Somebody's Gonna Pee in a Cup, West Coast - Link to new TR 1/21

Tractors Is So Dumb

”Yep, you're livin' the dream, Mater boy.”

I bought 2 bowls of Froot Loops, 2 pastries and one cup of hot tea for DW and it came to almost $20.

”How about some organic fuel?”

Yah, the international currency exchange rate from US Dollars to Walt-o-Bucks tends to leave us all at a slight monetary disadvantage.

9:00 came and went.



Well… they promised you early entry into the park…
but apparently that doesn’t necessarily guarantee early “use” of the park.

Finally, the masses started moving towards Radiator Springs.

“the cutest little town in Carburetor County.”

So you’re tellin’ me that there wasn’t a mad dash for the Fun Wheel?

I’ll take an aside to mention one thing. As bad as Rope Drops are at WDW… and I’m including the past cluster that was the TSMM frenzy, I think it is crazier at DL. I mean people were flat out running.

“ Okay, here we go. Focus. Speed. I am speed…”

Does sound like quite the mad house.

Funny thing.

Not one single CM thought to mention that RSR wasn’t operating.

Detailes, detailes…
Just never satisfied, are ya’?

…as we got to TSMM we found a familiar scene.

CM’s standing in front of a rope telling everyone the attraction is closed.

“Oh, for the love of Chrysler!”

This is starting to get neigh on to comical.

We were determined to do something, so DW took the kids to King Triton’s Carousel…

”Respect the classics, man!”

…while I walked right on to California Screamin’.
Not what I had planned for my first ride to be at Disneyland, but certainly not a bad choice!

Works for me.
‘bout time y’all got to ride something… anything…

…quickly rode TSMM with just a short wait.

That’s much better; things are starting to pick up a bit.



The kids absolutely had a blast on this ride. As did I.

And that’s one you can’t catch anywhere else.

Given the theming of the restaurant, the menu is somewhat seafood heavy. I’ll eat seafood, but it just isn’t usually my first choice. Unless it is fried.

”I'm on one of them there special diets.
I am a precisional instrument of speed and aeromatics.”

Red Oak-Smoked Honey-Whiskey Barbecue Tri-Tip - Thinly Sliced with Mashed Potatoes and Seasonal Vegetables.


She was far more interested in watching the princesses.
During our meal, we got to see Rapunzel.

Princess Tiana


And Cinderella

It’s a Princess-apalooza!
I do believe your little girl there was ”happier 'n a tornado in a trailer park!”

DD was talking to Cinderella about eating at her castle. To us, we could tell she was clearly referring to our dinner at CRT about a month ago. Apparently jet lag had gotten the best of Cinderella and she couldn’t quite make that connection. She kept correcting DD that it wasn’t her castle, it was Sleeping Beauty’s castle. :rolleyes1

:lmao: :rotfl:

I think she enjoyed being able to drive the bumper car.


A foreshadowing of driving lessons to come…

But on the way out, we saw Flik out for his meet and greet. I was only joking when I pointed to him and asked DD if she wanted to go say hi.

I know, I’m cruel.

Yep… That one was a just might high on the “mean daddy” scale. :lmao:

We only did half of Bug’s Land because we’d frankly had enough… and because it was time to go ride RSR!!!

Yeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaw!

In the end, it worked fine, because he said he’d ride again if we came back tomorrow.

Well see, but for now that’s a big check in the win column.

When we exited, I had a text from DW saying they were riding Luigi’s Flying Tires. DS and I headed into the line, but actually got on right after they got off. After we rode, we all got in line and rode again.

…I’ve got to say that I’m sorry this ride is gone. Our kids absolutely loved it!!! It was easily DD’s favorite ride.

Cause she got to run into things again. (More of that foreshadowing?)
And you got to experience that one before it shut down.

Y’all made up for that mornings raged start quite nicely.
Quite nicely indeed.
:thumbsup2 For some reason this had escaped me! But it's a good point. popcorn::
You know she'll be hungry later. Most likely about 5 minutes after you leave the restaurant where she refused to eat. :sad2:

A job... at Disney?
Sign me up!
I didn't think I would have to twist your arm.

