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There's no correlation. Just have to wait and see![/QUOTE
Hopefully but with all these getting grabbed recently doesn’t seem promising. Seeing my last one finished ROFR in a week this one is going to keep me anxious if it takes longer
Mtob88---$92-$13274-130-SSR-Dec-35/17, 130/18, 130/19- sent 3/22, taken 4/11
thumper729---$92-$15300-160-SSR-Oct-0/17, 0/18, 160/19- sent 3/21 taken 4/11

AND I just got the dreaded email.... Disney excercised their ROFR...............grrr grrr grrr grrr....
I was using the timeshare store. Here I go back to inventory to see what's available.

Judging by your timelines, I won’t get the email telling me they’re exercising ROFR until next week which means another week that my money is tied up. Oh well. Lesson learned. Don’t jump back in again until you’re ready for all of this. Live and learn!
Judging by your timelines, I won’t get the email telling me they’re exercising ROFR until next week which means another week that my money is tied up. Oh well. Lesson learned. Don’t jump back in again until you’re ready for all of this. Live and learn!

Let's hope by the time they get to yours that they have fulfilled their quota on taking what they want for this month- hahahaha. Good Luck- I hope you get yours.
Let's hope by the time they get to yours that they have fulfilled their quota on taking what they want for this month- hahahaha. Good Luck- I hope you get yours.

Thanks, but I think it is an insatiable hunger. :/ Bottom line, if they like your deal, then they steal it from you. The fact that others have heard back already and I haven’t just signals to me that they’re taking it. It’s honestly fine for me. I don’t need them at all, so I will happily have that deposit money refunded to me. ;)
I'm so sad, but not shocked. This one had a TON of points sitting on it, and they really seem to like AKL right now. Now the search begins again.

icesk8abc---$97-$17321-160-AKV-Jun-160/17, 304/18, 160/19- sent 3/19, taken 4/11
I'm so sad, but not shocked. This one had a TON of points sitting on it, and they really seem to like AKL right now. Now the search begins again.

icesk8abc---$97-$17321-160-AKV-Jun-160/17, 304/18, 160/19- sent 3/19, taken 4/11
Ughhh sorry.. what is with all the rofrs on AKV? Do they feel like the price is slipping?
For those who have passed in the last couple days, can you tell me who you went throught to purchase? Our offer through Fridelity was sent on 3/28.

We used the Timeshare Store. Very pleased with the communication. Our AKL was submitted 3/28 and we heard back on 4/9 that we passed.

Hope you hear back with good news soon.
Disneylovinfamilyof6---$150-$30195-200-VGC-Feb-0/17, 12/18, 200/19, 200/20-Seller pays CC&‘18MF- sent 4/11

Disneylovinfamilyof6---$155-$15690-100-VGF-Jun-0/17, 31/18, 100/19-Seller pays CC- sent 4/11

We had 2 more contracts submitted to ROFR today. Still waiting to hear from the 130pt VGF add-on we submitted 4/3. We stayed in a 2bd at VGC in February and loved it, so this 200pt gem was a surprise find but we are thrilled. I’m really hoping all 3 will make it through ROFR and I can take a DVC resale hunting break for the rest of 2018!

I’m worried about our 130pt VGF being taken because it was loaded. I feel like this $155pp 100pt VGF is safe (it’s pricy and relatively stripped). I think the VGC could go either way. FX for good news on all of them!
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