Sept 4-8 2005 Wonder S.S. Member Cruise! Part 4

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ohiominnie said:
Actually, that is Biblical....(snip) (paraphrased)

Had to look up the real verses:

Romans 12:17-21

17Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. 19Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord. 20On the contrary:
"If your enemy is hungry, feed him;
if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."
21Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
ohiominnie said:
Had to look up the real verses:
In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head."

:rotfl2: I don't know why this is so funny to me. Maybe because I can think of a couple of people whose head I'd like to heap burning coals on! :rotfl: :rotfl:
Bompy213 said:
Amy - How can I buy one of the pens everyone is talking about?
OK, just got back from WDW, and I'm trying to read these posts one by one. Forgive me if I answer something that's already been answered.

I had some extra pens, that I offered to send out, but I haven't had a chance to send them to those that have already asked. If I have any left, I can send you one too. I gave them out at the pre-cruise meet and at the onboard DIS meet.
WDWLVR said:
I know Amy & Chris are away for the weekend, but let's keep them in our thoughts and prayers. Looks like the latest tropical storm may become Hurricane Wilma and early tracking shows it headed towards Tampa/St. Pete.
Ok, we're back, but I have to say that this is the first that I've heard about this. We ended up getting back from Disney and the brakes on our SUV started to grind. $750 later, it's all fixed. So, I'm finally getting around to reading the posts, and see this. So, I go to the NHC/NOAA website and see, YIKES, a hurricane!!!! So, we'll have to wait & watch this one!!!
Diana Lyn said:
Hopefully it will fizzle out. I can't believe they are on W already. Dumb question--anyone know where they get the next storm's (hopefully there won't be one) name from? Doesn't the list go from A - W?
OK, I'm sure that this has been answered already, but I haven't gotten that far yet. After W, they start with the Greek alphabet, alpha, beta, gamma, etc.
OK, we're back from Disney. We started out the weekend a little rough. Emily woke up in the middle of the night on Friday night several times. At one point, she told me that her tummy hurt. I got her a bowl, to put by her bed, just in case. I wasn't sure whether she was sick or just bounced too much on that big slide at Chris's company picnic. Well, sure enough, she got sick at about 3:30am. She said that she felt better after she got sick and fell back asleep.

So, on Saturday morning, we took it slow, just to make sure that Emily was doing ok. We finally took off for Epcot around 11am. We arrived at Epcot around 12:30pm and did our tour around the world via the Food & Wine Festival. Had LOTS of yummy treats!!!

On Sunday morning, we got up and went to breakfast at Denny's. While at breakfast, we got a call from another DISer that we went on Cruisetoberfest II with. We totally forgot that they were at WDW for the weekend too. We made plans to meet up with them before the MNSSHP. And, off to MK we went. We rode a few rides, and then decided that the girls needed a nap and we needed to do some house hunting just in case. We went around and found that most of the new houses in the area north of Orlando (Winter Garden area) are starting at around $375,000. :earseek: While our house is worth a lot more than we bought it for, I'm not sure that we can get that much for ours right now. But, we're going to talk to our real estate agent that sold us our house, and see what he thinks. Houses in this neighborhood are going for insane prices, so I guess we can see if we can cash in. I just want to keep my mortgage pretty much what I have now, maybe a tad more, but not much.

Then, we head back to MNSSHP. We didn't have PS (or ADR or whatever they are calling them now) for anything, but it was 4:45pm and we decided to take a chance. Crystal Palace said that it would be a 20 minute wait and we decided to go for it. We got our strollers parked, sat down on the bench and we were called. Had a good dinner and met up with our friends from Cruisetoberfest II. Emily was dressed as Belle and Madison was Snow White. We had a lot of fun trick-or-treating around MK. The new HalloWISHES was fantastic and the parade was really fun. We did some more trick-or-treating and then left around 11:45pm.

We slept in this morning and went to breakfast at McDonalds. We dropped Chris off at his "meeting" and the girls and I went to Downtown Disney to play a little bit. We went to the Once Upon a Toy store, the Lego store. They played in the fountains by the Christmas store and then lunch at McDonalds. Then, Chris called for us to pick him up.

His meeting went well. He said that he really wants to think about this job offer. Basically, the job is his, if he wants it. He just has to decide. Basically, I told him that it was his decision, we could live anywhere. He has to be sure if he wants to change jobs. My only concern was that their health benefits don't start for 90 days, and I do not want to go without insurance with the girls for 3 months. We'll just have to negotiate it, if we decide to go for it.

Then, while in Orlando this weekend, our brakes started grinding. We took it right into Just Brakes as soon as we got home tonight. $750 later :earseek: , everything is fixed. I'm planning to go to bed early tonight.
alikat99 said:
OK, we're back from Disney.

Glad to hear you had a good weekendfor the most part.
I've heard several people say the new MNSSHP fireworks are great. Hopefully I will get to see them first hand next year (Member Cruise 2006...please, please, please!).
Sorry about the brakes. Don't you just hate when that little expenses just pop out at you like that. There worse then the boogeyman!
Good Morning :sunny: :sunny:

Welcome back, Amy! Glad you had a good trip, even if there were a couple bumps along the way. Emily must have been so excited to be going to WDW that she made herself sick. Sometimes I feel like that too. ;) I'm so glad she felt better and you were able to go with your plans. Nothing like a visit to CentraCare -- we were on a roll for a while that it was a given we'd end up there with one of the kids.

We're off to another pumpkin farm today. One I've never been to. It will be nice to go some place different for a change. It's going to be another beautiful day around here.

