Sneaky Halloween at HNY - Day 3

Ms Poppins

I'm sure I'm very affected by all this Disney talk
Mar 14, 2009
The Cast:
Me - Julie (41)
DH - John (45)
DD - Abbey (19)
DS - Lewis (12)

Day 1 - Travel
Day 2

Day 3

Wednesday 19 October

I'd been a tad cold during the night but slept ok. I woke Lewis at 7:15 and we tot ready for EMH. We left the room via our terrace door, DH let us out and locked it behind us. Agreed we'd be back for 9:15 for breakfast.

Socks for today

The village was quite busy with people and as we approached the Disneyland Hotel I could see that it was actually quite busy at the gates. It was cold but I could see the sun trying to creep out so hopefully would stay dry.

**Annual Passes - something I noticed. We have Classic passes that don't include EMH. Staying on site does give access by using the Hotel Easy Pass. I showed the pass to gain access under the entrance. I thought that I'd also need to show this when scanning our passes at the ticket machine but I didn't. I just assumed that the pass wouldn't work as it would be automatically blocked during EMH. It seems it's not and will give access but is actually completely dependant on the CM checking the Easy Pass manually **

Then we were in :cheer2:

Mickey and Minne were at the boarding house, Chip and Dale at the bandstand. We didn't wait and headed towards the castle. Donald was just past Caseys.

Off into Fantasyland, the bramble was looking very atmospheric with clouds of smoke all around

Carousel was all lit up but not running

We headed to Peter Pan, keen to see the new paint job. There was a small queue outside the entrance, CM saying tech problems, so we went for Dumbos instead and I think were the only ones on.

Checked over to Peter Pan and was now on again

They've done a wonderful job of this, really bright and vibrant inside. Well done Disney :thumbsup2

Dumbo was now a bit busier

Carousel was now running but we didn't stop.

We tried to take the stairs at the side of the Castle for Discoveryland but it was closed off.

The Christmas Shop always looks lovely, even when it's closed

Next up was Buzz, walk on

The photos weren't working at the end of the ride.

Sun starting to shine

We wandered back down Main St taking in the scenery as we went

Windows looking beautiful as always

Off through the Village

And back to our room - here it is, right on the corner

Abbey was up and organised and let us in

We all then went for breakfast, this morning in the Parkside Diner. We hadn't been asked to choose slots when we checked in. Had a wait of about 5 minutes to get in. I could see the Manhattan looked busy and they were also serving breakfast in the New York City Bar, so it must have been a busy day.

Love these table mats

I didn't take any picture of breakfast but it's the same as previous, bacon, srambled egg, veal sausages and the best hot pancakes ever.....also had some croissants and DH had cereal and toast.

Filled up we went back to the room to pick up some gloves/hat and coats. Still miss seeing the characters in the morning here

Abbey and I had our matching Minnie t-shirts on

Although, never to be seen in the parks as we were all wrapped up :laughing:

Soon we were back in the park, it was about 10:30 now. First job was for Abbey to find some ears.

Lewis had to try on a pair too but didn't get them...

Into the park now with some more photo ops

We took some photos beside the castle and then popped in to say hello to the Dragon

The storyboats and Casey Jnr were both open today and we don't usually see them during our Halloween trips. It was nice and dry so we headed in that direction. Alice's maze was boarded up for a refurb and it occurred to me that this must the first trip ever that we've not had a photo on the Mad Hatter's chair, so Lewis got his photo taken beside the sign:rotfl:

The storyboats was more or less a walk on and was so lovely to see again

No dancing....

We came off the storyboats and I knew the Cheshire Cat meet was here too. The queue wasn't very long so we joined and passed the time by playing the alphabet game - Disney of course. Also met a very nice lady in the queue and got chatting about Disney.

He was so cuddly and the queue went quite quickly as he doesn't sign, just photos.

Next up, our first thrill ride! Casey Jnr! Walk on

We strolled through Fantasyland and it was quite busy. Queen of Hearts was meeting beside the maze and Peter Pan was showing 35 min wait. We headed through to Adventureland.

A wee visit to the Swiss Family Robinson tree house

Then a stroll towards Frontierland. The Coke can wasn't working today

Woody, Mickey and Minnie were all doing meets in Frontierland but the lines were quite long so we didn't wait and headed back to Main St to wait for Mickey's Halloween Parade.

