Should we go to Disney with 9 yo and 1yo?


DIS Veteran
May 3, 2011
hi. Sorry for the long drawn out post:
We want to go on vacation next November and we love Disney. We come almost every year. We didn't go this year and our 8 1/2 year old is asking.Out of all the years we've been, she had the best time at 7 1/2 and got the most out of it. I know at 9 1/2 she will have an even better time so I don't want to miss these years of bringing her. We have a 1 month old who will be 1year old next November 3. We are thinking of going to Disney mid nov or last week in November into December. My husband thinks it's going to be hard with our little one and we will constantly have to be separated because our older one will want to go on the big rides. Is it worth going or should we wait? We will have the same issue when she is 2 or 3 which means we will be waiting another 2 years plus we are going on a family cruise in 2018 with my family so wouldn't go to Disney in 2018. I know some people might suggest bringing grandparents or someone with us but that won't happen.
Please give me some positives about going next year!
I can't think of a single reason NOT to go with a 1 year old. We went last year with a 2 year old, which is admittedly different, but it was still awesome. Rent a nice stroller and have a great time!
Definitely go. It's not that hard with a 1 year old and yes, you will be separated sometimes on attractions or if the 1 year old naps and you want to walk them around the park. But here's some positive spin - it also lets each of you have some 1 on 1 time with your 9 yr old, which is different but fun as well. And taking the 1 year old around is fun as well. Especially the pre-mentioned naps. When my DD1 was 1 year and this year when my DD2 was 5 months, I had the best time walking them around in the stroller when they napped. I stopped and looked at things I never even noticed before and went it shops / stores I never did before. It's a lot of fun. All depends on how you plan it and work it out.
I say go! Baby swap is an option on a lot of rides, and your 9yo will be so happy to get some quality time with mom and dad separately
We took our son when he was 15 months - it was a different trip from any trip we'd ever taken (we started taking our much-older daughter when she was eight). We had to stop more, had to accommodate things we'd never had to consider like naps and diaper changes. It was the most challenging trip we'd ever taken.

And I would do it all over again! Highly recommend going with one that young, all other things being equal.
I have DS4 and DS12 so we had to go or else DS12 would have missed out on a lot waiting for DS4 to get older. We go annually due to being DVC owners and each trip is different despite their ages. Go and have fun!!!
My husband thinks it's going to be hard with our little one and we will constantly have to be separated because our older one will want to go on the big rides. Is it worth going or should we wait?

By this logic you are going to end up ruling out most family vacations due to the age differences of your kids until they are both adults. Waiting a year, 2-3 years, 5 years, etc. isn't going to reduce that age difference which brings different interests, likes and attention levels at various stages. What I'm saying is that there is no guarantee your youngest will ever like the "bigger" rides. My family also had a similar age span from oldest to youngest so I understand. Yes, you may need to split at times but there are also plenty of rides, shows and experiences for all ages to enjoy together. And your kids will learn to accept each other and tolerate each other's different likes/needs. They probably won't even think twice about splitting up or alternating choices.

Enjoy your vacation!
There are many rides you can all do together. I know with my last kid, DH and I would take turns. I would get 4 fast passes (still paper) for the 4 of us that had tickets (my 3rd was under 3) while either he or I waited inline at park opening.

Then he'd come off and I'd take a kid on and he would hang out with 2 of them and I'd come off and he'd take the other kid on..I am thinking that was only teat track. We didn't do soarin that year as I was afraid my then almost 5yo would fall out and I only did space mountain with my oldest. I don't think nay wanted to do splash mountain and we may have done Big thunder but I can't recall as that was 2008...

