Sarah & Chris - Swan - 09-01-13 - Update

Welcome to me PJ! Nice to have you here. Where are you planning your wedding for? If you are going through the S/D she told me to ask a year out. BUT I am going to see if we can book in August. I am getting really impatient. We decided to wait for the year so we could save up our money, I agree it feels like the pressure is off a little.

Glad to have you aboard! :banana:

Thanks! :goodvibes we're looking at having our wedding at Coronado Springs' Rix Lounge.

WOW at your shoes!!! They look amazing! So pretty, sparkly and such a great color :) I applaud your patience with those crystals!
OMG!! Those are GORGEOUS!! :love:

Love the shoes!!

Thanks! :goodvibes we're looking at having our wedding at Coronado Springs' Rix Lounge.

WOW at your shoes!!! They look amazing! So pretty, sparkly and such a great color :) I applaud your patience with those crystals!

Thanks ladies! I am in love with my shoes. I am going to get littler purple ones to fill in where need be, and I am going to get little green ones and make hidden mickeys ::MickeyMo
I am following along in your PJ. I am also doing the Swann for my wedding. I am looking at November 2013. I have to wait until this November to lock in my date as well. I figure this would give me time to work on the deposit and focus on other things for the wedding. I can't wait to see how things move along with you. Congrats.
I am following along in your PJ. I am also doing the Swann for my wedding. I am looking at November 2013. I have to wait until this November to lock in my date as well. I figure this would give me time to work on the deposit and focus on other things for the wedding. I can't wait to see how things move along with you. Congrats.

Hi and welcome! Great to have you here! I am getting so anxious to book the date!!!! It is always great to have a fellow Swan bride here. Looking forward to sharing ideas with you!
Well, the time is here, we have our date!! September 1 2013!!

So here is the story. I wanted to see if we could secure our date a little early. So I wrote Erin from Just Marry! and said I understood if we couldn't yet, but it would be cool to try. To back up a bit, when we first got engaged, I was looking at photographers, because to me that is my most important element. I fell in love with Jason Angelini. So, I contacted them on August 24th, 2011. She (his wife) told me they could pencil me in, and if anyone else is interested in the same date, they would let me know, and hopefully I would know my date by then.

So Erin told me that the hotel accepted my date, but at 7pm not 7:30 like I wanted, but I was okay with that. So, we were waiting for the contract, and I was talking to Chris, maybe we should contact the photographer, well maybe we should wait until the contract is signed. Not 15 minutes later, Lucia, Jason's wife, wrote me to tell me another couple had a phone meeting the next day, and usually that means they will book the date on the phone. She said that since I was penciled in, I could get the date first. Talk about meant to be! If I would have waited to check my date, I would have missed out on my photographer.

I got a little paranoid because we sent in the deposit to the photographer before we signed the contract for the wedding. I was worried that they were going to forget about me and schedule something else instead of my wedding. But, that didn't happen.

So we are officially getting married September 1, 2013 at 7pm at the Swan and Dolphin at Crescent Terrace!!!!!! :bride:
Well, we traveled to WDW to check out the ceremony spot.

I have to say I liked it so much better when I got there, than I did in pictures. We met with Diana and she was super nice. She answered all of my questions and gave us some ideas too. I was really having a hard time picturing where everything was going to happen before, but I feel much better after seeing it.

While we were there, we decided we will spend our wedding night at the Yacht Club. Neither of us have stayed there before, and Chris liked how close it was to the wedding spot. Even though we won't go right from the wedding to the resort, I thought it would be nice if I can drop off our stuff that morning and have them put it in the room when it is ready instead of checking in after everything is over. I am hoping that is how it will work.

We ordered the STD before our trip, in hopes they would get delivered and I could bring them with, and put them together with my mom, since I don't live near her anymore. Of course, they got sent out 3 days after we left. So after my mom got home she got them. She sent me a pic and I am in love. She will be sending them to me, so I can assemble and mail them. I will post pics when I get them.

We are less than a year out!
The save the dates are in!!

