Rudeness cranked up to 11 right now.


DIS Veteran
Jun 13, 2015
I jumped into MK tonight as I noticed the ride waits starting to drop finally so I wanted to have some fun before it's back to work in the morning..

Has anyone else noticed that right now a large amount of people visiting the parks are that rude, me first, push you out of the way, throw their kids in front of you and get mad at you to get past like you cut them off standing still as a child flew past your ear. It was annoyingly inconsiderate. I didn't even mind the strollers that were crashing into me because at least those guests were apologetic or even yelled out warning they were getting pushed into someone else.

Worst night in MK I've ever had.. Hs was great, maybe a 5 or 6 crowd level. some oblivious types but it wasn't so crowded that it mattered. I stopped in there first to see the new revision of the star wars fireworks with new rogue one footage added.
Ehhh...go pound sand and mind your own business. :P :D

Haven't been there since July, but in a crowd as big as what WDW draws, there are always a few in the crowd. Not sure if I've noticed an uptick in it, though that's the general trend of our society now so perhaps this is just a reflection of it.
Welcome to the new American Way!!! Some people spend $2,000 on a trip and others spend $15,000 on a trip. My experience is the ones that are spending $15,000 think they are more ENTITLED than you. You can easily spot these type of people. They make sure everyone knows where they are staying, they talk about how they had to stay in a specific resort to remain part of their social circle. I on the other hand am on the cheapskate scale. I laugh at the rude people. When I hear someone talking about spending $15,000, I sort of blurt outloud that I am getting the same thing they are for $13,000 less. Makes them kind of feel stupid in public.
I'm sorry you had a bad experience due to guests. That's frustrating. Hopefully, next park visit is better.

We went to LEGOLAND on New Year's Eve Day. Weren't many people there, but plenty of people holding line places for others. That bothered my dh, but the lines were so short that it didn't get my goat.

Moving this thread over to the community subforum.
They make sure everyone knows where they are staying, they talk about how they had to stay in a specific resort to remain part of their social circle. I on the other hand am on the cheapskate scale. I laugh at the rude people. When I hear someone talking about spending $15,000, I sort of blurt outloud that I am getting the same thing they are for $13,000 less. Makes them kind of feel stupid in public.

I have to wonder if you realize how pretentious this sounds. Possibly worse so than those you appear to abhor. Some would argue it makes you as rude.
I had a drunk guy spill his margarita all down my leg in BC Marketplace last night. He wasn't the least bit sorry, and in fact was mad at me. Dude, I'm standing still and you swung your arm into me, spilling your drink. How is that my fault? His really embarrassed significant other dragged him away.

And in the seems to be every family for themselves. Push and shove to the front of audiences, butt in lines (or hop the FP ropes since none of the second scan stations are active) and do whatever you have to to get your family what you think they want/need. Much less Magic and happy feelings than we usually see at other times of the year.

I feel bad for CMs at this time of year. Longer hours, tougher can't be fun.
On our last trip (end of Nov - first week of Dec), what really drove me up the wall were, 1) the kamikaze parents pushing strollers, cutting people off while they are walking and forcing you to stop quickly to keep from walking in to the stroller, and 2) the people driving scooters, who would drive out in front of you, cutting you off, and who would act like you needed to get out of THEIR way. One lady was even using the horn on her scooter to move people out of her way!
Welcome to the new American Way!!! Some people spend $2,000 on a trip and others spend $15,000 on a trip. My experience is the ones that are spending $15,000 think they are more ENTITLED than you. You can easily spot these type of people. They make sure everyone knows where they are staying, they talk about how they had to stay in a specific resort to remain part of their social circle. I on the other hand am on the cheapskate scale. I laugh at the rude people. When I hear someone talking about spending $15,000, I sort of blurt outloud that I am getting the same thing they are for $13,000 less. Makes them kind of feel stupid in public.