Ahhhh.... there she is.
I may have the odd photo of Ariel as well... :rolleyes1
Really, you don't say?

2 to 1...series win. That is all.:goodvibes

That's alright. It's just April. They need to re-evaluate some of the choices for the bullpen... Gregg and Diaz need to go, Lecure needs to come back. Homer should be back this weekend, which helps immensely. Pitching is going to be a weakness this year.

I am sad to say that these phrases may come in very helpful for my upcoming trip to Disney with middleschoolers. We had a surprising number of protein spills, et al, on the trip with my older son. (Two fourteen year olds, 1 pound of fudge, 11-11:30 pm = Gastro blasting)
I just... I can't. I don't want to know. :crazy2:

I'm guessing you have issues with Cookie Monster too

(I do!)

I'm guessing you have issues with Cookie Monster too

(I do!)

Yeah. Kids need to learn proper grammar, not have role models that can't speak English.

And they wonder why kids can't pass tests anymore ... it's because their role models don't teach them anything.
That's alright. It's just April. They need to re-evaluate some of the choices for the bullpen... Gregg and Diaz need to go, Lecure needs to come back. Homer should be back this weekend, which helps immensely. Pitching is going to be a weakness this year.

Oh trust me...I know it is only April. But it is so rare to see us play so well and be in first place. I have to enjoy it while I can. ;)
Wow, your time in California Adventure was interesting-surprising-frustrating!
It certainly ran the scale of all emotions.

I'm so glad that for the most part your son was feeling ok (although I was a bit scared about Mater's Jamboree ride)
::yes:: He did pretty well. By the end of the day, we were basically back to normal.

There is just so much wrong about the park opening!

10 am for regular hours? Really?
That's kind of what I was thinking too! That's like 1 pm at home!

Parks were open at 8 am when we were there in July, so 7 am early entry which was perfect as we were still adjusting from east coast time! I would be crawling out of my skin waiting for a 9 am opening. And waiting. And waiting! How do you not open at opening time? Of course, Universal does it a little differently- the parks are open but you can't get in because the finger scanners don't work, but at least they make a show of it.
We had those early hours on our last day. And I did kind of like that. I had no problem getting up early on the west coast!

Maybe the CMs didn't realize people were headed to RSR. Of course they should have let people know the ride was down before you had to go all the way back there. And then to find TSMM down. And I'm assuming Soarin' was closed for your trip, too.
No kidding. I mean they had CM's all the way along the street in Radiator Springs telling everyone to use the right side of the street for RSR and funneling people that direction. They could have just as easily said it was closed so we could do something else instead.

Yes, Soarin was closed and the entire Condor Flats area was walled off.

The kids smiles on the carousel are precious.
::yes:: They love carousels.

:woohoo: for California Screamin'!!! Glad your back did not suffer after riding.
I was relieved that I got through it just fine!

We had the same thoughts about the TSMM queue and the other queues that are open to the elements at DL/CA.
I know... it just seems like it could be brutal on a hot sunny day. Or in the case of rain!

Phew, about getting the RSR Fast Pass!
I was glad to be able to knock it out on day 1. It was probably the biggest priority of the trip!

We did not ride a lot of the things you did- no Mater's, no Monsters, nothing in Bugsland.

Well, you certainly didn't miss anything in Bugs Land. :rotfl2:

I love the signs you posted from the Mater queue. I :lmao:at CAR-NEGIE HAUL.
I totally missed that one until @Leshaface pointed it out.

Thanks for sharing the Princess pictures and the photo of the framed pictures. So adorable!!!

I'm glad we got to ride the tires once before they went away.
I know. It was fun. Not something I'd wait in a long line to ride, but for what it was, we enjoyed it!

The photopass pictures are all great, especially with Lightning. DS looks so much better than he did the day before!
Thanks! He did look and act a lot better.

I'm so used to WDW opening hours that a 9 am extra hour seems so late! I completely get why you were ready to go wait at rope drop so early.
Oh man, The racers and TSMM were both closed during the magic hour? That's the advantage of the perk, getting into those rides before the main guests swarm in. I bet you definitely didn't expect to use that time to have the kids ride the carasouel...
It was brutal! Being used to WDW and the typical "surprise" opening a few minutes early, the 20 minute late opening just didn't sit well with me. I don't know if it was a freak occurrence or something that happens fairly often. :confused3 It definitely took the wind out of our sails getting in the park to find our top 2 priorities for that EMH both being closed.