Abbey did some shopping whilst we waited and found some Tsum Tsums she wanted.

Then it was time for the parade, it was 1pm now. I quite like being in the hub area for the parade as it's not as crowded as Main St. Today the parade came from Town Square direction. Music is so lively, it's such a fun parade :cheer2:

Feeling a bit hungry now we popped into Caseys for hot dogs and chicken nuggets. Sat outside under a very large umbrella and I'm glad we did as the rain came tumbling down just as we were finishing :umbrella:

After the parade we went through Liberty Acrade to head to the Studios. I wanted to see Mickey and the Magician today and the next showing was at 15:05. It was raining quite heavily and my new trainers were pretty useless at keeping the rain out. My feet were squelching...By the time we reached the Studios the rain had thankfully eased off.

Lewis had been saying he'd like to try Tower of Terror again. I don't like it at all but if he wanted to do it then I thought I'd better be brave and do it too. The queue was showing 30 min wait and we did all join the queue but then Lewis said he didn't want to wait that long so DH and Abbey stayed and we went off to do some other stuff. It was around 2pm now.

We walked over to Cars and could see from the queue it was practically empty, so did this walk on

Blue skies again and I had to put my sunglasses on :cool2:

Next up was flying carpets, another walk on

We had a look around Toy Story Playland

I text DH to see if they were nearly finished and he said still in the outside queue area, thought there had been a breakdown but wouldn't be long. We'd missed the showing for Mickey and the Magician so Lewis and I decided to get a drink and went over to Blockbuster Cafe for a sit down.

Visit to the brolly on the way

I had a hot chocolate and Lewis had a juice. We shared a blueberry muffin that was delicious.

The rain started again and we spent quite some time in the Art of Animation area. DH text again to say not sure what was happening. It was now nearly 4pm so they'd been in there almost 2 hours. I was really a bit fed up to be honest. My feet were soaking and it soon was clear that we were going to miss the next showing of Mickey and the Magician too. Eventually at 16:05 DH and Abbey text to say they were finally out. It turns out that only 1 lift was working inside. If it had been me in the queue I'd have tried to leave but they said every time they thought of leaving, the queue started to move again. I'd have thought a CM would maybe have said to everyone in the queue that it was going to be an extended wait time.

Never mind, they were out now and it was pouring with rain again.....very cold, wet and tired we agreed to go back to the hotel for a change of shoes and rest for a bit. On they way through the village we popped into the clothes shop and Abbey got the same Minnie fleece I'd bought the night before.

Our room had been magically cleaned and it was nice to dry off. I still felt cold but put it down to being soaked until Abbey said she was cold too. I turned the heating up to max, but it was just cold air coming out the vent. We considered going back to the Studios for the 17:15 showing of Mickey, but thought it might be a waste of time in case it was cancelled again or there was a large queue.

We had reservations at the Steakhouse for 6pm, but Abbey said she wasn't hungry and didn't want to go. It was still pouring and the thought of going back out was not appealing. DH and I went for a walk to the hotel shop and decided we'd just do the Parkside Diner instead. I got a 2017 calendar from the shop and we went back to the room.

Abbey was cuddled up in a robe and under the covers now, really cold. We said we'd go for something to eat and then get the room checked (she didn't want anyone coming into the room without us there)

Dinner in the Parkside was just ok. I found plenty to eat, salmon, veg, cheesy potatoes but DH wasn't happy with the choices and didn't eat much.

On the way back to the room we stopped at reception to say about the room being cold. We were back in the room 2 minutes and a maintenance man came in. He checked the vent and then phoned reception who asked to speak to me. She said that they couldn't fix it and would it be ok to send a heater for us to warm the room up. I said that was ok.

Honestly, if it hadn't been our last night or we had small children in the room I'd have asked to be moved. But I was too tired to be bothered.

Feeling a bit down in the dumps we wrapped ourselves up, determined to make the best of the evening ahead.
We took our time strolling through the Village

And then into the park

It was about 7:20 by now and Lewis noticed that there was a lot going on over at the Castle Stage. Then I remembered about the Villans show, just about to start at 7.30 so we headed over. There were lots of characters from the previous show doing meets but it was pretty packed. We managed to get a spot near the back and watched the show

It's a really good wee show, very good in the dark.