There are mini-suitcases. Inside there are little Mickey ear key chains. I am planning on putting a little info card inside and thinking about putting magnets on the back so they will stick onto their fridge :cutie:


:wave2: hi there!

just read through ur pj for the first time so thought i'd say hi from a future swan bride an leave my comments on it all!

i hav 2 say the proposal sounds amazin!!! something that was pretty simple but very effective an definitely made that move worth it. So pleased to hear of a groom suggestin a disney wedding i'v only heard of the future bride suggestin it lol its jus a magical place why would anyone not wanna get married there pixiedust:

love the colours in the inspiration board! i'm goin wi similar greens an darker purple.

ps u dnt blabber on u should see my long winded posts on my planning journal lol

the postcards for asking ur bridesmaids r gorgeous!! wish i'd done somethin like this altho i jus hav one bridesmaid so i'm guilty of jus askin my sister in person an not doin anythin official :guilty:

The engagement pictures r cute wi the ears :) unfortunately photobucket wont let me see them all :( says its a private album an jus wont let me see anythin :sad2:

fantasmic is amazin, i'v loved it ever since i was little an the wait on the stupid uncomfy seats r well worth it :)

i'm commenting as i read thro so i dnt forget anythin an i'v noticed u mention a few times about people who "have" to be invited so i'm wondering if ur mayb in a similar situation to me, i'l read on see if i find out lol

i feel for u about the irrational fears of being kicked out of ur own dessert party. as brides we'r allowed to worry bout tiny wee details or things that others would never imagine some of the things i'v worried about, asked questions about on the boards or to different vendors r things i'd never hav thought about when thinkin a wedding until i started thinkin about my own wedding! mayb i'm jus a worrier over tiny details lol

sorry to hear u couldnt get ur date booked in the first time u tried. it doesnt make sense to me either bcos here in scotland weddings get booked atleast 2 or 3 years in advance sometimes more! its quite scary that other things such as flights could b booked b4 my actual wedding but i'm hopin it all falls in2 place for me (i'm hopin for 4th june 2014 so after initial contact wi justmarry for packages etc i'm hopin i can secure a date thro justmarry asap after xmas this year altho have been told its normally a year out so might need 2 wait until june 2013 :mad:)

The superhero touches r so cool! i'v seen the tshirts thing b4 but never the boutonnieres its a great touch for a groom whos in2 comic books an super heroes etc

i like the mickey vinylmation soaps there a great addition an will look so good. i'm thinkin they'r pretty easy 2 make as well?

OMG ur crystalised shoes!!!!! They r TO DIE FOR!!!!! i love them! such a great idea that i might have 2 do it too lol :idea:

that was just fate with u asking for the date early an the photographer contactin u about possibly losin ur date! ur such a lucky girl it all turns out fine in the end!

the little suitcases r cute! i kinda wise i was doin save the dates but its not somethin we really do over here in the uk an the small group of ppl who will b at the ceremony hav already been well warned of the date an the saving that needs done an when flights etc will need booked lol. So when we get our date confirmed at a year out instead of sending save the dates i'l b payin the deposit for the invitations an they'l b goin out mayb a month or so later dependin how quickly they get made which seems so much more appropriate for us since those close to us have been "saving the date" since we got engaged in december 2010 lol

well thats me all caught up on ur pj so far! gonna subscribe so i can keep up 2 date wi all ur planning :) bye for now :wave2:
:wave2: hi there!

just read through ur pj for the first time so thought i'd say hi from a future swan bride an leave my comments on it all!

i hav 2 say the proposal sounds amazin!!! something that was pretty simple but very effective an definitely made that move worth it. So pleased to hear of a groom suggestin a disney wedding i'v only heard of the future bride suggestin it lol its jus a magical place why would anyone not wanna get married there pixiedust:

love the colours in the inspiration board! i'm goin wi similar greens an darker purple.

ps u dnt blabber on u should see my long winded posts on my planning journal lol

the postcards for asking ur bridesmaids r gorgeous!! wish i'd done somethin like this altho i jus hav one bridesmaid so i'm guilty of jus askin my sister in person an not doin anythin official :guilty:

The engagement pictures r cute wi the ears :) unfortunately photobucket wont let me see them all :( says its a private album an jus wont let me see anythin :sad2:

fantasmic is amazin, i'v loved it ever since i was little an the wait on the stupid uncomfy seats r well worth it :)

i'm commenting as i read thro so i dnt forget anythin an i'v noticed u mention a few times about people who "have" to be invited so i'm wondering if ur mayb in a similar situation to me, i'l read on see if i find out lol

i feel for u about the irrational fears of being kicked out of ur own dessert party. as brides we'r allowed to worry bout tiny wee details or things that others would never imagine some of the things i'v worried about, asked questions about on the boards or to different vendors r things i'd never hav thought about when thinkin a wedding until i started thinkin about my own wedding! mayb i'm jus a worrier over tiny details lol

sorry to hear u couldnt get ur date booked in the first time u tried. it doesnt make sense to me either bcos here in scotland weddings get booked atleast 2 or 3 years in advance sometimes more! its quite scary that other things such as flights could b booked b4 my actual wedding but i'm hopin it all falls in2 place for me (i'm hopin for 4th june 2014 so after initial contact wi justmarry for packages etc i'm hopin i can secure a date thro justmarry asap after xmas this year altho have been told its normally a year out so might need 2 wait until june 2013 :mad:)

The superhero touches r so cool! i'v seen the tshirts thing b4 but never the boutonnieres its a great touch for a groom whos in2 comic books an super heroes etc

i like the mickey vinylmation soaps there a great addition an will look so good. i'm thinkin they'r pretty easy 2 make as well?

