Simba's Summer (July) 2015 W.I.S.H. Weight Loss Challenge!! Any and All welcome to join!!

Okay...goals. I weighed in this morning at 162 (so down 3 lbs. in June) and I'm setting a July goal of 4 lbs., or ending the month at 158. I had pulled my UP24 back out in early June and set it with a 10,000 steps/day goal, which I met most of the month and blew away the past 8 days (averaging 13,000 steps/day the past 8 days). So I'm going to raise my step goal to 12,000/day, or 372,000 for the month. I'm also shooting for some sort of cardio at least 30 minutes 5 times/week. I'm going to continue having only one cup of coffee a day, and only drinking my beloved Dr. Pepper once a week or less. (Hubby and I have a weekly date out, usually lunch, and that's typically when I have my cheat Dr. Pepper. I can't keep it in the house or I will drink it!!!)
Oh, and I'm going to do a few 30-day challenges this month also--crunches and planks at least. My tummy is my biggest issue to tone so I'm going to start targeting those muscles. Having 7 kids in 12 years does NOT do nice things for the abs!!! LOL! :)

I'm not sure how to calculate percentages each week with 3 different goals (weight goal, move goal, and drink goal) so perhaps I'll just use the weight part for calculating percentage. Does that sound about right?

Sounds like a great plan for the month. And yes, please just pick one of those goals that you want to have monitored on the thread!

I'm in! My goal for this month is to lose 5 pounds. That's my biggest goal. I also would like to do a cardio workout at least 3 times a week with strength training workouts at least twice a week. I need to learn how to better schedule my evenings because I feel like I never have enough time to workout (but have plenty of time to binge on Netflix).

I know what you mean about scheduling. The trick is to get into a habit of regular exercise. Just like you now have a habit of regular Netflix watching. ;-)

Maybe just make your self a real schedule, write it down on paper. I find that once it is written down, it is far easier to commit to it.

No lie.... I spent 3+ hours deep cleaning my master bathroom today. Then of course laundry, dishes, vacuuming.... I'm exhausted!!

Gotta go finish packing up for our July 4th weekend at the beach! TTYL...................P

Hope you had a great weekend at the beach!

OK, I need a swift kick in the pants and I need to wagon to circle around and pick me up!!!!
Short story, I've had some health issues arise that need additional testing in 6 months so my goal is to lose as much weight in the next 6 months as possible. Hopefully this will help them get better imaging.
So, this month my goal is 3 miles every day (I'm also way behind on my 2015 miles in 2015 goal) and 5 pounds.
And I need to give up caffeine. I am having pain which prompted a mammogram (and the additional testing) and I think it's from my caffeine overload.

Welcome back! I hope your health issues prove to be just the caffein overload and nothing serious!

I'll jump in. I have to set my goal for less than last month though. I ended up aggravating an old injury at the end of the 3rd week and was sidelined for the rest of the month. :sad2: So, back to baby steps for me with a goal of 240 minutes of walking by July 31st.

I hope everyone has a great month! :flower:

Sorry to hear about your injury! If your injury is in the lower part of your body, have you considered to add in some upper body exercise?

Ok, I'm in for July! Today has already been blown...I had a huge block of fudge and a mountain dew!!! I would like to lose at least 12 by our trip to DW Sept 18. I plan on trying to get in at least 2 walking days a week (I work double shifts 3 days a week and work 2-3 days regular shifts the rest of the week...not a lot of walking time available). I also plan to bring fruit, veggies, yogurt/cottage cheese to work instead of buying food at work...which will also save me $5 a pop for my trip! I'm not going to do any specific diet. I need to make a serious and lasting lifestyle change. Summer offers lots of yummy fruits and I'm LOVING it. Now I need to kick the soda habit!

Welcome! Bringing food to work really helps a lot! I still struggle doing myself though...

My goal for this month:

1) come check this thread every day since I am new and still trying to figure it all out.:surfweb:

2) walk a minimum of 100 miles this month.:cool1:

3) eat what I know works for me and stay away from everything else.popcorn::

4) to lose 5lbs :hippie:

I am looking forward to getting to learn more about everyome. :butterfly

Welcome back! Great goals!

Happy to say I'm starting off July on the right foot! The weather was nice tonight so we took our dog for a walk around the block - walked for 30 minutes, 1.25 miles total! Really trying to make some progress toward my goals this month!

Well done!