Glad lunch was good. My father in-law used to own a steak and seafood restaurant, and his philosophy was, "if you are going to serve seafood, you better have the best dang steak in town, as well. So that people who don't eat fish still wanna come to your restaurant." Your comment on the beef dish made me think of that.
:rotfl2: Yeah. Good point. I'll eat seafood, but it usually isn't my first choice. I was actually leaning towards trying a seafood dish, but when I saw the word "barbecue" my mind was set.

I have seen videos of the Monsters Inc ride and it looks so cool. I agree that WDW should get something similar in one the parks.
I think it would be a very popular ride. I always enjoy the dark rides and that is something I liked about DL. They have plenty of them! Always nice to have fast loading, shorter wait rides that you can do with the kids!

Man, no World of Color that trip. I remember you saying that in your PTR, but being reminded of it while you were in DL had to be tough.
Yeah, that was a huge disappointment. As was missing out on the Matterhorn.
”Yep, you're livin' the dream, Mater boy.”

Ironic thing is, anymore, tractors are probably smarter than your average person.

”How about some organic fuel?”

Yah, the international currency exchange rate from US Dollars to Walt-o-Bucks tends to leave us all at a slight monetary disadvantage.
You ain't kidding. :faint:

Well… they promised you early entry into the park…
but apparently that doesn’t necessarily guarantee early “use” of the park.
Yeah, next time I'm reading the fine print.

“the cutest little town in Carburetor County.”

So you’re tellin’ me that there wasn’t a mad dash for the Fun Wheel?
Apparently not...

Okay, here we go. Focus. Speed. I am speed…”

Does sound like quite the mad house.
It was. CM's were leading the way, so it isn't like you could pass them. But the ones who were farther back in the pack were literally running to pass everyone else and get close to the rope. I may or may not have chicken winged a few of them. :rolleyes1

Detailes, detailes…
Just never satisfied, are ya’?
No. Not when I can't ride anything!!!

“Oh, for the love of Chrysler!”

This is starting to get neigh on to comical.
::yes:: Well, at least comical for you. Not so much to me.

Works for me.
‘bout time y’all got to ride something… anything…

That’s much better; things are starting to pick up a bit.
They are indeed.

And that’s one you can’t catch anywhere else.
It is a fun one. I can easily see them doing something similar in WDW. It wouldn't necessarily have to be Mater themed, but it looks like it would be a simple concept to replicate and with a couple of rings going, it is definitely a people eater.

It was very good.

It’s a Princess-apalooza!
I do believe your little girl there was ”happier 'n a tornado in a trailer park!”
Indeed she was!

A foreshadowing of driving lessons to come…
Sounds about right. And she'll be learning soon. DS has already had driving lessons.

Yep… That one was a just might high on the “mean daddy” scale. :lmao:
I know... but how could I resist?

Yeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaw!

Well see, but for now that’s a big check in the win column.

Cause she got to run into things again. (More of that foreshadowing?)
And you got to experience that one before it shut down.
Whatever the case may be, we loved it!

Y’all made up for that mornings raged start quite nicely.
Quite nicely indeed.
We did. Once the attractions actually opened, we managed to get through the bulk of our DCA must dos. :thumbsup2
Yeah. Kids need to learn proper grammar, not have role models that can't speak English.

And they wonder why kids can't pass tests anymore ... it's because their role models don't teach them anything.
Hey! I grew up watching Cookie Monster... Ok, point taken. :sad2:

Part of the problem is that we basically test kids on how they take tests, rather than testing them on what they actually know. Education has been a hot button issue here in Indiana lately, and I'm sure it will continue. Some of the things we've gone through with DS as we get ready to send him to Kindergarten next year just borderline on absurd. And it definitely makes me understand why one would want to home school.

