Something About Nothing............ #14

I think I dreamt of desserts last night weirdly.......not my favourite food but must have been thinking of the lovely desserts mac makes........🍪🥧

Looks to be a chilly day again, but no breeze so we`ll get out walking today again, have to admit to my shins hurting like crazy, but will walk it off as I adjust to new orthos and back walking every body is like what the heck are you doing!!

PC brigade going crazy over here again.......we have a sweet (candy) called midget gems, they`ve been around one company wants the name changed as it`s offensive to little people who could be called midgets? We`re going to run out of words soon as someone finds offense at everything.

Got one of our friends popping in for lunch today, she loves grilled sandwiches so will make turkey or bacon with brie and cranberry sauce for all of us. She is over this way for her business, so always nice to see her even if it is just a quick lunch visit. She can`t make the meal out on Saturday night.

No idea for dinner, I`ll come up with something nice. After walking we`ll get a few things in the village store as our friend will be here so can`t go do a full shop, will keep that for tomorrow now.

Tea up as I type.........




Happy Thursday 🍸
Ah Thursday it is, and I’m thirsty, so tea for me too.

We get clear nights, so then the start temp is again below freezing with 26 degrees out. Stays clear at sunrise, then a cloudy day. Still having that wind, but nice it’s coming from the SW, so a high of 47 degrees, even with a sky filled with clouds. Unlike the wind changing on Saturday. Low will be 13 degrees, with 22 degrees the high. But yay, that 40’s high remains for Friday. So happy about that.

And so, back to routine for last day this week. Already alarm off, though May still be up around that time tomorrow anyway. But still, not having to move fast is a nice way to be.

Thirs Thursday homies. Day to enjoy your drink. A good thing to drink, that us. Water the best, but flavored with tea, or coffee or other okay too.
No idea what temps are right now but assume it is cold
A quick drive by for me as off to the dentist soon
Having some work done which I fear

Well, I always fear dentist visits so that’s nothing new for me
As long as the gas is cranked up, I do fine in the chair

Lynne if you have decaf tea, pass a cup to me
Schumi I need to send you a batch of homemade cookies
You need that healthy food

homies, check in when you can!
No idea what temps are right now but assume it is cold
A quick drive by for me as off to the dentist soon
Having some work done which I fear

Well, I always fear dentist visits so that’s nothing new for me
As long as the gas is cranked up, I do fine in the chair

Lynne if you have decaf tea, pass a cup to me
Schumi I need to send you a batch of homemade cookies
You need that healthy food

homies, check in when you can!

Love the gas at the dentist!!! Makes it fun.....

Oh you don`t want decaf stinks!! I know you haven`t had caffeine in forever, but stick to whatever else you`re drinking......even water is preferable!

Liking the sound of those cookies though...... ::yes::

Enjoyed a bracing (very bracing) walk this morning.....shins lasted for almost 6 miles, but it was colder than we thought, so we cut it short. Popped into village and got some turkey slices from the butcher and then came home to get lunch ready for my mate......lunch was lovely and we had a good yammer for an hour or so and made a lovely pot of tea to go with some cherry cake she brought over......although we were pretty full from the grilled sandwiches.

Another quiet night ahead......scallops with short rib topping tonight....replica of a dish from Ocean Prime, surf and turf......lush!!!
Yeah, fruit tea is generally not caffeinated Mac. I tend to drink lemon and sometimes mixed berry ones once in a geat while. I’m like Schumi, my tea at all hours is usually caffeinated.

A what for lunch. Will see what kids are interested in. I think little one’s class is done at noon. That’s good, as I’m hungry. Soup and sandwiches maybe. Think I have cheese slices left, and chicken pasta soup leftover. Heat soup and grilled cheeses, maybe. See family votes soon enough I guess.
:wave2: Quick morning stop in!

We are under freezing rain warnings lol. Just typical for our area. We go from - 40/50's for weeks to above normal and freezing rain lol. Hopefully the rain doesn't come and make the roads horrendous. We are not sure if we are going to head to the city tomorrow for gd's 2nd birthday. The kids are sick - started after we left. They have tested negative on the rapid tests - but you never know. Not sure what we will do.

We went to finally get our booster last night. We didn't go earlier as we didn't want to be feeling unwell over the holidays and birthday celebrations. So far, nothing for dh and I besides a sore arm. So I'm very happy about that!

Well, my tea is almost empty and a little pile of papers on my desk need shuffling and spreadsheets made.

Have a great day everyone...stay safe!
Keisha! Hope all doing well. Arctic air and storm weekend for us. Winter. Snow, no thank

Aw Pumpkin, there’s colds and even the flu going around that are not Covid-19. Hope your GD feels better soon. Sweet 2 years old.

