So Much Freakin’ Epicness Y'all! A May 2019 Epic DIS Meet TR Updated 11/21 x 7!


DIS Veteran
Jan 25, 2012
Hi Y’all and welcome to another one of my TRs! I think most people know me by now but if you don’t, I’m Ariana and I live outside Atlanta GA with my husband Jim and our five furry butts. Yep, you read that right, we have 5 dogs.

Jim doesn’t factor at all into this trip, he’s more of a once a year or even every other year kind of Disney guy. We actually went twice in 2018 which was way more than enough for him so he won’t be joining me on my trips this year. Here’s a picture of the two of us from our January 2018 trip.

And since I think they are the cutest dogs ever, I’m going to spam you with pictures of my dogs before I go on to talk about this trip.

First up is Sierra, she is a 9 year old Miniature Schnauzer and the apple of her Daddy’s eye. We bought her home as a puppy and is the last dog we bought from a breeder.

Next is Remy aka “The Little Rat”. He’s a Yorkie and was the first to follow me home from the local animal shelter where I volunteer. He was supposed to be a foster over the holidays when the shelter was closed but he never ended up going back. He is extremely high maintenance and even though I love him to death, I’m not sure if I would ever get another Yorkie.

Ellie is our next baby. She is 3 years old and we believe she might be a Schnauzer/Jack Russell mix. She is an absolute sweetheart and never sits still. She is usually outside chasing down the many squirrels that inhabit our backyard. We brought her home from the shelter because she looked exactly like our dog Alex. Unfortunately we lost him to cancer a few months after we got her. Here she is photobombing me at the Atlanta Braves game last month. She loves going places so we took her to Bark at the Park.

At one point in 2017 we were down to just three dogs, Ellie, Sierra and Remy. Ellie, being so much younger than the other two, was driving them nuts wanting to play all the time. So we brought Buddy who is now 4 years old, home from the shelter as a playmate for her. We believe he is a Schnauzer/Dachshund mix because he has stubby legs and a long barrel shaped body.

Unfortunately Buddy did not turn out to be the playmate that Ellie needed. Even though he was around the same age as her, he was more content to lay on the couch then run around and play. By the time we realized that he wasn’t going to work out, he was already a member of our family. So the search continued for a playmate for Ellie. We introduced her to a couple of dogs at the shelter but nothing clicked until Sulley came along. He’s a Schnoodle and turned out to be the perfect playmate for Ellie. Jim and I both agree that he is one of the weirdest dogs we’ve ever had but in a good way that makes us laugh all the time. I mean, just look at how he likes to sit!

I see this upside down grin quite often too. One of my friends said he reminds her of a sloth.

OK, I think I’ve gone on long enough about my dogs. Let’s move on and talk about the actual trip now. Hopefully everyone is still here and hasn’t bailed on the TR yet.

When I first started looking at trips for 2019, I promised Jim that I would only go one time since I had 4 trips in 2018. He really wanted to go somewhere different in 2019 and we will be doing that with a visit to Charleston, SC this fall. He’s a bit of a history buff so we tend to visit historical cities a lot for him. For my one Disney trip, I decided to go down at the end of October for the Food and Wine marathon weekend to run the Fall Feast 5K. My goal is to run all four WDW 5Ks before my body decides it’s done with this running thing I’ve been doing.

But then I found the PTR talking about the Epic Girls trip that was in the works for May 2019. I “knew” most of the ladies that were going although I think many of them had no idea of who I was. I tend to read a lot more TRs then I comment on mainly because I’m an introvert and somewhat on the shy side. I went back and forth for a long time debating with myself as to whether I would speak up and join the group for that trip. As you know since I’m writing this TR, I finally did just that and decided to move my 2019 trip to May.

And boy am I glad I decided to speak up and join in! I will admit I was super nervous going into the trip because I really don’t make friends easily, I’m usually too quiet and withdrawn and rarely initiate with people. But I came away from this trip feeling like I made a group of lifetime friends. Like the title says, this trip was epic!