I did get to squeeze in a 20 minute walk before dinner. I'll definitely have to check in every day to keep myself on track!

Well done on getting that walk in! I agree, I find that checking in here on this thread every day always gives me a motivation boost.
Joining in!

My goals are to:

1. Do two upper body workouts a week (nine for the month). My plan for this is to do the beginner upper body program from my Strength Training for Women book on Thursdays and Sundays.

2. Lose 4 pounds. My plan for this is to track all of my food intake on My Fitness Pal and keep my net average calorie intake at or below 1650 (recommended MFP calorie intake for me to lose a pound a week). Weighed in at 216.2 this morning so aiming to see 212.2 on August 1st.

Welcome!! Great goals and a great plan on how to get there!

I'm in!
DOPEY CHALLENGE TRAINING has started! party:

Starting weight: 215 (been stuck there for 3 months now)
Goal: 210

How to deal with the heat: Take your time, don't push too hard, listen to your body, stay hydrated.

Wow! I would never dare to even consider Dopey! Good luck to you - are you running in 2016?

I do my walking on a treadmill which really helps.

Having access to a place to work out in the cool is certainly great in the summer!

I'm pretty bad with the heat, but I always try to stay hydrated - I'll go through almost twice as much water on a summer run as I would on a winter run.
Also, I've re-introduced walk intervals into my running. I had mostly stopped walk intervals a few months ago, but I've reintroduced them for the summer just to give myself a break from the running in the heat.

Loved your tip with the walk intervals! Helped me get to my run yesterday!

The heat is my greatest nemesis. I'm a fair-skinned Irish redhead and the sun just makes me fry to a crisp and then melt. Unfortunately I live in DC, which is a fetid swamp for a good chunk of the summer months. My primary coping mechanisms are that I go anywhere without a tube of industrial strength sunblock, a 32-ounce thermal bottle of ice and water, a Frogg Togg Chilly Pad, and a very wide-brimmed sun hat. Sometimes I also use a UV-reflecting sun umbrella. It's sort of like packing for a summer day at WDW (a place I will never go in high summer). And I absolutely abuse the AC.

I normally walk to and from the train station to my home and office so that is some daytime activity but I try to limit it. I also tend to slowly stroll along like a languid Southern novel. More active outdoor walks and activities are confined to after sundown, where it is still drippy hot but the sun has least stopped its relentless shining. And I follow them up with a cool shower before bed.

The bright side of summer? I am much less hungry and (if I pay attention to myself and avoid the ice cream) I crave a lot more fruit and fresh salads.

ETA: forgot the sundresses. Lots and lots of sundresses!

Seems like you have quite a plan on how to get through the summer! And you are totally right about being less hungry and craving more things that are really good for you (well besides the ice cream!).

Morning all! Not a lot of time to chit-chat, as we are trying to head out for our long July 4th weekend! Just wanted to come on and post my GOAL for July!

My GOAL for July is 210 minutes of exercise every week (starting Friday, July 3 thru Friday, July 31). That would equal about 2 miles a day at a good fast walk pace, or two 15 minute circuits of other exercise. So obviously I'll be aiming to hit that 210 every week to bring me to 25% week one(then 50% week two, etc) of my goal so that I reach 100% by the end of the month.

I am NOT going to count yard work, housework, etc. I need to be MORE intentional about my exercise! However, I will count any beach walking I do this weekend! :thumbsup2

Gotta dash!...................P

Great goal! Hopefully this will help you getting back into an exercise routine, I know you have struggled with that for quite a bit.

I try HARD to NEVER, EVER complain about the heat..... because I HATE the winter and the snow! As long as I can turn on a portal a/c unit to sleep at night, I am fine. I will exercise early in the morning (even rising when it is still dark out if necessary) or late in the evening or do something less "sweat" inducing like yoga. We have had a pool since about 1999 and it was always so nice to fall into it fully dressed in my sweaty workout gear to cool off..... but this past winter destroyed it so we will be dismantling it later this summer. :(

I work SUPER HARD to keep the house as cool as possible (no central a/c here) with lots of strategies of windows open in the night and closed during the day, shades drawn, reflective panels in the windows, etc and it is a rare day (usually just a few times in the summer) that we have to resort to a/c on during the daytime. That also means NOT running the oven so lots of dinners that are salads, yogurts, or grilled. Thankfully my family doesn't complain.

