Running For Give Kids The World


Feb 26, 2008
Greetings fellow DisBoarders!
Looking for ideas and support from this great community. Background story:
I have been a wish granter for Make A Wish of Minnesota for several years and I have sent many kids off to WDW and GKTW and I have welcomed these same kids back from their awesome week at the village. With all wishes we try to make the time up to the trip as special as possible. So that means sometimes several months of making it special by dropping little gifts off, having wish mail created for them and the magical send off parties. And then welcoming them home is amazing as you see some of the most shy kids you have met give you a great big hug upon their return through the airport gates and then they talk your ear off about what a great time they had. More often then not you hear about their time in the village. We wish granters often never see the actual wish experience. We see the before and hear about the during as we see them return.

So on one of my every other year trips I decided to visit the village and I was able to see first hand the magic that is created there! On a recent business trip I was able to take a half a day and volunteer at the village and I was hooked! I see now what made each one of those trips special. I was working at the carousel and I can't tell you how fast time flew by. I would have stayed there all night if I could have. When I asked a mother why she was crying after I started the carousel she told me that it was the first time her daughter was ever able to ride one. This was one of those "firsts" moments that many of us parents only experience at the normal milestones and is sometimes hard to understand. She saw the joy in her eyes. And there were several other stories just as magical. I am rambling and could go on forever about my time there and how much I want to go back.

So now for the story of how I got here. On the plane ride back I was thinking what more could I do? I want to help more! Moving down there is not an option. Trust me as a Disney addict I think about it all the time! So I decided to see how I can help raise money for this awesome place. I travel quite a bit for work and have racked up quite a few FF miles, hotel points and even a couple of airline travel vouchers. I had a travel voucher that was going to expire with no possibility of being used. Next trip to the world isn't until next August. I decided to run (I am NOT a runner!) in the Gingerbread run and raise some money. After talking with the team at GKTW they informed me of the newly created Run GKTW team for the Disney Marathon weekends. Sounds awesome! The Swalphin will provide the room and entry into the race and I need to raise a certain amount of money. Sign me up! So here I am. Someone who is not a runner (starting to train) and trying to raise money for this awesome place.

I would love the support of this community by following my FB page that I created to help generate awareness of the village. I understand that everyone does not have money to give that is why I would like to treat this as more than just a fundraiser (although I welcome any ideas you may have to raise money) and more of a pay it forward with knowledge and awareness!

Please follow my FB page here and share with your friends if you feel it worthy of your support!

Thank you for your time!
Question - anyone from Minnesota interested in a meet to benefit this event?


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