There will be many, many DISers to introduce as I go through this TR and I will try to tag everyone at the end of this post (please forgive me if I miss someone, it’s definitely not intentional). But there is one more that played a huge roll in the week and that was my roommate, Jackie (@missjackiemcg )

She was the only DISer on the trip that I had met before in real life so I felt comfortable in all my introvertedness (yes, I have a bad habit of making up words) to room with her. Once again I will admit I was super nervous but I felt like we ended up being perfect roommates. I’m pretty high maintenance and she isn’t but the rooms at Pop allowed me to get up earlier than her and close myself in the bathroom area to get ready. She joined our trip a little late because she wasn’t sure she could get off of work but I’m sure glad she did!

And here’s a list of the other DISer that I spent some time with and will be mentioned throughout the TR (Lesley (@Lesley Wake ) I basically stole this from your TR, thanks):

Su-Lynn (@chunkymonkey ) and her hubby Steve and sister Su-Queen, Lesley (@Lesley Wake ) Caroline (@disneyAndi14 ) Molly (@Mollydolly334 ) Liesa (@Steppesister ) and her mom, Billie (@Elevationist ) Sarah (@IowaTater ) Karilyn (@Malia78 ), Jennifer (@Chrystmasangel ). Ariella (@StarWarsMomofGirls! ) and her family. Fallon (@fallonkendra ) and her husband, Luke. Jenny (@Jenny Sanders ) and her DH, Joe. Karamie (@paradesintherain ) and her dad, Renee (@ArielSRL ) and her DH, Chad, Kari (@kastoney ), Ariane (@ariane37 ) and her DH, Steve, Kelly (@buzzrelly ), Mary (@MissMaryQC ) and her sister, Melinda (@pepperandchips ) and her husband Ryan, Lindsay (@LindseyJo22 ), Kelly (@cinderkelly ), Zack (@AMusicLifeForMe ) , @pkondz and Doc (@docsoliday1 ).

I spent a lot of time with some of these ladies (and gentlemen) and others I just said hello to in passing. I could have spent days and days with all of them getting to know each one better. I think all of us on the trip wished for more time to spend with this wonderful group!

Up Next: The Tater Tot Tragedy of 2019
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The Tater Tot Tragedy of 2019

I want to start off by saying I was so in the moment during this trip that I took very few pictures. I’m pretty sure I will be able to fit each day into one or two posts so maybe I will finish this TR faster than some of my previous ones. I also stole a lot of pictures off of Facebook from the other ladies. I am not good at the whole selfie thing so I let others take those this trip. I’ll try to point out when a photo is not mine but at this point, I’m not sure I will know who took each picture. If you see one of yours and want to claim it, please feel free to do so!

This first day is going to be pretty boring to most as there is no other DISers involved. There were a few that arrived before or around this time but I didn’t make plans with any of them for my arrival day.

I was originally supposed to arrive on Wednesday, May 1st but flights that day were super expensive for some weird reason. So I looked at Tuesday night and was able to book a 6:45 pm flight for $100 less than the Wednesday morning flight. I added a one night room only reservation for the 30th at a cost of about $130. So for $30 more I got the full day on Wednesday instead of a half day. That there is Disney math at its best!

Then I found out that I didn’t need to work on Tuesday like I thought I would so I moved my flight to 11:30 am, landing at MCO around 1:00 pm. Thank goodness for Southwest and the ability to change flights with no fees other than the difference in the cost of the flights. The 11:30 am flight was $25 more but once again Disney math and the thought of having a ½ day extra at Disney won out. I didn’t have a park ticket for the 30th but I figured I could head to Disney Springs for some shopping and dinner.

So I woke up on April 30th around 5:30 am. Yeah, I know, seems way too early for an 11:30 am flight but if you’ve ever experienced Atlanta rush hour traffic you will understand. My day started off normally, getting ready with part of the gang hanging out with me. The other two were probably off wrestling or chasing squirrels.

