Something About Nothing............ #14

Back home again and caught up with a few emails....... ::yes::

Not as cold as we thought, but doubt we`ll be walking, so not much at all going on and have a lazy day. Will do a little baking tonight as I have an abundance of flour to use up.

Hoping macraven is having a lovely day.......and miss seeing Vicki (tink1957) and Lori (J'aime Paris) posting too.......worfiedoodles, Snowpack, Tgrgrl, Elsaspiritanimal and where is Todd.........???

And congrats to Janet......her team won.......woohoooo........:thumbsup2

Shrimp cocktail (UK style) sandwiches for lunch today, got some lovely arugula or rocket as we call it and tomatoes too.

Dinner is sausages, a new range our butcher is doing, pork, honey and leek flavour and doing mashed potatoes, well I rice of the few potato dishes we eat now and again.

So dull outside......
Hi Carole and SANS fam! Sorry I've been MIA I have been keeping track of you guys when I can but hard to get in and post! Sounds wonderful to have a lazy day and baking! Make us some scones to go with bacon for breakfast tomorrow maybe? :poop:

Just back from a long snowmobiling weekend - very cold a few nights....low of -12. But we had nice warm gear on and then a nice fire back at the cabin when we returned so it was still fun. Busy week at work ahead after being out Thursday and Friday. Still quite cold - it is 0 degrees but -16 with wind chill - so I'm glad to be staying inside for work!

Not sure what to make for dinner - don't feel like running to the store so it will likely be something easy like spaghetti. Those pork, honey, and leek sausages sound amazing. I love trying new flavors of sausage - you can do so many things with them.

My Packers didn't quite pull out the win this weekend, but have the top seed in the playoffs nonetheless. Should be some more good weekends of football ahead of us! Will be good background watching when I finally take down my Christmas decorations next weekend.

Hope you are all doing well! Trying to figure out when I can get back down to Florida. If this weather keeps up it might need to be sooner rather than later!
Hi Carole and SANS fam! Sorry I've been MIA I have been keeping track of you guys when I can but hard to get in and post! Sounds wonderful to have a lazy day and baking! Make us some scones to go with bacon for breakfast tomorrow maybe? :poop:

Just back from a long snowmobiling weekend - very cold a few nights....low of -12. But we had nice warm gear on and then a nice fire back at the cabin when we returned so it was still fun. Busy week at work ahead after being out Thursday and Friday. Still quite cold - it is 0 degrees but -16 with wind chill - so I'm glad to be staying inside for work!

Not sure what to make for dinner - don't feel like running to the store so it will likely be something easy like spaghetti. Those pork, honey, and leek sausages sound amazing. I love trying new flavors of sausage - you can do so many things with them.

My Packers didn't quite pull out the win this weekend, but have the top seed in the playoffs nonetheless. Should be some more good weekends of football ahead of us! Will be good background watching when I finally take down my Christmas decorations next weekend.

Hope you are all doing well! Trying to figure out when I can get back down to Florida. If this weather keeps up it might need to be sooner rather than later!

Oh I`m coming to you for breakfast tomorrow!!! Scones and bacon........yes please!!

Good to see you and glad things are ok and you`re just busy.....mac always worries where everyone is, so it`s good to see you post.

Yep, good butchers sausages are gorgeous and they all do some different varieties, so we`ll be spoiled with all the butchers we frequent.

Your weather is oh so cold!! I`m quite jealous of your weekend (even with the dreaded cold) that sounds idylic.....and oh yes, hope you get to Florida sooner rather than later......

Really good to see you and please pop in when you can and stay as warm as you can.......:wave2:
Hi Carole and SANS fam! Sorry I've been MIA I have been keeping track of you guys when I can but hard to get in and post! Sounds wonderful to have a lazy day and baking! Make us some scones to go with bacon for breakfast tomorrow maybe? :poop:

Just back from a long snowmobiling weekend - very cold a few nights....low of -12. But we had nice warm gear on and then a nice fire back at the cabin when we returned so it was still fun. Busy week at work ahead after being out Thursday and Friday. Still quite cold - it is 0 degrees but -16 with wind chill - so I'm glad to be staying inside for work!

My Packers didn't quite pull out the win this weekend, but have the top seed in the playoffs nonetheless. Should be some more good weekends of football ahead of us! Will be good background watching when I finally take down my Christmas decorations next weekend.

Hope you are all doing well! Trying to figure out when I can get back down to Florida. If this weather keeps up it might need to be sooner rather than later!

welcome back home!
you have been missed

you win the prize for the coldest weather

(I thought I was the winner but at 47 today
is pretty cold for me)

Hope you can get a trip in for Orlando very soon
welcome back home!
you have been missed

you win the prize for the coldest weather

(I thought I was the winner but at 47 today
is pretty cold for me)

Hope you can get a trip in for Orlando very soon

You can always win for the warmest weather though......colour me we were about the same temps for today as you. Not the best is it......