This made me laugh. People who spend large sums of money on where they stay simply don't get that this only gets them different accomodations and resort amenities. Likewise on their dining choices. Everyone in the park is roughly on equal standing in that they each have a park ticket that gives them access. Unless someone is paying for a private tour, they aren't entitled to anything more in the parks than someone staying at a cheap motel outside of the Disney property.
Agree 100%. Lots of groups congregated in the middle of walkways. Line cutting where one person is ahead on line and the remainder of their group rushes past everyone else to catch up with that person.

The one that takes the cake. DD and I were sitting on the rocking chairs at the gift store near Splash. DD stood up from the chair to adjust her shirt and instantly, a woman came over and shoved her butt into the rocking chair with DD still standing there. Beyond rude.
This didn't happen today, but on 12/18. It was myself and two friends, we were in line for BTMRR and they both had to use the rest room. I stayed in line, and proceeded to move through. My friends came back and attempted to get back in line with me (mind you the wait time was like 20ish minutes, and we had just gotten a bit inside but no where near the ramp or the interactive stuff) and the couple who was behind us, initially saw my friends standing in line then leaving, said "are they with you? How about we get in front of you and you can go back there with them. That's really rude." I looked at them a bit dumbfoundedly, because it's not like I stood in the line all by myself, the wait was excessively long, or we were at the ramp where the CMs direct you. I'm one who picks my battles, and this just wasn't worth it. So I moved back to get with my friends, and funnily enough, we were in front of them on the same exact train........the rest of the trip and my subsequent Christmas trip the following Wednesday was really pretty pleasant
Last week of August we didn't feel that but Pop Warner week there definitely was some of that. I imagine it's the remaining once-in-a-lifetime NYE at WDW crowds right now.

Funny kind of reverse annoying story when we were there Pop Warner week. My partner and I were waiting in line for a Dole Whip in Magic Kingdom before the afternoon parade when we realized that people were refusing to wait in the right-hand queue of the dual-queue in which we were waiting. It's pretty clear there that every register services two queues, like in most counter service eateries at Walt Disney World, and every other one of the registers to our left had both its queues completely full. (We were queued at the register all the way to the right, just around the corner from Frontierland.)

We were standing in the left queue and the last people to have ordered in the right queue had already walked away. We turned and realized that it was a middle-aged man standing directly behind us refusing to split the queue and blocking everyone behind him. When people do that there, it makes everyone's order take longer because the CMs often put together the orders for the left and the right queues simultaneously. And of course filling both queues--as you're supposed to do--doesn't make anything take longer because no matter what it's only one person helping everybody.

I told the gentleman that you're supposed to fill both queues and that he should step up because he should be next in line on the right-hand side. And he became irate and snippy and said that he wouldn't do it because he felt that it would be jumping the line. I tried to explain to him how it worked, and that it worked that way all over Walt Disney World, and that he was delaying people who probably just wanted to get their Dole Whip so that they could make it to watch the parade, but he just got angrier and angrier and made it very clear that he was trying to teach me a misguided lesson in manners.

So I just rolled my eyes at him and my partner and I took his place at the front of the queue on the right-hand side, while the people he was blocking went around him to stand behind us. When we left with our Dole whips, he was still waiting to make it to the front of the line on the left-hand side to make his point.

I bet he was a joy at the point where the lines diverge on Big Thunder and small world, too. Those are the people I really can't stand. The ones who have never been to Walt Disney World, but think they know how everything works, and won't listen to anyone else.
Welcome to the new American Way!!! Some people spend $2,000 on a trip and others spend $15,000 on a trip. My experience is the ones that are spending $15,000 think they are more ENTITLED than you. You can easily spot these type of people. They make sure everyone knows where they are staying, they talk about how they had to stay in a specific resort to remain part of their social circle. I on the other hand am on the cheapskate scale. I laugh at the rude people. When I hear someone talking about spending $15,000, I sort of blurt outloud that I am getting the same thing they are for $13,000 less. Makes them kind of feel stupid in public.
Before we moved to Orlando, we stayed approx 30-40 times at all the deluxes, and often club level. Spent a fortune. We never thought anything about being in a different group than any other guest in the theme parks.
That said, a few years ago while waiting in line for a beer at F&W, my wife and I were talking about the best way to get back to the Poly. A couple in back of us overheard the conversation and started making snide remarks about us being foolish to stay on site, and how they were smart for staying off site. They were obviously talking purposely so we could here them, and it was obviously intended to show we were foolish.