It’s not strange or anything to have a large dog bed in my bathroom so my babies can be as close to me as possible when I'm getting ready, right? Right??

I left for the airport at 7 am hoping to beat some of the rush hour traffic which runs from about 7 am to 10 am in Atlanta. It still took me almost 40 minutes to go the first 6 miles or so because there was an accident. But eventually I was able to scoot into the Express Lanes and fly along after that. Totally worth the $2-$3 I paid for the Express Lanes.

I made it to the parking place I use and caught a bus almost immediately to the airport. There was no line for check in and a very short one for the TSA pre-check so it was around 9 am when I found myself through security and at my gate. I’d much rather be early though than running to get to my flight.

I made a stop at Charley’s Philly Steaks on the way to my gate to grab some breakfast. This is my favorite stop for breakfast at the Atlanta airport. I ordered an egg sandwich (which they put on their awesome sandwich rolls) and tater tots.

Unfortunately, right after I took that picture, I managed to hit the cup of tater tots with my elbow and spilled them all over the floor. Nothing like starting out your trip by crawling all over the airport floor picking up tater tots. I didn’t feel like walking back to the restaurant to get more so I just contented myself with the egg sandwich.

While I was sitting there waiting for my flight, I reset my phone ticker to discover that the 180 mark for my next trip was coming up in a few days. I wasn’t too worried about it though because I’m not planning a lot of hard to get Table Services for that trip since it will be a short one.

And yes I am going back in October/November, did you expect anything else? I’m not exactly sure how I pulled that one off but Jim didn’t protest too much.

My flight boarded on time and was uneventful. I usually take the first window seat I see when boarding on Southwest and there was no one in the middle seat for the flight.

I took this lovely selfie on the Magical Express at 1:24 pm so not bad for landing around 1:00 pm.

Luckily for you guys I didn’t take very many selfies this trip. I did take one more picture before we headed out because, well, Pluto.

If anyone out there has somehow missed it, I am extremely obsessed with Pluto. I have an entire room in my house dedicated to Pluto memorabilia. Of course it’s still a huge mess right now because our basement, where it’s located, flooded last year when a pipe froze and broke. Thank goodness no Plutos were harmed but everything had to be packed up and moved out in order to replace the carpeting down there. I’ve been slowly working to get everything back on the shelves but it’s been quite the task!

While I was in route to Pop, I got my room ready text. I was in room 3456, 4th Floor, Building 3 which was in the 50s section. Pop was the first stop and I headed straight to my room to drop off my carry-on bag. Before I did anything though, I took pictures of the room since this was my first time seeing the newly renovated rooms.

I just realized I didn’t take a picture before I started taking down the other bed. But you can kind of get an idea of what it looks with the table there.

Can you guess from the next picture which bed I used for the week?

I was excited to see the coffee maker because even though I don’t drink coffee, my Mom does. I took a picture of the supplies available for making coffee to send to her.

I also played with the door to the bathroom area which came in handy later in the week once Jackie got there.

I was also super excited for the cute little soap dish that was provided. The sinks in the rooms prior to the renovations had a small indent for the soap that drained into the sink. But once the soap got small enough, it would slide right down into the sink. Mom and I would always bring a soap dish with us to prevent this. So once again I took this picture to send to her.

I put on my SPF 100 sunscreen and headed back out to the bus stop to catch one to Disney Springs.

Oh, before I get there, I just wanted to mention that the room was in a perfect location. It was a short walk from the main building and near enough to the elevators to not ever use the steps. It was also on the opposite side of the building from the pool so mostly quiet. We did have some noise from the room next to us the first few nights but that was it. We were able to stay in the same room all week even though I had two different reservations. The beds were very comfortable and I slept well most nights. I think the only downside was the amount of space the pull down bed took up and also the sharp edges on that bed. It was a little cramped when the bed was down and I banged my leg off the corners a few times which was not pleasant.

