Rope Drop is Tip #1!! A June 2016 TR...updated 10/31 pg 19 post 373 THE END!

Oh no! That's terrible about your knee and Will's fever :-( Not a great day for you, for sure! I hope the MRI shows no tear or anything too bad.
Your bag is gorgeous and I am very jealous. :) Enjoy it!
Thank you! It's a big purchase for me. I have a few Coach purses but all bought from outlets. I got this one gently used off eBay to save some money. I wish I had the income to buy several!
Thank you! It's a big purchase for me. I have a few Coach purses but all bought from outlets. I got this one gently used off eBay to save some money. I wish I had the income to buy several!

I hear you! I don't have designer anything except one Coach purse, but that was given to me by a family member. I don't even use it because I know it would get destroyed. My stuff lives hard.
I finally uploaded the two videos for my last update. I added them in but so those of you that already read it don't have to go back, here they are.

AJ sliding at the pool:

My ToT ride video:

Hope you enjoy!
My Dad

Ok, so now that we are almost to the end of my report and I feel I've done a good bit of bad promotion about my dad throughout, I thought I would take the time to tell you some of the reasons that we do keep him

AJ's birthday was a few weeks ago and he wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese. It's fine, we did that. He invited a few friends. It was about $100 for the kids, plus food for the adults. Well my dad paid for quite a bit of it, even though I never asked him to.

Friday night, he took the boys and I out to dinner. Usually it's all of us or my mom and I but she didn't want to go, so Dad took us instead.

Saturday morning he took AJ to the Fall Festival at his school. I wasn't going to take him because he didn't know about it and I'm sick so I'm trying to rest some, but Dad came and took him. And then they ran around to garage sales and he bought him all this stuff he wanted.

He picks up AJ from school every day for me.

He went to Will's school last week for his pumpkin patch day activities, because neither Chad nor I could take off.

When we had to replace our water main, he offered to pay for it.

When I was in my accident in the spring, he gave me money to pay for the ticket.

So there's just some positive promotion for my dad. His heart is in the right place most of the time. He's just very set in his ways and isn't the best person socially speaking - he can be very condescending. But we love him just the same.

Regularly scheduled update planned for tonight. And I think it's the last one. Boo hoo. Though, I think I'm okay with it because I'm ready to start focusing on the next trip!
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Cute videos! I saw you smile at the beginning so I know you enjoyed it.

Your Dad is a sweetie. Sounds like he does a real good job taking care of his loved ones, he just likes to have his way. My DH is like that too.
Cute videos! I saw you smile at the beginning so I know you enjoyed it.

Your Dad is a sweetie. Sounds like he does a real good job taking care of his loved ones, he just likes to have his way. My DH is like that too.
Thank you!
Ok so I update. What happened, you ask? The Walking Dead happened! Ugh....I mean I had heard who would die but nothing prepares you for that! So, my new goal is tomorrow night...unless I can get it done during break times tomorrow at work.

Thanks for hanging in.
Super sweet post about your dad! Sometimes you've just gotta vent about Disney trip stubbornness frustration. ;) It's wonderful that he is so involved and invested in spending time with you and your family. I'm sure he holds quite a special place in your boys' hearts.

And ugh on The Walking Dead. Just ugh. That episode was a pun intended.
Aaack. Thank you so much for not saying who it was on Walking Dead. Just catching up on your report and saw why no new update. I have gone Facebook and internet dark to avoid finding out who it is because I am working tonight and can't watch it till I get home in the morning. I never thought there was potential risk on the Dis. ;)

It's awesome how much stuff your dad does to help you and your family out but it's still okay to need to vent about him in regards to your trip. :) I love my parents and they do so much stuff to help us out but they can also still drive me insane sometimes.

That stinks that it rained so much and that poor Will had that awful fever and your terrible fall. Really hoping that you get good results from the MRI and that you can avoid surgery.