Enjoyed dinner tonight, those sausages were delicious and so meaty. I was worried they had changed the texture with all the new processes, but still as good.

One of friends popped round after his work for a coffee, so chatted to him for a while, one of the nicest guys in the world and before we knew it a couple of hours had passed.

Tonight we`re living in the kitchen....I have a sticky ginger cake and a madeira cake in it baking, madeira is a little like pound cake and a family favourite recipe. The smell is adorable and Tom is watching tv through here too......doesn`t look like something I`d watch from over here. I`ll stay this side.........

Hoping it`s a bit warmer tomorrow`s supposed to be.

Kettle will be on soon when the madeira cake is ready.
Busy day here, fruitlessly tried to help somebody navigate our state’s insurance site. wasn’t expecting it to be continued tomorrow too :confused3 So convoluted, no wonder people give up on it.

Did I get the right think I did........I`ll be supporting from afar.......I can boooooo and hissss with the best of them........ ::yes::
it worked :) thank you
B is safely back in the dorm tonight. Classes start tomorrow
good luck to her. Pitt has all on campus sheltering in place for the first two weeks
The town we`re going to has it`s own little micro climate, we can have no snow on the coast and they can be a foot deep, and they`re not too far away from us, about 15-20 minutes by car.
that’s always so interesting to hear. Are they on top of mt or in a river valley? We always get at least an extra inch or two of snow more than areas less than a miles away due to that.
Yay, I do think nice to see updates and new rides
or they follow current norms of closing it and let the building sit for ages empty while blaming it on covid :duck:
And congrats to Janet......her team won.......woohoooo........:thumbsup2
indeedy, although was surely holding our collective breaths when the last game was tied in OT. Phew

we were hoping to pick up Pickens from Pitt as a QB, no chance now as our draft slot will drop via being in playoffs. Smart money probably would’ve been to not work quite as hard yesterday lol.

Barring the entire Kansas City team getting sick or abducted by aliens, fully expect another thrashing From them.
My Packers didn't quite pull out the win this weekend, but have the top seed in the playoffs nonetheless. Should be some more good weekends of football ahead of us! Will be good background watching when I finally take down my Christmas decorations next weekend.
If they “any team” plays, we will watch, got it bad lol
Yep, good butchers sausages are gorgeous and they all do some different varieties, so we`ll be spoiled with all the butchers we frequent.
i’ve helped my “out” laws make links in the past. interesting process as to cuts of meat & seasonings for both sweet & hot pork sausage. unfortunately, was always outvoted on leaving fennel out. :crazy2:
I thought I was the winner but at 47 today
is pretty cold for me)
that’s shorts weather here.::yes:: it’s in the teens now
Arctic air has arrived. Lucky us!

And yeah Keisha, how’s we getting TB in the first payoff game. I’m holding my breath. Boo birds got stomped by NY, then later, stomped NY. So which team will be paying Brady? I may watch some, as sure my older one will be watching many of the games. Caught him watching football talk on his phone as I walked by.

Breakfast for dinner. Yum! Cut the leftover steak into cubes and some in thinner slices, sliced taters thin, so would cook fast, with scrambled eggs and the rest of a cheddar cheese mix bag. Little one had to take the steak slices and her share of the potatoes, as mixed the eggs in with the steak and taters that remained. Put cheese on as I turned off the heat. Love my deep sided, large fry pan.

And now teapot the only thing on the stove. Ah yes, a cup of tea in the evening after dinner. And it’s a Monday night. But not Monday night football. More like what rerun do I want to watch.
Good evening everyone. Another not so interesting day here.

DH started going back to his martial arts class tonight, so I got a couple of hours alone with the TV. I made a big mug of hot chocolate and watched some reruns of Castle. On one of the episodes I watched tonight the murderer was Megan Markle.

Dh is now watching field goal practice. Otherwise known as the college national championship game.

Picture of the day is a nod to Shrek that closed yesterday, glad we saw it for the last time in December, will be interesting to see the replacement.
I should have ridden Shrek when I was there in October, but didn't.

Ah yes, both Mummy and Shrek both closed, with Shrek not to return. Will be sad for some time. Though looking forward to the updates and refreshing Mummy will get. And yep, let the rumors start as to Shrek’s replacement.
I finally rode Mummy for the first time when I was there in October. I think it should be back when I return.

Hi Carole and SANS fam! Sorry I've been MIA I have been keeping track of you guys when I can but hard to get in and post!
Hi Elsa. Good to see you again.