There was about a 15 minute wait for the next DS bus but there was no line so I sat on a bench in the shade until it got there.

My first stop at Disney Springs was the Disney Style store. I really love this store and can usually lay down some serious cash here. But I was getting really hungry at this point and didn’t spend much time. I saw after I got home that they now have a cute Tiki Room raincoat that I probably would have bought in a heartbeat. But I either missed seeing it or it wasn’t available yet.

I was actually getting a little lightheaded from hunger and also the heat and humidity that my body hadn’t adjusted too yet so I decided to get some late lunch/early dinner. I hadn’t really decided between D-Luxe Burger, The Polite Pig, The Chicken Guy or Blaze Pizza before I left for the trip. At that moment though I was craving a burger so I headed to D-Luxe burger.

One thing to know about me if you are new to the TR is that I am extremely picky. I basically never got over my 2 year old palette. I tend to live on chicken tenders and burgers with the occasional plain fish or spaghetti thrown in. On my burgers I like ketchup only so that’s what I ordered along with a side of the fries.

Overall the burger was very good. Definitely not the best I’ve ever had but I would go back for another one. I was slightly disappointed by the fries though. They don’t look it in the picture but they kind of tasted overcooked. I only ate about ½ of them but it was still plenty to fill me up.

Feeling much better after a solid meal, I headed next door to Guest Services. For some reason I thought I had to use my tickets first before I could upgrade to an Annual Pass so I was planning on doing that the next day. But right before I left for the trip, I read somewhere that I could do it without having to scan into a park. I figured that since I was right there, I might as well give it a try. And I was able to do it with no problem at all! I was in an out in less than 10 minutes with this baby in hand.

I had let my previous AP expire at the beginning of January because at the time I thought I would be going in May and then not till February 2020. It made more sense to wait until the May trip to upgrade again. I was very happy to once again be an AP holder.

From there I headed to Ever After Jewelry Co. I had a specific ring in mind that I had seen back in October that I wanted to buy. There were actually two rings I debated on during that trip and while I did buy one, I had serious regrets afterwards, wishing I had bought both. Unfortunately the one I wanted was not in the case when I entered the store. I asked a cast member about it and she said it had sold out a while ago. I left the store empty handed and disappointed.

Then I wandered over to the World of Disney to look around. I did find a few items to buy here. First up was some socks. I had to have the pair with Pluto on them and since it was cheaper if you bought two pairs (Disney math again people) I also grabbed the Stitch pair. Stitch is my second favorite character after Pluto.

No idea when I will wear them but the sure are cute. Well, after I examined the Stitch ones a bit further, they are a little disturbing. When you put them on, it appears that Stitch is eating your leg.

I also saw these awesome Donald ears and sent a picture to a friend who loves Donald. She had asked me to look out for them for her but had managed to find a pair right before I got there. Personally I have a very hard time with mouse ears. They hit a nerve in the side of my head and cause bad headaches so I never wear them.

I only picked up one other thing at Mouse Gear. I love the pens that Disney makes, they write very well. I have plenty at work but I decided I wanted a set for home. I ended up with this set which is based on Magic Kingdom rides.

Here’s some closer pictures so you can read what they say.

I moved on to Arribas brothers and found something for Jim. His favorite Star Wars character is Boba Fett.

For some reason though, he didn’t want it. I mean, come on, it was only $8,550, I can’t understand why he wouldn’t let me buy it for him.

I looked all through the Co-op. I thought about getting a toy for the dogs but there wasn’t anything new and after what they did with the last one, I wasn’t about to spend the money. I also drooled over the dresses but walked away. As cute as they all are, I’m just not a dress person.

Moving on to Trendy, I looked at rings again and ended up settling for a different one since the one I really wanted was sold out. I couldn’t get a great picture of it but here’s one from off the Disney store web site. It’s really beautiful and much more sparkly than it appears.