Have a great day!..............P

Sorry that your pool was destroyed. Now you are not just not having a pool, but also have to work hard to dismantle it. I do the night airing as well - but last night it was still 85 degrees by 11pm. So, I set the alarm for 5am to open the windows and air in the cooler morning hours. Luckily our heat wave will be starting to fade away tomorrow and turn into normal summer weather.

I hate heat, lol! And after moving from NY back down to central Texas, I'm definitely having to adjust! Thankfully it's cooler than average so far this summer. I'll take what I can get!

My strategies for dealing with heat are to walk outdoors early in the morning or late at night, when it's in the 70s rather than in the 90s. We've also had a TON of rain this summer, and on rainy days the temp drops a bit. I took a 2-mile walk in a rainstorm with my 11-year-old last week--good exercise and good bonding time--he couldn't believe Mom wanted to walk in a torrential downpour. We were soaked to the bone and laughing the whole way!

I've been doing a Leslie Sansone Walk Slim 4-mile video during the middle of the day each day for the past 2 weeks or so. Walking in my room with the AC on and the ceiling fan on high beats the heat pretty well. :) I just have to try really hard not to step on my little ones who want to be right there in the middle of it walking with me, lol!

Summer rain is fabulous to be out in! How fun that you ventured out and enjoyed it! And as long as you don't step on your kids, I think it is great that they want to exercise with you!
I am all caught up with reading on here so yea for goal#1. :tongue:

For my walking i have 20 miles out of 100 done:daisy:

I am trying to space out how often I weigh so no update on that yet.:confused3
I' not very fond of the heat either, and I love the snow so I can gripe! :) We live just north of DC so it's a little more manageable. But I always try to get out first thing in the morning or about an hour before sunset to go around the lake (like last night!) If I can't make it at those times, I'll do something indoors like zumba or the treadmill. But you will never see me walking around the lake at high noon - I see other people do that and I think they're nuts!

As for goals, aside from the weight loss my two big goals are to drink more water and less Diet Coke and to avoid the free m&m dispenser at work. So far so good, I'm into Day 2 of not putting my hand under the auto-dispenser! I think I'll lose half my goal if I just stop with the m&ms!!

Have a great Fourth of July weekend everyone and safe travels for those heading somewhere fun.

Getting up early for exercise is key in the summer!

Wow! A free m&m dispenser at work sounds awesome, but also awful!! I would have a very hard time with that as well. We have a bowl with gummy bears and that is my problem... I guess I should join you in your goal of avoiding candy at work.

Do simple cardio moves or use an exerciseball while watching Netflix.

Great tip!

I LOVE carbs!!! Anyone else! I'm looking for good lean protein, low carbs ideas. Anybody wanna share?

One thing I am starting to do is to just not add carbs into my meals. Have a grilled chicken breast just with vegetables. Once you get used to it, it becomes easier. We just grew up with thinking that a starchy side needs to be there for a full meal. But it really is just in the head. @pjlla always has the tip to just add two different veggies and I think that that is a really good tip as you then have the feeling of having two sides.

I, too, am a big fan of carbs. We've cut way down on our carbs by making a conscious effort not to consume as many. Usually have a protein shake in the morning (with carb friendly yogurt, protein powder, and milk), lunch is either deli turkey, grilled chicken, or tuna, and grilled chicken (with various marinades) or turkey burgers for dinner. Snacks are usually hardboiled eggs, scrambled eggs, or pre-made protein shakes.

How do I beat the heat? I avoid it. Haha, I HATE heat. Money's really tight right now so we aren't running the A/C in our house, but we have several fans set up all around. I also drink a lot of water during the day. If I walk outside it's either in the morning or right before sunset, but usually I walk on the treadmill. Memphis is 90 and muggy today!

Having hard boiled eggs as snacks is a great idea! Another low carb snack would be some low fat cheese. I am surprised how just a smallish piece of cheese, if you eat it slowly can take hunger away.

I'll jump in! My goals are to drink half of my body weight in ounces each day, get sufficient rest, stick to my exercise regime while on vacation and avoid the foods I am not supposed to eat.

Welcome!! Great goals! Especially the sufficient rest is one of the things that are often overlooked!

June did not go as planned I didn't lose, I was still up a few. :( It feels like I wasted the whole month. It seemed to speed right by. I can't even believe its July. I'm ready for the end of September because I want the temps to start dropping. Sick of these 100s already. I really need to move from Arizona. I just hate it here. I'd rather have cold.