Busy day here, fruitlessly tried to help somebody navigate our state’s insurance site. wasn’t expecting it to be co
I don't know what happened to the rest of the quote, but I am too lazy to go back and correct it. You said a bad word - insurance. I have to call and fight with Anthem again tomorrow.

The second half of the game is starting. This. is one of the times I wish we had a second TV.
Busy day here, fruitlessly tried to help somebody navigate our state’s insurance site. wasn’t expecting it to be continued tomorrow too :confused3 So convoluted, no wonder people give up on it.

it worked :) thank you

good luck to her. Pitt has all on campus sheltering in place for the first two weeks

that’s always so interesting to hear. Are they on top of mt or in a river valley? We always get at least an extra inch or two of snow more than areas less than a miles away due to that.

or they follow current norms of closing it and let the building sit for ages empty while blaming it on covid :duck:

indeedy, although was surely holding our collective breaths when the last game was tied in OT. Phew

we were hoping to pick up Pickens from Pitt as a QB, no chance now as our draft slot will drop via being in playoffs. Smart money probably would’ve been to not work quite as hard yesterday lol.

Barring the entire Kansas City team getting sick or abducted by aliens, fully expect another thrashing From them.

If they “any team” plays, we will watch, got it bad lol

i’ve helped my “out” laws make links in the past. interesting process as to cuts of meat & seasonings for both sweet & hot pork sausage. unfortunately, was always outvoted on leaving fennel out. :crazy2:

that’s shorts weather here.::yes:: it’s in the teens now

It`s funny you said Scotland growing up we called any kind of sausages, links, but in England they are always sausages. Beef links are very Scottish, not as obvious in England although some butchers will do them, ours does, but not as nice as ones from home. Then of course there`s the German style which is entirely different in texture and tastes too, lots of boar there.

Not a fan of fennel either, but it does work in many dishes.

It`s a weird one as they are higher than us, but they live in a big dip, so snow just seems to accumulate there. The difference is quite startling at times.

You`re a good woman helping out with that minefield! I`m sure it`s very much appreciated.

You know me......I know nothing about football (of any kind) but one of my male friends who is an American Football fan is highly amused I`m showing any interest in it at

Hope today goes well.

Good evening everyone. Another not so interesting day here.

DH started going back to his martial arts class tonight, so I got a couple of hours alone with the TV. I made a big mug of hot chocolate and watched some reruns of Castle. On one of the episodes I watched tonight the murderer was Megan Markle.

Dh is now watching field goal practice. Otherwise known as the college national championship game.

I should have ridden Shrek when I was there in October, but didn't.

I finally rode Mummy for the first time when I was there in October. I think it should be back when I return.

Hi Elsa. Good to see you again.

I don't know what happened to the rest of the quote, but I am too lazy to go back and correct it. You said a bad word - insurance. I have to call and fight with Anthem again tomorrow.

The second half of the game is starting. This. is one of the times I wish we had a second TV.

Shrek was ok, won`t necessarily miss it now it`s gone, but I`m glad we went on it one last time this past trip. Yes Mummy should be open again late summer.

Oh you should have another tv! I`m glad in this house we are not sports fans, but the one sport we do like, we all enjoy.....but we do have a lot of tv`s.....for me as I don`t watch a lot of tv it`s hard to comprehend, but I admit to having one in the kitchen which is larger than I`d like, but we do seem to have that one on when we are both in the kitchen as Tom watches it while I cook/bake/sit at the table on internet........but far too many tv`s in this house. Some are in the guest bedrooms though.

Much milder today, so I think we may try to walk this morning and get back into that routine, but it`s still only barely mid January, our worst weather is usually February, although we do still have that cooler wind chill coming off the sea from the North/East which isn`t fun.

After our walk, we need to go get some fresh produce as we`ve run out of veg, unheard of, but we`ll get that today and some other bits and bobs.

Making a chicken and leek pie for dinner tonight, can`t decide whether to make my own shortcrust pastry or buy some puff pastry. That`s my only decision today and what we`ll have for lunch!

I have some muffins in the oven right now, mixed up a batch as I`m still trying to get through the excess of flour I have for some cherry and vanilla muffins along with some fruit for breakfast......although I am thinking of Elsa enjoying scones and bacon!!!




Have a lovely Tuesday :)
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Ah yes, a Tuesday is here. And yep,

Hehe. But yep, the day Mac may want to enjoy a Taco Bell dinner. See they are bring back items, adding items. Eh, doubt we will unless all get in the car. And closest one is not that close.

Weather. Winter. Yes, cold air is here. 16 out, and the high is 23. Yes, you read that right. And still a wind chill that makes you feel even color. Saying single digit wind chill temps this early morning. I’m not that far North in the NE. But as we regularly see cold weather, we have heaters in the house. That or a big fireplace.