I moved on and looked quickly at the pin store, the Christmas store and then finally the art store. In the art store, I found this cute little Pluto picture to bring home. It’s actually a plastic frame but you can’t tell that till you pick it up. I need to find a little easel to set it up on in my Pluto room.

By this time it was around 5 pm, my new AP was burning a hole in my pocket and Epcot was open until 11 pm with Extra Magic Hours. I decided to head back to Pop to drop off my purchases and then head to Epcot for a few hours. Of course I managed to just miss a bus at the DS stop and had to wait about 20 minutes for one. While I waited though, I hopped on MDE and was able to snag a Soarin’ FP for 7:30 pm.

I think I will leave off there and finish out my evening at Epcot in the next post.

Up Next: I Think We Have a 23-19!
Am I first?!?
It was so nice meeting you finally, I'm glad you spoke up to join the group!!

But then I found the PTR talking about the Epic Girls trip that was in the works for May 2019. I “knew” most of the ladies that were going although I think many of them had no idea of who I was. I tend to read a lot more TRs then I comment on mainly because I’m an introvert and somewhat on the shy side. I went back and forth for a long time debating with myself as to whether I would speak up and join the group for that trip. As you know since I’m writing this TR, I finally did just that and decided to move my 2019 trip to May.

And boy am I glad I decided to speak up and join in! I will admit I was super nervous going into the trip because I really don’t make friends easily, I’m usually too quiet and withdrawn and rarely initiate with people. But I came away from this trip feeling like I made a group of lifetime friends. Like the title says, this trip was epic!

I would not have expected this! I thought you were super outgoing and friendly! Sometimes I am shy too, I think it depends on the group dynamic and if I find I don't have anything in common with people I find I don't tend to interact. But around people that love Disney I tend to blossom and soon I can't stop talking about Disney!! I loved our group and thought all of us together was amazing!

Unfortunately, right after I took that picture, I managed to hit the cup of tater tots with my elbow and spilled them all over the floor. Nothing like starting out your trip by crawling all over the airport floor picking up tater tots. I didn’t feel like walking back to the restaurant to get more so I just contented myself with the egg sandwich.

Oh no!! I would be so sad. I love tater tots...but for you they became...LATER, tots! (I crack myself up sometimes) :rotfl:

Can you guess from the next picture which bed I used for the week?


Oh, before I get there, I just wanted to mention that the room was in a perfect location. It was a short walk from the main building and near enough to the elevators to not ever use the steps. It was also on the opposite side of the building from the pool so mostly quiet. We did have some noise from the room next to us the first few nights but that was it. We were able to stay in the same room all week even though I had two different reservations. The beds were very comfortable and I slept well most nights. I think the only downside was the amount of space the pull down bed took up and also the sharp edges on that bed. It was a little cramped when the bed was down and I banged my leg off the corners a few times which was not pleasant.

I agree the room did seem so much smaller with the bed down!

Overall the burger was very good. Definitely not the best I’ve ever had but I would go back for another one. I was slightly disappointed by the fries though. They don’t look it in the picture but they kind of tasted overcooked. I only ate about ½ of them but it was still plenty to fill me up.

I really liked the fries there!

I had let my previous AP expire at the beginning of January because at the time I thought I would be going in May and then not till February 2020. It made more sense to wait until the May trip to upgrade again. I was very happy to once again be an AP holder.


No idea when I will wear them but the sure are cute. Well, after I examined the Stitch ones a bit further, they are a little disturbing. When you put them on, it appears that Stitch is eating your leg.

That's really funny! The socks looks really cute!

For some reason though, he didn’t want it. I mean, come on, it was only $8,550, I can’t understand why he wouldn’t let me buy it for him.

I don't understand much cheaper than the castle!!
I am here! It was so good to meet you that one day in Hollywood Studios! Hopefully it won't be the last!

