California, so that is all quite normal.)
When I was in my 20's, I learned that since I was working full time while going to college, I could afford an annual pass that would let me hang out in the parks whenever I wanted to. I would sometimes go to do homework while waiting for the fireworks to start. After a little break from Disneyland after I got married (it took us a little bit of time to learn how to manage our time as well as joint incomes and expenses,) we got annual passes again right before our kids were born. I have always loved Disneyland, but Disneyland with little ones is amazing! We pop into Disneyland for at least a few hours on Saturday or Sunday each weekend. Even though we go to other attractions around Southern California, Disney always calls us back! Disney is quite addictive!
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It started in the summer of '86 for me and 10 trips since including my DW's first trip on our honeymoon and will be back again this October. but I don't have a problem.
My mistake it has been 12 trips for me and I forgot to mention our trip in October will be our 20th Anniversary
Wife took our daughters to Disneyland without me. I had no interest in going to the land of the big rat. I was traveling 40 weeks a year and a vacation to me was to stay home. The next year 1989, they wanted me to go with them to WDW. I relented. My wife made all the reservations. We stayed at the Contemporary with a view of the Magic Kingdom. It was an amazing trip.
After that trip we went every two or three years. Now our grandsons are old enough to go with us. Bought into DVC and will go twice to WDW and to the D23 convention. Yes, I am now an addict.
Hello, my name is Adam. I am a relatively new Disney addict, but, as with any addiction, it is immensely intense at the beginning.

I took my first trip to WDW as a child, around 87 or 88. I was 7 or 8 at the time. I can't really remember. The only thing I remember about that first trip was being terrified when I got off of Space Mountain....I didn't return to the World for around 17 years.

I made my second trip in 2003 with a girl I was dating and her family. I was in college, and they were taking a trip and invited me along. We had a decent time, but we spent a lot of time fightings, so the mood was somewhat dampened....

Fast-forward 11 years to 2014. The company that I currently work for is having a corporate "retreat" (thats what we call it when we bring all our employees to one place once a year to have fun and talk about how awesome the company is) at the Swan and Dolphin. DW and I decided to go down a few days early to have a mini vacation before my work stuff started. We have 2 kids, DD6 (5 at the time) and DS4 (3 at the time), that we left at home because we thought they were a bit young to appreciate Florida at the end of June. We were at WDW for 5 days. We had an unbelievably good time! As soon as we got back, I started planning our upcoming (04/2016) trip for the entire family.

It has been an all consuming affair since then. For months I have been reading this and other forums trying to come up with the 'perfect' vacation. It has become a full blown obsession really especially since we were finally able to book a 9 day Beach Club trip for April 2016.

So, while this is only really my third trip, I figured I should go ahead and post here so that I can get some support for my budding disney-aholism:yay:
I took my first trip to WDW in the early 80s. My mom grew up in Florida (Jacksonville) but we lived in the northeast and would spend summers down south. Anyhow my uncle works for Disney as an artist doing all manner of graphic design and he would get us passes to the park.

I remember he and I would always go on Autotopia (I feel like it was called something else then) and he would giggle like a little kid when we "accidentally" bumped the car in front of us much to the dismay of whatever CM happened to be nearby.

I took a job in SoCal for a few years between '05 and '08 and every chance I got headed to Disneyland. Now with my kids a little older I can't wait to take them to Disneyland in a few months.
Hi my name is Paul and I am still in denial. :)

My first trip (I was early 40s) was in August 2010. It was a spontaneous trip with DW. Long story short we were planning on going in October 2010 with the kids. We ended up getting a "Free" cruise as a promotion (for something not WDW related) and while considering the costs and impacts, we decided that our free trip (with the upgrades we required) was not worth it, but a trip for DW and I (for our Anniversary) would be in the cards. So we spent an "Unseasonably" hot trip at WDW and stayed at an offsite hotel for an extended weekend trip. It was nice but I was not hooked (She had gone previous to our marriage and was already hooked). We then had our Scheduled October 2010 trip with our 2 girls (DD12 DD5). We stayed at an Offsite Condo. The condo was awesome and the trip was great, still unseasonably hot. I was still NOT hooked.

Another Family trip in Nov 2012 at Fort Wilderness Campground with our 27' Travel Trailer. (DW really does NOT want to fly) An awesome trip. Had a wonderful time (well except I had to do ALL the driving from NE Pennsylvania). Loved the fort. I was still NOT hooked.

April 2013, DD16 had a "Band Trip" to WDW (4 days) and I went as a Chaperone. It was awesome to watch her march in the Main Street Parade. Of course we had lots of other activities and fun as well. Had a blast with band kids and other band parents. Still not hooked.

November 2014, another family trip staying at Fort Wilderness Campground, again, with our 27' Travel Trailer. Totally AWESOME trip. Had a blast. Weather was (mostly) awesome. Not too hot, not too cold. Got some swimming in, went to 2 Mickeys Christmas Party (even though it rained the one day and we left early. The parade didn't get rained on though). Also was there for my Birthday (December 1) and had a "Surprise" Birthday cake at Trails End. Very Magical time. Wasn't Hooked.

A couple week afters the November 2014 trip, I find that I was pining to go back to Disney. So we now have another trip planned. We were planning one this November (2015) but cancelled it due to costs. (We already have passes to Dollywood. Plus it's closer and less expensive so we will be going there instead) but we do have plans for WDW (again at the fort) for 2016.

So excited. Wish I could go more often.