Love your Dooney. I just bought my first one. They have the Haunted Mansion and Nightmare Before Christmas Dooney's on sale through the Disney Store. I really wanted the backpack but couldn't justify spending $167.00 (even though it's a huge savings from the regular price of $298.00) but I ended up getting the Haunted Mansion Crossbody for $106.00. Still alot of money but I wanted it so much. I have been waiting to see if they come down in price anymore cause I will try to get one of the Nightmare ones if they do. I'm not even a purse/bag person but I just love the Dooney designs.

Looking forward to a potential update tomorrow. :)
Super sweet post about your dad! Sometimes you've just gotta vent about Disney trip stubbornness frustration. ;) It's wonderful that he is so involved and invested in spending time with you and your family. I'm sure he holds quite a special place in your boys' hearts.
Thanks! I felt a need to tell the other side of the story about my dad since I posted the bad side most of this

And ugh on The Walking Dead. Just ugh. That episode was a pun intended.
It was so rough. To go from what they were to completely broken in one night...heartbreaking!

Aaack. Thank you so much for not saying who it was on Walking Dead. Just catching up on your report and saw why no new update. I have gone Facebook and internet dark to avoid finding out who it is because I am working tonight and can't watch it till I get home in the morning. I never thought there was potential risk on the Dis. ;)
No problem. Much too early to spoil. Though we usually don't watch shows on the day of and this one I insisted because I knew everyone would be talking about it. I will say, even on FB, last night, no one that I know of spoiled it. Today could be a different matter, so get to watching! ;)

It's awesome how much stuff your dad does to help you and your family out but it's still okay to need to vent about him in regards to your trip. :) I love my parents and they do so much stuff to help us out but they can also still drive me insane sometimes.
I was hoping most people would understand that the things posted in the TR were just a glimpse but I did feel a little compelled to tell the other side. :)

That stinks that it rained so much and that poor Will had that awful fever and your terrible fall. Really hoping that you get good results from the MRI and that you can avoid surgery.
Thank you. It was a rough ending...but the good thing was I knew we were going back in 2017 so thats probably why I was okay with all the stuff that went wrong. Well, Will being sick was concerning. At the time, I didn't think the knee was going to be such a problem.

Love your Dooney. I just bought my first one. They have the Haunted Mansion and Nightmare Before Christmas Dooney's on sale through the Disney Store. I really wanted the backpack but couldn't justify spending $167.00 (even though it's a huge savings from the regular price of $298.00) but I ended up getting the Haunted Mansion Crossbody for $106.00. Still alot of money but I wanted it so much. I have been waiting to see if they come down in price anymore cause I will try to get one of the Nightmare ones if they do. I'm not even a purse/bag person but I just love the Dooney designs.
I kind of am a purse person but I don't have the expendable income to indulge that often, either. The Villains one came out Friday and I wish I could buy that one. Maybe next year for my then someone will have it on eBay!

Looking forward to a potential update tomorrow. :)
Going to do my best to get this thing finished up! Thanks for reading.
I just read through your whole report! It really held my attention and I so enjoyed it. So many of your concerns hit really close to home! When we visit, it's typically me and DH and DD (four on our next trip in January) and my parents, who I love but.... cue the drama.

I wanted to comment on one thing that you mentioned at the very beginning, which is laying low on your first night. We drive from Kentucky and usually leave on a Friday after school and drive well into the night until we get to Lake City, where you stopped, so DD will be asleep for a large chunk of the trip. Then we can have breakfast and get to Disney around lunch time. This is always such an exciting day! I always go to the grocery store myself and I'm pretty serious about unpacking and making our lodging feel like home. The last couple of trips I've spent the afternoon getting settled and then had dinner at whatever resort we are at and weirdly enough, these have been our BEST nights and made some of the best memories. There's something about drawing out the anticipation and stewing in that Disney magic but still relaxing a little before all the craziness of the parks. We swim if it's warm enough or just roam a little and get used to our new surroundings. Just thinking about it is making me so excited for our next trip. Of course I'm not exactly taking my own advice because I think we're going to go to Celebration and go to Saturday mass and dinner but we'll still spend the afternoon settling and hopefully get to bed early.