And boy am I glad I decided to speak up and join in! I will admit I was super nervous going into the trip because I really don’t make friends easily, I’m usually too quiet and withdrawn and rarely initiate with people. But I came away from this trip feeling like I made a group of lifetime friends. Like the title says, this trip was epic!
I can relate. I felt weird since I wasn't apart of the official plans. I kind of felt like I was butting in on the fun. But it was def worth it.

I’d much rather be early though than running to get to my flight.
I would much rather be there with time to relax as well! I get butterflies everytime we leave for the airport no matter how early we leave.

Can you guess from the next picture which bed I used for the week?

I sense a theme! It's like the room was made for you!

I saw after I got home that they now have a cute Tiki Room raincoat that I probably would have bought in a heartbeat. But I either missed seeing it or it wasn’t available yet.
I think these came out after we left. I saw the Tiki Raincoat and LOVE IT too!

! I was in an out in less than 10 minutes with this baby in hand.

YEAH! I have loved being an Annual Passholder so far!
I'm here! Can't wait to hear your take on this trip, it looked like a lot of fun!

That's great that you ended up getting an early start to your trip!

Sounds like a good time at Disney Springs! I love the ring you bought!
Here too!
I'll come back to read and comment later tonight. :)
Joining in! Your pups are so cute!! I definitely laughed out loud at your Sulley sits! Too cute! We only have one dog, a pug, I would love to get another but I definitely worry about vacations with more than one dog so I guess we'll stick with one for now!

Disney math is seriously the best. I feel like SW and Disney must be in cahoots with their no change fee lol because I have changed my flights SO many times to get more Disney time in! Especially if the difference is paying more for a flight or getting more Disney time!!

Love the pluto socks and the pens, I definitely need to pick up some of those pens the next time I'm there! I always think I want to buy one of the fun looking autograph pens but then I realize how crazy I'll look at work using them lol so those ones will definitely make me happy without making me look like a crazy Disney person! (even though they all already know this :rotfl:)
But then I found the PTR talking about the Epic Girls trip that was in the works for May 2019. I “knew” most of the ladies that were going although I think many of them had no idea of who I was. I tend to read a lot more TRs then I comment on mainly because I’m an introvert and somewhat on the shy side. I went back and forth for a long time debating with myself as to whether I would speak up and join the group for that trip. As you know since I’m writing this TR, I finally did just that and decided to move my 2019 trip to May.
And we were so happy you could come! It was so much fun meeting you!

And here’s a list of the other DISer that I spent some time with and will be mentioned throughout the TR (Lesley (@Lesley Wake ) I basically stole this from your TR, thanks):
Hey, I stole it from @chunkymonkey !
I was originally supposed to arrive on Wednesday, May 1st but flights that day were super expensive for some weird reason. So I looked at Tuesday night and was able to book a 6:45 pm flight for $100 less than the Wednesday morning flight. I added a one night room only reservation for the 30th at a cost of about $130. So for $30 more I got the full day on Wednesday instead of a half day. That there is Disney math at its best!
Totally makes sense!

It’s not strange or anything to have a large dog bed in my bathroom so my babies can be as close to me as possible when I'm getting ready, right? Right??
Hey, we have 1 dog and 4 dog beds placed around the house! Kitchen, Living Room, my Bedroom (where she sleeps), and my parent's bedroom!

But you can kind of get an idea of what it looks with the table there.

I never really realized how the table folded down - The split in the table leg makes so much more sense!

For some reason though, he didn’t want it. I mean, come on, it was only $8,550, I can’t understand why he wouldn’t let me buy it for him.
Just wait until it hits the outlet, then get it! :P
Yay I'm here too, partner! ;)

OK, I think I’ve gone on long enough about my dogs. Let’s move on and talk about the actual trip now.
Noooooo do we have to? Okay, fine, if we have to talk about something other than dogs (and schnauzers to boot!) then Disney is okay.

Well, after I examined the Stitch ones a bit further, they are a little disturbing. When you put them on, it appears that Stitch is eating your leg.