My daycare family showed up yesterday. Nine more days (but who's counting ;) ). Gary said I was very wrong to not give the little boy who is leaving a time out for punching the little girl he dislikes in the eye (because he wanted to). I figured I could let it slide, after all I don't want to get into another escalated situation. At drop off, I just avoided eye contact and saying anything to the dad. Fortunately, he chose to do the same. Almost the same thing upon pickup with the mom, although she was about 15 minutes late and if I really wanted to stick it to them, I could impose a $1.00 per minute late fee. But, I won't.

Nine more day, nine more days! :cheer2:

Gary's project is hopefully implementing his project today. We won't see him probably until morning. We all feel out of sorts in the evening when he's not here. Good thing is it doesn't happen a lot. So, tonight I get to be both Mom and Dad -- soccer, dinner, homework for them both, shower for Walker, get ready for school. I really have an appreciation for single parents who do it all. :)

Have a great day!
Good morning!! We're going to the pumpkin patch today too. Emily's class is having a field trip to the pumpkin patch where we used to go to church. It's a great patch, I'm just concerned about seeing some of the people, because I just stopped going this summer (I'm now going to church where Emily goes to school). Oh well, I'm just going to have fun with the kids!!

Cindy - I'm so sorry that you're going through this, but it will be over soon. Hopefully, these next 9 days will go by quickly!!!

I know what you mean about single parents, how do they do it? Last week, Chris worked late every night to get a special project done, so that we could go to Disney without worrying about it. We only saw him for a few minutes each morning and he came home sometimes so late that I was even in bed.

Well, I better finish getting myself & the girls ready for school & our field trip.
Good morning everyone! Looks like it is going to be a beautiful day here in Chicago. Cindy & Amy enjoy your trips to the pumpkin patch!
WOW, I come back and it gets quiet!!!

Well, we went to the pumpkin patch today. Lots of fun!!! Even Madison had some fun. I did see some people from the church, but at least they were the ones that I really liked. I did get some questions about rumors about why we left, but overall we had fun. Maddie fell asleep in the car on the way home, so she totally missed lunch. But, she got up about 1/2 hour ago, so I just gave her a larger snack to make up for her missing lunch.
alikat99 said:
WOW, I come back and it gets quiet!!!

Hmmmm....what does that tell you?

Glad you had fun at the pumpkin patch! :)
alikat99 said:
WOW, I come back and it gets quiet!!!

Well, we went to the pumpkin patch today. Lots of fun!!! Even Madison had some fun. I did see some people from the church, but at least they were the ones that I really liked. I did get some questions about rumors about why we left, but overall we had fun. Maddie fell asleep in the car on the way home, so she totally missed lunch. But, she got up about 1/2 hour ago, so I just gave her a larger snack to make up for her missing lunch.

Glad to hear you guys had fun at the pumpkin patch. We went a few weeks ago and when I saw a good pumpkin I'd say, "This one is nice." So now Emma has become a connaisseur! We went to a country store type restaurant for breakfast this morning and they have all these pumpkins outside. Well, I'm chatting with my friends and I hear Emma, "This one is nice" "NOT NICE" 'This one is nice'....She was explaining how to judge a good pumpkin to another little girl. :rolleyes:
We had fun at our pumpkin patch too. It's really a beautiful day out there. We went on a wagon ride through the "scary" forest. At night, it's geared towards adults and I can see why. Just riding through there during the day imagining what it's like at night was enough to give me the creeps. We then went into the "spooky" house, which wasn't relly spooky at all. They have a different one for the adults at night. :earseek:

I'm planning on taking Walker back Saturday morning, if the weather holds out. We'll be there bright and early, in the hopes of avoiding some of the crowd.

The kids all brought home a small pumpkin, coloring books, pencils, apples, rings and certificates for being there. A nice deal for $5 per child.
cgcw said:
We had fun at our pumpkin patch too. It's really a beautiful day out there. We went on a wagon ride through the "scary" forest. At night, it's geared towards adults and I can see why. Just riding through there during the day imagining what it's like at night was enough to give me the creeps. We then went into the "spooky" house, which wasn't relly spooky at all. They have a different one for the adults at night. :earseek:

I'm planning on taking Walker back Saturday morning, if the weather holds out. We'll be there bright and early, in the hopes of avoiding some of the crowd.

The kids all brought home a small pumpkin, coloring books, pencils, apples, rings and certificates for being there. A nice deal for $5 per child.

I don't know about anyone else, but I wish I was a kid in Cindy's daycare! They do the funnest things!!
Diana Lyn said:
I don't know about anyone else, but I wish I was a kid in Cindy's daycare! They do the funnest things!!
I TOTALLY agree with you!!!

Someone mentioned to us that they are having a scarecrow factory on Saturday night from 6-9pm. For $10/family, you can come in and make your own scarecrow complete with clothes and a painted face. All the money goes towards the church's food pantry. I think that we'll go over there and make at least one scarecrow for our front yard, maybe 2.
I want to be in Cindy's daycare too! I Julie promise not to punch any little boys or little girls even if their daddies and mommies are meanies :rotfl2: .

Amy - sounds like you guys had fun at WDW and that the meeting Chris went to was good. Good luck in your decision!

Ok so several pages back Cindy asked what we are doing in October 2006?
here's the info (highlight) as not all of Matt's friends know yet due to some recent moves etc (although I don't think any read here but you never know)

We are getting married at WDW on October 28, 2006 which is why we are not able to sail with all of you the week before (it's also Matt's finals). Had the cruise been a week later you bet we would have been on the ship!

The ask happened right after the cruise and we were excited to share the news with Cindy and Gary and the boys. We kept it under wraps until we could speak with my family as they were focused on Grandpa. And yes, the ring did go on the boat!

Our move was crazy and we feel like box people now!
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