Spending money for solo teen

My kids have had checking accounts with debit cards since they were 12. We are connected to them and can manage them, but all we do is transfer money to them for extra chores, etc. They are now 20 & 16 and I would have no problem sending them to WDW with their debit cards, but they use them on a regular basis and manage their own paychecks, savings & spending.
We are local and my teen goes with friends often. I recommend apple cash or a credit or debit card linked to Apple Pay so that things can be paid via phone or Apple Watch. Next choice would be smaller gift cards, as in a certain amount per day. You can also link a card to my disneyexperience so that food can be mobile ordered in locations that do mobile ordering.
My kids all had checking accounts and a debit card at that age. I just Venmo them. You could add him to your credit card as an authorized user.
I didn't know a teen could be added to our credit card as an authorized user. That's at interesting idea.
I didn't know a teen could be added to our credit card as an authorized user. That's at interesting idea.

yep. We added ds when he turned 16 (he was responsible and only used it with permission). By time he was 18 he had a 750 credit score and was able to get approved for his own card.

as for the OP, I would do a credit card plus some cash. Split the cash between his wallet and his suitcase so if he loses one he hasn’t lost everything.


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