Well of course he is... ?

These are so cute! I never look closely enough at the merch I guess, I never would have looked at these but I love them!
Off to a good start! I am going to have to tell friends I may have found someone more obsessed with Pluto than me! I would love Pluto room (and probably do have enough for one now), but alas no space for one. Funny story, am house sitting (and doggy sitting) for a friend. I went and grabbed one of the kids stuffed Plutos when I saw it to snuggle with and love on. Now to find the other kids Pluto - I know they each have one since I gave them each one!
Yep, you read that right, we have 5 dogs.

I feel like we briefly talked about this, but definitely not long enough!

And since I think they are the cutest dogs ever, I’m going to spam you with pictures of my dogs before I go on to talk about this trip.

Yes please! And please continue to do so :) "Here's my Haunted Mansion photo, followed by a picture of Buddy. Here's a Slinky Dog picture, followed by a picture of Remy..."

And boy am I glad I decided to speak up and join in!

Me too! It was great to meet you!

I will admit I was super nervous going into the trip because I really don’t make friends easily, I’m usually too quiet and withdrawn and rarely initiate with people. But I came away from this trip feeling like I made a group of lifetime friends.

Same! I was so nervous before the trip, but everyone was so amazing that it was if we'd all known each other for years!

It’s not strange or anything to have a large dog bed in my bathroom so my babies can be as close to me as possible when I'm getting ready, right? Right??

Totally normal. I approve.

Unfortunately, right after I took that picture, I managed to hit the cup of tater tots with my elbow and spilled them all over the floor. Nothing like starting out your trip by crawling all over the airport floor picking up tater tots.

Oh no! I'm very serious about my potatoes, so that would made me so sad! :sad:

Can you guess from the next picture which bed I used for the week?

Hmmm... I wonder? Haha

I think the only downside was the amount of space the pull down bed took up and also the sharp edges on that bed. It was a little cramped when the bed was down and I banged my leg off the corners a few times which was not pleasant.

I've only stayed at Pop with Luke and I, so we always leave the bed folded up. We have pulled it down just to see, and it makes for such a tight fit by the door!

On my burgers I like ketchup only

Same! Mustard is gross, relish is gross, onions are gross, tomatoes are gross...

For some reason though, he didn’t want it. I mean, come on, it was only $8,550, I can’t understand why he wouldn’t let me buy it for him.

I can't figure out why he didn't want it?!


Very pretty!
Hi Ariella!!! It was so nice meeting you. I forgot you have Schnauzers. I love them!!! My grandparents always had them, and I think they are adorable!!!

I love the pens that Disney makes

OMG! Me too! I need to get some in June when I'm there...

By this time it was around 5 pm, my new AP was burning a hole in my pocket

I have a feeling we will both get a lot of use out of these!!!
I live outside Atlanta GA

Because they won't let you in?


Yep, you read that right, we have 5 dogs.

Or 43,862 if you count all the Plutos.

And since I think they are the cutest dogs ever, I’m going to spam you with pictures of my dogs before I go on to talk about this trip.

Spam away!

Cute pups!! :goodvibes

Hopefully everyone is still here and hasn’t bailed on the TR yet.

Still here!

When I first started looking at trips for 2019, I promised Jim that I would only go one time since I had 4 trips in 2018.

And he believed you????

My goal is to run all four WDW 5Ks before my body decides it’s done with this running thing I’ve been doing.

Oh! So that's what happened to me. My body decided. It had nothing to do with my extreme loathing of long distance running.
(Or.. just running.)

I’m an introvert and somewhat on the shy side.

You've mentioned that...
And, well... so am I.
I've gotten old enough to not care as much anymore, though.
But... I never once thought of you as shy or introverted. I enjoyed your company (brief though it was, both this year and last) very much.

I’m usually too quiet and withdrawn and rarely initiate with people.

I don't do great in group situations. I much prefer smaller. 1 or 2 is good.