I don't think I've ever heard such classes, low life remarks from a grown couple.

Before we moved to Orlando, we stayed approx 30-40 times at all the deluxes, and often club level. Spent a fortune. We never thought anything about being in a different group than any other guest in the theme parks.
That said, a few years ago while waiting in line for a beer at F&W, my wife and I were talking about the best way to get back to the Poly. A couple in back of us overheard the conversation and started making snide remarks about us being foolish to stay on site, and how they were smart for staying off site. They were obviously talking purposely so we could here them, and it was obviously intended to show we were foolish.

I don't think I've ever heard such classes, low life remarks from a grown couple.



It honestly wreaks of jealousy. At best, you get the convenience of location staying at a deluxe resort. I'm not one to throw into other peoples faces where I stay onsite; and I certainly don't feel entitled whether I'm at a 'deluxe', 'moderate', or 'value' resort - not everyone who has the means and opts to stay on site at any level feels 'entitled' and the blanket stereotypical statements being thrown around in this thread are nothing short of disgusting.
I notice it the most in MK. I don't know what it is about that park, but my sister & I always have run in with strollers, and extremely rude children, with equally rude parents.
Behavior is always worse this time of year. The line cutting is what I’m noticing. Large groups will send a runner to mark a spot in line. 10 to 15 minutes later the group arrives and passes everyone.

Yesterday a group passed everyone using the fast past line to catch up with the early bird and the CM opens the rope to help them get into the standby lane in front of everyone, but with their buddy. I spoke with a group when they tried this stunt in the single rider Test Track stand by lane. One member of the group understood English and apologized, moving everyone back to where they started. Maybe signage would help?
Welcome to the new American Way!!! Some people spend $2,000 on a trip and others spend $15,000 on a trip. My experience is the ones that are spending $15,000 think they are more ENTITLED than you. You can easily spot these type of people. They make sure everyone knows where they are staying, they talk about how they had to stay in a specific resort to remain part of their social circle. I on the other hand am on the cheapskate scale. I laugh at the rude people. When I hear someone talking about spending $15,000, I sort of blurt outloud that I am getting the same thing they are for $13,000 less. Makes them kind of feel stupid in public.

Last October I was in the FP line for FEA. It was the longest FP line I've ever experienced and the standby line was ridiculous. The man behind me was bragging about staying in a delux resort and that the only way to get a FP for FEA was to stay onsite and make the FP 60 days out. He was going on and on. I couldn't resist informing him that I secured our 2 FPs 3 days before, that my D-I-L got 4 for her family a week prior to our trip.
No matter when I go I always experience rudeness at some point. I think any time you get that many people in one spot it is just going to happen. I've also experienced just as many great people that have made me laugh. Heck. Made me cry. Gotta take the bad with the good.

Also I wonder how many times I've been looked at and thought rude. I would never be rude to someone intentionally but I wonder how many eye rolls I've personally received. I bet if we all had those pieces of information we would be shocked.
We've been here since Dec. 29th. I've encountered crowds, but no rudeness. I always find the crowds on our Christmas week trips to be more friendly and helpful.

I do encounter a few rude guests on our August trips. I think they are mostly cranky from the heat. I really think that weather affects people's behaviour.
Last October I was in the FP line for FEA. It was the longest FP line I've ever experienced and the standby line was ridiculous. The man behind me was bragging about staying in a delux resort and that the only way to get a FP for FEA was to stay onsite and make the FP 60 days out. He was going on and on. I couldn't resist informing him that I secured our 2 FPs 3 days before, that my D-I-L got 4 for her family a week prior to our trip.

It's funny but a little sad too, because he's bragging because he's clueless. Some people really believe that the absolutely only way to use FP+ or get on the rides they most want to get on is to religiously book their FPs 60 days out. And then their whole trip becomes driven by what they've managed to get 60 days out, and what they keep kicking themselves for the next two months for not being able to get at the 60 day mark. Still, yeah, shadenfreude.


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