But pretty much everything else we did together. If we weren't I'd sit if it was sitting. Time or we'd walk around and look at things with the youngest.
We took DS to WDW for the first time right after he turned 1. Yes, it was hard. He still wasn't sleeping very well through the night and the amount of stuff I needed to pack and rent was overwhelming. We made it through and we do have fond memories of the trip and I wouldn't trade that experience for the world. As long as you are prepared and know that, yes, you may have to separate for some things and accomodate all of the different schedules, you can make it work. And, as PP pointed out, there are a lot of rides and attractions you all can do together. The other option, if your family is open to it, would be for one parent to take your older child by themselves while the other parent stays home with the baby.
By this logic you are going to end up ruling out most family vacations due to the age differences of your kids until they are both adults. Waiting a year, 2-3 years, 5 years, etc. isn't going to reduce that age difference which brings different interests, likes and attention levels at various stages. What I'm saying is that there is no guarantee your youngest will ever like the "bigger" rides. My family also had a similar age span from oldest to youngest so I understand. Yes, you may need to split at times but there are also plenty of rides, shows and experiences for all ages to enjoy together. And your kids will learn to accept each other and tolerate each other's different likes/needs. They probably won't even think twice about splitting up or alternating choices.

Enjoy your vacation!


my kids are spread out in age, toddler to teens. There is so much at Disney that we can enjoy together; and the rider switch option is available for the handful of rides DD2 isn't tall enough for. You mentioned that prior to this past year that you went to Disney almost every year, so I would bet that your oldest would really enjoy seeing your youngest experience the magic of their first Disney trip. My kids are super excited to go back to Disney but they always mention how they can't wait to see how their baby sister will react to seeing her favorite characters or the castle for the first time and getting to ride Dumbo and It's a Small World with her. :goodvibes
Just go!

I've brought my kids at all sorts of ages... as young as 8 weeks old, almost 1 year old, 2, 3, 4, etc. There were positives and negatives to each age, but the positives always outweigh the negatives for me! This year we'll be going with an almost 2 year old, almost 4 year old, almost 6 year old and 7 year old. It is challenging since the toddler can't go on some of the rides that the older kids will want to go on. But I know that the older ones are going to be at great ages for Disney so I don't want to miss the opportunity, and one of the benefits is that the toddler is free! :) Plus he gives us an excuse to go on the "little kid" rides that the bigger kids might not choose.

It's always a good time for Disney!! :)
Go! I leave tomorrow and it's me solo with my almost 5 yo and newly turned 1 yo. It'll be my 1 yo's third Disney trip (one of them to DL).

There is no reason not to go honestly!
I would absolutely NOT wait!!

Our girls were 10 and 7.5 when our DS was born. They were used to going to Disney every year and the new baby wasn't going to stop that, LOL.

DS has now gone at 3 months and 15 months. Next year will be his 3rd trip, and he will be 2.5. Each trip has been great, and our older girls LOVE to watch their brother experience Disney.

Just like we have watched them meet all different "Disney Milestones", they (and we) will watch little man do the same.

Priceless family memories! :cloud9:
I wouldn't wait unless you are only going to go on one trip with the kids...then I would wait. It seems like you go a lot. The age difference isn't going to sort itself out for many many years. I have a 6 and a 2 year old. We just got back last month. Yes, there are some attractions the two year old couldn't do so we split up, but there are lots of things we could all do together. We all had a great time.
Definitely go! We had a trips when my youngest was 8 months and another at 20 months, and both were awesome. Yes, you do have to do child swap to ride height restricted rides, but your kiddo will get to ride twice. And as adults you will get to slow down a bit, take in the scenery, enjoy a snack or people watch, and still have a great time. Are 1 is super easy. I would say easier and a better experience than the couple of years that would follow. Do it, and enjoy what Disney with a baby has to offer. There are many great tips on this board!
We just got back from a trip with our 11 year old and 9 month old and it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. The baby can go on a lot of rides (we used a baby carrier and it was great to not have to hold him in our arms-he even slept through Haunted Mansion twice). For anything else we just used rider swap which was easy. DH and DS11 would usually just relax while I nursed and changed the baby in the baby care center. Definitely go for it!


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