I'm going this morning to attempt to join Planet Fitness for real, I keep putting it off. I have a pay card where my checks are deposited. I keep holding off if I want to do the $10/month plan and not have a commitment term or do the nothing down $19.99 a month plan but have a 12 month commitment. I want to keep it up the 12 months, my issue is my hours keep dropping at work. I can get more but that often ends up meaning I am at the call of the on call and come and go all day. My friend decided to back out on moving out of state and to the 45-60 minute away town. She's 20-30 still and I am hoping she will join the gym with me still. We can alternate meeting at the ones closer to our perspective homes. I just need to get active again. I'd like to lose 8 lbs this month.

Well I guess I will try the YMCA instead, almost everything I read says they don't allow debit/credit cards they want EFT through bank so people can't cancel or get out of the payment since they want the 12 month commitment or to buy out at $58 which isn't horribly bad but I've also read horror stories of it taking MONTHS to get is stopped. I should get a great discount based on my income. It won't make me be in a commitment at one gym and my daughter might be able to workout with my supervision and its something she is really wanting to do. I may join the closer gym later it will cost a bit more up front and another $10 a month but at the end of July she is eligible to join that one so when I'm ready(with a FT income over my PT) I can join us both at that one at a later time. So I'll go by there tomorrow if they have people there. It may take a bit longer to get set up though as I believe I'll have to wait on a scholarship process to get a discounted membership.

I hope you were able to set up something to get access to a gym! Seems like you finally have a solution.

Hi there,

I'm new here and a little late because the family and I just got back from vacation. I had checked out the June thread and thought it seemed like a really great way to get myself moving towards getting more in shape. I'm a work from home mom of three, with not much free time or many lady friends so it's really hard to get motivated.

My goals are to lose 8 lbs this month. I've had a fit bit for almost 6 months now and I can easily hit the 10k steps a day but I'd like to make my daily goal 20k. I'm also trying to add a 3 day a week work out and train for my very first run disney 10k in Sept. I really need to stay away from the sugar (which I love) so I will be adding alot more fruits and veggies to my diet and drinking more water.

To answer the previous heat question, I'm in CA in an area where the average daily temp will be at least 100 for the next 2-3 months so I will need to work around that by getting out earlier or finding ways to work out inside.

For the holidays, I am hoping to just cut my portions by 1/3 to 1/2 of what I would normally eat, so I can still try a little of everything but not fill up as I usually would.

Really looking forward to this! :jumping1:

Welcome!! Don't worry about being a few days late, we take newcomers any time they want to join! Hopefully we will be able to help you stay motivated! Check in regularly and take part in the chatting, I find that that helps me a lot to stay on track. Don't be shy to ask any questions you want some input in!

If you need ideas for working out inside, there are plenty of fitness DVDs available. Some of them can even be found on youtube.

Just popping in quickly to answer the QOTD:

I don't really do holidays ... so it's just like any other day with a full house: try to keep myself busy and avoid stressful situations that will make me want to eat!

I don't know if I'll have time to pop in again this weekend, so I just wanted to wish all those celebrating a Happy Fourth of July!

That's a great plan for any day!
The 4th isn't generally too much of an eating disaster for me (actually probably one of my healthier days). We keep it pretty low key since I don't like the heat but do host a big barbecue since we are only a few blocks from the local fireworks and can see them from the backyard. This year we are doing a Mexican inspired menu and will grill steak, chicken, and shrimp for a fajita bar. Sides are a black bean & sweet potato salad, watermelon salad, cucumber salad, salsa, guacamole, and of course tortilla chips. Shoud be OK if I manage my chip consumption.

My plan to make things a little less dangerous (and avoid the margaritas and soda) is that we are going to put out several pitchers filled with "spa" water. I've been drinking cucumber and lemon water all day today and LOVE it. Going to try berry and mint waters tomorrow.

Sounds delicious! And flavoured water is a great way to stay hydrated without any calories!

8.33 of my 60 miles are done making me at 13.9% of my goal for this weeks check in.

I was reading back through the OP late last night and saw that we were supposed to update yesterday...oops! I guess I was thrown off since we're only a few days into July. Anyway, I weighed this morning and I'm 0.6 lb. down, so I'm at 15% of my 4 lb. goal. :)

Happy Fourth of July to those who celebrate!