Oh trust me...I know it is only April. But it is so rare to see us play so well and be in first place. I have to enjoy it while I can. ;)
Just don't get used to it. You know the stupid Cardinals will be there sooner or later. :sad2:
Part of the problem is that we basically test kids on how they take tests, rather than testing them on what they actually know. Education has been a hot button issue here in Indiana lately, and I'm sure it will continue. Some of the things we've gone through with DS as we get ready to send him to Kindergarten next year just borderline on absurd. And it definitely makes me understand why one would want to home school.

The testing thing is definitely a big issue. I understand the need for standardized tests, but it's definitely hard for schools to find the balance between teaching kids what they need to know and ensuring that kids pass the tests.

For me, the bigger issue is that when kids do learn ... they're often not taught the real world applications of what they learn, and they're not taught to continue to use those skills. As a bio major in college, nobody ever cared if my lab reports were grammatically correct, just that I had the right information and drew appropriate conclusions. And who needs grammar or spelling when modern communication is limited to 140 characters, where there's no room for proper spelling or grammar. So basically, it's half cookie monster's fault and half twitter's fault.

But let's get back to the happier stuff ... Disney!
A female CM was standing at the rope making some kind of announcement. She might as well have been speaking Swahili because I couldn’t understand a word she said.

I think I got the same CM at rope drop! Sounded a lot like Charlie Brown's teacher.


More CM yelling. I did catch something about not running. I think.


Still waiting.


:faint: I'm sure they gave everyone a discount for that lost time.

Funny thing.

Not one single CM thought to mention that RSR wasn’t operating.

This might have been useful information.

We walked past Ariel’s Grotto and California Screamin’ and as we got to TSMM we found a familiar scene.

CM’s standing in front of a rope telling everyone the attraction is closed.


Not what I had planned for my first ride to be at Disneyland, but certainly not a bad choice! It was a fun ride, and I really enjoyed it. I did think at one point I as I was being jerked around on one of the curves that it was a stupid idea to make that my first ride on our first morning. I could just feel the muscles in my back tighten as I tried to hold myself upright. But thankfully when the ride ended I stood up, stretched, and felt fine

Well, that's not a bad choice for the first ride. I really wanted to try that one. It looked from the side like a step between BTMRR and RnRC.

While she rode, I grabbed a picture of the guts of World of Color. I was really disappointed that it was undergoing refurbishment while we were there. It is one of the main things I really wanted to see while we were in Disneyland.

Sorry you missed it. Not sorry you missed out on the wait beforehand, though.:rolleyes1

This is where it hit me how much different DL is. There is no shade or protection from rain, to speak of, in that entire queue. I realize that it “never rains” at DL, but while a rain storm can easily be endured at WDW, it could certainly ruin a day at DL. There is just no escape from it!

::yes:: It's not great if the sun is unusually warm that day, either.

It was probably a bad idea to take DS on it since we were concerned about spinny rides. But he handled it well and had a smile on his face from start to finish. We felt pretty good about him being over whatever his issues were the day before.

I would pronounce him fully healed. Hey, it's not my kid.

Red Oak-Smoked Honey-Whiskey Barbecue Tri-Tip - Thinly Sliced with Mashed Potatoes and Seasonal Vegetables.

Sounds awesome! I will have to remember that for when I go back in 20 years.

DS had no interest in meeting the princesses. Which was fine.

Just growing up.

The Laugh Floor at MK is fine, but I’d much prefer if they had a ride like this at WDW from Monsters Inc.

I don't know, I like the Laugh Floor quite a bit.

I think she enjoyed being able to drive the bumper car.

Well, who wouldn't?:confused3

But on the way out, we saw Flik out for his meet and greet. I was only joking when I pointed to him and asked DD if she wanted to go say hi.

I know, I’m cruel.

:rotfl2::rotfl: One of the benefits of fatherhood.

Well, once your car rolls into Radiator Springs it is dark… and it is loud. He wasn’t excited about riding again, but I finally convinced him to go.

In the end, it worked fine, because he said he’d ride again if we came back tomorrow.

So...I guess you all liked it?:confused3
<phew!> I was getting a tad concerned with all the "Blame Canada" stuff.
Woot! Off the hook!