OMG ur crystalised shoes!!!!! They r TO DIE FOR!!!!! i love them! such a great idea that i might have 2 do it too lol :idea:

that was just fate with u asking for the date early an the photographer contactin u about possibly losin ur date! ur such a lucky girl it all turns out fine in the end!

the little suitcases r cute! i kinda wise i was doin save the dates but its not somethin we really do over here in the uk an the small group of ppl who will b at the ceremony hav already been well warned of the date an the saving that needs done an when flights etc will need booked lol. So when we get our date confirmed at a year out instead of sending save the dates i'l b payin the deposit for the invitations an they'l b goin out mayb a month or so later dependin how quickly they get made which seems so much more appropriate for us since those close to us have been "saving the date" since we got engaged in december 2010 lol

well thats me all caught up on ur pj so far! gonna subscribe so i can keep up 2 date wi all ur planning :) bye for now :wave2:

Thanks for joining along! We have had our ups and downs with planning so far, but I think everything is going really well right now! See ya real soon ;)

SARAH!! Those are RIDICULOUSLY cute! I love love love them! pixiedust:

Thank you Miss Faith! I love them bunches. I guess the bad news about them, we found out they are going to cost 1.90 each to send, ouch. Oh well, I am making my own invitations to make up for it!
Sarah, I am now all caught up and I am SO glad you finally got your date! and your photographer! The photographer is so important so I am so happy for you that it all worked out!

The Mickey soaps are so cute and such a good idea! I am tempted to borrow it!

You are doing an amaaaaing job on your shoes! Are they done yet? I bet that takes foreeever!

Oh, and your STDs are precious! I love the little suitcases!
Cutest STD ever!

Can't wait to follow along!

Thank you so much! They are one of my favorite things that we (I) have done so far.

Sarah, I am now all caught up and I am SO glad you finally got your date! and your photographer! The photographer is so important so I am so happy for you that it all worked out!

The Mickey soaps are so cute and such a good idea! I am tempted to borrow it!

You are doing an amaaaaing job on your shoes! Are they done yet? I bet that takes foreeever!

Oh, and your STDs are precious! I love the little suitcases!

Thanks! I was worried about the photographer because to me that was the most important aspect of our day. You can of course borrow the soap idea! I got the vinylmation ice tray and then got the soap making products at hobby lobby.

My shoes are not done take a long time AND money. My 10 dollar shoes are probably going to cost me over a 100 by the time I am done :rotfl2: so much for saving money there!

Thank you about the save the dates, I am glad that people know they are suitcases, some people that I gave them to, didn't notice that at first!
Hello! Love your plans so far! How do you attach the crystals to your shoes?
Hello! Love your plans so far! How do you attach the crystals to your shoes?

Thanks so much! I got E6000 glue and am I using a jewel setter. It is is little tool that has a tacky point, so you can pick up the stone and when you put it on the glue it lets go of the stone. Pretty easy, just time consuming.
Hello! :wave2: Just joining in here! I LOVE the save the dates, those are so adorable! Happy to read everything is coming together nicely! Can't wait to read more! :thumbsup2
Wedding twin!

First of all, how have I not seen your PJ before? Why am I not subbed?

I just read everything, and I pretty much want to come to your wedding instead of my own! I love the super hero idea, and the STD's are super adorable.

Also, did you know that our rings are practically identical? ( Funny how being a wedding twin works that way.

Did you decide what you're doing about dinner yet?
Wedding twin!

First of all, how have I not seen your PJ before? Why am I not subbed?

I just read everything, and I pretty much want to come to your wedding instead of my own! I love the super hero idea, and the STD's are super adorable.

Also, did you know that our rings are practically identical? ( Funny how being a wedding twin works that way.

Did you decide what you're doing about dinner yet?

Oh my goodness our rings are almost identical!! That is crazy!

We have decided that we are not going to have a dinner, we pushed the time to 7pm so we will go from there straight to the dessert party. I think we will be hosting a farewell breakfast the next morning, but those details need to be ironed out yet.

We should totally meet at the boardwalk or something after our weddings and have a drink to celebrate!


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