1/9 upper body workouts done (11%)
.5/4 pounds lost (12.5%)

Oops, I didn't realize we were supposed to update yesterday either! I guess I'm going to measure my minutes walked for my updates. So between Wednesday and Friday I only got in one 30-minute session. So that puts me at 1% of my goal (90 minutes a week at 4.5 weeks in July = 405 minutes of dedicated walking for the month, of which I walked 30 between Wednesday and Friday!)

Actually, I was not planning to have anyone report already two days after the start of the month! Sorry, I should have been more clear about that!! But I will of course track your success now!

@DisPup75 I can only track one of your goals - I decided to go with the higher number, so that is the weight loss. Is that ok?

Sorry for late update. A lot going on. Just got out of er (thought I was having warning signs of a heart attack). Thankfully not. But they were not sure what was causing my pain. :confused3

My step goal of at least 5000 a day I have met each day.
My weight loss goal. I have not lost any, but I have not gained any. To be honest I think I'm losing inches (really I should measure myself and keep track) since my clothes seem lose on me. Hey I'll take it:goodvibes:banana:

Good to hear that you are ok! Hopefully they can figure out what was causing your pain so that it does not recur! And losing inches often does not happen at the same time as losing pounds. I know all about that...

2nd Pilates workout done (out of 14) puts me at 14%

Well done!!
I am all caught up with reading on here so yea for goal#1. :tongue:

For my walking i have 20 miles out of 100 done:daisy:

I am trying to space out how often I weigh so no update on that yet.:confused3

Well done!!

I can only track one of your goals, since you are not weighing that often, is it ok if I just use the miles? If you want that changed, just let me know!
Ok, I am up to date with replies... The list of participants is up to date as well. Just let me know if something is not right.

I originally had not planned for this Friday to be a tracking day already, but since people reported in, I tracked your progress of course! So, if anyone wants to report some more, just go ahead!

We have already gotten quite a bit of color:

alrushton 20%
bethk78 14%
DisPup75 12.5%
finny1981 13.9%
JacknSally 1%
JennysSeven 15%
SarahDisney 25%

And here is your QOTW (Question of the Weekend):

Weekend Fun Question: Which Disney/Pixar/Marvel character is most like you - or has at least one feature that you can identify with?
Well I'm jumping back on here this month. I've been off and on - following online things is hard as I'm really not on as much. I just want some added focus as I'm heading to WDW next month!!

I did really well the last couple months and have dropped 10lbs but I've slacked off a bit (typical pattern for me).

Ugh after eating 2 junk meals yesterday for the holiday I feel horrible! My stomach is making all kinds of noise this morning. And I tried to do well w small portions but it was just the types of food that I e steered away from for months I guess.

I'm saying 10 lbs is my goal but I'm going by the scale this morning and 2-3 of that is junk from the last 2 days of not cleaner eating. Omg my stomach! So many groans and squeaks!

Green smoothie day for sure!

Well I'm out the door for a walk before the sweltering heat starts!

Good luck everyone.
Morning all! Happy July!

I am setting two goals for next month:
1) Walk for an average of 10,500 steps per day for a total of, at least, 325,500 steps for the entire month. **I just came back from a follow-up with my podiatrist regarding the plantar fasciitis in my left foot. He suggested that I lay off the walking and switch to stationary bike or something. I don't really want to, though. I'm going to stick with my planned goal for now but, I may drop this one and pick something new depending on how my foot feels.
2) Drink an average of 88 oz of water per day for a total of, at least, 2,728 oz for the entire month.

I also began following the South Beach Diet (Phase 1) on Sunday, June 28. This is not part of my "official" June goals but, I'd like y'all to hold me to staying on the plan for the entire month. If I'm faithful to the plan, my last day on Phase 1 will be Saturday, July 11 and I'll begin Phase 2 that Sunday. Today is my 4th day on the plan and, so far, so good.

Looking forward to some real progress toward better health this month!

I started using a rigid insert caller Super Feet and it completely cured my PF! I went to this specialty runners store because I knew they had podiatrists info and just wanted someone to cut my foot open and fix the pain as all the icing and stretching had not worked. The lady told me wear these in your shoe all day and do not go barefoot. I had almost 100% relief over 2 days.