Mac, hope dentist trip went well. Never a fun medical visit.
Dental work went fine as was drugged for a legal high for two hours
Had two crowns replaced as gum infection had to be taken care of

Next visit for dentist is in 5 weeks
Implant work begins for two molars that were remove last year located on lower jaws.

Unbelievable but dental work costs more than a trip to the Motherland or the Darkside.
:wave2: Quick morning stop in!

We are under freezing rain warnings lol. Just typical for our area. We go from - 40/50's for weeks to above normal and freezing rain lol. Hopefully the rain doesn't come and make the roads horrendous. We are not sure if we are going to head to the city tomorrow for gd's 2nd birthday. The kids are sick - started after we left. They have tested negative on the rapid tests - but you never know. Not sure what we will do.

We went to finally get our booster last night. We didn't go earlier as we didn't want to be feeling unwell over the holidays and birthday celebrations. So far, nothing for dh and I besides a sore arm. So I'm very happy about that!

Well, my tea is almost empty and a little pile of papers on my desk need shuffling and spreadsheets made.

Have a great day everyone...stay safe!

Glad you got your boosters! And hopefully no further side effects......

Oh I`m sorry your trip to see granddaughter on her birthday is at risk! Yes, it`s difficult to know what to do at times.......but, hope they feel better soon.


Dental work went fine as was drugged for a legal high for two hours
Had two crowns replaced as gum infection had to be taken care of

Next visit for dentist is in 5 weeks
Implant work begins for two molars that were remove last year located on lower jaws.

Unbelievable but dental work costs more than a trip to the Motherland or the Darkside.

lol....I often say I wish they would sell the laughing gas you can get in a would be a best seller!

Glad it went well today....yep, even over here dental work is expensive, but it has to be done. Take it easy the rest of today.......

Dinner over.......I did undercook one or two of the scallops. We each had 5 and they were huge, but they can take being slightly rarer as they are so fresh. They only take a quick sear. Kyle wasn`t impressed with the dish when I made it first a few years ago as he doesn`t like mixing surf and turf, but we love it.

Think I`ve had enough cake for the last few days, so just tea.......

One of our friends popped in while we were eating, but she was dropping off Kyle`s birthday for tomorrow......not going out for dinner tomorrow as he has plans with friends, but we will go out Saturday night, have that all booked. Looking forward to that meal.
I think it is cheaper to give birth in a hospital then it is to have dental surgery
My trips to Orlando are cheaper then dental work

There are a decent number of specialty dentists in my area
which are a 10- 15 minute drive for me

None are cheap which is why locals don’t have a high priority for care

But I lagged in hooking up with a dentist when I moved here
Waited until having pain before I sought out a dentist in town so that’s all on me

Where is Mr Sun today?
Cloudy and cool here since noon.
Almost makes me think I’m back in the north today.
Keisha! Hope all doing well. Arctic air and storm weekend for us. Winter. Snow, no thank

Aw Pumpkin, there’s colds and even the flu going around that are not Covid-19. Hope your GD feels better soon. Sweet 2 years old.

Mac, hope dentist trip went well. Never a fun medical visit.
Don’t know which was worse
Child birth or dentist

I am very much a wimp when it comes to pain
Which was why I stopped having pregnancies after #3
Have to say though, the pain of giving birth was one of the most painful I felt, but was the easiest to forget, as soon as she was born, I felt like no pain. Teeth pain, up there as one of the most painful.

Hope your teeth surgery goes well Mac. Sending good thoughts goes well, and no pain.

DH came home with some bbq beef he got from a friend. Made mashed taters, and ooh that bbq was good, a wee bit hot as almost made my nose water. None left, as all eat it. Little one was happy it was not pork, but beef. Can of corn and easy meal. Easy meals are what I like to have, as up so early, and even if not commuting home, still tired enough that cooking for longer time is not what I want to do. So shortcuts and easy meals like pre-made pasta, potatoes, eggs, and soup are at least one or more of our week day dinners.

Made some more tea, as was thirsty for some reason. While may not be to bed as early as I do, as off tomorrow, fading fast. And not much interesting on the tube.

Get ready, Fabulous Friday feeling is coming your way soon! As yep,
6A9BA2A5-71FA-44B5-A9BE-6196ABF2F5DB.jpeg Ahhhhh!

Have a very good night’s sleep. 💤
Good evening everyone. Long day today. I am anticipating not being at work on Monday, so part of the morning was spent contacting Monday and Tuesday's clients reminding them of their appointments and letting them know that we would be going to telehealth only if the roads were bad.

After work I went to Kroger. We always seem to have snow storms right when we start running out of food in the house. It was crazy. The way people were shopping you would think we were going to have a blizzard that would keep us trapped at home of a week. They were out of so many things. I had to make a trip to Walmart to finish my shopping.