Yay, Elsa post. Glad to hear you are busy, and hope that means you are enjoying life. Hope you do pop in every so often.

Ah, insurance issues. No comment Keisha. I hope resolved soon.

Not much intesting for us, though I bet Schumi’s kitchen smells sweetly good. Those muffins, with my tea, would be perfect. I like that flavor, but not as common here. Or at least where I buy or bake muffins.

Tea yep, even in that just perfectly warm home. And we are a multiple tv home too. See particularly the men, have on nothing I’m at all interested in. This way, all get to watch what they want. None in my kitchen though, you can see the tv in our family room from there.

Totally Terrific Taco Tuesday. And a good morning from this windy cold. and a very sunny day, homie.
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Had to edit my post this morning........had a Wednesday meme on there instead of Tuesday....... :confused3 I was convinced it was Wednesday!!

The joys of being retired ::yes::....every day blends into another, but in the best way!!!

Do plan to make shortcrust pastry after all as still have flour, so once I`ve made pastry, will blind bake the base, add filling then top it and bake it.......and a beautiful chicken pie will be ready.

Quick day passed here......we did go out a walk, only did 3 miles as I have new orthotics in, so have to build up using them daily as they are massively different from the older ones. Felt ok actually. And incredibly mild out there this morning, still under 50F but felt much milder.

Then got a surprise delivery of it was a surprise to me......but nice to keep our stock topped up :thumbsup2
I thought everyone had a tv in their kitchen ..
We have ours on when we eat…
I thought everyone had a tv in their kitchen ..
We have ours on when we eat…

Apparently not mac.....a lot of my friends don`t, or they have a smaller sized one on a worktop.

Ours in the kitchen is mahoosive......far too big, but the room can take it I guess. I prefer listening to music myself.......and do if I`m in there on my own and Tom is watching sci fi or noisy superhero type films.....

My mum would never allow a tv in the kitchen.
Our kitchen and living room are one great big open area. So, it's very easy to see the TV while working in the kitchen.

We used to have that in another house......but we do have a lounging area in this kitchen we built on a while back with comfy sofas and that`s where the tv is seen from. I can`t actually see it from where the table is as the room is an odd shape, supposed to be L-shaped but has an extra bit....odd room to some, but we love it.

I do think we have far too many tv`s in this house.......but Tom does watch some more tv than I do.
We have tv’s in the bedroom, living room and kitchen
None in the bathroom

I did put my foot down when we were redoing our master bathroom.......Tom remembered the tv in the mirror of the bathroom of the Presidential Suite and thought that would be a very good, no.....

Feel like an early night tonight, but the stargazers are out taking images, so will hear them come in usually even when they do their best to be quiet.

But, my goodness, one of those nights my eyes are going together.

And I`ve been telling everyone tomorrow is Thursday.......can`t quite get to grips with this week........
You know me......I know nothing about football (of any kind) but one of my male friends who is an American Football fan is highly amused I`m showing any interest in it at
we could talk about how GA bulldog pulled off a huge upset last night for the national championship. Stunning Alabama, a powerhouse…hasn’t happened since I believe 1980. Toss in that the winning coach was an assistant for the other. I could go on :)
so cherry and vanilla muffins along with some fruit for breakfast......although I am thinking of Elsa enjoying scones and bacon!!!
yummo i was happy with my strawberry oatmeal, now I feel downright cheated. Having that killer left over cheese soup today. Made a beef roast for the mr to pick at today & tomorrow. Turkey soup for youngest down with a bit of a bug. So nice to find broth & some leftover turkey in the freezer to help speed that along This am.
Ah, insurance issues. No comment Keisha. I hope resolved soon
i think? Lol. Won’t know for sure until next week or earlier once an approval has been issued. No idea it was a such a mess for many.
we did go out a walk, only did 3 miles as I have new orthotics in, so have to build up using them daily as they are massively different from the older ones. Felt ok actually. And incredibly mild out there this morning, still under 50F but felt much milder.
three miles nothing to sneeze at IMO! it was two degrees when i woke up today. Wah. Much warmer now, 22 woooooo; a heat wave.
I thought everyone had a tv in their kitchen ..
We have ours on when we eat…
i like to listen to music in the kitchen. We eat in the DR or LR
We have tv’s in the bedroom, living room and kitchen
None in the bathroom
LR, two of the BRs, Den & Game Room here. Really only use LR & one BR Sets daily. Mr has a computer monitor that is a tv in disguise in his man cave. Don’t think he uses it for that tho, have to mirror a phone’s access for content, far too much trouble


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