I never get flare ups anymore as I only buy the best shoes now. No cheapy stuff. I've learned to invest in the best for what my feet need.
Yeah, it didn't occur to me to report in on Friday because, with the holiday, I skipped right over Friday and went straight into weekend mode.

As of Friday morning, I had 34,598 of my 325,500 steps (10.6%) and 204 of my 2,728 water ounces (7.5%). Averaged out, I have progressed 9.1% toward my goals so far.

And... still sticking to South Beach phase 1 principles. I've got one week under my belt now. I sure am missing fruit. And wine. Other than that, I'm feeling pretty good. I have absolutely no idea what the scale thinks of this because I haven't stepped on it at all. I don't have a "before" and I don't have a "during" weight. I have attempted to lose weight several times over the past couple years and the scale has been my undoing every time. You know - when I do everything right for a week or two and the scale tells me I've lost a fraction of a pound in the amount of time that, 10 or 15 years ago, I would have lost at like 6 whole pounds. So, I have decided that it only matters that I'm doing what I know to do. I can feel the difference in my body already and, that's a good enough measure for me.
OK, my schedule is so crazy and I'm so worn out! I'm grabbing whatever I can find to eat whenever I can eat...not good! I am also finding that I'm really not liking meat as much as I used to. Are there any vegetarians out there? If so, how do you get your protein...and please don't tell me tofu lol! I didn't reort anything this past Friday because I seem to be going in the opposite direction of the way I intended to go
Just checking in. Had a relaxing mostly on plan day to finish up the weekend.

And here is your QOTW (Question of the Weekend):

Weekend Fun Question: Which Disney/Pixar/Marvel character is most like you - or has at least one feature that you can identify with?

My best friend has told me since we were kids that I remind her of a baby deer - bouncing playfully through my days until something spooks me and then running off into the woods (yes, I'm very shy and I have big doe eyes). So I'm going with Faline from Bambi.

But my heart belongs to Tigger!:tigger:
Weekend Fun Question: Which Disney/Pixar/Marvel character is most like you - or has at least one feature that you can identify with?

:tigger: I've been called Tigger several times ... I have my very bouncy moments (and an orange and black skirt, which tends to contribute to the comparison) :tigger:
Maybe just make your self a real schedule, write it down on paper. I find that once it is written down, it is far easier to commit to it.

I was actually thinking the same thing so I think I'll try it!

As for an update, I was busy this weekend! Didn't weigh and didn't eat well either. Thankfully it's a new week!
Well, I've loss 2lbs. I know it's not a lot & to be honest I'm not really sure how I did it. But it's given me the encouragement to try to watch what I'm eating. I do find counting calories is much easier for me than doing low carb, high protein type diets. I have taken the advice here of drinking a protein drink for one meal, maybe it's that. I really hope I continue and don't give up like I usually do. My DH & I are going out of town this week for a couple of nights. We'll be walking a lot in the heat, so that's a plus. I'm going to try to not eat really badly, but I know it'll be hard.

And here is your QOTW (Question of the Weekend):

Weekend Fun Question: Which Disney/Pixar/Marvel character is most like you - or has at least one feature that you can identify with?

I think I identify most with Cinderella. I love the movie. When I was little, I use to dream of a prince coming and rescuing me on his white horse from my life. And one day, he did, my DH! Seriously, I was walking home from hs school & he pulled up just like Prince Charming & offered me a ride, except he wasn't on a horse, he was driving his parents old Capris Classic. LOL. We've been together ever since, 28yrs. And he doesn't mind how many "glass slippers" I buy myself. :cloud9:
I'm in! I completely forgot we were switching to a new month and thread! I'm pathetic at reporting in on time anyways :scared:

A couple weeks ago I started back on Weight Watchers (which I did between my two kids and lost 20 pounds on then), so one of my goals is to follow WW closely with NO point overages. My other goals are to lose 5 pounds this month and work on strengthening my core at least 30 min 3 days a week (mostly through yoga and an exercise regimen I have on my Nook). I had 2 C-sections in 2 years (plus large babies to boot) and my core is completely gone - I've been having a lot of back and shoulder pain which I think is a result of this. I'm already 6 pounds down from where I started, with a total goal of 20 pounds, so I'm definitely on the right track!
Jumping in here. :) Haven't read anything yet.

My goal for this month is the same 6 pounds I wanted to lose last month. Sigh.

But I am back and I am trying again. If I can lose 6 pounds a month for the next four months I will be at a very healthy weight (and very maintainable) for W&D.