They are telling us to expect snow, sleet, and freezing rain on Sunday. Yay, a triple threat. They are still saying 5-8 inches.

Hoping to hit the gym and get some walking in on the dreadmill.
I missed that the first time I read it. That's how I feel about it too.

I like to do both types of baking. There are some things that taste great from a box...
I have been trying to make more from scratch, but sometimes quick and easy is the way to go.

Sigh...we are 38 ish days out. I'm going to see what I can find for Hollywood Studios for the one day!
Too bad we won't be there at the same time. We are 58 days out. Hollywood Studios is dh's favorite park.

Popping in to wish everyone a belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We had a wonderful's our crew at Garden Grill with Chip.
Have a great day everyone...time to go back to work
Good to see you Tink. I am happy to see they have the characters out even if they do have to maintain a distance.

I guess we do sometimes buy the Red Lobster cheddar biscuit mix, but that's mostly because my son is the one who makes them.
Do they taste as good as the ones in the restaurant? I've been tempted to buy the mix, but haven't done so yet.

About the only sweets I make are toll house chocolate cookies
If I want desserts for dinner, I buy the one slice cakes, or cobblers at Publix
I don't often make sweets for just us at home. I'm usually the dessert person when we have pot lunch dinners at church.

They do have very good desserts in Publix......
I miss Publix.

We get clear nights, so then the start temp is again below freezing with 26 degrees out. Stays clear at sunrise, then a cloudy day. Still having that wind, but nice it’s coming from the SW, so a high of 47 degrees, even with a sky filled with clouds. Unlike the wind changing on Saturday. Low will be 13 degrees, with 22 degrees the high. But yay, that 40’s high remains for Friday. So happy about that.
Any snow heading your way this weekend?

We went to finally get our booster last night. We didn't go earlier as we didn't want to be feeling unwell over the holidays and birthday celebrations. So far, nothing for dh and I besides a sore arm. So I'm very happy about that!
I get boosted tomorrow. I am hoping for nothing more than a sore arm too.

Don’t know which was worse
Child birth or dentist
I'm gong to go with childbirth, but that's only because I haven't had any major dental work. I've never even experienced the gas.

Trying to decide if I want to tomorrow to be a lazy or productive day. I guess it will depend on how I feel after the booster shot.
Hope no side effects for ya, Charade. Yes, we are to get some snow Sunday night into Monday, with some freezing rain before all turning to rain, as we should be above freezing as the high on Monday. Still saying a 30 percent chance we see more snow than the few inches we are going to have from late evening until the wee hours. Good thing it is a holiday Monday, as even though still not commuting yet, glad there is no where I need to go Monday morning. I too have to grocery shop. May do that tomorrow, as I’m sure the storm worries make even more empty shelves,
I think it is cheaper to give birth in a hospital then it is to have dental surgery
My trips to Orlando are cheaper then dental work

There are a decent number of specialty dentists in my area
which are a 10- 15 minute drive for me

None are cheap which is why locals don’t have a high priority for care

But I lagged in hooking up with a dentist when I moved here
Waited until having pain before I sought out a dentist in town so that’s all on me

Where is Mr Sun today?
Cloudy and cool here since noon.
Almost makes me think I’m back in the north today.

Aww....your warm weather will be back before you know it, and once again you`ll have the warmest weather of us all again.......

You did the right thing though waiting for a better dentist, sounds like you found the right one in the end. Hope you`re feeling more normal today :)

Good evening everyone. Long day today. I am anticipating not being at work on Monday, so part of the morning was spent contacting Monday and Tuesday's clients reminding them of their appointments and letting them know that we would be going to telehealth only if the roads were bad.

After work I went to Kroger. We always seem to have snow storms right when we start running out of food in the house. It was crazy. The way people were shopping you would think we were going to have a blizzard that would keep us trapped at home of a week. They were out of so many things. I had to make a trip to Walmart to finish my shopping.

They are telling us to expect snow, sleet, and freezing rain on Sunday. Yay, a triple threat. They are still saying 5-8 inches.

I missed that the first time I read it. That's how I feel about it too.

I have been trying to make more from scratch, but sometimes quick and easy is the way to go.

Too bad we won't be there at the same time. We are 58 days out. Hollywood Studios is dh's favorite park.

Good to see you Tink. I am happy to see they have the characters out even if they do have to maintain a distance.

Do they taste as good as the ones in the restaurant? I've been tempted to buy the mix, but haven't done so yet.

I don't often make sweets for just us at home. I'm usually the dessert person when we have pot lunch dinners at church.

I miss Publix.