Still in denial though (Shhhh, don't tell anyone).
I am in denial as well. So much so that me and my family will be at MK in October this year.
Wow, 2 years old and still on the front page. I got's skillz
Hi everyone, my name is Scott.
I really don't know when was the first time I went to Disneyland but I do have pictures of me at about 3 or 4 years old in the park (so 1975 or 1976). I guess I took it for granted since my Dad worked for Disney Studios and we always went once a year as out family trip (just a 1 day-er). My parents weren't into traveling so Disneyland was about it for us, I'm not complaining though. It wasn't until a little later in life is when I really started to appreciate it more which would probably be my teenage years. I notice I had the itch more for Disney when I joined the military and any time I took leave (vacation) to visit home I always made sure I made a trip to Disneyland with family and friends. At one point I was stationed in Germany for 5 years and realized that France has a Disney park, duh, so I took a trip to Disneyland that was fun!
Since I have left the military and moved back to LA, I have had an Annual Pass ever since and have gone hundreds of times. My wife introduced me to WDW when we were dating and we try to make a trip there about every two years or sooner. We even got married at Disneyland, yes she is more of an Disney-holic than I am. We even Honeymooned at WDW and took our first cruise ever on DCL. My son has been living, breathing and eating Disney since his was born...he is drinking the Kool-Aid. My son has been on 2 DCL trips with us and about to go on number 3 here in a few weeks with us.
Addicted, I would say yes and it’s a family thing, it’s in our blood. :thumbsup2
Been away from the DISBOARDS for a bit now. It makes me sad coming here. Because I want to go to Disney but between vacation time and money, it's just not in the cards right now.

We will be going on a shortened vacation to Dollywood in 2 months. Mostly because it's closer, we already have season passes (a Season pass is cheaper than 2 day tickets), it's closer and the campgrounds are much cheaper. So all of these mostly revolve around the "COST" concerns.

It's a nice vacation and it will be memorable, but it's just not the same. The campground doesn't even come close to comparing to Fort Wilderness, and of course the park is much smaller than Walt Disney World (or any of it's park alone). Alas, however, we should probably be making it to WDW by next year though. (At least that's the plan).

So I suppose this is surely a sign that I have a problem. :(

My name is Brian.

I used to be the opposite of a WDW addict, my DW and her family were all about it but I had not been to WDW since I was 5 and couldn't remember anything. What's the big deal I used to asked. Why no Universal since it's got bigger better roller coasters? Finally, my in-laws bought everyone a trip to WDW in 2010 (I'd really love them to do that again :D) and I got my first drink of the kool aid. From then until my kids were born and we planned a trip with them (Thanksgiving 2014), I was in the closet and in denial. After booking that trip and planning it has become a full blown obsession. My DW and her family think my 180 is hilarious :D
My name is Jim and I have a huge problem!!
My first trip was to Disneyland in 76 and that was what did me in.

My wife, son and I now live about 30 minutes from the center of the universe. We are now annual passholders and go at least twice a month to ease the withdrawal. The beautiful part of living so close is we can choose to go for a couple of hours and then go home happy and content. I do not miss the times with crying and cranky children after an entire day in the park!
Recently, for me. Myself, The Wife, and our then 6 year old daughter went for 8 days in Spring Break 2014. We were planning the next trip before that one was finished. It has only gotten worse since then. 3 trips in 2016, including one for just me and The Wife for our anniversary in DL/DCA. Did the Halloween party last year, also. Best time at WDW so far. Heading back to the bubble in 31 days and again Thanksgiving week. To show how bad it is, I'm on Disboards and The Wife isn't.
We finally broke down to get an AP in August 2016 for that trip, and our trip in November 2016. Now we are planning one for June 2017. Maybe (if stars align and everything goes well) we could get ONE more in before the AP expires.
January, 1985- WDW Off-Site
January, 1986- WDW Off-Site
April, 1989- Disneyland Off-Site
September, 1991- WDW Off-Site
October, 1994- Poly
April, 2001- Off-Site
August, 2003- Contemporary
April, 2008- Pop Century
May, 2009- Poly
September, 2010- Poly
June, 2013- GF
April, 2014- Disneyland Hotel

I think you can see from the record that my "problem" began in 1994 when I first feasted my eyes on an "on-property" stay. I was 12 at the time, and our family decided by this time that we should all split up and do what we wanted to do. It was more or less a solo trip and I had the time of my life.

Fast Forward to 2001, and my girlfriend went on her yearly family spring break vacation to ASSp. Me being the creeper I am booked 7 days at the Holiday Inn Sunspree on I-Drive for me (18 at the time) and my little brother.

I made my condition worse by becoming a ridiculously meticulous Disney planning nutjob, member of TourGuideMike, and recently an avid watcher of every DIS Unplugged episode ever made. I wouldn't take any of it back, though.
First trip in 1981 at the tender age of 18-months, then yearly visits up until around 2005.

Took a few years to get established in business, court my lovely wife, get married and start a family. Started going back in January, 2014 when my oldest was 18-months and it's been a yearly trek since.

Here's to hoping we can continue the magic. (Oh, and anyone who can convince me to stop looking fondly at DVC will be my wife's hero)
First trip in 1981 at the tender age of 18-months, then yearly visits up until around 2005.

Took a few years to get established in business, court my lovely wife, get married and start a family. Started going back in January, 2014 when my oldest was 18-months and it's been a yearly trek since.

Here's to hoping we can continue the magic. (Oh, and anyone who can convince me to stop looking fondly at DVC will be my wife's hero)

I've done a lot of number crunching on DVC. It seems to be VERY hard to consistently stay ahead of the money game with DVC. The dues can get pretty pricey, and they go up every year. While you can come out ahead in the end, you pretty much have to stay on the course the whole time to do it. I'd rather just OOP a villa every 5 years or so.


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