So trying yet again.

I will pop on later and try to answer some of the qotd's. :)
Hey friends! Back from our July 4th weekend, but had a super busy day here today.... and FINALLY got the call for some summer work at school (WOOHOO!), but that means I'll be working 7-3 at school tomorrow and then have my WW meeting in the evening. So I will have absolutely ZERO time to get on here until at least Wed. evening.

Eating while at the beach was alternately really good and OP :teeth:(mostly breakfast and lunches) and pretty bad (pizza and brownies anyone?):rolleyes: and there was far too much of this....:drinking1 That isn't usually a thing for me, but my DSIL was a real cocktail pusher..... I actually dumped one mixed drink down the sink when she wasn't looking and shared two with my DD. Love DSIL to DEATH, but when I say NO THANKS I mean NO THANKS! But I did enjoy my share of my light beers that I really love. And s'mores..... let's not talk about THAT!!:laughing: I did get in at least ONE really good walk every day and mostly TWO every day except for yesterday. Yesterday was spent driving and sitting in traffic. I think I was in a car for about 8 hours.... no exaggeration.
Anyhoooo.... I didn't want you all to think I had disappeared, so here is my drive-by :car: just to let you know I'm alive, well, and BUSY!

I'll try to catch up Wednesday..................P
QOTD for Wednesday, July 1:

If you have not done so, please tell us what your goal for the month is and what your plan is for getting there!
Hi! I'm Rose :). 47, gf, married, recently relocated to NC. I lost 50 pounds in 2010/11 only to get pretty ill, have to go gf and end up putting a bunch back on. Ok a lot back on. I don't get these stories of people who go gf to lose weight!

I don't think I will ever get back down to my 2011 weight. And I am ok with that.

But I would like to lose 25.

So my goal for July is 6 pounds. Kind of high, but I really want to be back in the 160s. It has been a mental barrier for several months and I feel like if I could break through it that it would be a huge victory.

My plan:
At least two miles a day walk or run for the rest of the month.
Three 20 minute elliptical workouts a week.
Weights two times a week.
No alcohol. (This might be hard!)
No chips. No dip.
One small coke a day.

I just started a new job and things are a little chaotic at my house, so I am not even going to try to track this month, but I am going to try very hard to make good choices and watch my portions.

Morning all! Happy July!

I am setting two goals for next month:
1) Walk for an average of 10,500 steps per day for a total of, at least, 325,500 steps for the entire month. **I just came back from a follow-up with my podiatrist regarding the plantar fasciitis in my left foot. He suggested that I lay off the walking and switch to stationary bike or something. I don't really want to, though. I'm going to stick with my planned goal for now but, I may drop this one and pick something new depending on how my foot feels.
2) Drink an average of 88 oz of water per day for a total of, at least, 2,728 oz for the entire month.

I also began following the South Beach Diet (Phase 1) on Sunday, June 28. This is not part of my "official" June goals but, I'd like y'all to hold me to staying on the plan for the entire month. If I'm faithful to the plan, my last day on Phase 1 will be Saturday, July 11 and I'll begin Phase 2 that Sunday. Today is my 4th day on the plan and, so far, so good.

Looking forward to some real progress toward better health this month!
We did south beach a long time ago (Mike sticks pretty close to it now) and I stayed on phase one too long. I do not do well if I restrict carbs--in this case it was the fruit I was really missing. Lost a ton of weight but didn't stick with it. So moral of the story--move on to phase two when it's time. :) I think it is a really long term maintainable plan.

Thursday QOTD:

Heat! One of summer's challenges is hot weather. Depending on where you live it might be better or worse, but all of the Northern Hemisphere will have some very warm days during July. How do you deal with it? Do you have any strategies on how to get through a heat wave and still keep active and continue a healthy life style?

Looking forward to read your ideas!
I prefer heat to cold. I am ridiculously pale so I have to watch the full sun, but we have already had a couple of weeks of upper 90s/low100s here. It broke for a week and we are back in the 90s later this week. I try really hard to get out in the morning to walk the dogs or run and then just enjoy the shade on the porch in the evening. :)

Ok, I might be MIA for a couple of days. I am starting my second week at my new job tomorrow. Last week was really, really, really stressful. (I will spare you the details.) :) I really blew it with my food choices at the end of June. But I am ready to hit it hard for July!

Have a great Tuesday!


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