Actually, it's half Canada's fault and half other factors ... of the other factors, it's half cookie monster, half twitter (so it's actually 1/2 Canada, 1/4 Cookie Monster, 1/4 Twitter).
The half Canada's fault thing is implied.
Actually, it's half Canada's fault and half other factors ... of the other factors, it's half cookie monster, half twitter (so it's actually 1/2 Canada, 1/4 Cookie Monster, 1/4 Twitter).
The half Canada's fault thing is implied.
Dang! So close.

So close.
I was computer less for one week and you guys have already been to and from. San Diego, checked into crazy marathon weekend, had a sick baby, weird cell phone issues and spent the better part of a day in DL!

Glad I'm all caught up. It sounds like it's been a fun trip with a few hiccups on the way.

Excited for your next installment!
Ugh...the only team I hate equally with the White Sox!
I think I probably hate the Cards more than any other team. I don't so much hate the Cubs as I just like making fun of them. If they were consistently good, I'd probably hate them too though. :rotfl:

There is definitely not a player in Major League baseball that I hate more than Yadier Molina. I'll give credit where credit is due, he's definitely one of the best catchers in the league, but I can't stand him.

<phew!> I was getting a tad concerned with all the "Blame Canada" stuff.
Woot! Off the hook!
You're never off the hook.

I think I got the same CM at rope drop! Sounded a lot like Charlie Brown's teacher.
The only difference was that Charlie Brown's teacher actually talked loud enough you could hear. Maybe not understand, but you could hear.

:faint: I'm sure they gave everyone a discount for that lost time.
Well, they certainly discounted our park time. :headache:

This might have been useful information.
Oh, you know, minor details. Nobody was going to RSR anyway. :crazy2:

:rotfl2::rotfl::lmao: First time I've ever seen that one! :thumbsup2

Well, that's not a bad choice for the first ride. I really wanted to try that one. It looked from the side like a step between BTMRR and RnRC.
Hmm... kind of. It is considerably faster than BTMRR and longer than both of them. It really is like a smoother version of an old school wooden coaster... except for the loop obviously. From the look of it, that's seems to be what they were going for so I think they did it very well. It's definitely a fun ride, and I sure wouldn't argue against a similar coaster being placed in WDW.

Sorry you missed it. Not sorry you missed out on the wait beforehand, though.:rolleyes1
Good point. :faint:

::yes:: It's not great if the sun is unusually warm that day, either.
Yeah, I was thinking that too. Just no escape from the sun or rain in the queues.

I would pronounce him fully healed. Hey, it's not my kid.
Works for me. :confused3

Sounds awesome! I will have to remember that for when I go back in 20 years.
Well, if you and Julie have another surprise you'll have to start the state count over again.:rotfl:

Just growing up.

I don't know, I like the Laugh Floor quite a bit.
I do to. I don't mean to knock it, but if I had to choose between it and the ride, I think I liked the ride better.

Well, who wouldn't?:confused3
Good point.

:rotfl2::rotfl: One of the benefits of fatherhood.
::yes:: If you don't scare traumatize your kids every once in a while, you aren't doing it right.

So...I guess you all liked it?:confused3
Well, kind of a minor TR fail on my part. I guess I just thought it went without saying. It. Was. AWESOME!!!!!! :jumping1:
Actually, it's half Canada's fault and half other factors ... of the other factors, it's half cookie monster, half twitter (so it's actually 1/2 Canada, 1/4 Cookie Monster, 1/4 Twitter).
The half Canada's fault thing is implied.

Dang! So close.

So close.
I think she just won the internet.

I was computer less for one week and you guys have already been to and from. San Diego, checked into crazy marathon weekend, had a sick baby, weird cell phone issues and spent the better part of a day in DL!
Welcome back to the DIS! You know how it is, when the going gets tough... well, it usually gets tougher.

Glad I'm all caught up. It sounds like it's been a fun trip with a few hiccups on the way.
Yes, thankfully most of the hiccups are in the past by this point.

Excited for your next installment!
I'm not even sure whose TR I was reading when I stumbled over here to yours but I have been catching up on the entire thing for the past couple of days. I love the attitude you write with!! :) Can't wait to read more about your exciting adventures at DL! I have always wanted to go there and figure I'll make it some day. I just can't decide if my DH and I will do it as a couple or bring our DS, 5, who would absolutely go mad for Radiator Springs!


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