Like the title says, this trip was epic!


introvertedness (yes, I have a bad habit of making up words)

It's because of your general gift of wordiology.
I want to start off by saying I was so in the moment during this trip that I took very few pictures.

I hear that.
While I wasn't too bad with the pictures... there was a point in my trip where I practically stopped. You'll see (if you're going to read along, I mean.)

maybe I will finish this TR faster than some of my previous ones

:laughing: I've said that in the past!

I also stole a lot of pictures off of Facebook from the other ladies.

:eek: Thief!!

I am not good at the whole selfie thing

I rarely take them. Probably as many as you... which is to say... almost none.

If you see one of yours and want to claim it, please feel free to do so!

Hey! That's mine!


for $30 more I got the full day on Wednesday instead of a half day. That there is Disney math at its best!


The 11:30 am flight was $25 more but once again Disney math and the thought of having a ½ day extra at Disney won out.

That's a no brainer. I'd do the same.

It’s not strange or anything to have a large dog bed in my bathroom so my babies can be as close to me as possible when I'm getting ready, right? Right??

Right. Piper usually is pretty aloof, but Luna goes wherever the people go.

It still took me almost 40 minutes to go the first 6 miles or so because there was an accident.


That sammie looks good! I'm not a tater tot fan. As far as I'm concerned, you could just toss them.

Unfortunately, right after I took that picture, I managed to hit the cup of tater tots with my elbow and spilled them all over the floor. Nothing like starting out your trip by crawling all over the airport floor picking up tater tots.

I didn't mean literally!!

And yes I am going back in October/November, did you expect anything else? I’m not exactly sure how I pulled that one off but Jim didn’t protest too much.

You have him well trained. ;)

I took this lovely selfie on the Magical Express at 1:24 pm so not bad for landing around 1:00 pm.

That's quick! did you sprint? You did say you were a runner.

I did take one more picture before we headed out because, well, Pluto.

Of course!

If anyone out there has somehow missed it, I am extremely obsessed with Pluto.

This, I know.

I took pictures of the room since this was my first time seeing the newly renovated rooms.

Thanks for that. They weren't renovated when I was there last.

That's cool how the table folds!

Can you guess from the next picture which bed I used for the week?

Hmmm... it's very subtle, but I think I can guess...

I also played with the door to the bathroom area which came in handy later in the week once Jackie got there.

Huh! A sliding door for privacy! Very nice!

The sinks in the rooms prior to the renovations had a small indent for the soap that drained into the sink. But once the soap got small enough, it would slide right down into the sink.

Wow. That's poor design, right there.

I put on my SPF 100 sunscreen

This exists?

Oh, before I get there, I just wanted to mention that the room was in a perfect location. It was a short walk from the main building and near enough to the elevators to not ever use the steps. It was also on the opposite side of the building from the pool so mostly quiet.

Nice. :)

I banged my leg off the corners a few times which was not pleasant.


One thing to know about me if you are new to the TR is that I am extremely picky.

This too, I knew. Never did touch those veggies at the pool hall, did you.

I basically never got over my 2 year old palette.

Awww... you're just young at heart. (And in reality, too.)

Overall the burger was very good. Definitely not the best I’ve ever had but I would go back for another one

Good to know. I've had that on my list for a while.

I was in an out in less than 10 minutes with this baby in hand.


Unfortunately the one I wanted was not in the case when I entered the store. I asked a cast member about it and she said it had sold out a while ago. I left the store empty handed and disappointed.

Dang. :( Too bad.

They hit a nerve in the side of my head and cause bad headaches so I never wear them.

Very good reason not to... but I'm sure you wish you could.

I like those!

For some reason though, he didn’t want it. I mean, come on, it was only $8,550, I can’t understand why he wouldn’t let me buy it for him.

Very reasonable price. don't see what the problem is.

Nice! Took me a second to see that it was the castle... then another to see how they put the Mickey head in there. :)


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