Also, I totally feel you on the bum dragging and cat herding. I am the planner of the trips, 100 percent and everybody just loiters until I tell them what they're doing. Which is great but for some reason somebody is constantly needing something at different times. And rope drop is one fantasy that I'm sure I will never achieve. We had a 9:45 breakfast once at Akershus and the family barely survived the drama of getting there by that time. The anxiety that ran through all your posts was a very familiar feeling!
I just read through your whole report! It really held my attention and I so enjoyed it. So many of your concerns hit really close to home! When we visit, it's typically me and DH and DD (four on our next trip in January) and my parents, who I love but.... cue the drama.
Thank you so much for joining in! I'm glad it was entertaining! And thank you for understanding about the parents thing. It was incredibly frustrating!

I wanted to comment on one thing that you mentioned at the very beginning, which is laying low on your first night. We drive from Kentucky and usually leave on a Friday after school and drive well into the night until we get to Lake City, where you stopped, so DD will be asleep for a large chunk of the trip. Then we can have breakfast and get to Disney around lunch time. This is always such an exciting day! I always go to the grocery store myself and I'm pretty serious about unpacking and making our lodging feel like home. The last couple of trips I've spent the afternoon getting settled and then had dinner at whatever resort we are at and weirdly enough, these have been our BEST nights and made some of the best memories. There's something about drawing out the anticipation and stewing in that Disney magic but still relaxing a little before all the craziness of the parks. We swim if it's warm enough or just roam a little and get used to our new surroundings. Just thinking about it is making me so excited for our next trip. Of course I'm not exactly taking my own advice because I think we're going to go to Celebration and go to Saturday mass and dinner but we'll still spend the afternoon settling and hopefully get to bed early.
Glad to hear about your experience. I almost hate to be in WDW and NOT go to a park, but learning from this year, I think its just best. And the anticipation, while actually being there, should be fun!

Also, I totally feel you on the bum dragging and cat herding. I am the planner of the trips, 100 percent and everybody just loiters until I tell them what they're doing. Which is great but for some reason somebody is constantly needing something at different times. And rope drop is one fantasy that I'm sure I will never achieve. We had a 9:45 breakfast once at Akershus and the family barely survived the drama of getting there by that time. The anxiety that ran through all your posts was a very familiar feeling!
I'm really hoping this next trip without my folks, will go smoother. The boys don't really sleep in and my DH will get up for a good cause - and if he knows there is nap time in his future - so I am really hoping that we can make it to rope drop, at least a few times, and most importantly, at MK.
Day Eight 6/11/2016 ~ AoA and Departure Day

So this was departure day. Boo hoo. We all woke up and finished up laundry and packing so we could be out on time, which we weren't but who is shocked??? LOL Dad, AJ and I went over to the gift shop/food area to spend our last snack credits and get some stuff for the road. We returned the stroller and possibly the ECV, though we may have left that the night before.

Mousekeeping came by a few times to check on us but it took forever to get everything out of there. We did leave behind some paper products and such so I hope they were able to take advantage of those. I had offered them up on a FB group I am in but no one responded before we had checked out.

The good thing is, we weren't departing right away. We were headed to AoA to check out the resort...more specifically, the Cars section. For those of you who read my PTR, you know that we were booked at AoA twice for our June trip. Initially and then for a bit after discounts came out bc there was no SSR or OKW availability right away. We did flirt with VWL back then, but the construction and the price scared Mom off.

Anyway, my boys at one time or another, have both been obsessed with Cars...AJ several years ago and Will for the last 6 months to a year...though his interest in waning some. I knew the boys would love the over the top theming and the suites seemed to be quite roomy. In the end though, SSR did come available and Mom wanted it or OKW from the get-go. She was apprehensive about AoA's size and noise, among other things. But we knew the boys should get a glimpse, so we headed over, right after checking out.