Next we went into Discoveryland to see wait times for Buzz. There are a lot of fences up just now with refurb at the entrance to Discoveryland and it was really quite dark. Buzz was showing 20 min wait so we walked on and went into Fantasyland using the back way. As we walked past Small World the clock was chiming, 7.45 and we watched the dolls come out. I don't think we've ever seen that before - really sweet.

Pirates was to be the next ride - walk on

The swinging pirate is missing again on this trip and so are the sword fighting pirates. I still love this ride though and am looking forward to the refurb next year.

We wandered through Adventureland and Lewis decided he was going to try Indiana Jones. He was a bit nervous as has never done an upside down ride so DH, who never does these either, decided he'd come on too. It's such a short ride but I always scream my head off on it :rotfl2:Lewis said he thought it was ok and that he'd like to try it again during the day. A success I think :thumbsup2

We used the toilets just past Indiana Jones and they've had a complete refurb, really lovely inside.

Now it was time to get a spot for Dreams. The hub was quite busy, around 8:30 now, but we found a spot near the fences in the centre.

It was a lovely calm night and the show was absolutely amazing :love:

I'm sad to hear that Dreams will be no more next year, but also excited for Illuminations. I feel so happy to have seen Dreams again before it finishes. It's just spectacular :cloud9:

We made our way down Main St and I said I'd quite like another doughnut to go with my hot chocolate tonight, but the Cable Car was already closed. So, we nipped into the sweet shop and I got some strawberry fudge instead and the kids got some Mickey shaped cookies.

Abbey was feeling hungry now so when we reached the Village she and DH went to McDonalds and Lewis and I had a browse in the Lego shop.

Hands up who wants one of these?

Lewis picked a Lego car set and then we went back to the hotel. Maintenance had left a heater in the room and we were soon warmed up. I put the kettle on for our hot chocolate and after a while noticed it hadn't boiled. Turns out that the sockets had tripped due to the heater and the kettle being to maintenance and someone was at the room in about 5 minutes and he reset the electrics.

Finally settled down with the most amazing fudge I've ever tasted (I wish I'd taken a picture) and eventually switched the lights off at around 11:30pm.

Last day tomorrow - EMH for all :goodvibes
Gosh what a busy day - I can't believe you managed so much. It does look cold though! Last time we went at Halloween (actually on the day itself, so a bit later than you), it was so warm, we were really hot! Just goes to show how much it can vary.

Have to say some of the paintwork looks amazing - Captain Hook's ship looks fab, as does the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse! Can't wait to see it all next May.

You were so lucky with your room, so handy for nipping out. Sorry to hear about the heating though - I really feel the cold so would have struggled. Glad they brought you a heater, despite it tripped the switches! Argh!
Gosh what a busy day - I can't believe you managed so much. It does look cold though! Last time we went at Halloween (actually on the day itself, so a bit later than you), it was so warm, we were really hot! Just goes to show how much it can vary.

Have to say some of the paintwork looks amazing - Captain Hook's ship looks fab, as does the Swiss Family Robinson treehouse! Can't wait to see it all next May.

You were so lucky with your room, so handy for nipping out. Sorry to hear about the heating though - I really feel the cold so would have struggled. Glad they brought you a heater, despite it tripped the switches! Argh!

Actually it wasn't that cold outside, more wet and a bit dreary but so changeable. Sunny one minute and lashing with rain the next. The room was too cold for me though - if we'd been staying another day I'd definitely have asked to be moved but it just didn't seem worth it.

Adventureland looks fab. We passed skull rock one evening and could see inside the caves all lit up, it looked great :thumbsup2
Actually it wasn't that cold outside, more wet and a bit dreary but so changeable. Sunny one minute and lashing with rain the next. The room was too cold for me though - if we'd been staying another day I'd definitely have asked to be moved but it just didn't seem worth it.

Adventureland looks fab. We passed skull rock one evening and could see inside the caves all lit up, it looked great :thumbsup2

Sounds like it was colder in your room then :crazy2:!

I forgot to say, I always love to see your 'socks for the day' makes me smile and chuckle!
Late to the report but luvin the pics and Cheshire Cat :lovestruc I need to meet him one day


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