Any snow heading your way this weekend?

I get boosted tomorrow. I am hoping for nothing more than a sore arm too.

I'm gong to go with childbirth, but that's only because I haven't had any major dental work. I've never even experienced the gas.

Trying to decide if I want to tomorrow to be a lazy or productive day. I guess it will depend on how I feel after the booster shot.

Hope you feel ok after the varies so much between folks, it`s like pot luck how you feel.

And hope the snow isn`t as bad as`s been years since we had that amount of snow. I do remember as a child of about 6 walking to school and it was up to my knees and we all got sent home as it was so bad the pipes in the school froze. And once or twice in the 1980`s but in reent years we`ve only had 2 bad winters to speak of.

I can see why you miss Publix, it`s definitely a better store than most that we visit, staff are always so nice and very helpful, but stock is always of a higher standard.

Busy morning ahead here, but walking first as it`s going to be quite sunny, but very chilly as we`re not much above freezing at 35F this morning. But, by the time we head out frost should at least be gone.

Yes, I`m a cook from scratch`s not hard and doesn`t take long, but more than anything, I love cooking. Each to their own though. Baking.....well, I like doing that from scratch but my baking is not the best as I have friends who could be professionals by my standards. So I do enjoy when they bake.....although mine is always eaten by friends so maybe it`s not as bad as I claim.

Making a flourless chocolate cake for my two tonight although might not be eaten till tomorrow with one thing and another.

Tom and I are having stir fry tonight, chicken with spicy plum sauce with added ginger to mine, bought a load of ginger root yesterday, but no one else likes it.

So, we`re at Friday again........everyone loves the weekend.........




A very happy Friday 🍾
Had the nicest walk…..7 miles as it was just the most beautiful morning.

We had 36f, but supposed to be cooler with the real feel, however there was no breeze so it wasn’t so bad and even felt quite warm-ish when the sun came up properly.

Thermal heat holder hat and gloves and big scarf that looks like it’s 8 feet long…when my friend gave me it as part of my Christmas gifts several years ago, I wasn’t sure if it was a scarf or a table runner…….lol…..

3 layers under the jacket, thermal leggings too. Tom said he was surprised I could walk with all the layers!

Yes, I don’t like being cold…….:sunny:

Beautiful beach Schumi, and you do look like it is cold out. Glad you got in that longer walk.

We’re sunny 35 right now, but the SW coming clouds are coming soon, as last day we get 45 as the high. Less than half the high temp today, is tomorrow’s high temp. Yep, 21 degrees the high, as thank you wind from the Arctic that will be arriving in the wee hours to give us that huge decrease in temps. Coldest day in January we have had. The other cold day we had was a few degrees higher high temp. Yeah, any high in the low 20’s degrees is cool in my book. Hoping that wind chill does not make me so chilly tomorrow. But as the high is in the mid 40’s, that light weight winter jacket is perfect. And depending on heaters wherever we go today, may leave jacket in car. Do have a few errands I need to do. Good thing DH, who got me up before our usual time to get up, said he’ll go to the produce place for me. I think we have enough tomatoes, but could use some colored peppers and fresh potatoes, and some other vegetables and fruit. He’s not good at remembering, so I showed him how to look at notes on his phone, then made a list and hope he remembers how to look at it. I’ll call him after I think he’s there to remind him my list. And as DH and I like breakfast food, well he’s a good eater of almost anything I make or bake. And so, did bake chocolate chip muffins, and had eggs and some bacon. Neither kid has even said hello this morning. Both are sound asleep. My kids are good sleepers whatever the noise most of the time too, and both go back to sleep easily as well. Since little one’s classes are at 10 am today, I don’t expect to see her for another hour. I know older one works, I think around 10 am today, but maybe even earlier, so I assume I’ll hear him soon. No eggs nor bacon are left. But can make more of both if he wants. He may be in more of a hurry, and take a muffin with him. Little one will eat the bacon and muffins too. So round two breakfast later this morning. And since I have the day to relax, did a few loads of wash earlier this morning. Almost ready for a long hot shower. One of the loads was towels. So freshly washed towels, yay!

Abd so, that most fabulous Friday homies. :dancer: Friday! :jumping1:
so, we are 10 inches below our normal snowfall for year…

What a very good thing we are supposed to make it all up & more in the next few days:rolleyes1

running out (after making breakfast for the mr who is aching for that bacon) to grocery store. I’m fully stocked but, one of my boys is sickie sick and needs more provisions. Maybe if I see a few free ranging donuts I will rescue them

Mac -Well worth it to have a good set of choppers ready jik you need to go head to head in a zombie apocalypse:duck:JK rest up & be well!

good weekend to all, stay safe

To Carole’s DS Kyle


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