I really like the resort from our visit. It seems great for a value. We typically don't stay value but I would do whatever it took to get me to Disney! Anyway, the resort was very colorful and we enjoyed the visit. Basically I took a ton of photos, so here ya go:
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Continued in next post...
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*Continued* Day Eight 6/11/2016 ~ AoA and Departure Day

Forgive my horrible photo - yes, again! I was totally sweaty and disgusting from packing up the car and I wasn't necessarily planning to get in any photos...I was travel ready! But some helpful CM came by and asked to take a family photo so how could we say no.
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Continued in next post...
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*Continued* Day Eight 6/11/2016 ~ AoA and Departure Day

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We thoroughly enjoyed our sight-seeing and then we headed back inside. We decided to check out their gift shop because it was truly like a Disney Store...very much unlike the small little shop we had at SSR. We all bought numerous things here and I was able to use my 10% discount with my Disney VISA. After that, we filled up our mugs at the food court and just kind of relaxed a bit, checking it all out. It truly seems like a nice place and I know the boys would've had fun there. I hate to say us adult folks are resort snobs, but I guess we are to a certain extent. So we probably liked our nice, quiet, 1 bedroom villa at SSR more than we would've liked AoA.

Anyway, after a rest and a last bathroom break for us all, we topped off the mugs and decided it was time to say goodbye to the magic that is WDW. It was sad but I was so glad to know that I, along with the boys, would be back next year. I think my parents were glad it was over bc it truly was rough on them....the heat, the walking, the rushing.

The ride back to Atlanta was uneventful. We had left around 2pm or so, I believe, and when we returned, DH was out of town, which was why we ended up not extending out stay any - we briefly flirted with the idea - and AJ decided to go spend the night with my parents. I guess he wasn't ready to come back to reality yet. So Dad dropped him and Mom off, then we drove the 6 minutes - yes, I live that close to my - to my house and helped me get Will to bed and all the luggage in and the dogs taken care of - we have 3, which is why someone had to be there. I think I probably decompressed a bit then hit the hay. And I'll be honest, I still, to this day, haven't unpacked completely! Basically its just my toiletries bag, because I had tons of travel sized stuff in there and I didn't need it so I never completely emptied it. I did take a lot of our stuff (magic bands, items for the room, our park bag, etc) and put it in a couple boxes in our guest bedroom, all ready for June 2017!

So that's pretty much it. Our WDW June 2016 trip. And even though that's the end of the trip, its not quite the end of the TR. I will come back for one more wrap up post before it is all said and done, but thank you so much for coming along on the re-living all of this journey with me!

Up next: Final Thoughts
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Aw, I like your ending! But before I go any further let me say this: I'm glad you wrote what you did about your dad :) We certainly have the right to complain about our parents (and our kids lol!) but it's always nice to let others know how wonderful we really think they are. I lost my dad unexpectedly 17.5 years ago, when I was 28, and it was very, very hard on me - still is sometimes. We didn't get along well when I was younger and had just started to understand each other and enjoy spending time together when he died. Obviously he never met my boys and that's what upsets me the most, because I know how much joy he would get from them as well as my sisters 3 boys. I'm so glad your boys get to spend so much time with your parents! Never feel guilty about getting aggravated with your dad lol but thank you for sharing all the wonderful things about him.
About AoA, not sure if I ever talked about this but we stayed in a LM room a few years ago after I begged the boys to do it for me! The theming of the resort is so awesome and I thought the Cars section was done the best. We also really enjoyed the food court. Didn't so much like the walk from the LM section to the main bldg and bus stop and we'd never stayed value before, but I'm glad I got to try it and it's definitely a resort I think most younger kids would love.
FYI, I never unpack our toiletry bag (which is a hanging one). I leave all the little toiletry size things in there and hang it in the spare room closet so it's ready for the next time, and I can easily look and see what needs to be replenished :thumbsup2
I enjoyed your TR and look forward to your next PTR! I know you want to do some things different on your next trip but I know you're glad to have had this one with your parents.


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